Poll: Majority want Tax Cuts extended for everybody

The question is can screwing over the rich to transfer wealth to a lower class maintain productivity? If it lowers then our entire living standard will drop. We poor and middle class people will be poorer with more(cash).

The poor doesn't make a product or hire any workers(at a far lower level if they do). Giving more power to buy to the poor won't off set the loss of productivity.

It is like what Chavez did when he nationalized and moved the wealth around. The gdp lowered and I'd say his nation is now worse off.

why is paying a decent wage screwing over the rich? It's pretty obvious that wages, benefits and the ability to plan for your future(saving, college for the kids, retirement, unexpected emergencies) is what this is all about. The people who have benefitted most in this country have done it by screwing the workforce. If the workforce was viable financially(that is, not living paycheck to paycheck...or worse...supplementing through credit cards), there would be a hell of a lot more revenue in the public coffers to pay down the debt and to be able to maintain and upgrade a crumbling infrastructure that is causing a huge loss in production.

As has been pointed out by Conservatives...the top 1% is actually a small number of people. Those people however, are themselves highly responsible for much of our economic woes by holding our "regular citizens" hostage by saying...."won't work for peanuts? Fine...we'll just send your job to someone who will".

That money that got paid to the foreign countries' governments....that got paid to foreign labor? that used to be what we built this great country upon. Money in people's pockets means demand for goods and services....demand means business...business means profits...profits mean taxable income...taxable income means we can get back into the black at some point.

but it's going to take sacrifices for us all....not just the little guy.

You are essentially talking about wage controls, right? Or maybe minimum wages? Or both, do you really think it would work, without impacting economic growth? Just like with price controls, it doesn't work very well IMHO. Anybody out there got a link to any economist who thinks you can do that with no consequences? Love to see it.

so...what you are saying is we just have to deal with the fact that our manufacturing industry abandoned us...still sell us products for the same prices despite the huge break that they got in labor costs?

How about this? tax the fuck out of them till it's no longer profitable to wreck our economy? They fucking did this...they should either bring it back or lose out big time.

edit: you do realize that companies were successful and those in charge were very wealthy even before these. so called "free trade" debacles ever were implemented, right? furthermore, they were still both successful and wealthy when they used to pay for healthcare and provided pensions for their employees.

They got greedy....period. They busted the unions during the Reagan era and that wasn't enough. they lobbies and got their free trade agreements and THAT wasn't enough....They got GWB to open up China to them and THAT wasn't enough. They got Obama to open up S Korea to them and that probably won't be enough.

So tell me...how long do we wait for them to be satisfied and start doing what is right for their own country? or is patriotism only applicable to the little guy?
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why is paying a decent wage screwing over the rich? It's pretty obvious that wages, benefits and the ability to plan for your future(saving, college for the kids, retirement, unexpected emergencies) is what this is all about. The people who have benefitted most in this country have done it by screwing the workforce. If the workforce was viable financially(that is, not living paycheck to paycheck...or worse...supplementing through credit cards), there would be a hell of a lot more revenue in the public coffers to pay down the debt and to be able to maintain and upgrade a crumbling infrastructure that is causing a huge loss in production.

As has been pointed out by Conservatives...the top 1% is actually a small number of people. Those people however, are themselves highly responsible for much of our economic woes by holding our "regular citizens" hostage by saying...."won't work for peanuts? Fine...we'll just send your job to someone who will".

That money that got paid to the foreign countries' governments....that got paid to foreign labor? that used to be what we built this great country upon. Money in people's pockets means demand for goods and services....demand means business...business means profits...profits mean taxable income...taxable income means we can get back into the black at some point.

but it's going to take sacrifices for us all....not just the little guy.

You are essentially talking about wage controls, right? Or maybe minimum wages? Or both, do you really think it would work, without impacting economic growth? Just like with price controls, it doesn't work very well IMHO. Anybody out there got a link to any economist who thinks you can do that with no consequences? Love to see it.

so...what you are saying is we just have to deal with the fact that our manufacturing industry abandoned us...still sell us products for the same prices despite the huge break that they got in labor costs?

How about this? tax the fuck out of them till it's no longer profitable to wreck our economy? They fucking did this...they should either bring it back or lose out big time.

edit: you do realize that companies were successful and those in charge were very wealthy even before these. so called "free trade" debacles ever were implemented, right? furthermore, they were still both successful and wealthy when they used to pay for healthcare and provided pensions for their employees.

They got greedy....period. They busted the unions during the Reagan era and that wasn't enough. they lobbies and got their free trade agreements and THAT wasn't enough....They got GWB to open up China to them and THAT wasn't enough. They got Obama to open up S Korea to them and that probably won't be enough.

