Poll: Obama approval at all-time low

Tea Party ran on job creation and economic growth.

It shut down the government at a cost of $24 billion.

It wants to solve Obamacare by sticking ultrasound wands up pregnant women's vaginas.

And then there is the nonsense about birferism, Islam, Kenyanism.

Voters here have had it with the TPM and are going to pass (1) County my vote and (2) and throw the TPM and Eagle Forum folks at the next caucus.

That will make defeating Mike Lee in the primary so much easier in 2016.
Tea Party ran on job creation and economic growth.

It shut down the government at a cost of $24 billion.

It wants to solve Obamacare by sticking ultrasound wands up pregnant women's vaginas.

And then there is the nonsense about birferism, Islam, Kenyanism.

Voters here have had it with the TPM and are going to pass (1) County my vote and (2) and throw the TPM and Eagle Forum folks at the next caucus.

That will make defeating Mike Lee in the primary so much easier in 2016.

What the Tea Party's main focus is and always WAS is an out of control Federal Government spending this country into a fiscal Armageddon. They looked at ObamaCare and decided that it WASN'T what the American people had asked for when they demanded something be done about skyrocketing healthcare costs but was instead a bunch of progressives getting together to take advantage of the economic crisis to pass government run health care.

It's time for you to face the reality of what ObamaCare REALLY is, Jake. That reality is what the Democrats up for re-election in swing States will be dealing with as the American Middle Class FINALLY understands what ObamaCare is going to mean to them. You progressives made promises that can't be met. Now those chickens are coming home to roost.
I think what you'll see over the next year is a stampede of Democrats up for re-election to either delay the parts of ObamaCare that the public doesn't like or attempt to position themselves as opponents of those parts. All this despite the fact that they VOTED for the law knowing how bad it was!

Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi will be walking a tightrope...trying to allow fellow Democrats "cover" by letting them come out against the ACA but not allowing any legislation that would essentially change it to move to a vote.

No doubt
As you can see the left and Papa Obama apologists become more shrill
in defense of the indefensible failures of Obamacare. We can expect
to see even more reactionary behavior from them.

As I have said before...

You can see the beginning of panic in the left and Obama apologists.
They want to tinker around the margins to fix a very bad program.

First, this would only give cover for them to try and pass some of the stink of
Obamacare off to them

Second, how can anyone deal with Democrats who have become so extreme since their moderates got kicked out for supporting Obamacare

Third, we see how from top to bottom, Papa Obama to the democrats in Congress
they all lied to the America people.

So the left and Obama apologists would want the GOP and the American people to think they would bargain in good faith-

Sure, a bunch of leftists extremists who lie to the American people

The wheels are coming off the bus, the democrats are panic mood,
the best thing is let them have to deal with the problem and lies to the American people.

Since the House will stay out of the extreme left's hands, real reform is only going to happen if the Senate goes back into GOP hands
and they are able to present a realistic and less extreme
attempt than Papa Obama care

It be best for the American voter to kick out the Leftist radicals.
Thankfully, they have made that task a lot easier with their lies and Papa Obama's lies.
Really, how can you trust the left on anything they say or do now

With obvious and ever increasing failures of Obamacare, the radical left has
made it even easier for the American voter to kick them out.
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I've said all along that the best way for the GOP to deal with ObamaCare from a political standpoint is to simply stand back and let it happen. Granted...that's terrible for the country because it's going to be a disaster...but fighting it as they have has allowed the Democrats to sustain the "myth" that it ever would work in the first place.

The greatest enemy of ObamaCare isn't the Tea Party or the Republicans...it's the bill itself! It's so badly conceived that it can't succeed. That's something that will become quite obvious going forward.
I've said all along that the best way for the GOP to deal with ObamaCare from a political standpoint is to simply stand back and let it happen. Granted...that's terrible for the country because it's going to be a disaster...but fighting it as they have has allowed the Democrats to sustain the "myth" that it ever would work in the first place.

The greatest enemy of ObamaCare isn't the Tea Party or the Republicans...it's the bill itself! It's so badly conceived that it can't succeed. That's something that will become quite obvious going forward.


Plus, it is rather amusing to see the left and Obama apologists
become very shrill, attempt to poorly spin and redirect the conversation
as the 'wheels come off the bus" of Papa Obamacare

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I've said all along that the best way for the GOP to deal with ObamaCare from a political standpoint is to simply stand back and let it happen. Granted...that's terrible for the country because it's going to be a disaster...but fighting it as they have has allowed the Democrats to sustain the "myth" that it ever would work in the first place.

The greatest enemy of ObamaCare isn't the Tea Party or the Republicans...it's the bill itself! It's so badly conceived that it can't succeed. That's something that will become quite obvious going forward.

