Poll: Independents Will Soon Outnumber Republicans and Democrats combined!

But they'll keep voting for Republicans and Democrats so what difference does it make?
well I think it's bringing in other candidates, giving us more choices at election time other than (D) (R) and some dude we never heard from

Not necessarily. Many states have extremely restrictive ballot access laws that keep third parties and independent candidates from even getting on the ballot. For instance, Pennsylvania only requires 2,000 signatures for Republicans and Democrats to get on a statewide ballot, but requires something like 65,000 signatures for everyone else.
I'm Independent. There are third parties. If the establishment is not listening now then any other party is clearly not going to be heard either. The only way that any other voice will be heard is when the people stop focusing on the BS and start focusing on the actual issues. Not the ones the media gives us but the ones that actually exist.
But they'll keep voting for Republicans and Democrats so what difference does it make?
well I think it's bringing in other candidates, giving us more choices at election time other than (D) (R) and some dude we never heard from

Not necessarily. Many states have extremely restrictive ballot access laws that keep third parties and independent candidates from even getting on the ballot. For instance, Pennsylvania only requires 2,000 signatures for Republicans and Democrats to get on a statewide ballot, but requires something like 65,000 signatures for everyone else.
yea, I know, I live in PA.

funny story; Just turned 18 in time to vote for Gov of Ark, went in, got my ballot, sat down and was like "wth is this, who are all these people? Nazi party? holy shit! And what they hell are all these other people?

Went to vote in PA, put me in a booth with the letters (R) and (D) at the top to make it easier to vote the party line.

that made me really sad and I haven't bothered to vote since b/c I figured there's no point anymore.
Now, I know many of the partisans get newsletters emailed to them. Well, we independents have resources too. I get newsletters from a group called "The Independent Voter". I also use "Project Vote Smart" and "FactCheck." In other words no indoctrination by opinionated facts.
Anyways, the largest and fastest growing segment of American voters is the Independent voter sector.
We are really tired on a do-nothing, constant bickering, constant political game playing and just plain stubbornness of both political parties. Neither does a good job of being in touch with America's pulse, they are too busy bowing to the needs of their financial backers.
The more both parties are marginalized the better. A majority of Americans are experiencing taxation without representation and they are realizing it. Thus the growth of the strength of the independent minded voter, who also prefers to think for themselves.
Poll Independents Will Soon Outnumber Republicans and Democrats Combined - IVN.us
It doesn't matter if Independents outnumber partisans if the Independents don't bother showing up at the polls.

In particular, at the primaries.

The thing about zealots, they show up at primaries in numbers out of proportion to their percentage of the populace and thus have a disproportionate influence on who you have to choose from on Election Day.

And that is why the partisan media outlets manufacture so much bullshit. They are manipulating the rubes who have zero critical thinking skills, influencing them to vote the way their media masters want them to. They keep the rubes energetic by constantly infusing them with fear and panic and pessimism.

But the independents do show up, for the general elections and have been the largest demographic in the last two presidential elections.
Obviously, in the midterms, it seems that mostly Republicans are the only ones who vote as witnessed in 2014 and other midterm elections.
A good trend imho. Thanks for the post.
I agree. Let the parties compete for the independents' votes.

Let there be an Independent Party based on a compromise of conservatism, liberalism and moderate thought.
The monolithic coalition of Repubs and Dems (THE ESTABLISHMENT) would not allow that to happen. We, as a nation, are in a dying agony with no principles anymore. What is better, slow "death" or coup de grâce? Maybe it would be better the hand the power to the Libtards in order to ruin the country to wake up the sleeping giant, then we could start afresh returning to Founding Principles.
That is pretty much my plan Defcon4 , if none of the few that I like are nominated then I am going full liberal , Hilary , biden , or the old socialist guy Bernie Sanders . I hope that its its Sanders as he at least likes guns better than any other dem that I've read about Defcon .
here's something funny that I noticed

we are all independents, someone even mentioned we should form a party.

how much you wanna bet we disagree on most main issues, even to the point that we disagree that some of them aren't important?
I'm Independent. There are third parties. If the establishment is not listening now then any other party is clearly not going to be heard either. The only way that any other voice will be heard is when the people stop focusing on the BS and start focusing on the actual issues. Not the ones the media gives us but the ones that actually exist.

With the Citizens United ruling, the bullshit is going to be at an all-time high. It's too bad there aren't laws about false advertising in regards to political ads. The political parties have no problem with dumbing down America, it's to their advantage. Scum.
FALSE advertising , WHO decides on what is FALSE Kiwiman ??

