Poll: Percent of Christians drop, those identifying as "none" soars

:lol: Normally by their panting and chanting. Not many of them are so foolish. We do see many religious proselytizers here, yes.
Of course she had a point. And I quote:
"Atheism has no agenda of attracting converts. That's the domain of religions."

That's got nothing to do with political movements, French or elsewhere. It's a simple observation of what does not exist within a certain non-belief.

And yet we see billboards, holiday displays, etc. The purpose of advertising is to sell something.

Yeah it is. To sell you something you don't need.
--- And?

And.... that belies the claim that "Atheism has no agenda of attracting converts." That was the point, but the point was clearly false.

I don't follow.
What's the nature of advertising got to do with atheism?

Oh no, I'm not buying you are that obtuse. Please....

Yup, that is proselytizing.
The only thing more obnoxious than a religious zealot is a militant atheist.:lol:

"Militant atheist" is a bit like... "loud reader"... :dunno:

What is there to be 'militant' about? It's a simple case of the non-presence of a theory.

If you're really curious, Google it.:thup: Let's not pretend that all atheists have a live and let live attitude, any more than we would pretend that all Christians are tolerant. The descriptors for both were intentionally used, and they're obnoxious people.

I have no doubt there are those who are activist about their opinions. This board is made of them.

But what would be the point of lobbying people to not-believe something?

If you've seen the activist atheists post around here, then you're aware of how they believe religion is a negative for society...the more who "see their light", the less who will work to infringe on their beliefs.
Then your perception is incorrect.

Those free from faith take no issue with religion, they correctly take issue with religious extremists who use religion as a political weapon to compel conformity through force of law, or force of violence. Religious extremists do not constitute the majority of theists, nor are they representative of all theists, but their extremism is harmful to society, not the religion they misappropriate and misrepresent – Christians, Jews, and Muslims.
The only thing more obnoxious than a religious zealot is a militant atheist.:lol:

"Militant atheist" is a bit like... "loud reader"... :dunno:

What is there to be 'militant' about? It's a simple case of the non-presence of a theory.

If you're really curious, Google it.:thup: Let's not pretend that all atheists have a live and let live attitude, any more than we would pretend that all Christians are tolerant. The descriptors for both were intentionally used, and they're obnoxious people.

I have no doubt there are those who are activist about their opinions. This board is made of them.

But what would be the point of lobbying people to not-believe something?

If you've seen the activist atheists post around here, then you're aware of how they believe religion is a negative for society...the more who "see their light", the less who will work to infringe on their beliefs.
Then your perception is incorrect.

Those free from faith take no issue with religion, they correctly take issue with religious extremists who use religion as a political weapon to compel conformity through force of law, or force of violence. Religious extremists do not constitute the majority of theists, nor are they representative of all theists, but their extremism is harmful to society, not the religion they misappropriate and misrepresent – Christians, Jews, and Muslims.

Stop acting like I'm generalizing atheists...I specified "militant atheists", and if you want to pretend they don't exist, well that's your ignorant choice.:thup:
The only thing more obnoxious than a religious zealot is a militant atheist.:lol:

"Militant atheist" is a bit like... "loud reader"... :dunno:

What is there to be 'militant' about? It's a simple case of the non-presence of a theory.

If you're really curious, Google it.:thup: Let's not pretend that all atheists have a live and let live attitude, any more than we would pretend that all Christians are tolerant. The descriptors for both were intentionally used, and they're obnoxious people.

I have no doubt there are those who are activist about their opinions. This board is made of them.

But what would be the point of lobbying people to not-believe something?

If you've seen the activist atheists post around here, then you're aware of how they believe religion is a negative for society...the more who "see their light", the less who will work to infringe on their beliefs.
You're a bit confused. Atheism has no agenda of attracting converts. That's the domain of religions.

In fact, most free from faith pursue no 'agenda' at all.
The "most" in your scenario does not apply on this board, however.

Jus sayin
Actually, it does. Among the more obvious dynamics is the hysteria and hand-wringing from the militant Christians that accompanies any questioning or challenges to their dogma.

As we have seen in this thread and as it happens in other threads, the extremists are left to flailing around when their scared cows are led to the stable.
"Most" faithless Atheists on this board have a clear agenda to belittle and ridicule any and all faiths
"faithless atheist"?

