Poll Says 56% of Americans Think Trump is Tearing Country Apart

You can't tear anything without pressure from both sides. It's a moot point anyway since the Trump administration is barely eight months old and lefties have shown their willingness to commit mayhem and even murder because of their anger and disappointment about the election.

Election is over done. Get over.

As far as we know all we are doing are reacting to Trump self inflicted disgusting moves both local and foreign policies.
So far the left has not done anything.

These are just the latest:
1. He went to Texas visited damaged areas fascinated and admiring his crowd. But never bother to meet any single victim of the disaster. Why is that?
2. He timed the pardoned of Arpaio and ban transgender with Harvey for better ratings.
3. Paraded his products while in Texas that includes the FLOTUS.
4. Threatened to shut down the government because of his wall.

How do you expect the left and media should react?
BTW who did they murder?
I don't know their names. I don't watch a lot but when I do there is almost always an attractive female on camera.
Are you talking Fox or porn? We can't tell which one you like more.
Of course you can't tell. Dick LICKERS aren't familiar with the beauty of women.
Now go pound sand faggot
Some people judge newscasters and reporters by their intellect and knowledge rather than what they look like and how nice their legs are.
actually most reasonable people judge the quality of the work and the accuracy of what is released. To that, most always it is Fox news or the Hill. MSM love fake news and love to rile up the libturds. that isn't journalism that is hate.

You ignored Hannity and The Five which are Trump favorite news team media.
A new poll just out and getting in the news claims the results say 56% of Americans think Trump is tearing the country apart. Only 33%, about the same as his historically low approval rating believe he is uniting the country.

This seems to go beyond just an approval/disapproval rating. It seems to indicate a majority of Americans now believe trump is a true danger to America.
Please provide the demographics and the exact questions asked, as these are only 2 factors in how polls can be manipulated to say anything you want...
It is not my job to defend a FOX poll, nor did I endorse it in the OP. I simply reported it. If you have a problem with it or want to attack or criticize it that is your prerogative, but you have to do your own research and articulate your own assessment of the validity of the polls. It is just a poll, and as such may only give an indication of how American voters are percieving things. If you have doubts, no problem. That is for you to decide, but in reality, a lot of people believe it is a fair indicator of the mood of the voting public even if not totally accurate.
A new poll just out and getting in the news claims the results say 56% of Americans think Trump is tearing the country apart. Only 33%, about the same as his historically low approval rating believe he is uniting the country.

This seems to go beyond just an approval/disapproval rating. It seems to indicate a majority of Americans now believe trump is a true danger to America.
Please provide the demographics and the exact questions asked, as these are only 2 factors in how polls can be manipulated to say anything you want...

This is Fox news, They provide fake news for Trump. If they say it is true, then it must be.
I don't know their names. I don't watch a lot but when I do there is almost always an attractive female on camera.
Are you talking Fox or porn? We can't tell which one you like more.
Of course you can't tell. Dick LICKERS aren't familiar with the beauty of women.
Now go pound sand faggot
Some people judge newscasters and reporters by their intellect and knowledge rather than what they look like and how nice their legs are.
actually most reasonable people judge the quality of the work and the accuracy of what is released. To that, most always it is Fox news or the Hill. MSM love fake news and love to rile up the libturds. that isn't journalism that is hate.

You ignored Hannity and The Five which are Trump favorite news team media.
Nope your claim was how I responded.
A new poll just out and getting in the news claims the results say 56% of Americans think Trump is tearing the country apart. Only 33%, about the same as his historically low approval rating believe he is uniting the country.

This seems to go beyond just an approval/disapproval rating. It seems to indicate a majority of Americans now believe trump is a true danger to America.
Please provide the demographics and the exact questions asked, as these are only 2 factors in how polls can be manipulated to say anything you want...
It is not my job to defend a FOX poll, nor did I endorse it in the OP. I simply reported it. If you have a problem with it or want to attack or criticize it that is your prerogative, but you have to do your own research and articulate your own assessment of the validity of the polls. It is just a poll, and as such may only give an indication of how American voters are percieving things. If you have doubts, no problem. That is for you to decide, but in reality, a lot of people believe it is a fair indicator of the mood of the voting public even if not totally accurate.
The facts are polls are driven to a conclusion the pollster wants. It's easy to manipulate questions.
No. The real danger is a media that is pushing hate, race, division. They can burn in hell.
Can you describe how the media is "pushing hate, race, division?"

Non stop coverage of their perceived notion that racism is rampant in the US....when in reality, it doesn't exist other than the blms, antifas, neo nazis, and white supremacists etc.
Racism is non existent everywhere else in this country other than in those precincts you listed huh?

Hmm...that's interesting.
Poll says 56% of Americans are some stupid sonsabiches.
But we do have a link stating the majority of America thinks your pussygrabber is ruining the country.
And it's by your beloved Fox News.
Damn that must sting!
A new poll just out and getting in the news claims the results say 56% of Americans think Trump is tearing the country apart. Only 33%, about the same as his historically low approval rating believe he is uniting the country.

This seems to go beyond just an approval/disapproval rating. It seems to indicate a majority of Americans now believe trump is a true danger to America.
Please provide the demographics and the exact questions asked, as these are only 2 factors in how polls can be manipulated to say anything you want...
It is not my job to defend a FOX poll, nor did I endorse it in the OP. I simply reported it. If you have a problem with it or want to attack or criticize it that is your prerogative, but you have to do your own research and articulate your own assessment of the validity of the polls. It is just a poll, and as such may only give an indication of how American voters are percieving things. If you have doubts, no problem. That is for you to decide, but in reality, a lot of people believe it is a fair indicator of the mood of the voting public even if not totally accurate.
The facts are polls are driven to a conclusion the pollster wants. It's easy to manipulate questions.
So Fox News wanted Trump to look bad? Ever watch Fox News? Of course you do. What a dilemma for you.
It seems to me that it's the ones having public tantrums about Trump that are tearing the nation apart.
Well if it seems to you that's all that matters. The millions of others that see up close and personal how this incompetent huckster is ruining the country don't really mean anything, right?
I don't know their names. I don't watch a lot but when I do there is almost always an attractive female on camera.
Are you talking Fox or porn? We can't tell which one you like more.
Of course you can't tell. Dick LICKERS aren't familiar with the beauty of women.
Now go pound sand faggot
Some people judge newscasters and reporters by their intellect and knowledge rather than what they look like and how nice their legs are.
Must explain Fox's dominance in the ratings lol
Rachel Maddow is the ratings leader for all evening cable shows.
What station is she on again?
A new poll just out and getting in the news claims the results say 56% of Americans think Trump is tearing the country apart. Only 33%, about the same as his historically low approval rating believe he is uniting the country.

This seems to go beyond just an approval/disapproval rating. It seems to indicate a majority of Americans now believe trump is a true danger to America.
Is this poll like the one on Nov.7/8, 2016 that said landslide hillary???
Typically self-proclaimed conservatives, and Trump supporters especially, don't like polls, or pretend they don't, until and unless it's favorable to them.

Then they cite them 24/7.

Where? Who is citing them?
Can't wait to see you citing a poll that you perceive is in your favor.


Will you hold your breath until I post one, please? I never post political polls, they're mostly rubbish, and I'm already familiar with how they load questions to get the answers they want. We just had over a year of particularly inaccurate rubbish, and Hillary didn't win for some reason, even after Putin and Trump colluded and hacked the elections to give Hillary 3 million more votes according to your managers,despite the polls you love to cite.

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