Poll: Majority of Democrats and Republicans support Medicare for all

that's factually not true.

but you knew that, b/c it's been explained to you countless times, yet you still repeat the same lie, over and over again.

Actually, it is factually true, but the Insurance companies print a bunch of fake news and you guys believe it.

Hey, True Story. When 1/4 of your population has no health coverage or inadequate health coverage, you are going to get less good results overall.
that's factually not true.

but you knew that, b/c it's been explained to you countless times, yet you still repeat the same lie, over and over again.

Actually, it is factually true, but the Insurance companies print a bunch of fake news and you guys believe it.

Hey, True Story. When 1/4 of your population has no health coverage or inadequate health coverage, you are going to get less good results overall.
it's like getting the facts out of country that proved you wrong actually came from this country.

but hey, when the government has absolute control, and you're having a heart attack, in a chair, in the hall, and the only person that has time for you is the orderly that carts bodies off...
it's like getting the facts out of country that proved you wrong actually came from this country.

but hey, when the government has absolute control, and you're having a heart attack, in a chair, in the hall, and the only person that has time for you is the orderly that carts bodies off...

So every other country is lying about their health stats to prove us wrong? This is what you are going with?


Fact is, they live longer, have a lower rate of infant mortality, a lower rate of obesity, and they spend half what we spend per capita.

We're doing it wrong.
it's like getting the facts out of country that proved you wrong actually came from this country.

but hey, when the government has absolute control, and you're having a heart attack, in a chair, in the hall, and the only person that has time for you is the orderly that carts bodies off...

So every other country is lying about their health stats to prove us wrong? This is what you are going with?


Fact is, they live longer, have a lower rate of infant mortality, a lower rate of obesity, and they spend half what we spend per capita.

We're doing it wrong.
ok, I'll remind you of what you have been repeatedly told, again; they don't have the same standards as us.

and obesity has zilch to do with hci
it's like getting the facts out of country that proved you wrong actually came from this country.

but hey, when the government has absolute control, and you're having a heart attack, in a chair, in the hall, and the only person that has time for you is the orderly that carts bodies off...

So every other country is lying about their health stats to prove us wrong? This is what you are going with?

Fact is, they live longer, have a lower rate of infant mortality, a lower rate of obesity, and they spend half what we spend per capita.

We're doing it wrong.

Most of which has nothing to do with our healthcare system.

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simply need to push for deregulation, let ins co's compete across borders.
Ah, that one.

The GOP told us for EIGHT YEARS that they had a better plan. They laughed at those of us who questioned it. Then, when they had all the power, they couldn't do it.

They know that deregulation and competing across borders wouldn't come close to fixing this, and they ran scared.

You folks brought this on yourself. Here it comes, you'll be responsible for it.
Because fucking John McCain killed the bill in the Senate, the only obstacle to passing a new healthcare law.
simply need to push for deregulation, let ins co's compete across borders.
Ah, that one.

The GOP told us for EIGHT YEARS that they had a better plan. They laughed at those of us who questioned it. Then, when they had all the power, they couldn't do it.

They know that deregulation and competing across borders wouldn't come close to fixing this, and they ran scared.

You folks brought this on yourself. Here it comes, you'll be responsible for it.
Because fucking John McCain killed the bill in the Senate, the only obstacle to passing a new healthcare law.

And what was this new healthcare law, precisely?
Bankruptcy for all!
Uh, guy, most countries with single payer spend 8% of their GDP on health care and get better results than we do paying 17% of our GDP on it.

Medicare for all would save us money, as it would remove things like investor payouts and CEO salaries and marketing expenses.
And all the hospitals and clinics would go bankrupt because Medicare refuses to pay for anything and reimbursements are pennies.
most docs won't even accept it and the wait time for those that do is very long.
i cant agree with that....im on Medicare and i have the same wait times i had before i had it...
wow, you must live in a really nice area.
area has nothing to do with it,i lived in a lower middle class area........i call up make an appointment ....i dont get asked were i live...
Most of which has nothing to do with our healthcare system.

Okay, Ray... so let me ask you a question... since your boss cancelled your health insurance, do you see the doctor more often or less often?

About the same.

