POLL: Serious question for Trump supporters: The Future

Does Trump represent permanent change?

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II agree with Correll, it is too little too late. I think it is just human nature that corruption and authoritarianism take over. The founders did their best to protect us from our own government, but I am beginning to wonder if freedom is a naturally occuring phenomena.
Let's take everything Trump represents, has accomplished and wants to accomplish, and look at it as a whole. Let's also consider his methods, tactics and behaviors, however you see them, good or bad. The whole package.

Trump supporters: Do you think that he and his policies represent something permanent, a significant new direction, something that will last long into the future?

Please vote and expand, thanks.

Trump is a demagogue (a political leader who seeks support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational arguments),


a Charlatan (a person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill; a fraud).

I voted "Mango"; no choice even suggests the evidence that Trump is all of those above, and also inept, vindictive, impulsive, divisive, a pharisee, a flip flopper and a megalomaniac.
I see a lot of problems, could fill pages. lets start with the supreme court, with great glee both sides would love to "stack" the court, and Republicans here say it out loud. is this in the best interest of the UNITED States of America? should we not be wanting impartial judges making decisions in the best interest of the country as a whole?
I see a lot of problems, could fill pages. lets start with the supreme court, with great glee both sides would love to "stack" the court, and Republicans here say it out loud. is this in the best interest of the UNITED States of America? should we not be wanting impartial judges making decisions in the best interest of the country as a whole?
No, it's clearly not in the best interests of the country.

But the higher priority is tribal political advantage. Party over country. Just "beat" the other "side", no matter what.
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So lets look at who is running things (in no special order). EPA Scott Pruitt, Lawyer LOBBYIST, prior job, representing coal, Lobbying against environmental regulations. new head of agency A Wheeler same spin.
I see a lot of problems, could fill pages. lets start with the supreme court, with great glee both sides would love to "stack" the court, and Republicans here say it out loud. is this in the best interest of the UNITED States of America? should we not be wanting impartial judges making decisions in the best interest of the country as a whole?
No, it's clearly not in the best interests of the country.

But the higher priority is tribal political advantage. Party over country. Just "beat" the other "side", no matter what.

Human beings have lived tribally for thousands of years. The lack of close-knit communities of like-minded people has everything to do with why in an age of unparalleled prosperity, people are miserable.
Next, Betsy De Vos head of Department of Education. Has NO education degree, or any teaching experience and never attended public school.
What amazes me is that the majority of education bashers went to public school, & most claim to have college, money,& skills. explain that one.
Explain that the educated aren't happy with the educational system...?

I'd think this obvious , even to the great unwashed...

Trump’s longest legacy is swamp.

Any Republican can rubber stamp a conservative judge, any Republican can pass a tax-cut with full congressional majority.

But the most notable thing about Trump (aside from oral shows for the lowest common denominator) is historic violation of ethics, conventions of decency and law.

The man lies non-stop, has sweeping conflicts of interest across the world. Pimps out his personal assets for government bussiness. Injects his children and personal lawyers into critical foreign policy and governing positions. Leverages American foreign policy for personal political ends. Abuses his position to corruptly interfere in investigations to help himself and his cabinet members...

The list is very long but the bottom line is simple - what will be left after Trump is not a movement, but a swamp spreading precedent of corruption, especially if he somehow manages to get re-elected and not impeached.

Not releasing tax-returns when running for highest office of the land is now “normal”

Pathological lying - “for the win!” a mile of shameless lies well worth an inch of political advantage.

Huge financial conflicts of interest all over the world - “no problem” Trump did it.

Pressuring officers of the law to drop a case on your cabinet member - “it’s fine” Trump did it and faced no serious consequence.

