Poll: Independents Will Soon Outnumber Republicans and Democrats combined!

I understand the craziness of the right. Let him die. Feed the poor and they will breed. Trickle down? Anti science?

But of the left? How is the left crazy?

How is the left crazy? Let me count the ways.

1) They think our fiscal problems are because the rich aren't taxed enough.

2) They think the person who chooses not to buy health insurance should be forced to overpay for insurance so high school dropouts can get free insurance. They call the willfully insured the freeloaders, and not the high school dropouts who are being carried on other people's backs!

3) They think ObamaCare will add "not one dime" to the federal deficit.

4) They think employers, even the Catholic Church, should be forced to buy birth control for their employees.

5) Every time any kind of issue or crisis comes up, their reflex response is, "What is the government going to do about this?" Their answer to every problem is more government, even when government caused the problem!
The funny part is that the right wing leads in high school dropouts.

And they believe the only viable solution is "die quickly".
I'm Independent. There are third parties. If the establishment is not listening now then any other party is clearly not going to be heard either. The only way that any other voice will be heard is when the people stop focusing on the BS and start focusing on the actual issues. Not the ones the media gives us but the ones that actually exist.

The populace in general is too stupid to do what you say.
I'm starting to believe that. It's a shame.
I'm Independent. There are third parties. If the establishment is not listening now then any other party is clearly not going to be heard either. The only way that any other voice will be heard is when the people stop focusing on the BS and start focusing on the actual issues. Not the ones the media gives us but the ones that actually exist.

The populace in general is too stupid to do what you say.

Stupid? Maybe. Lazy? For sure. They can bitch all they want, after they voted for the same clowns again, that have not represented their campaign rhetoric. If the general public would actually research before they vote. I mean, they cut coupons before shopping, why not spend a little time to check and see what your multi-term representative/senator has really been doing for you?

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