Many factors weigh into those statistics. For instance, our murder rate is much higher than many other countries and that brings down our average lifespan. Drugs are a huge problem in America. Opioids now kill over 70,000 (mostly young) Americans every year, and that figure is growing. Combine the two and that's what people are killing each other over. You should know that considering where you live.

We drive more than most people in other countries which also brings down our average lifespan. The more people drive, the more fatal accidents you have. We have the biggest weight problem in the world.

Now you take all these factors and imagine the impact on a mother when she's trying to give birth. That brings down our infant mortality rate. Also.......studies have shown that most mothers work, and they work up to the point they are just about to give birth. They don't do that in other countries either. Many women skip routine prenatal care so they don't have to take off of work expecting to take a lot of time off after the baby is born.

So what we have here is a very complicated situation. It's not just as easy to say "It must be our medical care" when we have the best medical care in the world. That's why people come here from all over the globe for serious and complicated issues they can't get (safely) taken care of in their country.
Many factors weigh into those statistics. For instance, our murder rate is much higher than many other countries and that brings down our average lifespan. Drugs are a huge problem in America. Opioids now kill over 70,000 (mostly young) Americans every year, and that figure is growing. Combine the two and that's what people are killing each other over. You should know that considering where you live.

Okay, while our murder rate is truly horrific, it's really not enough to bump the stats.. 3 million Americans die every year from all causes... and we only have 16K murders. So, no, a 0.5 cause is not to blame for the fact that we live 2-4 years less than other advanced industrial nations.

We drive more than most people in other countries which also brings down our average lifespan. The more people drive, the more fatal accidents you have.

Yawn, guy, you keep making this shit up, but it really isn't true.

We die more often because people can't get in to see doctors until they are really sick, and then it's often too late.

So what we have here is a very complicated situation. It's not just as easy to say "It must be our medical care" when we have the best medical care in the world. That's why people come here from all over the globe for serious and complicated issues they can't get (safely) taken care of in their country.

Look, you stupid fuck, the fact that rich people can get health care treatments that you and I can't get access to is nothing to be proud of.

It's actually kind of fucked up that a non-American is getting ahead of line in front of you, something you'd be massively upset about if it was a POOR foreigner of color.
Yes Ray you got it on the head. We value money more than life in america. The fact that many pregnant mothers cannot get off of a lousy low paying job to get some medical help days something about this country. We love to say we value life until it comes down to actually dealing with life and it's costs. Then not so much. The whole thing is sick.
Okay, while our murder rate is truly horrific, it's really not enough to bump the stats.. 3 million Americans die every year from all causes... and we only have 16K murders. So, no, a 0.5 cause is not to blame for the fact that we live 2-4 years less than other advanced industrial nations.

It depends on the age of those dying. In our country, we lead the world in young deaths. The younger the people dying, the lower our life expectancy is.


Look, you stupid fuck, the fact that rich people can get health care treatments that you and I can't get access to is nothing to be proud of.

It's actually kind of fucked up that a non-American is getting ahead of line in front of you, something you'd be massively upset about if it was a POOR foreigner of color.

I didn't say I was proud of it, only pointing out we have the most advanced medical technology. That's why they come here. Believe it or not, many of those people are of color particularly from the middle-east. For security reasons, they don't publicize it much. But I have immediate family connections in the Cleveland Clinic where they come all the time. They will rent out an entire hospital floor in a few cases and their security is extremely tight. Nobody can get to the floor because they rig the elevators never to stop there unless you have an elevator key.
It depends on the age of those dying. In our country, we lead the world in young deaths. The younger the people dying, the lower our life expectancy is.

again, not enough to bump the overall numbers.

I didn't say I was proud of it, only pointing out we have the most advanced medical technology. That's why they come here.

Okay. Wonderful rich people can get treatments here that Cigna and Blue Cross won't cover for us peasants? Why is that a good thing again? Seems to me that the resources are misallocated if that is the case.

They will rent out an entire hospital floor in a few cases and their security is extremely tight. Nobody can get to the floor because they rig the elevators never to stop there unless you have an elevator key.

And you think this is a good thing? So Cleveland if full of poor people who can't get medical care, and some rich foreigners can come in and lock out a hospital...