Great idea

Lets let Obamacare roll out and see what happens
Is obama's fall slopping over onto Hillary?

Why is Hillary Clinton's popularity sliding? - The Week

All told, that means Clinton's net favorability had fallen an astounding 18 points since the start of the year.

The drop is seemingly quite mysterious, given that Clinton has been largely absent from the spotlight for months. It's not like she oversaw a disastrous rollout of an online exchange for health insurance, for example. So why is Clinton bottoming out now?

For one, it's possible her apparent move to campaign mode has polarized people who previously viewed her as more of an apolitical figure during her time as the nation's top diplomat. "It's not that voters all of the sudden have seen a new side of Hillary that has caused them to take a second look," pollster Peter Hart told The Wall Street Journal, but rather that "she is no longer the nonpartisan secretary of state and that brings out the partisan fangs on the part of former supporters."
Tea Party ran on job creation and economic growth.

It shut down the government at a cost of $24 billion.

It wants to solve Obamacare by sticking ultrasound wands up pregnant women's vaginas.

And then there is the nonsense about birferism, Islam, Kenyanism.

Voters here have had it with the TPM and are going to pass (1) County my vote and (2) and throw the TPM and Eagle Forum folks at the next caucus.

That will make defeating Mike Lee in the primary so much easier in 2016.

What the Tea Party's main focus is and always WAS is an out of control Federal Government spending this country into a fiscal Armageddon. They looked at ObamaCare and decided that it WASN'T what the American people had asked for when they demanded something be done about skyrocketing healthcare costs but was instead a bunch of progressives getting together to take advantage of the economic crisis to pass government run health care.

It's time for you to face the reality of what ObamaCare REALLY is, Jake. That reality is what the Democrats up for re-election in swing States will be dealing with as the American Middle Class FINALLY understands what ObamaCare is going to mean to them. You progressives made promises that can't be met. Now those chickens are coming home to roost.

Sure it was.....

Google Image Result for http://www.addictinginfo.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/003.jpg
Tea Party ran on job creation and economic growth.

It shut down the government at a cost of $24 billion.

It wants to solve Obamacare by sticking ultrasound wands up pregnant women's vaginas.

And then there is the nonsense about birferism, Islam, Kenyanism.

Voters here have had it with the TPM and are going to pass (1) County my vote and (2) and throw the TPM and Eagle Forum folks at the next caucus.

That will make defeating Mike Lee in the primary so much easier in 2016.

What the Tea Party's main focus is and always WAS is an out of control Federal Government spending this country into a fiscal Armageddon. They looked at ObamaCare and decided that it WASN'T what the American people had asked for when they demanded something be done about skyrocketing healthcare costs but was instead a bunch of progressives getting together to take advantage of the economic crisis to pass government run health care.

It's time for you to face the reality of what ObamaCare REALLY is, Jake. That reality is what the Democrats up for re-election in swing States will be dealing with as the American Middle Class FINALLY understands what ObamaCare is going to mean to them. You progressives made promises that can't be met. Now those chickens are coming home to roost.

The reality is the American People have told you folks "no".

Accept it.
I've said all along that the best way for the GOP to deal with ObamaCare from a political standpoint is to simply stand back and let it happen. Granted...that's terrible for the country because it's going to be a disaster...but fighting it as they have has allowed the Democrats to sustain the "myth" that it ever would work in the first place.

The greatest enemy of ObamaCare isn't the Tea Party or the Republicans...it's the bill itself! It's so badly conceived that it can't succeed. That's something that will become quite obvious going forward.

No doubt
you are starting to see it

Troubled Start for Health Law Has Democrats Feeling Anxious
“People are anxious,” said Senator Richard J. Durbin of Illinois, the No. 2 Democrat.

“I don’t think there’s confidence by anyone in the room,” said Senator Jeff Merkley, an Oregon Democrat up for re-election next year, as he emerged from the closed-door meeting in the Capitol. “This is more a show-me moment. We were all confident that the system was going to be up and operating on Oct 1. And now we’re not confident until it’s real.”

The anxious include not only senators and House members facing hotly contested races but those whose seats are considered safe, as well as lawmakers in states with Republican governors who have done nothing to promote the health care law and in states with Democratic governors who have created state-run websites and made every effort to sign up the uninsured.

“It’s not working well,” said Senator Benjamin L. Cardin, Democrat of Maryland, whose state was hailed by Mr. Obama as a model for the Affordable Care Act.

Watch the left and Obama apologists on the posting board
to gauge the effects of Obamacare failings...