So tell me...how long do we wait for them to be satisfied and start doing what is right for their own country? or is patriotism only applicable to the little guy?

I'm not understanding your pov, sorry. So, you want employers to voluntarily pay employees a lot more money, more than it costs to hire someone else to do the samething? I don't think that's gonna happen.

You're opening up more than a few cans of worms here. Free trade agreements are a discussion for another time. BTW, I don't think the unions are all that busted, they seem to have a lot of money to contribute to Obama and the Dems campaigns.
You are essentially talking about wage controls, right? Or maybe minimum wages? Or both, do you really think it would work, without impacting economic growth? Just like with price controls, it doesn't work very well IMHO. Anybody out there got a link to any economist who thinks you can do that with no consequences? Love to see it.

so...what you are saying is we just have to deal with the fact that our manufacturing industry abandoned us...still sell us products for the same prices despite the huge break that they got in labor costs?

How about this? tax the fuck out of them till it's no longer profitable to wreck our economy? They fucking did this...they should either bring it back or lose out big time.

edit: you do realize that companies were successful and those in charge were very wealthy even before these. so called "free trade" debacles ever were implemented, right? furthermore, they were still both successful and wealthy when they used to pay for healthcare and provided pensions for their employees.

They got greedy....period. They busted the unions during the Reagan era and that wasn't enough. they lobbies and got their free trade agreements and THAT wasn't enough....They got GWB to open up China to them and THAT wasn't enough. They got Obama to open up S Korea to them and that probably won't be enough.

So tell me...how long do we wait for them to be satisfied and start doing what is right for their own country? or is patriotism only applicable to the little guy?

I'm not understanding your pov, sorry. So, you want employers to voluntarily pay employees a lot more money, more than it costs to hire someone else to do the samething? I don't think that's gonna happen.

You're opening up more than a few cans of worms here. Free trade agreements are a discussion for another time. BTW, I don't think the unions are all that busted, they seem to have a lot of money to contribute to Obama and the Dems campaigns.

well...guess if you get your way...we'll be a third world country in no time. of course, I believe that's what corporate America wants....slaves that have no choice. If this is your vision for America, then we really don't have much to talk about.

edit: what's going to happen when the majority of the people in this country can't afford to buy their shit? I suppose they'll completely abandon us and sell their shit to a first world country.

You're a fool who can't see what's going on around you. which is crazy...I see your Lions logo, so I'm assuming you're from Michigan. You've seen the decline your whole life and still you refuse to see what greed and power can and often does wreak.
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so...what you are saying is we just have to deal with the fact that our manufacturing industry abandoned us...still sell us products for the same prices despite the huge break that they got in labor costs?

How about this? tax the fuck out of them till it's no longer profitable to wreck our economy? They fucking did this...they should either bring it back or lose out big time.

edit: you do realize that companies were successful and those in charge were very wealthy even before these. so called "free trade" debacles ever were implemented, right? furthermore, they were still both successful and wealthy when they used to pay for healthcare and provided pensions for their employees.

They got greedy....period. They busted the unions during the Reagan era and that wasn't enough. they lobbies and got their free trade agreements and THAT wasn't enough....They got GWB to open up China to them and THAT wasn't enough. They got Obama to open up S Korea to them and that probably won't be enough.

So tell me...how long do we wait for them to be satisfied and start doing what is right for their own country? or is patriotism only applicable to the little guy?

I'm not understanding your pov, sorry. So, you want employers to voluntarily pay employees a lot more money, more than it costs to hire someone else to do the samething? I don't think that's gonna happen.

You're opening up more than a few cans of worms here. Free trade agreements are a discussion for another time. BTW, I don't think the unions are all that busted, they seem to have a lot of money to contribute to Obama and the Dems campaigns.

well...guess if you get your way...we'll be a third world country in no time. of course, I believe that's what corporate America wants....slaves that have no choice. If this is your vision for America, then we really don't have much to talk about.

Actually, I was thinking the same thing if you get your way.

edit: what's going to happen when the majority of the people in this country can't afford to buy their shit? I suppose they'll completely abandon us and sell their shit to a first world country.

This is a really stupid thing to say IMHO.

You're a fool who can't see what's going on around you. which is crazy...I see your Lions logo, so I'm assuming you're from Michigan. You've seen the decline your whole life and still you refuse to see what greed and power can and often does wreak.