I'm afraid that the more excitable Christians see critique, criticism and challenges to their religion as an "attack" and as a result, some tend toward name-calling as a defense.

Criticism of a worldview is going to happen on a public message board. Are you expecting that such claims as those that appear from the religious articles and the proponents of those (religious "miracles", 6,000 year old earth, biblical flood, people rising from the dead, etc.,) are not going to be challenged?
I was replying to Clayton.
He was the one that said that those with no faith don't pursue an agenda.

Admit it, Hollie. You stepped in it.
You thought I was referring to the majority of believers when I was talking about the abundance of atheists, around here, that take every opportunity to take cheap shots.

BTW, I would like some links from posters on this board substantiating your claim that the earth is 6,000 years old
I just want to know what those atheists are painting, and what they're chanting about in Salt Lake City. :)
And yet we see billboards, holiday displays, etc. The purpose of advertising is to sell something.

Yeah it is. To sell you something you don't need.
--- And?

And.... that belies the claim that "Atheism has no agenda of attracting converts." That was the point, but the point was clearly false.

I don't follow.
What's the nature of advertising got
"Militant atheist" is a bit like... "loud reader"... :dunno:

What is there to be 'militant' about? It's a simple case of the non-presence of a theory.

If you're really curious, Google it.:thup: Let's not pretend that all atheists have a live and let live attitude, any more than we would pretend that all Christians are tolerant. The descriptors for both were intentionally used, and they're obnoxious people.

I have no doubt there are those who are activist about their opinions. This board is made of them.

But what would be the point of lobbying people to not-believe something?

If you've seen the activist atheists post around here, then you're aware of how they believe religion is a negative for society...the more who "see their light", the less who will work to infringe on their beliefs.

In fact, most free from faith pursue no 'agenda' at all.
The "most" in your scenario does not apply on this board, however.

Jus sayin
Actually, it does. Among the more obvious dynamics is the hysteria and hand-wringing from the militant Christians that accompanies any questioning or challenges to their dogma.

As we have seen in this thread and as it happens in other threads, the extremists are left to flailing around when their scared cows are led to the stable.
"Most" faithless Atheists on this board have a clear agenda to belittle and ridicule any and all faiths
"faithless atheist"?

I'm afraid that the more excitable Christians see critique, criticism and challenges to their religion as an "attack" and as a result, some tend toward name-calling as a defense.

Criticism of a worldview is going to happen on a public message board. Are you expecting that such claims as those that appear from the religious articles and the proponents of those (religious "miracles", 6,000 year old earth, biblical flood, people rising from the dead, etc.,) are not going to be challenged?
I was replying to Clayton.
He was the one that said that those with no faith don't pursue an agenda.

Admit it, Hollie. You stepped in it.
You thought I was referring to the majority of believers when I was talking about the abundance of atheists, around here, that take every opportunity to take cheap shots.

BTW, I would like some links from posters on this board substantiating your claim that the earth is 6,000 years old
You're just a bit paranoid. If you read the comments, in context, they clearly address the hysteria of the more excitable Christians. Have you somehow missed this thread, citing the results of a Pew poll, caused the Christian militia to enter panic mode?
Yeah it is. To sell you something you don't need.
--- And?

And.... that belies the claim that "Atheism has no agenda of attracting converts." That was the point, but the point was clearly false.

I don't follow.
What's the nature of advertising got
If you're really curious, Google it.:thup: Let's not pretend that all atheists have a live and let live attitude, any more than we would pretend that all Christians are tolerant. The descriptors for both were intentionally used, and they're obnoxious people.

I have no doubt there are those who are activist about their opinions. This board is made of them.

But what would be the point of lobbying people to not-believe something?

If you've seen the activist atheists post around here, then you're aware of how they believe religion is a negative for society...the more who "see their light", the less who will work to infringe on their beliefs.
The "most" in your scenario does not apply on this board, however.

Jus sayin
Actually, it does. Among the more obvious dynamics is the hysteria and hand-wringing from the militant Christians that accompanies any questioning or challenges to their dogma.

As we have seen in this thread and as it happens in other threads, the extremists are left to flailing around when their scared cows are led to the stable.
"Most" faithless Atheists on this board have a clear agenda to belittle and ridicule any and all faiths
"faithless atheist"?

