Poll: Majority of Democrats and Republicans support Medicare for all

Of course they would hate Medicare for all, it would close down the facility where they work. Without private insurance to make up for government losses, the businesses would have to close down. No business can stay open operating at a loss.

Which is why we should operate healthcare as a public service instead of a business.

Thanks for finally seeing the light,Ray.

Yes, because so many government services are doing so well and projected to be doing better in the future.

The point (that obviously flew over your head) is that government programs cannot survive without the private market. The estimate for Medicare For All is it's current payout. In order for facilities to stay afloat, government would have to cough up another 35% on top of what they pay now. That would make Medicare broke in less than ten years.

So we are right back to where we started: who is going to pay for all this wonderful care? And no, the rich don't have the money for it. Besides, why should they pay the bill for the rest of the people in this country?
Government took $14 TRILLION to bailout Wallstreet, yet you claim there is no way to provide healthcare. How stupid are you?

Not stupid enough to make comments without research first. Here, from one of your own commies, Mother Fn Jones:

The Real Size of the Bailout
Of course they would hate Medicare for all, it would close down the facility where they work. Without private insurance to make up for government losses, the businesses would have to close down. No business can stay open operating at a loss.

Which is why we should operate healthcare as a public service instead of a business.

Thanks for finally seeing the light,Ray.

Yes, because so many government services are doing so well and projected to be doing better in the future.

The point (that obviously flew over your head) is that government programs cannot survive without the private market. The estimate for Medicare For All is it's current payout. In order for facilities to stay afloat, government would have to cough up another 35% on top of what they pay now. That would make Medicare broke in less than ten years.

So we are right back to where we started: who is going to pay for all this wonderful care? And no, the rich don't have the money for it. Besides, why should they pay the bill for the rest of the people in this country?
Medicaid/ Medicare don't pay for squat. They reimburse pennies on the dollar and expect the healthcare providers to eat the rest.

Absolutely. My father is 87 now, and he's had his share of ailments and surgeries. He is pretty much in the middle politically. He used to lean right until the Democrats scared the hell out of him saying what the Republicans wanted to take away from him. In any case, he tells me how much Medicare pays on his behalf, and it's less than 2/3. Some of his surgeries were six figures as well.
Bankruptcy for all!
Republicans are in charge of biggest deficit in history!!!

Really batting a thousand today, ain't cha?

deficit return with AFS.JPG

The Democrats took control of Congress in in 2006 which means they didn't get their agenda going until 2007. The Republicans regained leadership of the house in 2010 which means they didn't get control until 2011.
The point (that obviously flew over your head) is that government programs cannot survive without the private market. The estimate for Medicare For All is it's current payout. In order for facilities to stay afloat, government would have to cough up another 35% on top of what they pay now. That would make Medicare broke in less than ten years.

sure they can, just tax rich people. problem solved. This isn't complicated.

If you tax all the rich people at 100%, it still wouldn't be enough to pay for it. And then what would you do the following year?

Given the fact that nearly half of our country pays no income tax at all, maybe it's time to start making them pay income tax. That way when they want something, they too would have to pay for it.
Of course they would hate Medicare for all, it would close down the facility where they work. Without private insurance to make up for government losses, the businesses would have to close down. No business can stay open operating at a loss.

Which is why we should operate healthcare as a public service instead of a business.

Thanks for finally seeing the light,Ray.

Yes, because so many government services are doing so well and projected to be doing better in the future.

The point (that obviously flew over your head) is that government programs cannot survive without the private market. The estimate for Medicare For All is it's current payout. In order for facilities to stay afloat, government would have to cough up another 35% on top of what they pay now. That would make Medicare broke in less than ten years.

So we are right back to where we started: who is going to pay for all this wonderful care? And no, the rich don't have the money for it. Besides, why should they pay the bill for the rest of the people in this country?
Medicaid/ Medicare don't pay for squat. They reimburse pennies on the dollar and expect the healthcare providers to eat the rest.

