Poll : Majority says Democratic party stands for nothing except opposing Trump

Poll: Majority Says Democratic Party Stands for Nothing Except Opposing Trump

Today’s Democratic Party stands for only one thing – attacking President Donald Trump – a majority of registered voters said in a new Washington Post/ABC News poll.


Like it's being said Democrats are becoming their OWN RACE and nobody likes them. Because they're all ANTI-AMERICA Bill Ayre cult followers. Most of them just don't realize they've been following a cult leader and his trained puppets.

At least they can pass a health care bill
It goes beyond opposing Trump

It also includes mocking Trump, keeping up with the investigations of Crooked Donnie and his family, counting his rounds of golf, watching him put on the pounds

President Trump keeps us very busy

While you're "keeping busy" with those crucial things, Winger...the Democratic Party is swirling around the toilet bowl about to head south! I've yet to see an investigation into Trump that shows him doing anything that Hillary Clinton wasn't doing in SPADES! The truth is...the leaders of the Democratic Party have you chasing Trump "scandals" because they don't want you to realize that they have no answers to the biggest problems we as a nation face!
Poll: Majority Says Democratic Party Stands for Nothing Except Opposing Trump

Today’s Democratic Party stands for only one thing – attacking President Donald Trump – a majority of registered voters said in a new Washington Post/ABC News poll.


Like it's being said Democrats are becoming their OWN RACE and nobody likes them. Because they're all ANTI-AMERICA Bill Ayre cult followers. Most of them just don't realize they've been following a cult leader and his trained puppets.

I disagree. I think the Democrat Party clearly stands for a few things:

For BLM and cop killers
Pro-illegal immigration
Pro Isis? Republicans created Isis.
Poll: Majority Says Democratic Party Stands for Nothing Except Opposing Trump

Today’s Democratic Party stands for only one thing – attacking President Donald Trump – a majority of registered voters said in a new Washington Post/ABC News poll.


Like it's being said Democrats are becoming their OWN RACE and nobody likes them. Because they're all ANTI-AMERICA Bill Ayre cult followers. Most of them just don't realize they've been following a cult leader and his trained puppets.
I guess enacting health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, means nothing to those pollsters.
Poll: Majority Says Democratic Party Stands for Nothing Except Opposing Trump

Today’s Democratic Party stands for only one thing – attacking President Donald Trump – a majority of registered voters said in a new Washington Post/ABC News poll.


Like it's being said Democrats are becoming their OWN RACE and nobody likes them. Because they're all ANTI-AMERICA Bill Ayre cult followers. Most of them just don't realize they've been following a cult leader and his trained puppets.

At least they can pass a health care bill

Yep when it fills their pockets with the kickbacks , while stripping it from the American people to do it.
Poll: Majority Says Democratic Party Stands for Nothing Except Opposing Trump

Today’s Democratic Party stands for only one thing – attacking President Donald Trump – a majority of registered voters said in a new Washington Post/ABC News poll.


Like it's being said Democrats are becoming their OWN RACE and nobody likes them. Because they're all ANTI-AMERICA Bill Ayre cult followers. Most of them just don't realize they've been following a cult leader and his trained puppets.

At least they can pass a health care bill

Research Medical Tyranny

Poll: Majority Says Democratic Party Stands for Nothing Except Opposing Trump

Today’s Democratic Party stands for only one thing – attacking President Donald Trump – a majority of registered voters said in a new Washington Post/ABC News poll.


Like it's being said Democrats are becoming their OWN RACE and nobody likes them. Because they're all ANTI-AMERICA Bill Ayre cult followers. Most of them just don't realize they've been following a cult leader and his trained puppets.

I disagree. I think the Democrat Party clearly stands for a few things:

For BLM and cop killers
Pro-illegal immigration
Pro Isis? Republicans created Isis.

Obama created ISIS, and was the de facto President of ISIS.
Well its not like democrats are opposing him for no reason. Trump in these past 6 months has done some deplorable things.

Name them.

-Trying to repeal ACA with a worse healthcare plan
- Firing of Comey because he wasn't loyal enough
- Accused a former president of wiretapping with no evidence
- Continues to let his mouth run over on Twitter
-His constants attack of the free media and making fox news state run media
-Shared classified intelligence with unauthorized persons
- Engages in nepotism by having his children and son in law working in the WH. (This is a democracy not a monarchy)
-Decides to side with a country that participated in 9/11 while slandering a a country who host the largest US military base in the middle east
- Admitted he's going to allow ACA to fail because he didn't get AHCA passed. (basically he didn't get his way)
-Defunding Planned Parenthood
-Has criticized our intelligence agencies
- Halting prison reform
-Hiring climate change deniers to run EPA

And the list goes. I'm sure I'm forgetting some things as he's don't some much crap during these long 6 months.

Most of these grievances you've listed are petty, trivial HuffPo-tantrum bullshit that nobody with a brain or a life cares about anyway!
Opposing Trump should be every sane person`s priority...unless of course you think treason is cool. The whole rotten family should be locked up but I certainly can`t understand his loyalists. Are they all white supremacists? Do they still think that Mexico will buy them a wall to hide behind? Dumbfucks.

