Poll: Obama approval at all-time low

Obama doesn't have to run again, yet House Republicans have to run with a dismal 22% approval rate
The Lefts's hope for the House is as greatly overestimated
as the claims of success for the ObamaCare website

The House will hold

The real question is the Senate,

with Senate Democrats already trying to do damage control for the fallout
of Papa ObamaCare, it does not speak well for the Democrats

in one of the greatest betrayals against Papa Obama, Democrat and former supporter of PapaOBama Care has taken a dark turn....

Sen. Mary Landrieu said Wednesday she would propose legislation to ensure all Americans could keep their existing insurance coverage under Obamacare, a fresh sign of the political problems the law’s rollout has created for congressional Democrats.

“The promise was made, and it should be kept,” Landrieu said in the Capitol Wednesday. “And it was our understanding when we voted for that bill that people when they have insurance could keep with what they had. So I’m going to be working on that fix.”

For shame senator!
Truth is not relevant to the greater socialist utopia we build for this nation.

Expect an IRS audit soon.
The lies are getting too big for
the MSM to cover up for him anymore

Yes, too many in 5 years, and too much blame with no accountability or responsibility...only denial of it all, and even to himself, no doubt. O is a sick man. A sick boy-man, who is a failure at everything except making fools out of the people who voted for him...:cuckoo:

No doubt all the lies are playing a major role in Papa Obama's quickly diminishing numbers.

Speaking of lies

is the Left still claiming that Papa ObamaCare is going to save us money?

It is getting hard to keep all the lies of the left in order now
Considering the "deal" that Mary Landrieu's cut with Harry Reid is what got ObamaCare passed in the first place, she's got a lot of nerve to play SHOCKED that Obama was lying about people being able to keep their health insurance. Anyone with half a brain (Sorry Deanie...) knew that this was coming all along.
Considering the "deal" that Mary Landrieu's cut with Harry Reid is what got ObamaCare passed in the first place, she's got a lot of nerve to play SHOCKED that Obama was lying about people being able to keep their health insurance. Anyone with half a brain (Sorry Deanie...) knew that this was coming all along.

I hear you
But, these are reactionary leftists we are speaking of...

As Papa Obama has shown us, they will tell lies about anything to promote
their radical agendas.

But the good news, we see the Democrats, like rats from a sinking ship, start to abandon this crappy program in part or whole.

Senate Democrats Seek to Extend Obamacare Enrollment Period

Ten Senate Democrats, including seven facing re-election next year, are backing away from their party by calling for changes to the federal health-care program.
The senators are seeking an extension of the deadline for people to join health-care exchanges because of “substantial technology glitches” with healthcare.gov, the primary way for consumers to shop for insurance. Website failures have made it harder for people to compare coverage and enroll in the U.S. plans before March 31 or face penalties.

It is very entertaining to watch the left in panic mode.
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The GOP and the TPM, in particularly, poll far worse than Obama.

Republicans, we need to worry about our own house.

And the troofers and birfers and the TeaPs have to leave, now.

Republicans have bigger problems than that. They have a split between moderates, Teatards and Libertarians

None of which will give an inch

The liberts don't count, because there aren't more than five.

The mainstream needs to vote against every TeaP in the primaries, and if they succeed, vote for their opponents.

The TeaPs are the enemies of American values and our future.
Bush got all the way down to 19 percent.

Obama's lowest to date is 39 percent.

Clinton got down to 36. Bush, Sr down to 29. Reagan down to 35. Carter, 28.

On the flip side, Bush once enjoyed a 92 percent approval rating (the highest of any President in the last century), while Obama's peaked at 76.

Today, like everyday here at USMB is a ritual hate fest by the right.

Do you like being lied to and feeling betrayed? Does it make you love and respect someone, more, who does that to you?

The left and obama apologists seem to like it

You can see the beginning of panic in the left and Obama apologists.
They want to tinker around the margins to fix a very bad program.

First, this would only give cover for them to try and pass some of the stink of
Obamacare off to them

Second, how can anyone deal with Democrats who have become so extreme since their moderates got kicked out for supporting Obamacare

Third, we see how from top to bottom, Papa Obama to the democrats in Congress
they all lied to the America people.

So the left and Obama apologists would want the GOP and the American people to think they would bargain in good faith-

Sure, a bunch of leftists extremists who lie to the American people

The wheels are coming off the bus, the democrats are panic mood,
the best thing is let them have to deal with the problem and lies to the American people.

