POLL: Serious question for Trump supporters: The Future

Does Trump represent permanent change?

  • Total voters
---------------------------------------------- permanent enough especially if he gets a second term and stays the course Mac .
Assuming he wins, is it your hope/expectation that enough of a majority of the country will see the results of his policies and decide that's the direction it wants to go?
How many people do you expect to vote to lose their jobs? Warren is calling for the breakup of large tech and higher taxes on companies.
How many are going to vote to double their federal income tax rate? Most candidates are backing Medicare for all.
How many are going to vote to increase our dependence on foreign oil? Most have made it abundantly clear they don't want oil exploration and production.
How many are going to vote to increase the national debt by almost double. Most have embraced the concept of the New Green deal.
A recent estimate of Warrens proposed plans put the cost at 48 Trillion.

People look at things like employment, current and future pay. Both at record highs. A large amount look at things such as foreign wars. No new ones. While Trump may not be the epitome of a president he certainly has the last guy beat and he won two terms. The current crop of candidates have only higher taxes and lower jobs to offer.
That's all great campaign rhetoric, but half the country doesn't agree with your perceptions or interpretations.

That's why I ask.
You mean direct from the candidates mouth, those perceptions?
No, the perceptions people have of what would be best for the country, and of the outcomes of policies.
------------------------------------- and all they are doing is Guessing or hoping for outcomes that are not good for the USA Mac ,
Assuming he wins, is it your hope/expectation that enough of a majority of the country will see the results of his policies and decide that's the direction it wants to go?
How many people do you expect to vote to lose their jobs? Warren is calling for the breakup of large tech and higher taxes on companies.
How many are going to vote to double their federal income tax rate? Most candidates are backing Medicare for all.
How many are going to vote to increase our dependence on foreign oil? Most have made it abundantly clear they don't want oil exploration and production.
How many are going to vote to increase the national debt by almost double. Most have embraced the concept of the New Green deal.
A recent estimate of Warrens proposed plans put the cost at 48 Trillion.

People look at things like employment, current and future pay. Both at record highs. A large amount look at things such as foreign wars. No new ones. While Trump may not be the epitome of a president he certainly has the last guy beat and he won two terms. The current crop of candidates have only higher taxes and lower jobs to offer.
That's all great campaign rhetoric, but half the country doesn't agree with your perceptions or interpretations.

That's why I ask.
You mean direct from the candidates mouth, those perceptions?
No, the perceptions people have of what would be best for the country, and of the outcomes of policies.
------------------------------------- and all they are doing is Guessing or hoping for outcomes that are not good for the USA Mac ,
Well, that's your opinion. Different people have different opinions, and definitions of what is good for the country.

So, we work 'em out at the ballot box within a political system that most agree is fucked up.

I started the thread because I'm curious about how Trump supporters see how his presidency will effect us long term.
Let's take everything Trump represents, has accomplished and wants to accomplish, and look at it as a whole. Let's also consider his methods, tactics and behaviors, however you see them, good or bad. The whole package.

Trump supporters: Do you think that he and his policies represent something permanent, a significant new direction, something that will last long into the future?

Please vote and expand, thanks.
First, neither side gives an inch to the other, so there will be NO consensus. His impact will be the large amount of judges he had confirmed-the rest is temporary like Reagan's economy or Bush's collapse. His methods resemble certain negotiating tactics-remember Khrushchev and his shoe? His name calling is, well, uncalled for, and may cost him ultimately. His energy and instant communication will be missed, even by enemies. One last thing-you should have a contest.If Trump does get the wall built, what should it be named?
It should be named. Ha-ha told you Mexico wouldn't pay for it.

Fake-Mexicans can't write!

neither can fake presidents.

Please vote and expand, thanks.
Even if i did support Trump, it would be his words, not his actions Mac
Not sure what you mean. You support his words, not his actions?