I left Michigan some 30 years ago, haven't been back. But I think Michigan's decline has more to do with greedy union leaders and idiotic democratic leadership than anything else. I'll leave off the namecalling.
I'm not understanding your pov, sorry. So, you want employers to voluntarily pay employees a lot more money, more than it costs to hire someone else to do the samething? I don't think that's gonna happen.

You're opening up more than a few cans of worms here. Free trade agreements are a discussion for another time. BTW, I don't think the unions are all that busted, they seem to have a lot of money to contribute to Obama and the Dems campaigns.

well...guess if you get your way...we'll be a third world country in no time. of course, I believe that's what corporate America wants....slaves that have no choice. If this is your vision for America, then we really don't have much to talk about.

Actually, I was thinking the same thing if you get your way.

edit: what's going to happen when the majority of the people in this country can't afford to buy their shit? I suppose they'll completely abandon us and sell their shit to a first world country.

This is a really stupid thing to say IMHO.

You're a fool who can't see what's going on around you. which is crazy...I see your Lions logo, so I'm assuming you're from Michigan. You've seen the decline your whole life and still you refuse to see what greed and power can and often does wreak.

I left Michigan some 30 years ago, haven't been back. But I think Michigan's decline has more to do with greedy union leaders and idiotic democratic leadership than anything else. I'll leave off the namecalling.

of course you do...because that's what the corporate sponsored Marketing Campaign wants you to think. They aren't spending all this money to protect the integrity of America...they are doing it to protect themselves.

Hey...environmentalists do it. Unions do it, lots of people do it....why can't one of you st least admit to the POSSIBILITY that the conglomerate doesn't have America's best interest at heart
well...guess if you get your way...we'll be a third world country in no time. of course, I believe that's what corporate America wants....slaves that have no choice. If this is your vision for America, then we really don't have much to talk about.

Actually, I was thinking the same thing if you get your way.

edit: what's going to happen when the majority of the people in this country can't afford to buy their shit? I suppose they'll completely abandon us and sell their shit to a first world country.

This is a really stupid thing to say IMHO.

You're a fool who can't see what's going on around you. which is crazy...I see your Lions logo, so I'm assuming you're from Michigan. You've seen the decline your whole life and still you refuse to see what greed and power can and often does wreak.

I left Michigan some 30 years ago, haven't been back. But I think Michigan's decline has more to do with greedy union leaders and idiotic democratic leadership than anything else. I'll leave off the namecalling.

of course you do...because that's what the corporate sponsored Marketing Campaign wants you to think. They aren't spending all this money to protect the integrity of America...they are doing it to protect themselves.

Hey...environmentalists do it. Unions do it, lots of people do it....why can't one of you st least admit to the POSSIBILITY that the conglomerate doesn't have America's best interest at heart

I can admit to that, it's the same as every other special interest group. You know, it's very offputting when you assume everyone else with a different opinion is stupid or brainwashed.
I left Michigan some 30 years ago, haven't been back. But I think Michigan's decline has more to do with greedy union leaders and idiotic democratic leadership than anything else. I'll leave off the namecalling.

of course you do...because that's what the corporate sponsored Marketing Campaign wants you to think. They aren't spending all this money to protect the integrity of America...they are doing it to protect themselves.

Hey...environmentalists do it. Unions do it, lots of people do it....why can't one of you st least admit to the POSSIBILITY that the conglomerate doesn't have America's best interest at heart

I can admit to that, it's the same as every other special interest group. You know, it's very offputting when you assume everyone else with a different opinion is stupid or brainwashed.

you may be right...it may be offputting. sorry. but blaming unions is a typical ploy of the brainwashed right....if I was mistaken...I apologize.

Union membership made up about 25% of the workforce in it's heyday. Now, unions make up about 7% of the workforce and amazingly...the quality of life for the everyday worker has declined at an astounding rate while the big boys have seen theirs explode. There is no other special interest group that has had such a detrimental effect to the country like they have.
Detroit's fall had to do with shitty cars and bad management. Duh. Now they're building good cars finally.

80% of the USA wanted to raise taxes on the rich (4 gigantic %!!!) before the pub propaganda machine got to work, now 62 %- that 38% will fall for anything...could be what Romney ends up with...
Detroit's fall had to do with shitty cars and bad management. Duh. Now they're building good cars finally.

80% of the USA wanted to raise taxes on the rich (4 gigantic %!!!) before the pub propaganda machine got to work, now 62 %- that 38% will fall for anything...could be what Romney ends up with...

You can raise it to 100% and government won;t use any of it to pay the debt/deficit down
Romney won't do anything on the debt, dupe. Obama offered 4 trillion in cuts over 10 years, Pubs ran for the hills...you are duped.
of course you do...because that's what the corporate sponsored Marketing Campaign wants you to think. They aren't spending all this money to protect the integrity of America...they are doing it to protect themselves.

