POLL: Serious question for Trump supporters: The Future

Does Trump represent permanent change?

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Trump’s longest legacy is swamp.

Any Republican can rubber stamp a conservative judge, any Republican can pass a tax-cut with full congressional majority.

But the most notable thing about Trump (aside from oral shows for the lowest common denominator) is historic violation of ethics, conventions of decency and law.

The man lies non-stop, has sweeping conflicts of interest across the world. Pimps out his personal assets for government bussiness. Injects his children and personal lawyers into critical foreign policy and governing positions. Leverages American foreign policy for personal political ends. Abuses his position to corruptly interfere in investigations to help himself and his cabinet members...

The list is very long but the bottom line is simple - what will be left after Trump is not a movement, but a swamp spreading precedent of corruption, especially if he somehow manages to get re-elected and not impeached.

Not releasing tax-returns when running for highest office of the land is now “normal”

Pathological lying - “for the win!” a mile of shameless lies well worth an inch of political advantage.

Huge financial conflicts of interest all over the world - “no problem” Trump did it.

Pressuring officers of the law to drop a case on your cabinet member - “it’s fine” Trump did it and faced no serious consequence.

Violating the shit out of Campaign finance laws - “no big deal” Trump broke them 10 different ways and people just “dealt with it”.

etc. etc. etc.
You alrdy have all those...try to wake up......Press celebrated Clintons ability to lie...CLintons have done nothing but profit from their politics ...where have you been
Let's take everything Trump represents, has accomplished and wants to accomplish, and look at it as a whole. Let's also consider his methods, tactics and behaviors, however you see them, good or bad. The whole package.

Trump supporters: Do you think that he and his policies represent something permanent, a significant new direction, something that will last long into the future?

Please vote and expand, thanks.
If he purges the Deep State from America, then yes. He would need to arrest ALL Of the Coup Plotters and severely punish the Leaders, He would also need to eradicate the Department of education and end all government student loan guarantees.
That's right Frank only wealthy people should be going to college.
College should be much cheaper to attend. There is an imbalance somewhere. And not with the students going to them.
The upper elite do not like the lower classes creeping into their domain so the cost increases and the jobs needing a diploma from college get ridiculous. Since many of the jobs were once performed by non college grads...
It's so much entertainment just watching you all be driven absolutely crazy by him. I don't even watch the rallies--why should I? You all are entertainment enough.

The only people driven crazy by Trump are people like you. That you believe in him makes you very laughable. Voting for someone just to piss off the other side makes as much sense as shooting yourself in the foot, and the results are very similar.

Good luck with Trudeau honey
I don't like our school system which turns our kids into robots for future employment. There is more to life than a 9-5 slave pit.
Let's take everything Trump represents, has accomplished and wants to accomplish, and look at it as a whole. Let's also consider his methods, tactics and behaviors, however you see them, good or bad. The whole package.

Trump supporters: Do you think that he and his policies represent something permanent, a significant new direction, something that will last long into the future?

Please vote and expand, thanks.
If he purges the Deep State from America, then yes. He would need to arrest ALL Of the Coup Plotters and severely punish the Leaders, He would also need to eradicate the Department of education and end all government student loan guarantees.
That's right Frank only wealthy people should be going to college.

How did any civilization progress without federally guaranteed student loans?

The Greeks, the Romans, the Italian Renaissance? How did they do it?
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Let's take everything Trump represents, has accomplished and wants to accomplish, and look at it as a whole. Let's also consider his methods, tactics and behaviors, however you see them, good or bad. The whole package.

Trump supporters: Do you think that he and his policies represent something permanent, a significant new direction, something that will last long into the future?

Please vote and expand, thanks.
First, neither side gives an inch to the other, so there will be NO consensus. His impact will be the large amount of judges he had confirmed-the rest is temporary like Reagan's economy or Bush's collapse. His methods resemble certain negotiating tactics-remember Khrushchev and his shoe? His name calling is, well, uncalled for, and may cost him ultimately. His energy and instant communication will be missed, even by enemies. One last thing-you should have a contest.If Trump does get the wall built, what should it be named?
It should be named. Ha-ha told you Mexico wouldn't pay for it.
Good one-you are in the lead.
It's so much entertainment just watching you all be driven absolutely crazy by him. I don't even watch the rallies--why should I? You all are entertainment enough.

The only people driven crazy by Trump are people like you. That you believe in him makes you very laughable. Voting for someone just to piss off the other side makes as much sense as shooting yourself in the foot, and the results are very similar.

It was his policies that drew his support though the primaries.


Believing politicians is always a gamble. They never succeed at all they promise. The best you can hope for is a good faith effort on the issues that are most important to you.

Trump promised to try. Hillary promised to not try.

Only an partisan hack could fault us for voting for Trump.
Let's take everything Trump represents, has accomplished and wants to accomplish, and look at it as a whole. Let's also consider his methods, tactics and behaviors, however you see them, good or bad. The whole package.

Trump supporters: Do you think that he and his policies represent something permanent, a significant new direction, something that will last long into the future?

Please vote and expand, thanks.
If he purges the Deep State from America, then yes. He would need to arrest ALL Of the Coup Plotters and severely punish the Leaders, He would also need to eradicate the Department of education and end all government student loan guarantees.
That's right Frank only wealthy people should be going to college.