Violating the shit out of Campaign finance laws - “no big deal” Trump broke them 10 different ways and people just “dealt with it”.

etc. etc. etc.
You alrdy have all those...try to wake up......Press celebrated Clintons ability to lie...CLintons have done nothing but profit from their politics ...where have you been

Clinton got impeached and dis-barred for his lies.

aside from that, Clinton’s shanadigans don’t even cover a third of what I listed Trump doing.
II agree with Correll, it is too little too late. I think it is just human nature that corruption and authoritarianism take over. The founders did their best to protect us from our own government, but I am beginning to wonder if freedom is a naturally occuring phenomena.
------------------------------------------- I just enjoy the ride and suggest that others do the same . No one knows the future but my guess is that it looks pretty bleak for the USA without a TRUMP in theshort term . Anyway , I suggest that Americans vote TRUMP in 2020 and if TRUMP stays to his usual ways then things will be like they are NOW for at least another 4 year plus this year and a half that he is finishing up Dusty .
Trump said it at his rally. He is going to keep winning for the next 12-16 years.

so, you are on board with an autocrat? 2 terms is the max.... you think donny will refuse to go or are you having delusions that his spawn will have a shot?

I'm banking on the Constitution of the Confederated States of New America won't have a 2 term limitation.

secede & take president tinkles with you.
Trump said it at his rally. He is going to keep winning for the next 12-16 years.

so, you are on board with an autocrat? 2 terms is the max.... you think donny will refuse to go or are you having delusions that his spawn will have a shot?
------------------------------------- might be years with 4 years coming up in 2020 and then 8 years for Pence . So that's the math of the TRUMP as I guess PTime

Let's take everything Trump represents, has accomplished and wants to accomplish, and look at it as a whole. Let's also consider his methods, tactics and behaviors, however you see them, good or bad. The whole package.

Trump supporters: Do you think that he and his policies represent something permanent, a significant new direction, something that will last long into the future?

Please vote and expand, thanks.
First, neither side gives an inch to the other, so there will be NO consensus. His impact will be the large amount of judges he had confirmed-the rest is temporary like Reagan's economy or Bush's collapse. His methods resemble certain negotiating tactics-remember Khrushchev and his shoe? His name calling is, well, uncalled for, and may cost him ultimately. His energy and instant communication will be missed, even by enemies. One last thing-you should have a contest.If Trump does get the wall built, what should it be named?
It should be named. Ha-ha told you Mexico wouldn't pay for it.

Let's take everything Trump represents, has accomplished and wants to accomplish, and look at it as a whole. Let's also consider his methods, tactics and behaviors, however you see them, good or bad. The whole package.

Trump supporters: Do you think that he and his policies represent something permanent, a significant new direction, something that will last long into the future?

Please vote and expand, thanks.

It is the nature of political systems to fail. The usual method is collective government, to totalitarian government, to revolution, to republic, and then repeat. We were well on the way to a totalitarian State until trump came along. He has slowed the rot. It will never cease because mankind is greedy, and those in power always demand ever more power. But he has definitely slowed it down.
Trump said it at his rally. He is going to keep winning for the next 12-16 years.

so, you are on board with an autocrat? 2 terms is the max.... you think donny will refuse to go or are you having delusions that his spawn will have a shot?
------------------------------------- might be years with 4 years coming up in 2020 and then 8 years for Pence . So that's the math of the TRUMP as I guess PTime

------------------------------------------- and he MAY , what is it . Another year and a half and then 4 more after 2020 . And then the Pence for 8 more and that's 13 years Playtime .
Trump said it at his rally. He is going to keep winning for the next 12-16 years.

so, you are on board with an autocrat? 2 terms is the max.... you think donny will refuse to go or are you having delusions that his spawn will have a shot?
------------------------------------- might be years with 4 years coming up in 2020 and then 8 years for Pence . So that's the math of the TRUMP as I guess PTime

------------------------------------------- and he MAY , what is it . Another year and a half and then 4 more after 2020 . And then the Pence for 8 more and that's 13 years Playtime .

delusion fits you like one of donny's chinese made suits.
Let's take everything Trump represents, has accomplished and wants to accomplish, and look at it as a whole. Let's also consider his methods, tactics and behaviors, however you see them, good or bad. The whole package.

Trump supporters: Do you think that he and his policies represent something permanent, a significant new direction, something that will last long into the future?

Please vote and expand, thanks.

It is the nature of political systems to fail. The usual method is collective government, to totalitarian government, to revolution, to republic, and then repeat. We were well on the way to a totalitarian State until trump came along. He has slowed the rot. It will never cease because mankind is greedy, and those in power always demand ever more power. But he has definitely slowed it down.

No other democracy has lasted over 200 yrs


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