Since the House will stay out of the extreme left's hands, real reform is only going to happen if the Senate goes back into GOP hands
and they are able to present a realistic and less extreme
attempt than Papa Obama care

It be best for the American voter to kick out the Leftist radicals.
Thankfully, they have made that task a lot easier with their lies and Papa Obama's lies.
Really, how can you trust the left on anything they say or do now
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3 weeks ago the Right-Wing Brotherhood on this very board and throughout GOP hate radio was telling us that Obama's approval rating was 37%. Now that it has gone UP by FIVE points to 42% they tell us it is at an "all-time" LOW. :cuckoo:

And these idiots think they can balance a budget!!!


Different polls, different times, different results. Apparently that is a concept that is too difficult for you to understand. They have to pass a budget before it can be balanced, and the Senate doesn't ever pass one.
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Well this should help Papa Obama's numbers

Right wing

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iFfohhfau8]Obamacare enrollment got off to very slow start - YouTube[/ame]

What a spectualar failure by the administration when one
considers that the target was....

Obama health target: 500,000 signups by Oct. 31

Is the radical left still claiming Papa Obama care is going to save the US gov't money?

Obama lied
Health Care plans died
The left and obama apologists seem to like it

I have to admit, I've been a little surprised by the defense put up by some of the leftwingers.

Sure, there has been a lot of the predictable spin ("he wasn't lying, when he said that he actually meant this"), okay, I knew that would happen, I was actually looking forward to the intellectually dishonest creativity. The denials in the face of what he said a zillion times were inevitable. And of course, blaming Those Evil Insurance Companies was guaranteed, even though they knew damn well that the companies would have to drop people as the policies had to be completely revamped and re-priced.

But I've been surprised by some of them saying, "well, all politicians lie, no big deal".

Wow. Holy crap. Where to begin?

So it's okay with you when politicians lie? Or -- more to the point -- it's okay when politicians in your party lie? These people are so comfy with politicians lying to them, so enamored with the federal bureaucracy, that they're willing to have professional politicians - no less than the President - lie right to their fucking face. Bang. Right there. And they'll defend it.

Not sure what to think of that one.

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3 weeks ago the Right-Wing Brotherhood on this very board and throughout GOP hate radio was telling us that Obama's approval rating was 37%. Now that it has gone UP by FIVE points to 42% they tell us it is at an "all-time" LOW. :cuckoo:

And these idiots think they can balance a budget!!!


Different polls, different times, different results. Apparently that is a concept that is too difficult for you to understand. They have to pass a budget before it can be balanced, and the Senate doesn't ever pass one.
It's the same approval question no matter the poll.

And the Senate DID pass a budget this year, but the GOP refused to allow a committee to be formed to negotiate a compromise between the House and Senate budgets and chose to shut down the government instead.

The Right suffers from selective amnesia.
Barry could give shit one about his ratings. He won't be running for office again.
he does need both Houses to really push even more
of his radical agenda.

We saw how left they ran last time when they had both Houses.
Of course, this is the reason they lost the House.

He has stated as a goal to get back both Houses of Congress.

Since the "fish rots from the head down "
he does care
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he does need both Houses to really push even more
of his radical agenda.

We saw how left they ran last time when they had both Houses.
Of course, this is the reason they lost the House.

He has stated as a goal to get back both Houses of Congress.

Since the "fish rots from the head down "
he does care

The leftards can spread all the crap they want from any poll they want, but it isn't the Tea Party's fault they lost their insurance, it isn't the Tea Party's fault their hours got cut, it isn't the Tea Party that LIED to them for the last three years that after obamacare got passed everything would be rainbow shitting unicorns and we'd all sing kum-ba-ya... it was the DEMOCRAPS, and don't think people don't know it. Hell even the left wing lame stream media is reporting on jobs lost, insurance being cancelled, obama lying about it and even now, obama threatening the insurance companies to keep quite about it or else.

Yeah, things are bad for democraps right now, REAL bad, and no amount of spin, hyerbole and fairy tales from the board libtards here will change it. In fact, it's just getting WORSE for them by the DAY.

You can count on a republican/tea party controlled house and senate come next November, in probably the most historic purging of democrats from control this country has ever seen.
I think what you'll see over the next year is a stampede of Democrats up for re-election to either delay the parts of ObamaCare that the public doesn't like or attempt to position themselves as opponents of those parts. All this despite the fact that they VOTED for the law knowing how bad it was!

Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi will be walking a tightrope...trying to allow fellow Democrats "cover" by letting them come out against the ACA but not allowing any legislation that would essentially change it to move to a vote.
Then at some point you're going to start to hear calls from the Left for a single payer system to replace the debacle that ObamaCare is about to become. That's always been the goal here...

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