Absolutely. My father is 87 now, and he's had his share of ailments and surgeries. He is pretty much in the middle politically. He used to lean right until the Democrats scared the hell out of him saying what the Republicans wanted to take away from him. In any case, he tells me how much Medicare pays on his behalf, and it's less than 2/3. Some of his surgeries were six figures as well.
It's ridiculous. My mother has cronic COPD yet Medicare nor the related senior plan will cover a portable oxygen concentrator . Apparentlybthey think oxygen is not a medical necessity. Never mind the fact that they charge her 75,00 a day for home healthcare
Of course they would hate Medicare for all, it would close down the facility where they work. Without private insurance to make up for government losses, the businesses would have to close down. No business can stay open operating at a loss.

Which is why we should operate healthcare as a public service instead of a business.

Thanks for finally seeing the light,Ray.

Yes, because so many government services are doing so well and projected to be doing better in the future.

The point (that obviously flew over your head) is that government programs cannot survive without the private market. The estimate for Medicare For All is it's current payout. In order for facilities to stay afloat, government would have to cough up another 35% on top of what they pay now. That would make Medicare broke in less than ten years.

So we are right back to where we started: who is going to pay for all this wonderful care? And no, the rich don't have the money for it. Besides, why should they pay the bill for the rest of the people in this country?
Medicaid/ Medicare don't pay for squat. They reimburse pennies on the dollar and expect the healthcare providers to eat the rest.

Absolutely. My father is 87 now, and he's had his share of ailments and surgeries. He is pretty much in the middle politically. He used to lean right until the Democrats scared the hell out of him saying what the Republicans wanted to take away from him. In any case, he tells me how much Medicare pays on his behalf, and it's less than 2/3. Some of his surgeries were six figures as well.
It's ridiculous. My mother has cronic COPD yet Medicare nor the related senior plan will cover a portable oxygen concentrator . Apparentlybthey think oxygen is not a medical necessity. Never mind the fact that they charge her 75,00 a day for home healthcare

I know what you're talking about. I used to deliver and repair oxygen concentrators years ago. They changed the PO2 levels to get oxygen on Medicare, and later private insurance. It's been some time, but I believe the PO2 level was 65 or something like that. All our respiratory therapists disagreed with the decision, but prior to that, the system was badly abused. We had one customer who welded as a part-time job at home. We would deliver those huge oxygen tanks called H-tanks to his home, and that's what he would use for welding. He seldom used it for breathing.
Florida rejected it in both primaries. The socialist only got 34 % of the democratic vote
'A Reuters/Ipsos poll shows 85% of Democrats and 52% of Republicans support Medicare for all.

Why it matters: This single-payer system has divided the Democratic Party internally and gave Republicans a new way to attack Democrats in 2018. But this poll is the first to suggest that a majority of Americans on both sides of the aisle actually like this policy and that it could be a winning issue for candidates.

By the numbers: Two-thirds of Democratic nominees in 41 battleground House districts "want to expand the government’s role in healthcare," per Reuters.

  • At least 70 House Democrats have joined the "Medicare for All" caucus, with more expected after the November midterms.
  • And most House Dems support a Medicare for All bill, which has "six members of the Blue Dog caucus of fiscally conservative Democrats signing on as co-sponsors," Reuters notes.
Be smart: This policy is only going to get more attention as we head into the 2020 presidential election, when it will likely be a litmus test for Democratic candidates.'

Poll: Majority of Democrats and Republicans support Medicare for all

For better or worse - like it or not, sooner or later - it looks like single payer will become a fact of life in America.


Majority of democrats and republicans don't understand how this will destroy healthcare in this country...
'A Reuters/Ipsos poll shows 85% of Democrats and 52% of Republicans support Medicare for all.

