Poll: Overwhelming Majority of Americans Think Nation Is Becoming a Police State – Half Agree There's One 'Dangerous' Culprit

Trump supporters are not violent. The FBI is.
They are the party of the Violent MAGAMOB. Who bloodied the police as they overwhelmed their positions while safe guarding the peoples house on Jan 6th 2021, while the ceremony of Counting the EC votes of the States was taking place. Of course they want to call it normal political rhetoric, which for the New-GOP, violent rhetoric and violence itself is becoming an acceptable norm. Calling out one of the top Generals and marking them for death, all the way down to as harassing low level court clerks and poor election workers just doing their Jobs. A man of the people my ass! A man that hates most of America and most of the Americans people.

No American will be safe from the MAGAMOB. LOL.

They are the party of the Violent MAGAMOB. Who bloodied the police as they overwhelmed their positions while safe guarding the peoples house on Jan 6th 2021, while the ceremony of Counting the EC votes of the States was taking place. Of course they want to call it normal political rhetoric, which for the New-GOP, violent rhetoric and violence itself is becoming an acceptable norm. Calling out one of the top Generals and marking them for death, all the way down to as harassing low level court clerks and poor election workers just doing their Jobs. A man of the people my ass! A man that hates most of America and most of the Americans people.

No American will be safe from the MAGAMOB. LOL.

J6 is blown completely out of proportion. It was also a set up. Two unarmed women were murdered that day. A post like that is frankly disgustingly stupid. Are you too?
Two unarmed women were murdered that day.
Had the Trumpyberra not called his people to DC that day, or not sent them off to the Capitol, they would not have died that day. Benedicts riot killed them and their families should sue Benedict Donald for their deaths. His actions caused their deaths.
20,000 years of Global Warming.

CO2 is a lagging indicator, not a driver of warming.
Unless you consider volcanic activities like the Siberian Traps....
Did the poll mention that everyone correctly thinks it's the Republicans doing those things?

Trump is running on a campaign to turn the USA fascist, fer pete's sake. He's promising to jail and kill all of his political oppoents, to shut down any media he doesn't like, to remove everyone independent from government and replace them with Trump toadies.

The Democrats ... do none of that. Republicans back fascism, Democrats back liberty.

And every conservative on this thread loves Trump entirely for his fascism. Trump cultists are fascist right down to their putrid souls.

Last I checked, the CORPORATIONS were all WOKE,,,,this shows the FASCIST link to the Democrat party who is forcing corporations to be woke.
Your Village Idiot in the whitehouse will bankrupt every American city with millions of illegals and Blacks are so pissed off that they are backing Trump. I have yet to see a charge against Trump that isnt some made up allegations. Bidiot has millions of small businesses going bankrupt while he is giving invaders SMALL BUSINESS LOANS to open restaurants and giving out work permits.

What do you think the Deep State has planned for you after you help them destroy the constitutional republic ??? I can tell you what has happened after every other Communist ( Billionaire) revolution,,,,,they take the DESTABILIZERS and shoot them. You are a destabilizer and are used to create chaos BUT after power is ceded, they need STABILIZERS and eliminate people of your ilk
I believe we're on the way to a police state because we do nothing to stop crime. Every single response to crime only effects law abiding citizens.

Like gun violence. The answer is always ban guns or more gun control. Neither of those solves anything because gun violence is only due to dopeheads, criminals and crazy people. If we get rid of the people who want to hurt other people we don't need any gun control. But if you get rid of every gun the criminals, crazies and dopeheads that want to hurt others are still here.

Their answers are always more surveillance, more loss of privacy, more laws, more control, less freedom of speech, and so on. Even vaccine passports and digital id lead to a police state.

I'd rather live in a country with no criminals, drugs aren't tolerated and crazy people are seperated from society than live in a society with more rules and laws that only apply to law abiding people
Just Communism with fascist methods. The Democrat Party is the current Communist Party of America...
More teabagger gaslighting.
THAT is your dear leader.

Trump says maybe U.S. will have a president for life someday​

https://www.pbs.org › newshour › politics › trump-say...

Mar 4, 2018 — Chinese President Xi Jinping recently consolidated power. Trump told the gathering: “He's now president for life. President for life. And ..

Trump congratulates China on anniversary as GOP ...​

The Hill
https://thehill.com › homenews › administration › 463...

Oct 1, 2019 — President Trump on Tuesday congratulated the People's Republic of China on its 70th anniversary in a sharp contrast from several Republican ...

Trump Praises Kim Jong Un's “Beautiful Vision for His ...​

Mother Jones
https://www.motherjones.com › politics › 2019/08 › tr...

Aug 2, 2019 — The North Korean regime is responsible for murders, disappearances, and nightmarish prison camps.

And his cult of course.

Tucker Carlson Demands Interview With Vladimir Putin​

https://www.newsweek.com › ... › Volodymyr Zelensky

Aug 28, 2023 — Tucker Carlson has demanded an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to top Kremlin propagandist Margarita Simonyan.


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CO2 is a lagging indicator, not a driver of warming.
Unless you consider volcanic activities like the Siberian Traps....

As a result of the industrial revolution, scientific odds makers say it is very likely driving the slight increase in global temperatures during the last century and a half. Is it changing our climate? NFL. The climate will change, when the ice sheets return in several thousand years.
Check out all the Republican fascist rumpswabs weeping because the liberals put the kibosh on their fascist utopia.

Sucks to be you, conservative fascists. Your sore-lose fascist tears have no effect on the liberals. They won't stop highlighting what fascist traitors you are.

So what's the new plan? Cry harder on a message board? Well then, get to it.

Again ...

Trump has promised to jail or execute his political opponents.

Trump has promised to shut down any media outlets he doesn't like.

Trump has promised to purge the government of anyone indepdendent, and replace them only with Trump toadies.

That's all textbook fascism, and all the Republicans here love it.

Liberals back freedom, conservatives back fascism.

And that's why conservatives keep losing elections so badly.
Had the Trumpyberra not called his people to DC that day, or not sent them off to the Capitol, they would not have died that day. Benedicts riot killed them and their families should sue Benedict Donald for their deaths. His actions caused their deaths.
How else would you protest a stolen election? The fact those people were there attests to the fact they thought the election was stolen. Congress ignored them and the FBI set them up.

Trump's actions caused no one's death . The Capitol police caused their deaths. Those are facts and you are the traitor here. And a fucking stupid one at that.

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