Most of Trumps contingent get off on his speeches Mac

I viewed his Texas cheer leading rally as long as i could stand it

This is the heart of MAGA, to believe and buy into all the jingoistic rhetoric

Ergo, his supporters honestly believe they're 'great again' / 'winning' , simply because they're told so

Despite the inversely proportional devil in the 'action' details


You just explained exactly what is going on with Democrats and the media. The economy is humming, employment down, manufacturing jobs way up, trade deais in the works, etc, but the sky is failling to Democrats because that is what the media is telling them. Trump is a racist they say....why exactly? Oh because of the contextual misquotes the media often uses? What racists actions has Trump taken? Quite the contrary. Quid Pro Quo nonsense. Could this be because of the Schiff "parody" that the maintream media made sure to get out there with the hope that some would believe that is exactly what Trump said. Maybe the best example is the left's constant dribble about the tax cut for the rich when in fact the vast majority of Americans got a tax cut. Democrats who got a cut actually buy into the idea that they actually didn't because of the media. Sad, brainwashing of the lemmings in this country has created TDS.
Please vote and expand, thanks.
Even if i did support Trump, it would be his words, not his actions Mac
Not sure what you mean. You support his words, not his actions?

Most of Trumps contingent get off on his speeches Mac

I viewed his Texas cheer leading rally as long as i could stand it

This is the heart of MAGA, to believe and buy into all the jingoistic rhetoric

Ergo, his supporters honestly believe they're 'great again' / 'winning' , simply because they're told so

Despite the inversely proportional devil in the 'action' details


Its not even that.

They believe that everyone else is wrong and they are right. Its like talking to 4 y/o children.
When you point out how incorrect whoever their statement is with sources, the sources are biased.
When you point out the sources may be from the Republican Party or a Conservative Leaning publication…they are “never trumpers”….

Again…it’s like dealing with 4 year old children and 9/11 Truthers.

As for the rallies….
That is just entertainment and he may as well be at the Laugh Factory instead of some undersized gymnasium.

The only 4 year old are Democrats. Has it ever dawned on you just WHY young people are Democrats? Do you think it is because they are smarter and wiser than the average 40 year old? Maybe they are still children and are naive, much like the average Democrats who have never emotionally matured beyond your early 20's.
Please vote and expand, thanks.
Even if i did support Trump, it would be his words, not his actions Mac
Not sure what you mean. You support his words, not his actions?

Most of Trumps contingent get off on his speeches Mac

I viewed his Texas cheer leading rally as long as i could stand it

This is the heart of MAGA, to believe and buy into all the jingoistic rhetoric

Ergo, his supporters honestly believe they're 'great again' / 'winning' , simply because they're told so

Despite the inversely proportional devil in the 'action' details


Its not even that.

They believe that everyone else is wrong and they are right. Its like talking to 4 y/o children.
When you point out how incorrect whoever their statement is with sources, the sources are biased.
When you point out the sources may be from the Republican Party or a Conservative Leaning publication…they are “never trumpers”….

Again…it’s like dealing with 4 year old children and 9/11 Truthers.

As for the rallies….
That is just entertainment and he may as well be at the Laugh Factory instead of some undersized gymnasium.

The only 4 year old are Democrats. Has it ever dawned on you just WHY young people are Democrats? Do you think it is because they are smarter and wiser than the average 40 year old? Maybe they are still children and are naive, much like the average Democrats who have never emotionally matured beyond your early 20's.

Its much more “wise” to believe that Obama was born in Africa when there is zero proof.
Its much more “wise” to believe that Hillary Clinton regularly has people murdered.
Its much more “wise” to believe neo-nazis are “very fine people” and to trust the dictator of North Korea.

Thanks for the chuckle.
Please vote and expand, thanks.
Even if i did support Trump, it would be his words, not his actions Mac
Not sure what you mean. You support his words, not his actions?

Most of Trumps contingent get off on his speeches Mac

I viewed his Texas cheer leading rally as long as i could stand it

This is the heart of MAGA, to believe and buy into all the jingoistic rhetoric

Ergo, his supporters honestly believe they're 'great again' / 'winning' , simply because they're told so

Despite the inversely proportional devil in the 'action' details


Its not even that.