Look, everyone. Battered Housewife Republican.

Okay. Wonderful rich people can get treatments here that Cigna and Blue Cross won't cover for us peasants? Why is that a good thing again? Seems to me that the resources are misallocated if that is the case.

If they can afford to pay for them, what's the problem? Foreigners can't buy medical insurance here, and even if they could, nobody would cover them if they purchased insurance after their illness was discovered.

The real problem with our system is that nobody investigated the reasons for such unaffordable costs. DumBama sure as hell didn't do it. The Republicans aren't doing it. But that's the first step to solving the problem.

One of the reasons our costs are so high is government, so it's ridiculous to ask the people that caused the problem to have a solution to it.

And you think this is a good thing? So Cleveland if full of poor people who can't get medical care, and some rich foreigners can come in and lock out a hospital...

Look, everyone. Battered Housewife Republican.

Poor people get medical care, it's called Medicaid. Rich people get medical care, it's called cash or insurance. It's the middle-class that get screwed as usual.
Bankruptcy for all!
Uh, guy, most countries with single payer spend 8% of their GDP on health care and get better results than we do paying 17% of our GDP on it.

Medicare for all would save us money, as it would remove things like investor payouts and CEO salaries and marketing expenses.
And all the hospitals and clinics would go bankrupt because Medicare refuses to pay for anything and reimbursements are pennies.
There are all kinds of tweaks that can be made. One would be a whole new cottage industry of entry-level preventive and diagnostic walk-in clinics.

We would definitely have to increase and re-construct reimbursement schedules.

We just have to THINK a little bit. But that appears to be a lost art.

So here comes real Single Payer.

Single payer would be just like Commie Care. It never addressed the problems of cost.

If we are to make any change, we can't do it the Democrat way and say "Here, somebody else pay for it."

The first step is to analyze how costs got so out of control in the first place, make a list of them, then execute each problem one at a time.

Now, this would take some guts to actually call problems, problems, particularly on the Democrat side which caused most of them. So until we can get to that point, everything else is fruitless.
the cost isn't ever going to go away. again, a demoloser thinks you plant a dollar in the ground and you get a trillion in a tree I guess. Still unclear to me where they expect money to come from. perhaps they could explain it. I doubt it, but it is worth a try.
One of the reasons our costs are so high is government, so it's ridiculous to ask the people that caused the problem to have a solution to it.

Statements like that make me wonder if you were dropped on your head repeatedly as a baby.

The reason why it's so expensive is capitalism. If I can charge you whatever you are willing to pay to save your life, as opposed to what it costs me to do it, then darned straight, I'm going to take you to the cleaner.

Thing is, the one thing the greedy-ass medical profession whines about is that Medicare caps costs...

Poor people get medical care, it's called Medicaid. Rich people get medical care, it's called cash or insurance. It's the middle-class that get screwed as usual.

Again, the problem is, you are confused poor, that's why you aren't getting health insurance.
Statements like that make me wonder if you were dropped on your head repeatedly as a baby.

The reason why it's so expensive is capitalism. If I can charge you whatever you are willing to pay to save your life, as opposed to what it costs me to do it, then darned straight, I'm going to take you to the cleaner.

Thing is, the one thing the greedy-ass medical profession whines about is that Medicare caps costs...

Why shouldn't they? If you sold fruits and vegetables, and it cost you two dollars for a dozen ears of corn, and the government only paid you one dollar, wouldn't you bitch too?

Government only pays about 2/3 of the bill for their patients. That's why when you see facilities close down, it's usually in lower income areas where most of the people are on government programs.

We've had capitalism in medical my entire life, yet in the 60's and 70's, healthcare was affordable whether you had insurance or not. Then came government with it's thousand mandates, ripping off providers so they had to pass the loss to insured individuals and companies, creating more red tape that required more people to process claims, lawsuits galore that caused malpractice insurance to be nearly unaffordable. But it's capitalism that's responsible. And you ask if I was dropped on my head as a baby?

Again, the problem is, you are confused poor, that's why you aren't getting health insurance.

No, I'm not getting insurance because of a big-eared commie mulatto. Until he came along, I had it my entire adult life WITH preexisting conditions.

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