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POLL: Republicans: Are you willing to sacrifice votes for principle?

Would you rather have the GOP lose than see a RINO win?

  • Yes, it's time to burn this party down and include only Tea Party/Freedom Caucus advocates

    Votes: 4 44.4%
  • No, I'd vote for a RINO and hope other Republicans do too, just to beat Hillary

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 2 22.2%

  • Total voters
  1. Yes, it's time to burn this party down and include only Tea Party/Freedom Caucus advocates
  2. No, I'd vote for a RINO and hope other Republicans do too, just to beat Hillary
It's a good thing you put an "other" option, because this is a fallacy of the excluded middle.

Here's the thing. You know what I would like to see? I'd like to see the GOP put their dicks on the table and dare someone to stomp on it.

Put a fucking plan, any plan, out there to solve any of the myriad problems we are facing.


Then we can discuss whether or not its a better plan than what the other guys have on the table.

Well, it is your Administration that has screwed everything up. Now you are going to vote for more of the same screw ups.
It's not my Administration, tard. Pay attention.
The present day GOP is power first, then party, then principles.

how is that different from democrats?

Did I say it was?

This is a topic about Republicans.

The topic will be whatever we decide it to be.
Sure, if you want to be an illogical tard.

The OP was designed to be another thread to trash the Republicans. We simply didn't bite the way you wanted us to.
What the Republicans have not figured out is that by pandering to the most retarded, most bigoted, most psychotic elements of their party, they have lost more votes than they have won.

Voter turnout is at lows not seen in almost three-quarters of a century.

Sadly, Republicans don't care if they lost all that support as long as they keep winning the few who do vote.

But this idiotic strategy is going to catch up to them. Sooner or later, a sane person is going to steal away those two-thirds of Americans who aren't voting.

The present day GOP is power first, then party, then principles.

You seem angry but are you more angry at Republican voters or Democrats who threw Obama under the bus and didn't turn out to vote? Why did your side leave Obama hanging? I mean he lied his way to a 2nd term and you people just hung him out to dry by handing congress over to the Republicans.
I am a lifelong Republican who stopped voting in 2006 because the party has been hijacked by hypocrites, liars, bigots, and psychotics.

It is for this reason that I hate a lie told by a right winger much more than I hate a lie told by a left winger. The assholes are destroying the Republican and conservative brands.

Many years ago, in the Reagan era, a conservative was most likely the smartest person in the room. Today, a conservative is the retard in the corner eating his own face.

So you have no tolerance of people who disagree with you, okay but why go off pouting about it for years?
Now, you quoted me explaining that I am a Republican. You did that. And yet the very next moment when you addressed me again, you claimed the Obama Administration was my team.

Are you really this fucking retarded?

As for "no tolerance for people who disagree with me", okay. Let's go with that. I have no tolerance for people who disagree with me. That's true. Liars, hypocrites, bigots, and retards disagree with me, and I have no tolerance for them.

I will not vote for a party which not only tolerates, but actually coddles and feeds lies, hypocrisy, bigotry, and extreme stupidity.

I will not vote for "the lesser of two evils". It seems you fools have not noticed that when you vote for the lesser of two EVILS, you are still voting for EVIL.

I absolutely will not do that. No fucking way.

You dumb shits think the GOP is entitled to my vote. It doesn't work that way. My vote has to be EARNED, and it hasn't been in a long time.

The GOP totally deserved Obama as President. The right wing worked double overtime to help him get elected.
First of all, conservative policy is favorable to more people than regressive libtard policy.

Secondly, I would absolutely prefer to see hitlary elected than one of the RINOs.

The reason for this is that we will end up with the same result, except that it will take a little longer with the RINO. Let the democrooks own the results. I'm so sick of "compromise" with criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths. When republicrats get into bed with democrooks, we the people get fucked.

I'm not a Republican. Never have been. Never will be.

But I want the Democratic Party politically destroyed and buried.

