POLL: Serious question for Trump supporters: The Future

Does Trump represent permanent change?

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It's so much entertainment just watching you all be driven absolutely crazy by him. I don't even watch the rallies--why should I? You all are entertainment enough.

Your life must be so pathetic and boring... You should go shoot yourself...
Let's take everything Trump represents, has accomplished and wants to accomplish, and look at it as a whole. Let's also consider his methods, tactics and behaviors, however you see them, good or bad. The whole package.

Trump supporters: Do you think that he and his policies represent something permanent, a significant new direction, something that will last long into the future?

Please vote and expand, thanks.

I hope so, I am definitely hopeful that we can turn the corner and defeat the deep state.

But it is my no means certain.
The deep state is the corporations which pay our politicians to be puppets on a string. Get rid of the ultra wealthy and you get rid of the deep state. Are you willing?
Today I am taking my youngest son to the local college to practice for the ACT test for next year. He's a brainiac and is in advance classes in high school and now they give college credits to AP classes so he will practically have one less year to attend college. College is not for everyone yet it is for him, his elder brother not so much he makes a kewl 60k being a truck driver he always wanted a job where he could sit on his ass and make money..

Good for them both.

The increasing desire of companies to have degrees for every fucking job, is a failure of the morons in Human Resources, and should be fought against.

We do not fucking need Certificates to be a fucking Nurse's Aide!
The local cheekin plant now wants it's line leads to have a degree yet no one that has a degree want to work in a slaughterhouse.

I have seen many such examples. SOmeone needs to tell these fucktards, that they are being fucking ridiculous.

And we need to give the leverage back to the workers, so they can do so.

Let those slots go unfilled for a couple of years, the morons assholes will figure it out.
Today I am taking my youngest son to the local college to practice for the ACT test for next year. He's a brainiac and is in advance classes in high school and now they give college credits to AP classes so he will practically have one less year to attend college. College is not for everyone yet it is for him, his elder brother not so much he makes a kewl 60k being a truck driver he always wanted a job where he could sit on his ass and make money..

Good for them both.

The increasing desire of companies to have degrees for every fucking job, is a failure of the morons in Human Resources, and should be fought against.

We do not fucking need Certificates to be a fucking Nurse's Aide!
The local cheekin plant now wants it's line leads to have a degree yet no one that has a degree want to work in a slaughterhouse.

I have seen many such examples. SOmeone needs to tell these fucktards, that they are being fucking ridiculous.

And we need to give the leverage back to the workers, so they can do so.

Let those slots go unfilled for a couple of years, the morons assholes will figure it out.
They will do as they have been doing for forty years, bring in immigrants to fill the positions..
It's so much entertainment just watching you all be driven absolutely crazy by him. I don't even watch the rallies--why should I? You all are entertainment enough.

The only people driven crazy by Trump are people like you. That you believe in him makes you very laughable. Voting for someone just to piss off the other side makes as much sense as shooting yourself in the foot, and the results are very similar.

It was his policies that drew his support though the primaries.


Believing politicians is always a gamble. They never succeed at all they promise. The best you can hope for is a good faith effort on the issues that are most important to you.

Trump promised to try. Hillary promised to not try.

Only an partisan hack could fault us for voting for Trump.

Trump didn't have "policies" in the primaries. He had bumper sticker slogans. People didn't vote for his "policies", they voted for him because he was funny, and entertaining, and he wasn't a lying politician.

Because since Ronald Reagan was elected, the Republican Party has been lying to the American workers, while refusing to give them raises, and destroying the unions which built the American middle class. Since the 1930's, Democratic policies under the New Deal, created massive American wealth for the entire population. After Reagan, all of that wealth has streamed steadily to the top 10%.

Nearly 40% of the working population of the United States, no longer has any stake in the wealth of the nation. They're not benefitting from either the growth or the income. They\re dependent on government handouts just to get by. These are Republican policies: no minimum wage raises, no vacations for workers, no maternity leave for women, no universal health care like the rest of the world.

That's why Americans voted for Trump. They won't make that mistake again.
Today I am taking my youngest son to the local college to practice for the ACT test for next year. He's a brainiac and is in advance classes in high school and now they give college credits to AP classes so he will practically have one less year to attend college. College is not for everyone yet it is for him, his elder brother not so much he makes a kewl 60k being a truck driver he always wanted a job where he could sit on his ass and make money..

Good for them both.

The increasing desire of companies to have degrees for every fucking job, is a failure of the morons in Human Resources, and should be fought against.

We do not fucking need Certificates to be a fucking Nurse's Aide!
The local cheekin plant now wants it's line leads to have a degree yet no one that has a degree want to work in a slaughterhouse.

They make such absurd 'requirements' so they can claim 'nobody id qualified' then run and apply for green cards to import some indentured servants for the jobs. This sort of criminal fraud is particularly rampant in software and Silly Con Valley job descriptions, and has been for decades.
It's so much entertainment just watching you all be driven absolutely crazy by him. I don't even watch the rallies--why should I? You all are entertainment enough.

