Poll Says 56% of Americans Think Trump is Tearing Country Apart

A new poll just out and getting in the news claims the results say 56% of Americans think Trump is tearing the country apart. Only 33%, about the same as his historically low approval rating believe he is uniting the country.

This seems to go beyond just an approval/disapproval rating. It seems to indicate a majority of Americans now believe trump is a true danger to America.
Please provide the demographics and the exact questions asked, as these are only 2 factors in how polls can be manipulated to say anything you want...
It is not my job to defend a FOX poll, nor did I endorse it in the OP. I simply reported it. If you have a problem with it or want to attack or criticize it that is your prerogative, but you have to do your own research and articulate your own assessment of the validity of the polls. It is just a poll, and as such may only give an indication of how American voters are percieving things. If you have doubts, no problem. That is for you to decide, but in reality, a lot of people believe it is a fair indicator of the mood of the voting public even if not totally accurate.
The facts are polls are driven to a conclusion the pollster wants. It's easy to manipulate questions.
So Fox News wanted Trump to look bad? Ever watch Fox News? Of course you do. What a dilemma for you.

Another mushroom who can't keep up with news, and doesn't know some Snowflakes inherited Fox and has changed its spin.
What's even better is the focus group done in Pittsburgh Tuesday night - get a load of what even the Trump voters had to say:
Some respondents to a new survey described President Donald Trump as “contemptible” and “crazy.”
Pittsburgh focus group tanks Trump

“Outrageous,” “disastrous,” “abject disappointment,” “unique,” “off the scale,” “contemptible,” “crazy”: Donald Trump seems to have lost Pittsburgh, at least based on a focus group held in the city Tuesday night.

The group, a mix of people who voted for Trump or Hillary Clinton (plus one Jill Stein voter), came down hard on the president and Vice President Mike Pence during the session, sponsored by Emory University. Three people called Pence a “puppet,” and several used variations of “waiting in the wings,” though he was also called “quiet” and “reasonable.”

To a lesser degree, the voters also complained about Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. Asked to grade Congress, participants gave a collection of Cs, Ds and Fs, with most complaining that nothing is getting done.

Not many knew much about special counsel Robert Mueller, who’s leading the Russia investigation, but several singled out Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser, as a problem due to his inexperience.

Trump won Pennsylvania last year by 44,000 votes, the first Republican to carry the state since 1988. He cited his support in Steel City earlier this year at the White House, explaining his decision to pull out of the international climate accord by saying, "I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris."

Emory is sponsoring a series of focus groups focused on issues, including immigration.

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Brian Rush, a registered Republican, said he voted for Trump as a way of sticking it to the status quo, but not because the president would have been his first choice.

“I look at a president to be presidential, someone who is calm, focused. Ronald Reagan came in as an actor, but he goes down as one of our better presidents,” he said. “He came in not as a politician. In some aspects, [Trump is] almost turning into a politician in a different way, saying things he thinks his base wants to hear. He’s let me down.”

With the exception of two people who, in expressing optimism, cited their own recent upswing in business, the group painted a dark picture of its sense of America right now, using words like “chaotic,” “scary,” “tense” and "embarrassing."

“What has taken my breath away in this conversation is Donald Trump tells us the base is with him, that he has his core supporters. Well, I’m looking at a half a dozen of you, and I haven’t heard any defense of Donald Trump,” Peter Hart, a veteran Democratic pollster who conducted the group, told them at one point.

Hart turned to the Trump voters in the room, asking them to explain how Trump had lost them.

“I traditionally am in the ‘give the guy a chance’” group, said David Turner, who works in construction, lamenting what he said was a missed opportunity by the White House to push out good news about the president. “His learning curve has been a little disappointing, meaning he hasn’t caught on like everyone has said here, ‘If he did this, he’d be OK.’”

Protesters supporting immigration reform are pictured. | Jacquelyn Martin/AP Photo.

Tony Sciullo, an independent who leans Republican and described his vote for Trump as being driven by opposition to Clinton, said that looking back on last year, “We must have been at a low moral ebb to have these two Hobbesian choices.”

As for Trump’s base, he added: “I believe that some of them are actually good people. … They’re missing a lot of the points that most of us feel are not subtle.”

Christina Lees, a Republican leaning independent, said she’d gotten tired of Trump.

“We know he’s a nut. Everyone knew he was a nut. But there comes a point in time when you have to become professional. He’s not professional, forget about presidential,” she said.