I'm afraid that the more excitable Christians see critique, criticism and challenges to their religion as an "attack" and as a result, some tend toward name-calling as a defense.

Criticism of a worldview is going to happen on a public message board. Are you expecting that such claims as those that appear from the religious articles and the proponents of those (religious "miracles", 6,000 year old earth, biblical flood, people rising from the dead, etc.,) are not going to be challenged?
I was replying to Clayton.
He was the one that said that those with no faith don't pursue an agenda.

Admit it, Hollie. You stepped in it.
You thought I was referring to the majority of believers when I was talking about the abundance of atheists, around here, that take every opportunity to take cheap shots.

BTW, I would like some links from posters on this board substantiating your claim that the earth is 6,000 years old
You're just a bit paranoid. If you read the comments, in context, they clearly address the hysteria of the more excitable Christians. Have you somehow missed this thread, citing the results of a Pew poll, caused the Christian militia to enter panic mode?

No, I haven't missed the point of the thread.

Not only have I already asked (long before you arrived) why some would think it's a good thing, I also have managed to properly navigate the multi-quote function
Christians drop nones soar in new religion portrait

Christianity still dominates American religious identity (70%), but the survey shows dramatic shifts as more people move out the doors of denominations, shedding spiritual connections along the way.
Atheists and agnostics have nearly doubled their share of the religious marketplace, and overall indifference to religion of any sort is rising as well. Only the historically black Protestant churches have held a steady grip through the years of change.

The shrinking numbers of Christians and their loss of market share is the most significant change since 2007 (when Pew did its first U.S. Religious Landscape survey) and the new, equally massive survey of 35,000 U.S. adults.
The percentage of people who describe themselves as Christians fell about 8 points — from 78.4% to 70.6%. This includes people in virtually all demographic groups, whether they are "nearing retirement or just entering adulthood, married or single, living in the West or the Bible Belt," according to the survey report
The "nones" — Americans who are unaffiliated with brand-name religion — are the new major force in American faith. And they are more secular in outlook — and "more comfortable admitting it" than ever before

Nones," at 22.8% of the U.S. (up from 16% just eight years ago) run second only to evangelicals (25.4%) and ahead of Catholics (20.8%) in religious market share.


This is fantastic news. The way the corporate media put it they said 70% were christian and I figured the other 30% were Jews Muslims and athiests. And that didn't seem right to me. Thanks.
And.... that belies the claim that "Atheism has no agenda of attracting converts." That was the point, but the point was clearly false.

I don't follow.
What's the nature of advertising got
I have no doubt there are those who are activist about their opinions. This board is made of them.

But what would be the point of lobbying people to not-believe something?

If you've seen the activist atheists post around here, then you're aware of how they believe religion is a negative for society...the more who "see their light", the less who will work to infringe on their beliefs.
Actually, it does. Among the more obvious dynamics is the hysteria and hand-wringing from the militant Christians that accompanies any questioning or challenges to their dogma.

As we have seen in this thread and as it happens in other threads, the extremists are left to flailing around when their scared cows are led to the stable.
"Most" faithless Atheists on this board have a clear agenda to belittle and ridicule any and all faiths
"faithless atheist"?

I'm afraid that the more excitable Christians see critique, criticism and challenges to their religion as an "attack" and as a result, some tend toward name-calling as a defense.

Criticism of a worldview is going to happen on a public message board. Are you expecting that such claims as those that appear from the religious articles and the proponents of those (religious "miracles", 6,000 year old earth, biblical flood, people rising from the dead, etc.,) are not going to be challenged?
I was replying to Clayton.
He was the one that said that those with no faith don't pursue an agenda.

Admit it, Hollie. You stepped in it.
You thought I was referring to the majority of believers when I was talking about the abundance of atheists, around here, that take every opportunity to take cheap shots.

BTW, I would like some links from posters on this board substantiating your claim that the earth is 6,000 years old
You're just a bit paranoid. If you read the comments, in context, they clearly address the hysteria of the more excitable Christians. Have you somehow missed this thread, citing the results of a Pew poll, caused the Christian militia to enter panic mode?

No, I haven't missed the point of the thread.