Correct me with facts if I'm wrong, but your hate for the Democratic Party seems a bit pathological, almost fascist in the sense practiced by the Nazi Party in Germany in the 1930's and early 1940's. I don't believe your comments are hyperbole, they are not something a normal person would brag about.

You present yourself as a man without a party; maybe no party would want you, if so I understand why.
First of all, conservative policy is favorable to more people than regressive libtard policy.

Secondly, I would absolutely prefer to see hitlary elected than one of the RINOs.

The reason for this is that we will end up with the same result, except that it will take a little longer with the RINO. Let the democrooks own the results. I'm so sick of "compromise" with criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths. When republicrats get into bed with democrooks, we the people get fucked.

The Republicans definitely got into bed with the Democrats on moving this country toward single payer healthcare. I have little doubt of that any more.

A Washington insider all but confirmed that for me a few weeks ago.

The repeal bullshit is just theater for the rubes.

When the cameras turn on at Capitol Hill:


In Rube Town:


With all the GOP in-fighting and RINO-bashing, I'm curious if the Tea Party/Freedom Caucus voters here would be willing to sacrifice votes and decrease their chances of winning to stand up for principle.

I'm not talking about how you would vote personally. I'm asking if you're willing to lose rather than see a RINO win congressional seats and the White House.

You see Mac, that is the beauty of it!!!! Many of the Reagan revolution left the republican party, and became independents. So when you ask if we will sacrifice, it doesn't apply to us, lol.

But, I will answer you as a former Republican. NO, I will not vote for most RINOS for President. Did that with both Bush 1, (eventhough most did not know that Bush 1 was going to turn into a RINO) and 2, and have given the left talking points forever. And, you have to remember Mac, that your question also depends upon how BAD the Democratic candidate is. If it was Hillary against Bush, in most conservatives opinion, they belong on the same ticket, lol; so no, I would vote 3rd party on general principles.

But, if it was Bernie against Mickey Mouse, I would have to force myself to vote for Mickey. Hillary is awful, but so is Bush. On the other hand, Bernie is terminal for sure. Sooooo, every thinking American, would have to vote for his opposition. Personally, I believe this is the only ay Trump can get elected. He manages to win the GOP nomination, and Hilly gets into legal trouble, lifting Sanders into the Dem nomination.

I know, I know, the polls say Sanders wins, but after it is shown he admits to being a Socialist, and went to the USSR on his honeymoon to boot, 95% of people over 45 will refuse to vote for him under ANY circumstances. That in itself is enough to elect Trump in even many, mildly blue states. Trust me, that is EXACTLY what would happen. That is why I can't believe that Democrats are putting all their eggs in Hilly's basket. Seems dumb to me, but I say, "go ahead!"
With all the GOP in-fighting and RINO-bashing, I'm curious if the Tea Party/Freedom Caucus voters here would be willing to sacrifice votes and decrease their chances of winning to stand up for principle.

I'm not talking about how you would vote personally. I'm asking if you're willing to lose rather than see a RINO win congressional seats and the White House.

If the GOP nominates Carson or Fiorina - I will vote GOP.

If they nominate Trump or Bush, I will vote Libertarian.

If they are so fucking stupid that they nominate Bush, I will never vote for another Republican as long as I live. It was the first Bush that caused me to leave the GOP in the first place.
What the Republicans have not figured out is that by pandering to the most retarded, most bigoted, most psychotic elements of their party, they have lost more votes than they have won.

Voter turnout is at lows not seen in almost three-quarters of a century.

Sadly, Republicans don't care if they lost all that support as long as they keep winning the few who do vote.

But this idiotic strategy is going to catch up to them. Sooner or later, a sane person is going to steal away those two-thirds of Americans who aren't voting.

The present day GOP is power first, then party, then principles.

Jake, you want Hillary. You NEED Jeb Bush so that Hillary can run a HATE BOOOOOOOOOSSSSSHHHHH campaign - otherwise she loses - and you know it.