Several participants backed stringent restrictions on immigration and banning social services for people who entered the United States illegally, while also expressing support for a path to citizenship.

They expressed concern and skepticism for Trump’s efforts on trade, North Korea and immigration. No one gave full support for Trump’s proposed wall on the Mexican border, which the president has now threatened to prompt a government shutdown to get Congress to fund.

Russell Stit, a Republican whose age was listed as 65-75, said he was a huge supporter of Trump’s "Make America Great Again" slogan and what he felt it represented. Eight months in, he’s confused.

“I guess I question what he’s trying to do. I don’t fully understand it,” he said. “The philosophy, give the guy a chance, is only the first 200 days to try to right the ship.”

Tuesday was the 221st day of Trump’s presidency.

Hart asked whether there’s a chance that Trump will get their votes back.

“He’s going to have to really get cracking,” Turner said.

“I hope and I pray that he will make a paradigm shift,” Sciullo said. “He is our president until and if he gets impeached."

OK - that does it, I am now convinced

Trump is done

I mean, he won Pitt handily - right?

Oh wait...

Did 80% of Pittsburgh really vote for Hillary Clinton?

Yep, Trump is tearing the country apart.

A new poll just out and getting in the news claims the results say 56% of Americans think Trump is tearing the country apart. Only 33%, about the same as his historically low approval rating believe he is uniting the country.

This seems to go beyond just an approval/disapproval rating. It seems to indicate a majority of Americans now believe trump is a true danger to America.

No. The real danger is a media that is pushing hate, race, division. They can burn in hell.
Can you describe how the media is "pushing hate, race, division?"

Non stop coverage of their perceived notion that racism is rampant in the US....when in reality, it doesn't exist other than the blms, antifas, neo nazis, and white supremacists etc.
Racism is non existent everywhere else in this country other than in those precincts you listed huh?

Hmm...that's interesting.

I didn't identify precincts...which is irrelevant because there is no rampant racism happening in the country.
A new poll just out and getting in the news claims the results say 56% of Americans think Trump is tearing the country apart. Only 33%, about the same as his historically low approval rating believe he is uniting the country.

This seems to go beyond just an approval/disapproval rating. It seems to indicate a majority of Americans now believe trump is a true danger to America.
Please provide the demographics and the exact questions asked, as these are only 2 factors in how polls can be manipulated to say anything you want...
It is not my job to defend a FOX poll, nor did I endorse it in the OP. I simply reported it. If you have a problem with it or want to attack or criticize it that is your prerogative, but you have to do your own research and articulate your own assessment of the validity of the polls. It is just a poll, and as such may only give an indication of how American voters are percieving things. If you have doubts, no problem. That is for you to decide, but in reality, a lot of people believe it is a fair indicator of the mood of the voting public even if not totally accurate.
The facts are polls are driven to a conclusion the pollster wants. It's easy to manipulate questions.

You love Fox News. Are you saying that Fox News are fake news? That funny very funny. How about this one?

Majority of Americans think Trump is 'unstable', Fox News poll finds

Fox News Poll: Americans Think Donald Trump Is An Unstable, Dishonest, Immoral Bully
A new poll just out and getting in the news claims the results say 56% of Americans think Trump is tearing the country apart. Only 33%, about the same as his historically low approval rating believe he is uniting the country.

This seems to go beyond just an approval/disapproval rating. It seems to indicate a majority of Americans now believe trump is a true danger to America.
Please provide the demographics and the exact questions asked, as these are only 2 factors in how polls can be manipulated to say anything you want...
It is not my job to defend a FOX poll, nor did I endorse it in the OP. I simply reported it. If you have a problem with it or want to attack or criticize it that is your prerogative, but you have to do your own research and articulate your own assessment of the validity of the polls. It is just a poll, and as such may only give an indication of how American voters are percieving things. If you have doubts, no problem. That is for you to decide, but in reality, a lot of people believe it is a fair indicator of the mood of the voting public even if not totally accurate.
The facts are polls are driven to a conclusion the pollster wants. It's easy to manipulate questions.

You love Fox News. Are you saying that Fox News are fake news? That funny very funny. How about this one?

Majority of Americans think Trump is 'unstable', Fox News poll finds

Fox News Poll: Americans Think Donald Trump Is An Unstable, Dishonest, Immoral Bully
I do? post that quote.
So, people bitch and moan nonstop since the election and it is Trump tearing the nation apart? That's rich.

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