The only people driven crazy by Trump are people like you. That you believe in him makes you very laughable. Voting for someone just to piss off the other side makes as much sense as shooting yourself in the foot, and the results are very similar.
------------------------------------------- if TRUMP wins I like him for his policies especialy when he is exercising USA Sovereignty and messing with YOU fureigners . I see no downside to 'canada' or you for example not liking Trump . I mean , what does 'canada' have that the USA needs as you walk around like 'canada' is the equal of the USA DLady . Trump is doing fine , USA is nice and civilized in the ways that Americans like it DLady,
Because since Ronald Reagan was elected, the Republican Party has been lying to the American workers, while refusing to give them raises, and destroying the unions which built the American middle class. Since the 1930's, Democratic policies under the New Deal, created massive American wealth for the entire population. After Reagan, all of that wealth has streamed steadily to the top 10%.

Big Labor had been in decline since long before Ronald W. Reagan was elected in 1980. And it continued in decline during both Republican and Democrat administrations.

No, Big Labor didn't "build the Middle Class" at all, even during its peak less than 1/2 the work force were members.

The Middle Class in America was really built during the 1920's as America became electrified as well as an automobile culture. The 1920's was a nadir for Big Labor, as suburbia was built up and people started escaping the Inner City Hell Holes.

Big Labor came in during the 1930's, and it wasn't pretty. They didn't call it the "Great Depression" for nothing.
Let's take everything Trump represents, has accomplished and wants to accomplish, and look at it as a whole. Let's also consider his methods, tactics and behaviors, however you see them, good or bad. The whole package.

Trump supporters: Do you think that he and his policies represent something permanent, a significant new direction, something that will last long into the future?

Please vote and expand, thanks.
If he purges the Deep State from America, then yes. He would need to arrest ALL Of the Coup Plotters and severely punish the Leaders, He would also need to eradicate the Department of education and end all government student loan guarantees.
That's right Frank only wealthy people should be going to college.
College should be much cheaper to attend. There is an imbalance somewhere. And not with the students going to them.
------------------------------------------------ inflated salaries for one is reason for high cost of college . As example how much money did 'warren' make as a college perfessor eh .
Let's take everything Trump represents, has accomplished and wants to accomplish, and look at it as a whole. Let's also consider his methods, tactics and behaviors, however you see them, good or bad. The whole package.

Trump supporters: Do you think that he and his policies represent something permanent, a significant new direction, something that will last long into the future?

Please vote and expand, thanks.
I doubt it things change to much for any President to have a permanent impact outside of how many if any Supreme Court Justices they get to nominate in that regard Trump will have had a significant impact.
Let's take everything Trump represents, has accomplished and wants to accomplish, and look at it as a whole. Let's also consider his methods, tactics and behaviors, however you see them, good or bad. The whole package.

Trump supporters: Do you think that he and his policies represent something permanent, a significant new direction, something that will last long into the future?

Please vote and expand, thanks.
...nothing much changes or CAN change when both parties fight against whatever the other supports--even if it is good for the country [ border security/illegals ]
...and when most of their time is taken by trying to find dirt on the other
Today I am taking my youngest son to the local college to practice for the ACT test for next year. He's a brainiac and is in advance classes in high school and now they give college credits to AP classes so he will practically have one less year to attend college. College is not for everyone yet it is for him, his elder brother not so much he makes a kewl 60k being a truck driver he always wanted a job where he could sit on his ass and make money..

Good for them both.

The increasing desire of companies to have degrees for every fucking job, is a failure of the morons in Human Resources, and should be fought against.

We do not fucking need Certificates to be a fucking Nurse's Aide!
The local cheekin plant now wants it's line leads to have a degree yet no one that has a degree want to work in a slaughterhouse.

I have seen many such examples. SOmeone needs to tell these fucktards, that they are being fucking ridiculous.

And we need to give the leverage back to the workers, so they can do so.

Let those slots go unfilled for a couple of years, the morons assholes will figure it out.
They will do as they have been doing for forty years, bring in immigrants to fill the positions..

It's so much entertainment just watching you all be driven absolutely crazy by him. I don't even watch the rallies--why should I? You all are entertainment enough.

The only people driven crazy by Trump are people like you. That you believe in him makes you very laughable. Voting for someone just to piss off the other side makes as much sense as shooting yourself in the foot, and the results are very similar.

It was his policies that drew his support though the primaries.


Believing politicians is always a gamble. They never succeed at all they promise. The best you can hope for is a good faith effort on the issues that are most important to you.

Trump promised to try. Hillary promised to not try.

Only an partisan hack could fault us for voting for Trump.

Trump didn't have "policies" in the primaries. He had bumper sticker slogans. People didn't vote for his "policies", they voted for him because he was funny, and entertaining, and he wasn't a lying politician.

Trade and immigration are policies.

That you disagreed with them, and dismissed them, does not mean that his supporters did.

Trump promised to try. Hillary promised to not try.

It is mean and unfair of you to fault us for choosing to support the politician that was promising to try, as opposed to the one that was promising to NOT try.
Please vote and expand, thanks.
Even if i did support Trump, it would be his words, not his actions Mac
Not sure what you mean. You support his words, not his actions?