For a leftists like you to speak of "principles" is beyond the pale.
With all the GOP in-fighting and RINO-bashing, I'm curious if the Tea Party/Freedom Caucus voters here would be willing to sacrifice votes and decrease their chances of winning to stand up for principle.

I'm not talking about how you would vote personally. I'm asking if you're willing to lose rather than see a RINO win congressional seats and the White House.

Well, it is apparent that you Liberals will sacrifice principles to get votes.

Mac isn't a liberal.
I am a lifelong Republican who stopped voting in 2006 because the party has been hijacked by hypocrites, liars, bigots, and psychotics.

It is for this reason that I hate a lie told by a right winger much more than I hate a lie told by a left winger. The assholes are destroying the Republican and conservative brands.

Many years ago, in the Reagan era, a conservative was most likely the smartest person in the room. Today, a conservative is the retard in the corner eating his own face.

Only if we consider you a "conservative" Jake5000.

One thing you have never been, is the smartest person in any room - even when you sit alone.
With all the GOP in-fighting and RINO-bashing, I'm curious if the Tea Party/Freedom Caucus voters here would be willing to sacrifice votes and decrease their chances of winning to stand up for principle.

"Tea Party" has become almost meaningless. It could mean a guy talking to himself with a Confederate flag over his head these days.

But on the subject of sticking to principles, one of the things I have always respected about Libertarians is that they do not sacrifice their principles. Ever.

They are wrong about a lot of shit, but they always put principles over popularity or power. It's too bad old Ron didn't instill more of that backbone into Rand.
The OP was designed to be another thread to trash the Republicans. We simply didn't bite the way you wanted us to.
It's actually just a straightforward question based on observation.

Surely we can agree that a lot of unpleasant things are being said about "establishment"/'RINO" types in the the GOP, so it's fair to assume that one of the following will happen in 2016 if a RINO runs: (1) you won't vote, (2) you'll vote third party, effectively helping the Dems, or (3) you'll suck it up and vote for the RINO anyway.

And, if a lot of conservatives choose not to vote GOP, it could certainly help the Dem candidate. I wonder how they'd feel then.

Not a trick question, especially given the amount of in-fighting in the party.
I am a lifelong Republican who stopped voting in 2006 because the party has been hijacked by hypocrites, liars, bigots, and psychotics.

It is for this reason that I hate a lie told by a right winger much more than I hate a lie told by a left winger. The assholes are destroying the Republican and conservative brands.

Many years ago, in the Reagan era, a conservative was most likely the smartest person in the room. Today, a conservative is the retard in the corner eating his own face.

Only if we consider you a "conservative" Jake5000.

One thing you have never been, is the smartest person in any room - even when you sit alone.
That you don't like me is very flattering, face eater.
That you don't like me is very flattering, face eater.

I don't kcare enough about you to like or dislike you.

You are:
  1. Not a conservative
  2. Not a Republican
  3. well left of center
  4. a Hilliary supporter.
You clash with me because you seem to think it's clever to lie, that you are somehow fooling everyone

You're not - no one believes you, not even your buddies Puddly Pillowbite and RDean. They love you because you are a partisan hack lefty - just like them.

I simply reveal you for what you are.
Feel the righteous anger in this thread. Both parties better take notice. Us politically homeless WITH PRINCIPLES have no use for either of the damned choices.

Washington is a cesspool of dysfunction and corruption. NEITHER party addresses the constant wrongdoing and systemic problems.. The misuse of Exec Orders, the ability of the massive bureaucracy to evade oversight by sandbagging Congress, the continuing crony capitalism of subsidizing winners in the marketplace, the inability to focus on Constitutional priorities, the intra-party corruption of running hacks and annointing candidates before anyone votes, the disdain of standing FOR principles, --- these are NOT PARTISAN ISSUES..

They are only partisan when "your team" is involved for you.. The REST of us "new silent majority" aint' buying into your duopoly games any longer. WE will take the country back from both of your unholy houses..

No shit -- the anger and rage from US -- is gonna make all these "you did it first" threads look like whiny child's play..

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