They believe that everyone else is wrong and they are right. Its like talking to 4 y/o children.
When you point out how incorrect whoever their statement is with sources, the sources are biased.
When you point out the sources may be from the Republican Party or a Conservative Leaning publication…they are “never trumpers”….

Again…it’s like dealing with 4 year old children and 9/11 Truthers.

As for the rallies….
That is just entertainment and he may as well be at the Laugh Factory instead of some undersized gymnasium.

The only 4 year old are Democrats. Has it ever dawned on you just WHY young people are Democrats? Do you think it is because they are smarter and wiser than the average 40 year old? Maybe they are still children and are naive, much like the average Democrats who have never emotionally matured beyond your early 20's.

They have no yet had the chance, for reality to over come the shit they were taught in school.
Even if i did support Trump, it would be his words, not his actions Mac
Not sure what you mean. You support his words, not his actions?

Most of Trumps contingent get off on his speeches Mac

I viewed his Texas cheer leading rally as long as i could stand it

This is the heart of MAGA, to believe and buy into all the jingoistic rhetoric

Ergo, his supporters honestly believe they're 'great again' / 'winning' , simply because they're told so

Despite the inversely proportional devil in the 'action' details


Its not even that.

They believe that everyone else is wrong and they are right. Its like talking to 4 y/o children.
When you point out how incorrect whoever their statement is with sources, the sources are biased.
When you point out the sources may be from the Republican Party or a Conservative Leaning publication…they are “never trumpers”….

Again…it’s like dealing with 4 year old children and 9/11 Truthers.

As for the rallies….
That is just entertainment and he may as well be at the Laugh Factory instead of some undersized gymnasium.

The only 4 year old are Democrats. Has it ever dawned on you just WHY young people are Democrats? Do you think it is because they are smarter and wiser than the average 40 year old? Maybe they are still children and are naive, much like the average Democrats who have never emotionally matured beyond your early 20's.

Its much more “wise” to believe that Obama was born in Africa when there is zero proof.
Its much more “wise” to believe that Hillary Clinton regularly has people murdered.
Its much more “wise” to believe neo-nazis are “very fine people” and to trust the dictator of North Korea.

Thanks for the chuckle.

THe "very fine people" lie has been repeatedly debunked on this very site.

You are a liar.
Even if i did support Trump, it would be his words, not his actions Mac
Not sure what you mean. You support his words, not his actions?

Most of Trumps contingent get off on his speeches Mac

I viewed his Texas cheer leading rally as long as i could stand it

This is the heart of MAGA, to believe and buy into all the jingoistic rhetoric

Ergo, his supporters honestly believe they're 'great again' / 'winning' , simply because they're told so

Despite the inversely proportional devil in the 'action' details


Its not even that.

They believe that everyone else is wrong and they are right. Its like talking to 4 y/o children.
When you point out how incorrect whoever their statement is with sources, the sources are biased.
When you point out the sources may be from the Republican Party or a Conservative Leaning publication…they are “never trumpers”….

Again…it’s like dealing with 4 year old children and 9/11 Truthers.

As for the rallies….
That is just entertainment and he may as well be at the Laugh Factory instead of some undersized gymnasium.

The only 4 year old are Democrats. Has it ever dawned on you just WHY young people are Democrats? Do you think it is because they are smarter and wiser than the average 40 year old? Maybe they are still children and are naive, much like the average Democrats who have never emotionally matured beyond your early 20's.

Its much more “wise” to believe that Obama was born in Africa when there is zero proof.
Its much more “wise” to believe that Hillary Clinton regularly has people murdered.
Its much more “wise” to believe neo-nazis are “very fine people” and to trust the dictator of North Korea.

Thanks for the chuckle.
------------------------------------- 'mrobamas' history and name are both 'unamerican' . Same for his 'inonesian' muslim' family CCorn .
Let's take everything Trump represents, has accomplished and wants to accomplish, and look at it as a whole. Let's also consider his methods, tactics and behaviors, however you see them, good or bad. The whole package.

Trump supporters: Do you think that he and his policies represent something permanent, a significant new direction, something that will last long into the future?