Why it matters: This single-payer system has divided the Democratic Party internally and gave Republicans a new way to attack Democrats in 2018. But this poll is the first to suggest that a majority of Americans on both sides of the aisle actually like this policy and that it could be a winning issue for candidates.

By the numbers: Two-thirds of Democratic nominees in 41 battleground House districts "want to expand the government’s role in healthcare," per Reuters.

  • At least 70 House Democrats have joined the "Medicare for All" caucus, with more expected after the November midterms.
  • And most House Dems support a Medicare for All bill, which has "six members of the Blue Dog caucus of fiscally conservative Democrats signing on as co-sponsors," Reuters notes.
Be smart: This policy is only going to get more attention as we head into the 2020 presidential election, when it will likely be a litmus test for Democratic candidates.'

Poll: Majority of Democrats and Republicans support Medicare for all

For better or worse - like it or not, sooner or later - it looks like single payer will become a fact of life in America.

Single-Payer Health Care: The More Coloradans Knew, the Less They Liked It
edicaid/ Medicare don't pay for squat. They reimburse pennies on the dollar and expect the healthcare providers to eat the rest.

You mean they pay for what it costs to provide the service, and not the profit margin of six layers of corporate greed? Oh, the horror of it all!

Government took $14 TRILLION to bailout Wallstreet, yet you claim there is no way to provide healthcare. How stupid are you?

Stupid enough to keep voting for more of this,obviously.
Absolutely. My father is 87 now, and he's had his share of ailments and surgeries. He is pretty much in the middle politically. He used to lean right until the Democrats scared the hell out of him saying what the Republicans wanted to take away from him. In any case, he tells me how much Medicare pays on his behalf, and it's less than 2/3. Some of his surgeries were six figures as well.

you think Cigna is going to pay for an 87 year old with chronic health problems?


Majority of democrats and republicans don't understand how this will destroy healthcare in this country...

Much like Gun control, every other country has single payer... every other country is doing far better in the important metrics.
edicaid/ Medicare don't pay for squat. They reimburse pennies on the dollar and expect the healthcare providers to eat the rest.

You mean they pay for what it costs to provide the service, and not the profit margin of six layers of corporate greed? Oh, the horror of it all!

Government took $14 TRILLION to bailout Wallstreet, yet you claim there is no way to provide healthcare. How stupid are you?

Stupid enough to keep voting for more of this,obviously.
You actually think the hospitals take the hit? Nope the patient does. Bet they sure are glad the got that worthless insurance on the ACA exchange...not.
edicaid/ Medicare don't pay for squat. They reimburse pennies on the dollar and expect the healthcare providers to eat the rest.

You mean they pay for what it costs to provide the service, and not the profit margin of six layers of corporate greed? Oh, the horror of it all!

Government took $14 TRILLION to bailout Wallstreet, yet you claim there is no way to provide healthcare. How stupid are you?

Stupid enough to keep voting for more of this,obviously.
You actually think the hospitals take the hit? Nope the patient does. Bet they sure are glad the got that worthless insurance on the ACA exchange...not.
A. Medicare pays a hell of a lot more than "pennies" and the ACA is far from worthless.

B.What IS worthless were the catastrophic coverage plans that were allowed before the ACA.

You clearly know nothing about either
edicaid/ Medicare don't pay for squat. They reimburse pennies on the dollar and expect the healthcare providers to eat the rest.

You mean they pay for what it costs to provide the service, and not the profit margin of six layers of corporate greed? Oh, the horror of it all!

Government took $14 TRILLION to bailout Wallstreet, yet you claim there is no way to provide healthcare. How stupid are you?

Stupid enough to keep voting for more of this,obviously.
You actually think the hospitals take the hit? Nope the patient does. Bet they sure are glad the got that worthless insurance on the ACA exchange...not.
A. Medicare pays a hell of a lot more than "pennies" and the ACA is far from worthless.

B.What IS worthless were the catastrophic coverage plans that were allowed before the ACA.

