POLL: Serious question for Trump supporters: The Future

Does Trump represent permanent change?

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They won't admit to it, but internet Trump supporters could care less about Trump.

They just want someone who supports Russia and white supremacists, and Trump just happens to be the one at the moment.
----------------------------------------- I just want an America Firster as USA President and TRUMP looks like he may be that guy 'XYZ .
proves my point.
They won't admit to it, but internet Trump supporters could care less about Trump.

They just want someone who supports Russia and white supremacists, and Trump just happens to be the one at the moment.
I voted for him because I wanted something done about all the illegals and it has been my stance since Reagan let me down when he gave them amnesty...
so now tout that you are a middle aged 'vet' and all I say is big deal Moonglow . Do you wear a widdle veteran baseball cap so that your 'serbice' can be recognized Moonglow .
I wish I was middle aged...and I wear no service related caps and I never advertise my past...Carry on. It sounds like you have a problem yet I am glad I do not have that problem...
-------------------------------- yeah , that's how the TRUMP got elected . We DEPLORABLES were done with funny named third worlders as President Moonglow .
Number 4 in" only the best appointees", Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue, I personally do not like most things he is doing, that said he is the most qualified of all those appointed. He was born on a farm & has a degree as a veterinarian. History shows he financially helped him self buy altering laws & quid pro hires That of course is the normal course of events when Any politician gains enough power, they always help them self's before ever considering us.
Even if i did support Trump, it would be his words, not his actions Mac
Not sure what you mean. You support his words, not his actions?

Most of Trumps contingent get off on his speeches Mac

I viewed his Texas cheer leading rally as long as i could stand it

This is the heart of MAGA, to believe and buy into all the jingoistic rhetoric

Ergo, his supporters honestly believe they're 'great again' / 'winning' , simply because they're told so

Despite the inversely proportional devil in the 'action' details


Its not even that.

They believe that everyone else is wrong and they are right. Its like talking to 4 y/o children.
When you point out how incorrect whoever their statement is with sources, the sources are biased.
When you point out the sources may be from the Republican Party or a Conservative Leaning publication…they are “never trumpers”….

Again…it’s like dealing with 4 year old children and 9/11 Truthers.

As for the rallies….
That is just entertainment and he may as well be at the Laugh Factory instead of some undersized gymnasium.

The only 4 year old are Democrats. Has it ever dawned on you just WHY young people are Democrats? Do you think it is because they are smarter and wiser than the average 40 year old? Maybe they are still children and are naive, much like the average Democrats who have never emotionally matured beyond your early 20's.

Its much more “wise” to believe that Obama was born in Africa when there is zero proof.
Its much more “wise” to believe that Hillary Clinton regularly has people murdered.
Its much more “wise” to believe neo-nazis are “very fine people” and to trust the dictator of North Korea.

Thanks for the chuckle.

The "smoke" around both the Obama birth cert. and Clinton's indescretions was enough to choke you to death, but he, no reason to hassle a Democrat.

LOL...still taking Trump's quotes out of context I see. Please give the quote where he said "Nazis are good poeople". Oh yeah, you can't find it. Maybe you should read the entire quote where he specifically said Nazi's are bad people. Lemming.
They won't admit to it, but internet Trump supporters could care less about Trump.

They just want someone who supports Russia and white supremacists, and Trump just happens to be the one at the moment.

LOL...there is no way you actually believe this.
They won't admit to it, but internet Trump supporters could care less about Trump. They just want someone who supports Russia and white supremacists, and Trump just happens to be the one at the moment.
LOL...there is no way you actually believe this.
I'd agree, I don't think that's accurate.

I think they feel an intense personal attachment and devotion to this man primarily because, far and away, he best expresses their frustration, anger and paranoia.
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They won't admit to it, but internet Trump supporters could care less about Trump. They just want someone who supports Russia and white supremacists, and Trump just happens to be the one at the moment.
LOL...there is no way you actually believe this.
I'd agree, I don't think that's accurate.