Please vote and expand, thanks.
Trump is very mainstream.
The only thing really different about him is that he is an political novice.
What Trump is doing that is radical is he is exposing how totally corrupt and dishonest the Democrats are.
The Democrats are going through a generational change.
Pelosi, Schumer, the Clintons, Kerry.....will be gone very soon.
This next generation of Dems are further left wing, more radical and more racist.
Trump has increased the GOP minority voter percentage a little, but the Dems are losing more middle class white voters every election.
---------------------------------------------------------- thankyou and I do belive that you are correct in describing the TRUMP as very Mainstream Trog,
Mainstream talk radio, sure. Right down the line.

Goofy wingers on both ends always say they're "mainstream".
what is trump doing that is so radical?
Let's take everything Trump represents, has accomplished and wants to accomplish, and look at it as a whole. Let's also consider his methods, tactics and behaviors, however you see them, good or bad. The whole package.

Trump supporters: Do you think that he and his policies represent something permanent, a significant new direction, something that will last long into the future?

Please vote and expand, thanks.
Trump is very mainstream.
The only thing really different about him is that he is an political novice.
What Trump is doing that is radical is he is exposing how totally corrupt and dishonest the Democrats are.
The Democrats are going through a generational change.
Pelosi, Schumer, the Clintons, Kerry.....will be gone very soon.
This next generation of Dems are further left wing, more radical and more racist.
Trump has increased the GOP minority voter percentage a little, but the Dems are losing more middle class white voters every election.
---------------------------------------------------------- thankyou and I do belive that you are correct in describing the TRUMP as very Mainstream Trog,
Mainstream talk radio, sure. Right down the line.

Goofy wingers on both ends always say they're "mainstream".
what is trump doing that is so radical?
I didn't use the word "radical".

His presidency is essentially echoing talk radio, or they're echoing each other, and that represents one end of the spectrum only.
Let's take everything Trump represents, has accomplished and wants to accomplish, and look at it as a whole. Let's also consider his methods, tactics and behaviors, however you see them, good or bad. The whole package.

Trump supporters: Do you think that he and his policies represent something permanent, a significant new direction, something that will last long into the future?

Please vote and expand, thanks.
Trump is very mainstream.
The only thing really different about him is that he is an political novice.
What Trump is doing that is radical is he is exposing how totally corrupt and dishonest the Democrats are.
The Democrats are going through a generational change.
Pelosi, Schumer, the Clintons, Kerry.....will be gone very soon.
This next generation of Dems are further left wing, more radical and more racist.
Trump has increased the GOP minority voter percentage a little, but the Dems are losing more middle class white voters every election.
---------------------------------------------------------- thankyou and I do belive that you are correct in describing the TRUMP as very Mainstream Trog,
Mainstream talk radio, sure. Right down the line.

Goofy wingers on both ends always say they're "mainstream".
what is trump doing that is so radical?
I didn't use the word "radical".

His presidency is essentially echoing talk radio, or they're echoing each other, and that represents one end of the spectrum only.
------------------------------------- so what , let the 'lefties' spout their 'lies called truths' in this free country known for its Freedom of Speech Mac .
Trump is very mainstream.
The only thing really different about him is that he is an political novice.
What Trump is doing that is radical is he is exposing how totally corrupt and dishonest the Democrats are.
The Democrats are going through a generational change.
Pelosi, Schumer, the Clintons, Kerry.....will be gone very soon.
This next generation of Dems are further left wing, more radical and more racist.
Trump has increased the GOP minority voter percentage a little, but the Dems are losing more middle class white voters every election.
---------------------------------------------------------- thankyou and I do belive that you are correct in describing the TRUMP as very Mainstream Trog,
Mainstream talk radio, sure. Right down the line.

Goofy wingers on both ends always say they're "mainstream".
what is trump doing that is so radical?
I didn't use the word "radical".

His presidency is essentially echoing talk radio, or they're echoing each other, and that represents one end of the spectrum only.
------------------------------------- so what , let the 'lefties' spout their 'lies called truths' in this free country known for its Freedom of Speech Mac .
Sure, both ends are doing that and there's nothing I can do about it.