Most of Trumps contingent get off on his speeches Mac

I viewed his Texas cheer leading rally as long as i could stand it

This is the heart of MAGA, to believe and buy into all the jingoistic rhetoric

Ergo, his supporters honestly believe they're 'great again' / 'winning' , simply because they're told so

Despite the inversely proportional devil in the 'action' details


Its not even that.

They believe that everyone else is wrong and they are right. Its like talking to 4 y/o children.
When you point out how incorrect whoever their statement is with sources, the sources are biased.
When you point out the sources may be from the Republican Party or a Conservative Leaning publication…they are “never trumpers”….

Again…it’s like dealing with 4 year old children and 9/11 Truthers.

As for the rallies….
That is just entertainment and he may as well be at the Laugh Factory instead of some undersized gymnasium.

This post is both ironic (as in hugely ironic) and hysterical at the same time.
Let's take everything Trump represents, has accomplished and wants to accomplish, and look at it as a whole. Let's also consider his methods, tactics and behaviors, however you see them, good or bad. The whole package.

Trump supporters: Do you think that he and his policies represent something permanent, a significant new direction, something that will last long into the future?

Please vote and expand, thanks.
---------------------------------------------- permanent enough especially if he gets a second term and stays the course Mac .
Assuming he wins, is it your hope/expectation that enough of a majority of the country will see the results of his policies and decide that's the direction it wants to go?
How many people do you expect to vote to lose their jobs? Warren is calling for the breakup of large tech and higher taxes on companies.
How many are going to vote to double their federal income tax rate? Most candidates are backing Medicare for all.
How many are going to vote to increase our dependence on foreign oil? Most have made it abundantly clear they don't want oil exploration and production.
How many are going to vote to increase the national debt by almost double. Most have embraced the concept of the New Green deal.
A recent estimate of Warrens proposed plans put the cost at 48 Trillion.

People look at things like employment, current and future pay. Both at record highs. A large amount look at things such as foreign wars. No new ones. While Trump may not be the epitome of a president he certainly has the last guy beat and he won two terms. The current crop of candidates have only higher taxes and lower jobs to offer.
That's all great campaign rhetoric, but half the country doesn't agree with your perceptions or interpretations.

That's why I ask.
Let's take everything Trump represents, has accomplished and wants to accomplish, and look at it as a whole. Let's also consider his methods, tactics and behaviors, however you see them, good or bad. The whole package.

Trump supporters: Do you think that he and his policies represent something permanent, a significant new direction, something that will last long into the future?

Please vote and expand, thanks.
Nothing is permanent but death.
I doubt it things change to much for any President to have a permanent impact outside of how many if any Supreme Court Justices they get to nominate in that regard Trump will have had a significant impact.
No doubt. As I mentioned earlier, though, if the Democrats get enough power they'll pack the court. So depending on how 2020 goes, they'll want to expand it to 11 to 15 judges.
I doubt it things change to much for any President to have a permanent impact outside of how many if any Supreme Court Justices they get to nominate in that regard Trump will have had a significant impact.
No doubt. As I mentioned earlier, though, if the Democrats get enough power they'll pack the court. So depending on how 2020 goes, they'll want to expand it to 11 to 15 judges.
They might try but when that was discussed earlier in the year even Ruth Bader Ginsburg was against that if a Justice as liberal as her is against it I don't know that court packing gets much traction plus they would giving Trump a great 2020 talking point.
I doubt it things change to much for any President to have a permanent impact outside of how many if any Supreme Court Justices they get to nominate in that regard Trump will have had a significant impact.
No doubt. As I mentioned earlier, though, if the Democrats get enough power they'll pack the court. So depending on how 2020 goes, they'll want to expand it to 11 to 15 judges.
They might try but when that was discussed earlier in the year even Ruth Bader Ginsburg was against that if a Justice as liberal as her is against it I don't know that court packing gets much traction plus they would giving Trump a great 2020 talking point.
Well, it would happen long after 2020. I'm just talking about a time where they have the House, Senate and White House, so there's no way to know when that would be. And Ginsburg will certainly be at room temperature by then.

But if the court gets to 7-2, you can be damn sure they'll try.
I doubt it things change to much for any President to have a permanent impact outside of how many if any Supreme Court Justices they get to nominate in that regard Trump will have had a significant impact.
No doubt. As I mentioned earlier, though, if the Democrats get enough power they'll pack the court. So depending on how 2020 goes, they'll want to expand it to 11 to 15 judges.
They might try but when that was discussed earlier in the year even Ruth Bader Ginsburg was against that if a Justice as liberal as her is against it I don't know that court packing gets much traction plus they would giving Trump a great 2020 talking point.
Well, it would happen long after 2020. I'm just talking about a time where they have the House, Senate and White House, so there's no way to know when that would be. And Ginsburg will certainly be at room temperature by then.

But if the court gets to 7-2, you can be damn sure they'll try.
I will never underestimate the lefts desire to do something short sighted and stupid like Harry Reid using the nuclear option in 2013.

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