Poll : Majority says Democratic party stands for nothing except opposing Trump

Well its not like democrats are opposing him for no reason. Trump in these past 6 months has done some deplorable things.

Name them.

-Trying to repeal ACA with a worse healthcare plan
- Firing of Comey because he wasn't loyal enough
- Accused a former president of wiretapping with no evidence
- Continues to let his mouth run over on Twitter
-His constants attack of the free media and making fox news state run media
-Shared classified intelligence with unauthorized persons
- Engages in nepotism by having his children and son in law working in the WH. (This is a democracy not a monarchy)
-Decides to side with a country that participated in 9/11 while slandering a a country who host the largest US military base in the middle east
- Admitted he's going to allow ACA to fail because he didn't get AHCA passed. (basically he didn't get his way)
-Defunding Planned Parenthood
-Has criticized our intelligence agencies
- Halting prison reform
-Hiring climate change deniers to run EPA

And the list goes. I'm sure I'm forgetting some things as he's don't some much crap during these long 6 months.
Nothing empirically deplorable there. Just a lot of your own misapprehension and opinion.
Poll: Majority Says Democratic Party Stands for Nothing Except Opposing Trump

Today’s Democratic Party stands for only one thing – attacking President Donald Trump – a majority of registered voters said in a new Washington Post/ABC News poll.


Like it's being said Democrats are becoming their OWN RACE and nobody likes them. Because they're all ANTI-AMERICA Bill Ayre cult followers. Most of them just don't realize they've been following a cult leader and his trained puppets.
What else is new? They were this way with GWB too.

When have they ever stood for anything?
Poll: Majority Says Democratic Party Stands for Nothing Except Opposing Trump

Today’s Democratic Party stands for only one thing – attacking President Donald Trump – a majority of registered voters said in a new Washington Post/ABC News poll.


Like it's being said Democrats are becoming their OWN RACE and nobody likes them. Because they're all ANTI-AMERICA Bill Ayre cult followers. Most of them just don't realize they've been following a cult leader and his trained puppets.
That's hilarious. Especially after 8 years of repug obstruction and sabotage. Sauce for the gander, repugs. Hope you enjoy it.
Poll: Majority Says Democratic Party Stands for Nothing Except Opposing Trump

Today’s Democratic Party stands for only one thing – attacking President Donald Trump – a majority of registered voters said in a new Washington Post/ABC News poll.


Like it's being said Democrats are becoming their OWN RACE and nobody likes them. Because they're all ANTI-AMERICA Bill Ayre cult followers. Most of them just don't realize they've been following a cult leader and his trained puppets.

Hell, you don't need no political party to stand against Rump. All you need is to be human.

I mean it ain't like Rump is a real Republican -- or has any politics at all beyond "dig me".
This from a Hillary supporter.......priceless....
After eight years of Republican obstruction the Democrats have learned their lesson

Block vote NO and force the Republicans to make compromises among themselves

Something Republicans can't do
I glad you finally learned how to count, since you were illiterate with obama.
Oh yes

The good ole days
Thanks for Trump. Those days are just a bad memory.
Clearly your brain dead...next?
Wow, how long did it take for you to think that one up?
I glad you finally learned how to count, since you were illiterate with obama.
Oh yes

The good ole days
Thanks for Trump. Those days are just a bad memory.
Clearly your brain dead...next?
Wow, how long did it take for you to think that one up?
I glad you finally learned how to count, since you were illiterate with obama.
Oh yes

The good ole days
Thanks for Trump. Those days are just a bad memory.
Clearly your brain dead...next?
Wow, how long did it take for you to think that one up?
4 hours, 12 minutes and 3 seconds...next stupid question?
You started with an ignorant response.
Thanks for Trump. Those days are just a bad memory.
Clearly your brain dead...next?
Wow, how long did it take for you to think that one up?
Thanks for Trump. Those days are just a bad memory.
Clearly your brain dead...next?
Wow, how long did it take for you to think that one up?
Thanks for Trump. Those days are just a bad memory.
Clearly your brain dead...next?
Wow, how long did it take for you to think that one up?
4 hours, 12 minutes and 3 seconds...next stupid question?

Forgive my simplistic stupidity, my highly intelligent Nubian princess, but I don't understand the significance of 4 hours, 12 minutes and 3 seconds - I know you're a towering beacon of Oxford-graduate intellectual erudition and this poor white boy is mentally like a small child lost in the woods compared to you. But is 4 hours, 12 minutes and 3 seconds the record amount of time you've gone without fucking something with a mammalian body temperature? Please educate this poor white simpleton because you know I'm not the Mensa member scholar you are.
You've just proved your ignorance by engaging me on my attempts to be funny. Clearly you're looking for a battle, because that's all you white ingrates do here, is battle truth...sadly, I'm not up for the fight...I got a life
You're just an inbreded nig@er that entertains us from time to time.
Majority says Democratic party stands for nothing except opposing Trump
Is there supposed to be something wrong with that?

Anyone surprised this assclown would think that's all a political party needs to accomplish?

Yet...said assclown supported the election of HILLARY (Queen of Corruption) CLINTON.

Looks to me like Hillary will be visiting Crooked Donnie in Federal Prison
Poll: Majority Says Democratic Party Stands for Nothing Except Opposing Trump

Today’s Democratic Party stands for only one thing – attacking President Donald Trump – a majority of registered voters said in a new Washington Post/ABC News poll.


Like it's being said Democrats are becoming their OWN RACE and nobody likes them. Because they're all ANTI-AMERICA Bill Ayre cult followers. Most of them just don't realize they've been following a cult leader and his trained puppets.
What they stand for is turning America into something you wouldn't like.
What?you must be chock-full of J. Jones Guyanan Office Party Kool-Aid ! if it hadn't been for the Democrats there would be no middle class you idiot.
Opposing Trump should be every sane person`s priority...unless of course you think treason is cool. The whole rotten family should be locked up but I certainly can`t understand his loyalists. Are they all white supremacists? Do they still think that Mexico will buy them a wall to hide behind? Dumbfucks.
Opposing Trump should be every sane person`s priority...unless of course you think treason is cool. The whole rotten family should be locked up but I certainly can`t understand his loyalists. Are they all white supremacists? Do they still think that Mexico will buy them a wall to hide behind? Dumbfucks.

Oh looky....another radical Moooooslum
Clearly your brain dead...next?
Wow, how long did it take for you to think that one up?
Clearly your brain dead...next?
Wow, how long did it take for you to think that one up?
Clearly your brain dead...next?
Wow, how long did it take for you to think that one up?
4 hours, 12 minutes and 3 seconds...next stupid question?

Forgive my simplistic stupidity, my highly intelligent Nubian princess, but I don't understand the significance of 4 hours, 12 minutes and 3 seconds - I know you're a towering beacon of Oxford-graduate intellectual erudition and this poor white boy is mentally like a small child lost in the woods compared to you. But is 4 hours, 12 minutes and 3 seconds the record amount of time you've gone without fucking something with a mammalian body temperature? Please educate this poor white simpleton because you know I'm not the Mensa member scholar you are.
You've just proved your ignorance by engaging me on my attempts to be funny. Clearly you're looking for a battle, because that's all you white ingrates do here, is battle truth...sadly, I'm not up for the fight...I got a life
You're just an inbreded nig@er that entertains us from time to time.
^^^ this ^^^ is why I laugh every time rightards try to project racism upon the left.

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