Intellectual honesty would be much better for the country, but we appear to no longer place value on it.
Let's take everything Trump represents, has accomplished and wants to accomplish, and look at it as a whole. Let's also consider his methods, tactics and behaviors, however you see them, good or bad. The whole package.

Trump supporters: Do you think that he and his policies represent something permanent, a significant new direction, something that will last long into the future?

Please vote and expand, thanks.

If he can appoint another 2-3 Supreme Court Justices, he will have made a 20-30 year impact on this country. Trump isn't the one to look at....Trump 2.0 is the one to look at and the conservative politicians who will no longer be afraid of the press, and who will have learned how to deal with them, but with more polish and skill....
There's no doubt to me that his court picks will be his longest-lasting legacy.

I guarantee you, though, that if the Dems get enough power they'll pack the court.

Yes, they will.........they are authoritarians and they are becoming increasingly impatient with the restraints imposed on them by our laws and Constitution........they are the ones to worry about, not Trump.
My concern is with wingers in general.

Sorry......Conservatives in this country want to preserve the Bill of Rights and the Constitution......they aren't the problem......the left holds both in contempt....
Then why has the 4th Amendment been ruined on the issue of asset forfeiture by Reagan?
Not sure what you mean. You support his words, not his actions?

Most of Trumps contingent get off on his speeches Mac

I viewed his Texas cheer leading rally as long as i could stand it

This is the heart of MAGA, to believe and buy into all the jingoistic rhetoric

Ergo, his supporters honestly believe they're 'great again' / 'winning' , simply because they're told so

Despite the inversely proportional devil in the 'action' details


Its not even that.

They believe that everyone else is wrong and they are right. Its like talking to 4 y/o children.
When you point out how incorrect whoever their statement is with sources, the sources are biased.
When you point out the sources may be from the Republican Party or a Conservative Leaning publication…they are “never trumpers”….

Again…it’s like dealing with 4 year old children and 9/11 Truthers.

As for the rallies….
That is just entertainment and he may as well be at the Laugh Factory instead of some undersized gymnasium.

The only 4 year old are Democrats. Has it ever dawned on you just WHY young people are Democrats? Do you think it is because they are smarter and wiser than the average 40 year old? Maybe they are still children and are naive, much like the average Democrats who have never emotionally matured beyond your early 20's.

Its much more “wise” to believe that Obama was born in Africa when there is zero proof.
Its much more “wise” to believe that Hillary Clinton regularly has people murdered.
Its much more “wise” to believe neo-nazis are “very fine people” and to trust the dictator of North Korea.

Thanks for the chuckle.
------------------------------------- 'mrobamas' history and name are both 'unamerican' . Same for his 'inonesian' muslim' family CCorn .
What is an American name?
Let's take everything Trump represents, has accomplished and wants to accomplish, and look at it as a whole. Let's also consider his methods, tactics and behaviors, however you see them, good or bad. The whole package.

Trump supporters: Do you think that he and his policies represent something permanent, a significant new direction, something that will last long into the future?

Please vote and expand, thanks.
First, neither side gives an inch to the other, so there will be NO consensus. His impact will be the large amount of judges he had confirmed-the rest is temporary like Reagan's economy or Bush's collapse. His methods resemble certain negotiating tactics-remember Khrushchev and his shoe? His name calling is, well, uncalled for, and may cost him ultimately. His energy and instant communication will be missed, even by enemies. One last thing-you should have a contest.If Trump does get the wall built, what should it be named?
It should be named. Ha-ha told you Mexico wouldn't pay for it.

Fake-Mexicans can't write!

neither can fake presidents.

Yet he is still YOUR PRESIDENT!
Most of Trumps contingent get off on his speeches Mac

I viewed his Texas cheer leading rally as long as i could stand it

This is the heart of MAGA, to believe and buy into all the jingoistic rhetoric

Ergo, his supporters honestly believe they're 'great again' / 'winning' , simply because they're told so

Despite the inversely proportional devil in the 'action' details


Its not even that.