I'd say the FCC. Seeing if they could choose a non-partisan panel would be interesting. The GOP and Dems have their dirty hands on everything, government.
think that its better to allow advertising of any sort , let the voters / public decide on what is false or true . FCC , what makes them trustworthy or experts on what is false Kiwiman ??
think that its better to allow advertising of any sort , let the voters / public decide on what is false or true . FCC , what makes them trustworthy or experts on what is false Kiwiman ??

Well, it would fall under the FCC and how they determine the BS, fact check the claim, the internet is quick.
Let the voter's decide what is true or false? Yeah, a lot of voters have their PC's, Note Pad, smartphones sitting on their lap, just to see if a political ad is true or not.
The Nazis were excellent at propaganda and look what that propaganda achieved.
Finally, regarding "what makes them trustworthy or experts"? See my previous post on the Dems and GOP influence on anything,,,government.
I'm Independent. There are third parties. If the establishment is not listening now then any other party is clearly not going to be heard either. The only way that any other voice will be heard is when the people stop focusing on the BS and start focusing on the actual issues. Not the ones the media gives us but the ones that actually exist.

With the Citizens United ruling, the bullshit is going to be at an all-time high. It's too bad there aren't laws about false advertising in regards to political ads. The political parties have no problem with dumbing down America, it's to their advantage. Scum.

I agree. That said, there actually is a bit of personal responsibility that people can take on themselves. And I'm not talking about you. People have to do their own research. Unfortunately, they seem to flock to tabloid style crap.
I'm Independent. There are third parties. If the establishment is not listening now then any other party is clearly not going to be heard either. The only way that any other voice will be heard is when the people stop focusing on the BS and start focusing on the actual issues. Not the ones the media gives us but the ones that actually exist.

With the Citizens United ruling, the bullshit is going to be at an all-time high. It's too bad there aren't laws about false advertising in regards to political ads. The political parties have no problem with dumbing down America, it's to their advantage. Scum.

I agree. That said, there actually is a bit of personal responsibility that people can take on themselves. And I'm not talking about you. People have to do their own research. Unfortunately, they seem to flock to tabloid style crap.

"Unfortunately, they seem to flock to tabloid style crap" Disir
Yep, the GOP and Dems have learned that approach very well,,unfortunately. Which cements my opinion, why would anybody in their right mind, trust either one of them?
Can't agree with a panel of boneheads on the FCC any more than I trust any government agency . They all lie starting from the 'white huts' chief liar.
I'm Independent. There are third parties. If the establishment is not listening now then any other party is clearly not going to be heard either. The only way that any other voice will be heard is when the people stop focusing on the BS and start focusing on the actual issues. Not the ones the media gives us but the ones that actually exist.

With the Citizens United ruling, the bullshit is going to be at an all-time high. It's too bad there aren't laws about false advertising in regards to political ads. The political parties have no problem with dumbing down America, it's to their advantage. Scum.

I agree. That said, there actually is a bit of personal responsibility that people can take on themselves. And I'm not talking about you. People have to do their own research. Unfortunately, they seem to flock to tabloid style crap.

"Unfortunately, they seem to flock to tabloid style crap" Disir
Yep, the GOP and Dems have learned that approach very well,,unfortunately. Which cements my opinion, why would anybody in their right mind, trust either one of them?

I'm not so sure that there is a level of trust there. Tentative truce perhaps. Hell, the Democrats cannot even be bothered to read a 68 page bill. That right there should have been the straw that broke the camel's back. They went right back to finger pointing.
I'm Independent. There are third parties. If the establishment is not listening now then any other party is clearly not going to be heard either. The only way that any other voice will be heard is when the people stop focusing on the BS and start focusing on the actual issues. Not the ones the media gives us but the ones that actually exist.

The populace in general is too stupid to do what you say.
I understand the craziness of the right. Let him die. Feed the poor and they will breed. Trickle down? Anti science?

But of the left? How is the left crazy?
And yet some how idiot republicans and democrats keep getting elected and its usually the same old idiots! When are 3rd party candidates and independents going to be elected? Lets start with Trump or Sanders in 2016.
I understand the craziness of the right. Let him die. Feed the poor and they will breed. Trickle down? Anti science?

But of the left? How is the left crazy?

How is the left crazy? Let me count the ways.

1) They think our fiscal problems are because the rich aren't taxed enough.

2) They think the person who chooses not to buy health insurance should be forced to overpay for insurance so high school dropouts can get free insurance. They call the willfully insured the freeloaders, and not the high school dropouts who are being carried on other people's backs!

3) They think ObamaCare will add "not one dime" to the federal deficit.

4) They think employers, even the Catholic Church, should be forced to buy birth control for their employees.

5) Every time any kind of issue or crisis comes up, their reflex response is, "What is the government going to do about this?" Their answer to every problem is more government, even when government caused the problem!

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