Yes. Less than 10% of those in college are actually qualified to be there, and less than 10% of all jobs require one, even in tech fields; college is a giant waste of time and money; if companies need trained employees they can train them themselves and stop lying about fake non-existent 'labor shortages' that are setting people up to make very bad decisions about their futures and trapping them, sometimes for life, in despicable loan sharking rackets operated by 'Higher No Education' criminal syndicates.
Let's take everything Trump represents, has accomplished and wants to accomplish, and look at it as a whole. Let's also consider his methods, tactics and behaviors, however you see them, good or bad. The whole package.

Trump supporters: Do you think that he and his policies represent something permanent, a significant new direction, something that will last long into the future?

Please vote and expand, thanks.
If he purges the Deep State from America, then yes. He would need to arrest ALL Of the Coup Plotters and severely punish the Leaders, He would also need to eradicate the Department of education and end all government student loan guarantees.
That's right Frank only wealthy people should be going to college.

How did any civilization progress without federally guaranteed student loans?
They didn't since the civilization was usually destroyed with the next invader..For centuries humans screwed themselves by the din of constant warfare and the best minds were usually the first to go.
Let's take everything Trump represents, has accomplished and wants to accomplish, and look at it as a whole. Let's also consider his methods, tactics and behaviors, however you see them, good or bad. The whole package.

Trump supporters: Do you think that he and his policies represent something permanent, a significant new direction, something that will last long into the future?

Please vote and expand, thanks.
If he purges the Deep State from America, then yes. He would need to arrest ALL Of the Coup Plotters and severely punish the Leaders, He would also need to eradicate the Department of education and end all government student loan guarantees.
That's right Frank only wealthy people should be going to college.

Yes. Less than 10% of those in college are actually qualified to be there, and less than 10% of all jobs require one, even in tech fields; college is a giant waste of time and money; if companies need trained employees they can train them themselves and stop lying about fake non-existent 'labor shortages' that are setting people up to make very bad decisions about their futures and trapping them, sometimes for life, in despicable loan sharking rackets operated by 'Higher No Education' criminal syndicates.
I was making 60k in the 1990'a running a company that require no degree even though I partook in college between the years of 1979-1997...and I was a liberal arts major. I just love the humanities...
Today I am taking my youngest son to the local college to practice for the ACT test for next year. He's a brainiac and is in advance classes in high school and now they give college credits to AP classes so he will practically have one less year to attend college. College is not for everyone yet it is for him, his elder brother not so much he makes a kewl 60k being a truck driver he always wanted a job where he could sit on his ass and make money..
Trump shut out Hillary and her crime syndicate, plus he will appoint at least two SC Judges. That alone justified voting for him. He can spend the rest of this term and all of his second term sunning himself on the White House patio and justify his Presidency for the good of the country. He needs to get serious about deporting the nests of traitors, sicko deviants, and other Democrats if he wants to make a permanent positive change, though. As long as those vile scum are allowed to run free and even vote the country is at risk of becoming Venezuela. He needs to take a lesson from Thomas Jefferson on that.
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I loved college because it has a large population of females to chase...
Today I am taking my youngest son to the local college to practice for the ACT test for next year. He's a brainiac and is in advance classes in high school and now they give college credits to AP classes so he will practically have one less year to attend college. College is not for everyone yet it is for him, his elder brother not so much he makes a kewl 60k being a truck driver he always wanted a job where he could sit on his ass and make money..

Good for them both.

The increasing desire of companies to have degrees for every fucking job, is a failure of the morons in Human Resources, and should be fought against.

We do not fucking need Certificates to be a fucking Nurse's Aide!
Today I am taking my youngest son to the local college to practice for the ACT test for next year. He's a brainiac and is in advance classes in high school and now they give college credits to AP classes so he will practically have one less year to attend college. College is not for everyone yet it is for him, his elder brother not so much he makes a kewl 60k being a truck driver he always wanted a job where he could sit on his ass and make money..

Good for them both.

The increasing desire of companies to have degrees for every fucking job, is a failure of the morons in Human Resources, and should be fought against.

We do not fucking need Certificates to be a fucking Nurse's Aide!
The local cheekin plant now wants it's line leads to have a degree yet no one that has a degree want to work in a slaughterhouse.
Today I am taking my youngest son to the local college to practice for the ACT test for next year. He's a brainiac and is in advance classes in high school and now they give college credits to AP classes so he will practically have one less year to attend college. College is not for everyone yet it is for him, his elder brother not so much he makes a kewl 60k being a truck driver he always wanted a job where he could sit on his ass and make money..

That's nice; too bad there are about 1000 of them for every career that actually needs brainiacs.
Let's take everything Trump represents, has accomplished and wants to accomplish, and look at it as a whole. Let's also consider his methods, tactics and behaviors, however you see them, good or bad. The whole package.

Trump supporters: Do you think that he and his policies represent something permanent, a significant new direction, something that will last long into the future?

Please vote and expand, thanks.

I hope so, I am definitely hopeful that we can turn the corner and defeat the deep state.

But it is my no means certain.
Today I am taking my youngest son to the local college to practice for the ACT test for next year. He's a brainiac and is in advance classes in high school and now they give college credits to AP classes so he will practically have one less year to attend college. College is not for everyone yet it is for him, his elder brother not so much he makes a kewl 60k being a truck driver he always wanted a job where he could sit on his ass and make money..

That's nice; too bad there are about 1000 of them for every career that actually needs brainiacs.
He wants to be a self employed psychiatrist..

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