They believe that everyone else is wrong and they are right. Its like talking to 4 y/o children.
When you point out how incorrect whoever their statement is with sources, the sources are biased.
When you point out the sources may be from the Republican Party or a Conservative Leaning publication…they are “never trumpers”….

Again…it’s like dealing with 4 year old children and 9/11 Truthers.

As for the rallies….
That is just entertainment and he may as well be at the Laugh Factory instead of some undersized gymnasium.

The only 4 year old are Democrats. Has it ever dawned on you just WHY young people are Democrats? Do you think it is because they are smarter and wiser than the average 40 year old? Maybe they are still children and are naive, much like the average Democrats who have never emotionally matured beyond your early 20's.

Its much more “wise” to believe that Obama was born in Africa when there is zero proof.
Its much more “wise” to believe that Hillary Clinton regularly has people murdered.
Its much more “wise” to believe neo-nazis are “very fine people” and to trust the dictator of North Korea.

Thanks for the chuckle.
------------------------------------- 'mrobamas' history and name are both 'unamerican' . Same for his 'inonesian' muslim' family CCorn .
What is an American name?
----------------------------------------------- it sure isn't 'mrobama' the Indonesian or 'j castro' the guatamala or 'otm' third worlder Moonglow .
Last edited:
Most of Trumps contingent get off on his speeches Mac

I viewed his Texas cheer leading rally as long as i could stand it

This is the heart of MAGA, to believe and buy into all the jingoistic rhetoric

Ergo, his supporters honestly believe they're 'great again' / 'winning' , simply because they're told so

Despite the inversely proportional devil in the 'action' details


Its not even that.

They believe that everyone else is wrong and they are right. Its like talking to 4 y/o children.
When you point out how incorrect whoever their statement is with sources, the sources are biased.
When you point out the sources may be from the Republican Party or a Conservative Leaning publication…they are “never trumpers”….

Again…it’s like dealing with 4 year old children and 9/11 Truthers.

As for the rallies….
That is just entertainment and he may as well be at the Laugh Factory instead of some undersized gymnasium.

The only 4 year old are Democrats. Has it ever dawned on you just WHY young people are Democrats? Do you think it is because they are smarter and wiser than the average 40 year old? Maybe they are still children and are naive, much like the average Democrats who have never emotionally matured beyond your early 20's.

Its much more “wise” to believe that Obama was born in Africa when there is zero proof.
Its much more “wise” to believe that Hillary Clinton regularly has people murdered.
Its much more “wise” to believe neo-nazis are “very fine people” and to trust the dictator of North Korea.

Thanks for the chuckle.
------------------------------------- 'mrobamas' history and name are both 'unamerican' . Same for his 'inonesian' muslim' family CCorn .
What is an American name?

I had to take the fuckstain off ignore to see what you were referring to.
Its not even that.

They believe that everyone else is wrong and they are right. Its like talking to 4 y/o children.
When you point out how incorrect whoever their statement is with sources, the sources are biased.
When you point out the sources may be from the Republican Party or a Conservative Leaning publication…they are “never trumpers”….

Again…it’s like dealing with 4 year old children and 9/11 Truthers.

As for the rallies….
That is just entertainment and he may as well be at the Laugh Factory instead of some undersized gymnasium.

The only 4 year old are Democrats. Has it ever dawned on you just WHY young people are Democrats? Do you think it is because they are smarter and wiser than the average 40 year old? Maybe they are still children and are naive, much like the average Democrats who have never emotionally matured beyond your early 20's.

Its much more “wise” to believe that Obama was born in Africa when there is zero proof.
Its much more “wise” to believe that Hillary Clinton regularly has people murdered.
Its much more “wise” to believe neo-nazis are “very fine people” and to trust the dictator of North Korea.

Thanks for the chuckle.
------------------------------------- 'mrobamas' history and name are both 'unamerican' . Same for his 'inonesian' muslim' family CCorn .
What is an American name?
----------------------------------------------- it sure isn't 'mrobama' the Indonesian or 'j castro' the guatamala or 'otm' third worlder Moonglow .
Ok now that you have established what an American name isn't try telling us what an American name is...

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