Hey...environmentalists do it. Unions do it, lots of people do it....why can't one of you st least admit to the POSSIBILITY that the conglomerate doesn't have America's best interest at heart

I can admit to that, it's the same as every other special interest group. You know, it's very offputting when you assume everyone else with a different opinion is stupid or brainwashed.

you may be right...it may be offputting. sorry. but blaming unions is a typical ploy of the brainwashed right....if I was mistaken...I apologize.

Union membership made up about 25% of the workforce in it's heyday. Now, unions make up about 7% of the workforce and amazingly...the quality of life for the everyday worker has declined at an astounding rate while the big boys have seen theirs explode. There is no other special interest group that has had such a detrimental effect to the country like they have.

You really think the standard of living for the everyday worker has declined at an astonishing rate? There are studies that say otherwise.

About the detrimental effect, there might be some truth to that IMHO. Just as unions have too much influence, so also do the big corps. Competition is more limited than it should be, and they get far too much in terms of tax breaks, subsidies, and credits. But they ain't all bad, a big corp like Walmart can offer goods and services at a lower rate through the economies of scale. Do not they offer dividends and bonds that help our 401ks and IRAs, especially for seniors on a fixed income?

You blame big biz, but I blame the gov't for colluding with them and allowing certain unfortunate events to occur. Poor governance is at least part of the problem.
I can admit to that, it's the same as every other special interest group. You know, it's very offputting when you assume everyone else with a different opinion is stupid or brainwashed.

you may be right...it may be offputting. sorry. but blaming unions is a typical ploy of the brainwashed right....if I was mistaken...I apologize.

Union membership made up about 25% of the workforce in it's heyday. Now, unions make up about 7% of the workforce and amazingly...the quality of life for the everyday worker has declined at an astounding rate while the big boys have seen theirs explode. There is no other special interest group that has had such a detrimental effect to the country like they have.

You really think the standard of living for the everyday worker has declined at an astonishing rate? There are studies that say otherwise.

About the detrimental effect, there might be some truth to that IMHO. Just as unions have too much influence, so also do the big corps. Competition is more limited than it should be, and they get far too much in terms of tax breaks, subsidies, and credits. But they ain't all bad, a big corp like Walmart can offer goods and services at a lower rate through the economies of scale. Do not they offer dividends and bonds that help our 401ks and IRAs, especially for seniors on a fixed income?

You blame big biz, but I blame the gov't for colluding with them and allowing certain unfortunate events to occur. Poor governance is at least part of the problem.

chicken/egg....who's the worse offender? the temptors or the tempted? Especially in a political system where you can't win without their help.
Criminy, private unions are down to 7% of workers- and the rich/poor gap has NEVER been bigger- give them a break...
Son of a gun.


A majority of Americans want the Bush tax cuts extended for everyone, despite a strong push by President Barack Obama to eliminate them on higher incomes, according to a new McClatchy-Marist poll.

The poll found 52 percent of registered voters saying they want all the tax cuts extended, including the tax cuts for incomes above $250,000, while 43 percent want the cuts extended just for incomes below that threshhold.
Yet some of the strongest support for extending all of the tax cuts came from some of Obama’s most reliable supporters, such as young voters, minorities and the poor and working class.

Young voters ages 18-29 favored tax cuts for everyone by a margin of 69-29, the largest margin of any age group.

Latinos favored tax cuts for all incomes by 62 percent to 36 percent. Whites supported tax cuts for every income by 50 percent to 44 percent. African-Americans split, 48 percent for limiting the tax cuts to incomes below $250,000 and 47 percent for extending them to all incomes.

And those making less than $50,000 supported tax cuts for all incomes by 53 percent to 41 percent.

“For all three groups, there’s a fairly large gap in their support for Obama and how they’re reacting to the tax proposal,” said Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion at Marist College, which conducted the poll. “It may call attention to how connected they are to the proposal itself.”

Read more here: Poll: Majority want tax cuts for all, even the wealthy | McClatchy

Well here's your problem!

McClatchy-Marist poll??????

WTF is this supposed to be :eusa_clap:

"A majority wants??????

Give me a FUCKING break:eusa_whistle:

Would you be speaking of the minority 2% who are whining about their tax breaks expiring in January instead of any majority by any chance?

Because well.....THEIR whining doesn't count!!!!!

Does this "poll" of yours come on the back of a breakfast cereal box by any chance?

I can't beleive you started a thread based upon this horse shit!

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