I think they feel an intense personal attachment and devotion to this man primarily because, far and away, he best represents their frustration, anger and paranoia.
-------------------------------------- no frustration , anger or paranoia on my part . Americans were fortunate enough to get rid of the old trash and so its good to not replace the old trash with New trash like 'hilary or most of the 'repubs' that were running against TRUMP for the repub nomination Mac . .
First, neither side gives an inch to the other, so there will be NO consensus. His impact will be the large amount of judges he had confirmed-the rest is temporary like Reagan's economy or Bush's collapse. His methods resemble certain negotiating tactics-remember Khrushchev and his shoe? His name calling is, well, uncalled for, and may cost him ultimately. His energy and instant communication will be missed, even by enemies. One last thing-you should have a contest.If Trump does get the wall built, what should it be named?
It should be named. Ha-ha told you Mexico wouldn't pay for it.

Fake-Mexicans can't write!

neither can fake presidents.

Yet he is still YOUR PRESIDENT!

he is THE president. he's not my president. any leader - that calls those who criticize him 'his enemies' because his ego is so fragile & can't take it is not my president. i hated almost everything that W. did, but never claimed he wasn't my president.
It should be named. Ha-ha told you Mexico wouldn't pay for it.

Fake-Mexicans can't write!

neither can fake presidents.

Yet he is still YOUR PRESIDENT!

he is THE president. he's not my president. any leader - that calls those who criticize him 'his enemies' because his ego is so fragile & can't take it is not my president. i hated almost everything that W. did, but never claimed he wasn't my president.
---------------------------------- YOU people are enemies of the USA and will remain enemies PTime ,

neither can fake presidents.

Yet he is still YOUR PRESIDENT!

he is THE president. he's not my president. any leader - that calls those who criticize him 'his enemies' because his ego is so fragile & can't take it is not my president. i hated almost everything that W. did, but never claimed he wasn't my president.
---------------------------------- YOU people are enemies of the USA and will remain enemies PTime ,

Fake-Mexicans can't write!

neither can fake presidents.

Yet he is still YOUR PRESIDENT!

he is THE president. he's not my president. any leader - that calls those who criticize him 'his enemies' because his ego is so fragile & can't take it is not my president. i hated almost everything that W. did, but never claimed he wasn't my president.
---------------------------------- YOU people are enemies of the USA and will remain enemies PTime ,

---------------------------- main thing is that you understand PTime .
neither can fake presidents.

Yet he is still YOUR PRESIDENT!

he is THE president. he's not my president. any leader - that calls those who criticize him 'his enemies' because his ego is so fragile & can't take it is not my president. i hated almost everything that W. did, but never claimed he wasn't my president.
---------------------------------- YOU people are enemies of the USA and will remain enemies PTime ,

---------------------------- main thing is that you understand PTime .

i understand & i am giggling yet again.
It should be named. Ha-ha told you Mexico wouldn't pay for it.

Fake-Mexicans can't write!

neither can fake presidents.

Yet he is still YOUR PRESIDENT!

he is THE president. he's not my president. any leader - that calls those who criticize him 'his enemies' because his ego is so fragile & can't take it is not my president. i hated almost everything that W. did, but never claimed he wasn't my president.
Sorry you are wrong, but I'll say it louder for you-HE IS YOUR PRESIDENT!
Fake-Mexicans can't write!

neither can fake presidents.

Yet he is still YOUR PRESIDENT!

he is THE president. he's not my president. any leader - that calls those who criticize him 'his enemies' because his ego is so fragile & can't take it is not my president. i hated almost everything that W. did, but never claimed he wasn't my president.
---------------------------------- YOU people are enemies of the USA and will remain enemies PTime ,

You would not post if you did not care-sorry that Trump being YOUR president bothers you-maybe he will be voted out in a year or so...
Yet he is still YOUR PRESIDENT!

he is THE president. he's not my president. any leader - that calls those who criticize him 'his enemies' because his ego is so fragile & can't take it is not my president. i hated almost everything that W. did, but never claimed he wasn't my president.
---------------------------------- YOU people are enemies of the USA and will remain enemies PTime ,

---------------------------- main thing is that you understand PTime .

i understand & i am giggling yet again.
I think you are dancing while Trump is playing-you have officially become a Trump supporter!

neither can fake presidents.

Yet he is still YOUR PRESIDENT!

he is THE president. he's not my president. any leader - that calls those who criticize him 'his enemies' because his ego is so fragile & can't take it is not my president. i hated almost everything that W. did, but never claimed he wasn't my president.
Sorry you are wrong, but I'll say it louder for you-HE IS YOUR PRESIDENT!

shouting doesn't make it true.

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