Not only have I already asked (long before you arrived) why some would think it's a good thing, I also have managed to properly navigate the multi-quote function
I view the waning influence of the fundie Christian Right as a positive attribute. The anti-science, retrograde attitudes of the extremist right are not furthering of society.
I don't follow.
What's the nature of advertising got
If you've seen the activist atheists post around here, then you're aware of how they believe religion is a negative for society...the more who "see their light", the less who will work to infringe on their beliefs.
"Most" faithless Atheists on this board have a clear agenda to belittle and ridicule any and all faiths
"faithless atheist"?

I'm afraid that the more excitable Christians see critique, criticism and challenges to their religion as an "attack" and as a result, some tend toward name-calling as a defense.

Criticism of a worldview is going to happen on a public message board. Are you expecting that such claims as those that appear from the religious articles and the proponents of those (religious "miracles", 6,000 year old earth, biblical flood, people rising from the dead, etc.,) are not going to be challenged?
I was replying to Clayton.
He was the one that said that those with no faith don't pursue an agenda.

Admit it, Hollie. You stepped in it.
You thought I was referring to the majority of believers when I was talking about the abundance of atheists, around here, that take every opportunity to take cheap shots.

BTW, I would like some links from posters on this board substantiating your claim that the earth is 6,000 years old
You're just a bit paranoid. If you read the comments, in context, they clearly address the hysteria of the more excitable Christians. Have you somehow missed this thread, citing the results of a Pew poll, caused the Christian militia to enter panic mode?

No, I haven't missed the point of the thread.

Not only have I already asked (long before you arrived) why some would think it's a good thing, I also have managed to properly navigate the multi-quote function
I view the waning influence of the fundie Christian Right as a positive attribute. The anti-science, retrograde attitudes of the extremist right are not furthering of society.

I don't think we have to worry about this one.

By "get a education" you mean be indoctrinated in the secular consensus you find in academia?

Few college educations actually deal with comparative religion studies. But cultural assimilation?

Getting an education, I mean... :)
I'm curious.

Are there any positive effects you see from this change?
Instead of worrying and waiting for after we die we appreciate the time we have now and want to get it right the first time.

And its liberating knowing the truth. The truth is so much better. Study the cosmos. Watch the 2 series.

I also believe we wouldnt have such corrupt government if we werent such controllable sheep like we are now.
I don't follow.
What's the nature of advertising got
If you've seen the activist atheists post around here, then you're aware of how they believe religion is a negative for society...the more who "see their light", the less who will work to infringe on their beliefs.
"Most" faithless Atheists on this board have a clear agenda to belittle and ridicule any and all faiths
"faithless atheist"?

I'm afraid that the more excitable Christians see critique, criticism and challenges to their religion as an "attack" and as a result, some tend toward name-calling as a defense.

Criticism of a worldview is going to happen on a public message board. Are you expecting that such claims as those that appear from the religious articles and the proponents of those (religious "miracles", 6,000 year old earth, biblical flood, people rising from the dead, etc.,) are not going to be challenged?
I was replying to Clayton.
He was the one that said that those with no faith don't pursue an agenda.

Admit it, Hollie. You stepped in it.
You thought I was referring to the majority of believers when I was talking about the abundance of atheists, around here, that take every opportunity to take cheap shots.

BTW, I would like some links from posters on this board substantiating your claim that the earth is 6,000 years old
You're just a bit paranoid. If you read the comments, in context, they clearly address the hysteria of the more excitable Christians. Have you somehow missed this thread, citing the results of a Pew poll, caused the Christian militia to enter panic mode?

No, I haven't missed the point of the thread.

Not only have I already asked (long before you arrived) why some would think it's a good thing, I also have managed to properly navigate the multi-quote function
I view the waning influence of the fundie Christian Right as a positive attribute. The anti-science, retrograde attitudes of the extremist right are not furthering of society.
Exactly what I've been saying but they can't see the notion is holding us back. At least their notion of him is.
Christians drop nones soar in new religion portrait

Christianity still dominates American religious identity (70%), but the survey shows dramatic shifts as more people move out the doors of denominations, shedding spiritual connections along the way.
Atheists and agnostics have nearly doubled their share of the religious marketplace, and overall indifference to religion of any sort is rising as well. Only the historically black Protestant churches have held a steady grip through the years of change.

