Poll: Obama holds double digit leads over Romney and Santorum


Active Member
Mar 25, 2011
Poll: Obama holds double digit leads over Romney and Santorum – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

A Politico/George Washington University Battleground Poll released Monday indicates Obama topping former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney 53% to 43% in a hypothetical general election matchup, with the president leading former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania 53% to 42%.

This lead will grow in the months preceding the election. The GOP needs to regroup, they've lost their propaganda arm as no one takes Fox Noise seriously any longer. Also, they really need to offer something other than tax breaks as an economic plan.
A new national poll from USA Today/Gallup tells a different story. According to the survey, which was also released Monday, Obama and Romney are deadlocked at 47% in a hypothetical matchup, with Santorum holding a 49%-46% margin over the president.

Taken from the site you provided. Way to pick and choose.
Poll: Obama holds double digit leads over Romney and Santorum – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

A Politico/George Washington University Battleground Poll released Monday indicates Obama topping former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney 53% to 43% in a hypothetical general election matchup, with the president leading former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania 53% to 42%.

This lead will grow in the months preceding the election. The GOP needs to regroup, they've lost their propaganda arm as no one takes Fox Noise seriously any longer. Also, they really need to offer something other than tax breaks as an economic plan.

Thing is, they've only ever had two non-'social police' items in their platform:

1. Cut taxes
2. Deregulate

They serve their Wall St./Big Biz lobbyist overlords well.
[Cut the poop guys, the LeftMedia is in the tank for Obama and that's the way it will be until at least the election]

"The Associated Press is rigging polls again and is not disclosing the startling fact that its polling firm, GFK, has been granted federal government contracts since Obama has been in office. This is not a major surprise to our readers because we have come to expect very liberal bias from the so-called mainstream media, but this goes beyond business as usual and well into the area of inventing favorable news for Obama to help create the impression that his reelection is inevitable.

This week the AP again reported that their polling firm had determined that Obama would beat any of the Republican candidates but we looked at the raw polling data and once again, the AP and GFK had cooked the numbers by sampling ten percent more Democrat/Democrat leaning than Republicans. Nearly all national polls have determined that there is an even split between Republicans and Democrats, and some pollsters give a slight edge to Republicans. For example, a Gallup poll taken at roughly the same time period that shows Romney with a four point advantage over Obama and Santorum in a dead heat. For the AP, which like the other mainstream media outlets, have made an issue of demanding disclosure from political donors seeking special treatment from the government, this is much worse. This is a news agency getting apparent special treatment from the government in exchange for obvious political news coverage that benefits the Obama administration which controls the purse strings for at least part of their pollingfirms business.

According to the AP, “The Associated Press and GfK launched a polling partnership in September 2008.”

According to an analysis by Tom Blumer at Pajamas Media, “AP reporters didn’t … tell readers how “skewed” May’s poll was. Forty-six percent of those surveyed identified themselves as Democrats, 29% as Republicans, and 4% as independents (after classifying leaners); 20% didn’t know. By contrast, the latest available party identification results from Rasmussen as of April have the GOP at 34.8%, Dems at 33.5%, and 31.7% as not affiliated. Gallup, in an aggregate of 21 separate polls conducted last year, shows a Democrat-Republican split of 45%-44%.”

Since all major polling firms consider the Democrat to Republican ratio of voters to be virtually even in number, AP/GfK’s statistical model of 46% sampling of Democrats and 29% Republican would give the appearance of significant advantage in the outcome to a Democrat, in this case Barak Obama."

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