TREASON??!! You liberal traitors have spent 8 years selling this country out to the most rape-epidemic, society-destroying, barbaric hate ideology on this planet, Islam, you hypocritical fraud! And I've seen you liberal pigs' horrified, traumatized reactions whenever Trump uses the phrase, "putting American interests first." You disloyal, rotten traitor to the core. Who supports a barbaric, child-suicide bombing rape epidemic, you slimy man-whore.
Well its not like democrats are opposing him for no reason. Trump in these past 6 months has done some deplorable things.

Name them.

-Trying to repeal ACA with a worse healthcare plan
- Firing of Comey because he wasn't loyal enough
- Accused a former president of wiretapping with no evidence
- Continues to let his mouth run over on Twitter
-His constants attack of the free media and making fox news state run media
-Shared classified intelligence with unauthorized persons
- Engages in nepotism by having his children and son in law working in the WH. (This is a democracy not a monarchy)
-Decides to side with a country that participated in 9/11 while slandering a a country who host the largest US military base in the middle east
- Admitted he's going to allow ACA to fail because he didn't get AHCA passed. (basically he didn't get his way)
-Defunding Planned Parenthood
-Has criticized our intelligence agencies
- Halting prison reform
-Hiring climate change deniers to run EPA

And the list goes. I'm sure I'm forgetting some things as he's don't some much crap during these long 6 months.
Yep, undoing the libtard agenda is so deplorable to you nitwits.

Too bad so sad but that is the price of an electoral system and LOSING.
Wow, how long did it take for you to think that one up?
Wow, how long did it take for you to think that one up?
Wow, how long did it take for you to think that one up?
4 hours, 12 minutes and 3 seconds...next stupid question?

Forgive my simplistic stupidity, my highly intelligent Nubian princess, but I don't understand the significance of 4 hours, 12 minutes and 3 seconds - I know you're a towering beacon of Oxford-graduate intellectual erudition and this poor white boy is mentally like a small child lost in the woods compared to you. But is 4 hours, 12 minutes and 3 seconds the record amount of time you've gone without fucking something with a mammalian body temperature? Please educate this poor white simpleton because you know I'm not the Mensa member scholar you are.
You've just proved your ignorance by engaging me on my attempts to be funny. Clearly you're looking for a battle, because that's all you white ingrates do here, is battle truth...sadly, I'm not up for the fight...I got a life
You're just an inbreded nig@er that entertains us from time to time.
^^^ this ^^^ is why I laugh every time rightards try to project racism upon the left.

You liberal pigs are the ultimate, violently white-hating racist c*nts I've ever seen in my life. You Democratic sewer rats have made it clear that white males are your ultimate scapegoat/bogeyman/enemy. So as a white male, in my official capacity as your enemy, I wish cancer on every last liberal hobgoblin reading this post.
Opposing Trump should be every sane person`s priority...unless of course you think treason is cool. The whole rotten family should be locked up but I certainly can`t understand his loyalists. Are they all white supremacists? Do they still think that Mexico will buy them a wall to hide behind? Dumbfucks.

TREASON??!! You liberal traitors have spent 8 years selling this country out to the most rape-epidemic, society-destroying, barbaric hate ideology on this planet, Islam, you hypocritical fraud! And I've seen you liberal pigs' horrified, traumatized reactions whenever Trump uses the phrase, "putting American interests first." You disloyal, rotten traitor to the core. Who supports a barbaric, child-suicide bombing rape epidemic, you slimy man-whore.

They prefer communist living it's right up their non thinking reject brains. Oh wait they have no brains they've been fried.
Opposing Trump should be every sane person`s priority...unless of course you think treason is cool. The whole rotten family should be locked up but I certainly can`t understand his loyalists. Are they all white supremacists? Do they still think that Mexico will buy them a wall to hide behind? Dumbfucks.

TREASON??!! You liberal traitors have spent 8 years selling this country out to the most rape-epidemic, society-destroying, barbaric hate ideology on this planet, Islam, you hypocritical fraud! And I've seen you liberal pigs' horrified, traumatized reactions whenever Trump uses the phrase, "putting American interests first." You disloyal, rotten traitor to the core. Who supports a barbaric, child-suicide bombing rape epidemic, you slimy man-whore.
Traitors are the ones that have been sucking Russian dick for the last couple of years. These are your heroes.
Opposing Trump should be every sane person`s priority...unless of course you think treason is cool. The whole rotten family should be locked up but I certainly can`t understand his loyalists. Are they all white supremacists? Do they still think that Mexico will buy them a wall to hide behind? Dumbfucks.

TREASON??!! You liberal traitors have spent 8 years selling this country out to the most rape-epidemic, society-destroying, barbaric hate ideology on this planet, Islam, you hypocritical fraud! And I've seen you liberal pigs' horrified, traumatized reactions whenever Trump uses the phrase, "putting American interests first." You disloyal, rotten traitor to the core. Who supports a barbaric, child-suicide bombing rape epidemic, you slimy man-whore.
Traitors are the ones that have been sucking Russian dick for the last couple of years. These are your heroes.