You clearly know nothing about either
Neither Medicare or Medicaid pay for squat. Which is why you need to pay for extra supplemental coverage to go along with them or you are really screwed.

And be prepared for huge deductibles
edicaid/ Medicare don't pay for squat. They reimburse pennies on the dollar and expect the healthcare providers to eat the rest.

You mean they pay for what it costs to provide the service, and not the profit margin of six layers of corporate greed? Oh, the horror of it all!

Government took $14 TRILLION to bailout Wallstreet, yet you claim there is no way to provide healthcare. How stupid are you?

Stupid enough to keep voting for more of this,obviously.
You actually think the hospitals take the hit? Nope the patient does. Bet they sure are glad the got that worthless insurance on the ACA exchange...not.
A. Medicare pays a hell of a lot more than "pennies" and the ACA is far from worthless.

B.What IS worthless were the catastrophic coverage plans that were allowed before the ACA.

You clearly know nothing about either
Neither Medicare or Medicaid pay for squat. Which is why you need to pay for extra supplemental coverage to go along with them or you are really screwed.

And be prepared for huge deductibles
And you know this how?

Are you on Medicare?
You actually think the hospitals take the hit? Nope the patient does. Bet they sure are glad the got that worthless insurance on the ACA exchange...not.

Better than showing up at the emergency room and getting their legs cut off, yeah.

And you know this how?

Are you on Medicare?

She's another battered housewife Republican, taking big insurance's abuse and liking it.
You actually think the hospitals take the hit? Nope the patient does. Bet they sure are glad the got that worthless insurance on the ACA exchange...not.

Better than showing up at the emergency room and getting their legs cut off, yeah.

And you know this how?

Are you on Medicare?

She's another battered housewife Republican, taking big insurance's abuse and liking it.
Apparently so
edicaid/ Medicare don't pay for squat. They reimburse pennies on the dollar and expect the healthcare providers to eat the rest.

You mean they pay for what it costs to provide the service, and not the profit margin of six layers of corporate greed? Oh, the horror of it all!

Government took $14 TRILLION to bailout Wallstreet, yet you claim there is no way to provide healthcare. How stupid are you?

Stupid enough to keep voting for more of this,obviously.
You actually think the hospitals take the hit? Nope the patient does. Bet they sure are glad the got that worthless insurance on the ACA exchange...not.
A. Medicare pays a hell of a lot more than "pennies" and the ACA is far from worthless.

B.What IS worthless were the catastrophic coverage plans that were allowed before the ACA.

You clearly know nothing about either
Neither Medicare or Medicaid pay for squat. Which is why you need to pay for extra supplemental coverage to go along with them or you are really screwed.

And be prepared for huge deductibles
And you know this how?

Are you on Medicare?
I work with Medicare and Medicaid every day. As well as IHS,Auto insurance,workman's comp,indigent care,hospice and all commercial plans.
edicaid/ Medicare don't pay for squat. They reimburse pennies on the dollar and expect the healthcare providers to eat the rest.

You mean they pay for what it costs to provide the service, and not the profit margin of six layers of corporate greed? Oh, the horror of it all!

Government took $14 TRILLION to bailout Wallstreet, yet you claim there is no way to provide healthcare. How stupid are you?

Stupid enough to keep voting for more of this,obviously.
You actually think the hospitals take the hit? Nope the patient does. Bet they sure are glad the got that worthless insurance on the ACA exchange...not.
A. Medicare pays a hell of a lot more than "pennies" and the ACA is far from worthless.

B.What IS worthless were the catastrophic coverage plans that were allowed before the ACA.

You clearly know nothing about either
Neither Medicare or Medicaid pay for squat. Which is why you need to pay for extra supplemental coverage to go along with them or you are really screwed.

And be prepared for huge deductibles
And you know this how?

Are you on Medicare?

Evidently you know nothing about Medicare.

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