Poll Q??: Which Stimulus Did You Prefer? Bush's or Obama's?...


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2009
Personally i don't support "Stimulus Packages" but if i had to choose which one i preferred,it would have to be George Bush's. Many Americans received Stimulus checks from George Bush which allowed them to make their own decisions on how they wanted to use the money. I felt like this was good because i really believe average Americans can spend the money better than our Government can. I just haven't seen any tangible benefit from this current President's massive Stimulus spending. How bout you? I really would be interested in hearing what others think. Thanks.
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I'm glad you enjoyed spending my tax dollars. My wife and I made too much to get a GWB gubmint cheese check.
Personally i don't support "Stimulus Packages" but if i had to choose which one i preferred,it would have to be George Bush's. I received a check from George Bush which allowed me to make my own decision on how i wanted to use the money. I felt like this was good because i really believe i can spend the money better than our Government can. I just haven't seen any tangible benefit from this current President's massive Stimulus spending. How bout you? I really would be interested in hearing what others think. Thanks.

Umm how about Bushs's TARP?

The unemployment benefits done by Obama have put lots f money into peoples hands. People I know are getting extended benefits becuase of Obama Plus an extra $25 per week. Lots more money per unemployed than Bush gave directly to the people.
It just seems like getting a check puts things in your control. Most people i talk to have not seen any tangible benefit from this President's massive Stimulus spending. With the check they really did see some results from the Bush Stimulus. Hmm?
People are seeing an extra $25 per week? I don't know of anyone who has noticed that whopping $25. Just not seeing that.
why was a stimulus plan needed in the first place? - oh yeah.... 8 years of GOP dogfucking.

"These days, (after 8 years of GOP borrowing money from the Chi-Coms
to give tax cuts to the super-rich) seems like everybody has a second job."
-- Nick Stokes, when asked why a TV Weather girl from Barstow was selling her body in Las Vegas
I'm glad you enjoyed spending my tax dollars. My wife and I made too much to get a GWB gubmint cheese check.

other people pay taxes besides you and your wife and those people got some of their own money back from bush

I didn't get a check either but would love it if my taxes were lowered and returned to me no matter how small an amount that may be.
Bush had several stimulus packages, and mostly they didn't work. The first two or three tax cuts for the rich didn't work. Yale University had no clue that Yale University graduate, Bill Clinton, had done so much tax-cutting stimulus that upwards of 40% of formerly stimulated filers had no further income tax liability.

Apparently it took some pesuasion of the Moslem Religious fanatics to get the economy stimulated. Bush took off for the ranch--in a clever ruse, masking the fact that the Al Qaeda, (Actually, Not the Taliban), were on the way to New York City. The Trade Towers were atomized, along with the Al Qaeda, (Actually, not the Taliban), suicide flyers. This would lead to a procurements binge involving, eventually, Iraq--which is neither the Taliban, nor the Al Qaeda--but looked to be likely candidates for some new level of cross-burning, on someone's palace lawn.

Vice President Biden would eventually point out, at the time--as a Senator--that even the procurements spending that bush launched had nothing to do with equipping any troops in the field. It was clearly, actually, all stimulus money, apparently: If unstated.

So when it comes down to it: Actually, Obama has set a withdrawal timetable, which Bush wouldn't do, since the atrocity of the invasion and occupation of Iraq: Was actually the Bush stimulus package, all along. The other stuff was only money(?)!

Obama's money actually kicks in during next calendar and tax year.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(As though anyone couldn't figure any of this out?)
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What do you think the 5 trillion or so that Bush Bumped up the national debt with was? Stimulus money, but it did not work so well.
Most people i talk to preferred receiving a check than what they are seeing with this current Stimulus. That's been my experience so far anyway .
Which Bush stimulus scheme? The invasion and occupation of Iraq? Seemed to stimulate the coffers at Cheny''s old place of business - did it trickle down to you? Didn't to me.
[SIZE=+1]What was the GOP smoking?[/SIZE]
by Gene Lyons
For right-wing Republicans, the presidency of George W. Bush began as a dream come true. People calling themselves "conservatives" ran everything in Washington. Even before the GOP won both houses in 2002, Congress gave Bush everything he asked for. Republican apparatchiks controlled every agency from the Pentagon to the Treasury Department. Fox News savants expressed intermittent outrage that dissent was permitted. Rush Limbaugh's interviews of Dick Cheney sounded like a high-school girl gushing over the Jonas Brothers. To rational minds, the resultant disaster could hardly have been more comprehensive: a lagging economy (the worst job creation since Hoover), yawning budget deficits (Bush doubled the national debt in eight years); two unfinished wars, costing thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars -- one completely unnecessary, the other so forgetfully prosecuted that Gen. Stanley McChrystal warns the United States and NATO could yet lose it... By the time the make-believe cowboy retired not to Photo-Op Ranch, but to the Dallas suburbs, his approval ratings hovered in the mid-20s. That they were so high testified to GOP team spirit. But what on earth were Republicans smoking? Courtesy of Palin, Beck, Bachmann, Limbaugh and a passel of pusillanimous GOP congressmen, we're definitely finding out. With the alternatives being rethink or go crazy, much of the GOP base has chosen the comforts of delusion.
Oh Gawd my post hooked all the BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome) Kooks. This was not my intention. Seriously,it wasn't. Just wanted some opinions and answers on which Stimulus most preferred. Hmm?
Boy it's tough to get a straight answer here huh? lol!

Simple answers to complex questions get what they deserve.
Fact: Bush (2001 - 2007) the Republican Congress (1995 -2007). On their watch:
Tax cuts
Invasion and occupation of Iraq (2003 to president)
Deficit spending; Bush and Republican House and Senate:
2002; $ 157,197,000,000
2003; $ 375,295,000,000
2004; $ 412,144,000,000
2005; $ 318,346,000,000
2006; $ 248,181,000,000

Republicans, no effort to solve growing health care costs; in total denial on climate change; failed to enforce the 14th Amendment; engaged in the torture of foreign nationals; no effort to develop comprehensive energy policy.
Shall I go on? I've plenty more historical facts to share - anyone interested in how Bush&Co measure up to other presidents on economic policy simply grab an Almanac and review our nations economic history. Date, facts and a real no spin zone.
"By April 2008, Bush's disapproval ratings were the highest ever recorded in the 70-year history of the Gallup poll for any president, with 69% of those polled disapproving of the job Bush was doing as president and 28% approving. In September 2008, Bush's approval rating ranged from 19%—the lowest ever—to 34% and his disapproval rating stood at 69%. Bush left the White House as one of the most unpopular American presidents, second in unpopularity only to about-to-be-impeached Richard Nixon."
-- from the Bush Wikipedia entry, Link

"Republican resurgence? They have a favorable rating of 23% and an unfavorable rating of 66%. (Dems are 42-50. Republicans in Congress have favorable-unfavorable ratings of 15% and 70% (Democrats are at 40-53). If this is a resurgent party that has captured the national mood, ...I’m Herbert Hoover."
-- Chris Edelson, Link
Which Stimulus Did You Prefer? Bush's or Obama's?...

(if you are refering to TARP) Six of one - half dozen of the other

Both did what virtually any other POTUS would have done in the same situation.

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