Yeah and those are the ones who Voted for Hillary Clinton, and Obama.

“When you look at the Obama administration and the Clintons’ involvement with Russia, in terms of donations they received from Russian entities… yet where was the concern for that?” Spicer stated, exclaiming “What are we doing to look into that?”

“It was the Obama administration in 2009 that talked about a reset with Russia and a desire to reset relationships,” he added.

It was Hillary Clinton who signed off on a deal that gave a Russian company one-fifth the U.S.’ uranium supply… Where is the concern on the Hillary Clinton thing?” Spicer urged.

The press secretary castigated Democrats for being “quick to point fingers, and yet when it comes to discussing their own collusion or questions involving their involvement with Russia officials or buy-offs to the Russians, there’s no discussion there.”

“You’ve got to wonder on both sides, where’s the parity when it comes to these types of investigations?” he concluded.
Poll: Majority Says Democratic Party Stands for Nothing Except Opposing Trump

Today’s Democratic Party stands for only one thing – attacking President Donald Trump – a majority of registered voters said in a new Washington Post/ABC News poll.


Like it's being said Democrats are becoming their OWN RACE and nobody likes them. Because they're all ANTI-AMERICA Bill Ayre cult followers. Most of them just don't realize they've been following a cult leader and his trained puppets.

I disagree. I think the Democrat Party clearly stands for a few things:

For BLM and cop killers
Pro-illegal immigration
Pro Isis? Republicans created Isis.

Obama created ISIS, and was the de facto President of ISIS.

Roots in Iraq

ISIL has its origins in the Iraq War of 2003–11. Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), its direct precursor, was one of the central actors in a larger Sunni insurgency against the Iraqi government and foreign occupying forces.
Poll: Majority Says Democratic Party Stands for Nothing Except Opposing Trump

Today’s Democratic Party stands for only one thing – attacking President Donald Trump – a majority of registered voters said in a new Washington Post/ABC News poll.


Like it's being said Democrats are becoming their OWN RACE and nobody likes them. Because they're all ANTI-AMERICA Bill Ayre cult followers. Most of them just don't realize they've been following a cult leader and his trained puppets.

I disagree. I think the Democrat Party clearly stands for a few things:

For BLM and cop killers
Pro-illegal immigration
Pro Isis? Republicans created Isis.

Obama created ISIS, and was the de facto President of ISIS.

Roots in Iraq

ISIL has its origins in the Iraq War of 2003–11. Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), its direct precursor, was one of the central actors in a larger Sunni insurgency against the Iraqi government and foreign occupying forces.

Retard, ISIL has its roots in Islam, which goes back 1400 years.

Obama enabled this current faction by aiding their efforts to overthrow several governments like Libya, Egypt, Iraq, and Syria.
Poll: Majority Says Democratic Party Stands for Nothing Except Opposing Trump

Today’s Democratic Party stands for only one thing – attacking President Donald Trump – a majority of registered voters said in a new Washington Post/ABC News poll.


Like it's being said Democrats are becoming their OWN RACE and nobody likes them. Because they're all ANTI-AMERICA Bill Ayre cult followers. Most of them just don't realize they've been following a cult leader and his trained puppets.

I disagree. I think the Democrat Party clearly stands for a few things:

For BLM and cop killers
Pro-illegal immigration
Pro Isis? Republicans created Isis.

Obama created ISIS, and was the de facto President of ISIS.

Roots in Iraq

ISIL has its origins in the Iraq War of 2003–11. Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), its direct precursor, was one of the central actors in a larger Sunni insurgency against the Iraqi government and foreign occupying forces.

Retard, ISIL has its roots in Islam, which goes back 1400 years.

Obama enabled this current faction by aiding their efforts to overthrow several governments like Libya, Egypt, Iraq, and Syria.
^^^ Moron doubles down on stupid. :eusa_doh:

There are roughly 1.6 billion Islamic people on the planet Earth. 99.997% are not in ISIS. While their faith goes back more than a millennium, ISIS only goes back to 2006.
I disagree. I think the Democrat Party clearly stands for a few things:

For BLM and cop killers
Pro-illegal immigration
Pro Isis? Republicans created Isis.

Obama created ISIS, and was the de facto President of ISIS.

Roots in Iraq

ISIL has its origins in the Iraq War of 2003–11. Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), its direct precursor, was one of the central actors in a larger Sunni insurgency against the Iraqi government and foreign occupying forces.

Retard, ISIL has its roots in Islam, which goes back 1400 years.

Obama enabled this current faction by aiding their efforts to overthrow several governments like Libya, Egypt, Iraq, and Syria.
^^^ Moron doubles down on stupid. :eusa_doh:

There are roughly 1.6 billion Islamic people on the planet Earth. 99.997% are not in ISIS. While their faith goes back more than a millennium, ISIS only goes back to 2006.

They are all sympathetic to their cause. You won't find any Muslims protesting against ISIS in Sunni countries. Only the Shiites that are fighting them, and maybe the Kurds.

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