The shrinking numbers of Christians and their loss of market share is the most significant change since 2007 (when Pew did its first U.S. Religious Landscape survey) and the new, equally massive survey of 35,000 U.S. adults.
The percentage of people who describe themselves as Christians fell about 8 points — from 78.4% to 70.6%. This includes people in virtually all demographic groups, whether they are "nearing retirement or just entering adulthood, married or single, living in the West or the Bible Belt," according to the survey report
The "nones" — Americans who are unaffiliated with brand-name religion — are the new major force in American faith. And they are more secular in outlook — and "more comfortable admitting it" than ever before

Nones," at 22.8% of the U.S. (up from 16% just eight years ago) run second only to evangelicals (25.4%) and ahead of Catholics (20.8%) in religious market share.


As more and more Christianity links itself so willingly to bigotry and hate, fewer and fewer people are going to wanna associate themselves with it. Might well be Christians, but not want to admit it any more.
How many will come back if religion becomes nice? It will change if the current message isnt selling. Look how many catholics have come back to church because of the new pope. Even gay catholics visited the Vatican.
Christians drop nones soar in new religion portrait

Christianity still dominates American religious identity (70%), but the survey shows dramatic shifts as more people move out the doors of denominations, shedding spiritual connections along the way.
Atheists and agnostics have nearly doubled their share of the religious marketplace, and overall indifference to religion of any sort is rising as well. Only the historically black Protestant churches have held a steady grip through the years of change.

The shrinking numbers of Christians and their loss of market share is the most significant change since 2007 (when Pew did its first U.S. Religious Landscape survey) and the new, equally massive survey of 35,000 U.S. adults.
The percentage of people who describe themselves as Christians fell about 8 points — from 78.4% to 70.6%. This includes people in virtually all demographic groups, whether they are "nearing retirement or just entering adulthood, married or single, living in the West or the Bible Belt," according to the survey report
The "nones" — Americans who are unaffiliated with brand-name religion — are the new major force in American faith. And they are more secular in outlook — and "more comfortable admitting it" than ever before

Nones," at 22.8% of the U.S. (up from 16% just eight years ago) run second only to evangelicals (25.4%) and ahead of Catholics (20.8%) in religious market share.


I did not have to be told that. All I need to do is turn on the tube and watch as rioting explodes in the streets, greed worsens on Wall Street and in Washington, and so called Christians continue to turn a blind eye to the genocide known as abortion by continuing to vote for Progs who support it.

It's a Prog utopia out there.
Christians drop nones soar in new religion portrait

Christianity still dominates American religious identity (70%), but the survey shows dramatic shifts as more people move out the doors of denominations, shedding spiritual connections along the way.
Atheists and agnostics have nearly doubled their share of the religious marketplace, and overall indifference to religion of any sort is rising as well. Only the historically black Protestant churches have held a steady grip through the years of change.

The shrinking numbers of Christians and their loss of market share is the most significant change since 2007 (when Pew did its first U.S. Religious Landscape survey) and the new, equally massive survey of 35,000 U.S. adults.
The percentage of people who describe themselves as Christians fell about 8 points — from 78.4% to 70.6%. This includes people in virtually all demographic groups, whether they are "nearing retirement or just entering adulthood, married or single, living in the West or the Bible Belt," according to the survey report
The "nones" — Americans who are unaffiliated with brand-name religion — are the new major force in American faith. And they are more secular in outlook — and "more comfortable admitting it" than ever before

Nones," at 22.8% of the U.S. (up from 16% just eight years ago) run second only to evangelicals (25.4%) and ahead of Catholics (20.8%) in religious market share.


As more and more Christianity links itself so willingly to bigotry and hate, fewer and fewer people are going to wanna associate themselves with it. Might well be Christians, but not want to admit it any more.

Bigotry and hate?

Is it bigotry to oppose abortion and gay sex? According to Progs, it is.

I guess opposing killing unborn children is bad, that is, killing them before the Prog Fairy comes along with her magic wand to turn them into real human children as they exit the womb.

And then their is gay sex. Gay men only account for about 4% of the population but also account for about 60% of new AIDS and STD cases in the US every year. Somehow suggesting that gay sex is "bad" is seen as bigotry no matter if they have the science to back up their opposition.

In Prog fairy land, anyone who opposes their "truthiness" is a bigot, for which I proudly wear the scarlet "B" on my chest.

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