The worse it gets, the more they will try to spin and redirect the topic
onto anything- Tea Party, Bush, Racism etc

On to anything but the truth

The lies the left and Papa Obama told the American voter
Really, how can anyone trust anything they ever say again

Obama lied
Healthcare plans died
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I've said all along that the best way for the GOP to deal with ObamaCare from a political standpoint is to simply stand back and let it happen. Granted...that's terrible for the country because it's going to be a disaster...but fighting it as they have has allowed the Democrats to sustain the "myth" that it ever would work in the first place.

The greatest enemy of ObamaCare isn't the Tea Party or the Republicans...it's the bill itself! It's so badly conceived that it can't succeed. That's something that will become quite obvious going forward.

Great idea

Lets let Obamacare roll out and see what happens

Ah...that roll out is happening now, Winger and it's ugly. Forget about the website that doesn't work...the REAL problem is that the only people who are signing up for ObamaCare are the ones in line for big subsidies or the ones with preexisting conditions. The young and healthy people that were supposed to offset the freebies and high cost infirm people are not going to sign up for something that they can sign up for WHEN they get hurt or sick. That means the cost of ObamaCare is going to be far more than the rosy predictions we got from Barry, Harry and Nancy. It's going to require a huge tax increase on someone or draconian fines for those that won't sign up. That's what you'll see next...there's no other way around it. Of course at that point the refrain from Progressive is that what we REALLY need is a single payer system...which was the goal of Barry, Harry and Nancy in the first place.
Tea Party ran on job creation and economic growth.

It shut down the government at a cost of $24 billion.

It wants to solve Obamacare by sticking ultrasound wands up pregnant women's vaginas.

And then there is the nonsense about birferism, Islam, Kenyanism.

Voters here have had it with the TPM and are going to pass (1) County my vote and (2) and throw the TPM and Eagle Forum folks at the next caucus.

That will make defeating Mike Lee in the primary so much easier in 2016.

What the Tea Party's main focus is and always WAS is an out of control Federal Government spending this country into a fiscal Armageddon. They looked at ObamaCare and decided that it WASN'T what the American people had asked for when they demanded something be done about skyrocketing healthcare costs but was instead a bunch of progressives getting together to take advantage of the economic crisis to pass government run health care.

It's time for you to face the reality of what ObamaCare REALLY is, Jake. That reality is what the Democrats up for re-election in swing States will be dealing with as the American Middle Class FINALLY understands what ObamaCare is going to mean to them. You progressives made promises that can't be met. Now those chickens are coming home to roost.

The reality is the American People have told you folks "no".

Accept it.

The American people have never been enthusiastic about ObamaCare, Jake. They wanted healthcare reform that lowered their costs. Instead of THAT they were given a healthcare reform bill that gave subsidized policies to the poor and passed that cost along to the Middle Class. As Ricky Ricardo used to say..."Lucy...You have some 'splaining to do!" When people start getting the bill for this mess...they are going to go ballistic. Then we'll see who they say "no" to.
Poll: Obama approval at all-time low

the lies will be hard for the left to overcome

The American people want to trust their president
Papa Obama took that away
Tea Party ran on job creation and economic growth.

It shut down the government at a cost of $24 billion.

It wants to solve Obamacare by sticking ultrasound wands up pregnant women's vaginas.

And then there is the nonsense about birferism, Islam, Kenyanism.

Voters here have had it with the TPM and are going to pass (1) County my vote and (2) and throw the TPM and Eagle Forum folks at the next caucus.

That will make defeating Mike Lee in the primary so much easier in 2016.

just a couple of corrections
1. obama shut down the govt, the teaparty members of the house do not have that power
2. the shutdown cost nothing, Oh, except the money that obama spent putting up barricades at monuments and parks
3. obama's background remains hidden, the media never properly vetted him, the GOP was afraid to do a proper vetting of a black guy.
4. the teaparty philosophy of smaller less intrusive govt is gaining every day. dem/libs and rinos will be sent home in 14 and 16.
5. Mike Lee will win with a huge margin
6. Mary Landrieu will lose with a huge margin
Bush got all the way down to 19 percent.

Obama's lowest to date is 39 percent.

Clinton got down to 36. Bush, Sr down to 29. Reagan down to 35. Carter, 28.

On the flip side, Bush once enjoyed a 92 percent approval rating (the highest of any President in the last century), while Obama's peaked at 76.

Ever watch a republican struggle with polls? It's downright embarrassing.

Either the poll shows Obama hitting the skids, or the liberal media lies and covers for the "the anointed one."
The President's all-time low was in October 2011. The OP is another exercise in hallucination brought on by its author's derangement.

Well, the simple truth is that you can find a poll ... eventually ... that will draw whatever conclusion you wish -


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