Poll: Should SCOTUS override states' rights regarding when to stop counting ballots?

Should SCOTUS override states' rights regarding when to stop counting ballots?

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Even if it takes days or weeks - all legal ballots should be counted.
Define "legal" in your comment.
Possibly postmark date ?
If not, then are you willing to allow for any length of time before a decision is made ?

Duh, "legal" means whatever the respective state election law says is "legal". It ain't rocket science...
You know thats not what I meant and its interesting how you conveniently avoided my last question.
Even if it takes days or weeks - all legal ballots should be counted.
With Democrat printers working overtime make new filled-in ballots.

Why do you perpetuate conspiracy theories without any credible proof? Democrats aren't the ones engaging in voter suppression and fraud. BTW, votes don't count unless they are validated and approved.
So, apparently iceberg also doesn't believe in states' rights.
Conservatives believe in “states’ rights” when it benefits conservatives and Republicans.

Conservatives oppose “states’ rights” when it comes to laws enacted by states controlled by Democrats.

In the coming years we’ll see that rightwing hypocrisy on full display as the Trump Court strikes down laws enacted by Democratic state lawmakers while Republican state laws are upheld.
I feel very strongly that SCOTUS should not tell states when to stop counting their ballots - especially in the middle of a pandemic - and a presidential election. That should be totally left up to the states and their respective election laws. I think this is something that both Democrats and Republicans should be able to agree on. What do you think?
The Trump Court will not hesitate to violate states’ rights if such lawless interference benefits Republicans politically, or to otherwise violate the rights of states controlled by Democrats.

And the Trump Court will likewise not hesitate to interfere with states in this election if it means awarding the needed state – or states – to Trump to keep Trump in ofice, as occurred in 2000.
Fake News.

Over a month after the election, and several recounts ALL of which confirmed that Dubya had won the election, on December 8, the Florida Supreme Court, by a vote of four to three, ordered yet ANOTHER count, convinced that if they just kept counting, that at some point they would get the results they wanted, a Gore victory. The floors of the counting rooms were littered with "chads" as every time the ballots were handled, "chads" fell out, changing the ballots.

On December 11, the Court ruled 7-2, strictly on equal protection grounds, that the recount be stopped. Specifically, the use of many different standards of counting in different counties was a clear violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution. The deadline under Title 3 of the United States Code (3 U.S.C.), § 5, was December 12, by which time the State Legislature was required to submit it's Electors Slate to Congress, which the State legislature had already submitted after President Bush had prevailed in every recount. SCOTUS decision was released only 2 hours before that deadline.

The Supreme Court decision merely allowed the previous vote certification made by Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris to stand for George W. Bush.

The Constitution requires federal courts to assess whether a state supreme court has properly interpreted the will of the state legislature.

Democrats never accept the outcome of elections they lose. They consistently whine cry and declare the results to be "illegitimate" which is their word for "I don't like the results of constitutional processes."
So, apparently iceberg also doesn't believe in states' rights.
Conservatives believe in “states’ rights” when it benefits conservatives and Republicans.

Conservatives oppose “states’ rights” when it comes to laws enacted by states controlled by Democrats.

In the coming years we’ll see that rightwing hypocrisy on full display as the Trump Court strikes down laws enacted by Democratic state lawmakers while Republican state laws are upheld.

Amen! I totally agree! We are certainly moving toward fascism.
Even if it takes days or weeks - all legal ballots should be counted.
Define "legal" in your comment.
Possibly postmark date ?
If not, then are you willing to allow for any length of time before a decision is made ?

Duh, "legal" means whatever the respective state election law says is "legal". It ain't rocket science...
So you keep avoiding this simple question.
How long are you willing to wait before a decision is made, no matter what state is counting ?
A week, month, year ?
Only 42.9% of Pennsylvania mail is being delivered on time. Just reported by Rachel Maddow.
Even if it takes days or weeks - all legal ballots should be counted.
Define "legal" in your comment.
Possibly postmark date ?
If not, then are you willing to allow for any length of time before a decision is made ?

Duh, "legal" means whatever the respective state election law says is "legal". It ain't rocket science...
So you keep avoiding this simple question.
How long are you willing to wait before a decision is made, no matter what state is counting ?
A week, month, year ?

Duh, the answer is whatever state law allows.
Even if it takes days or weeks - all legal ballots should be counted.
With Democrat printers working overtime make new filled-in ballots.

Why do you perpetuate conspiracy theories without any credible proof? Democrats aren't the ones engaging in voter suppression and fraud. BTW, votes don't count unless they are validated and approved.
Yes, that's what you've been told to believe.

They must be hand delivered to an official drop box or directly to your respective county clerk's office. This is being widely reported on CNN and MSNBC.
So, apparently iceberg also doesn't believe in states' rights.
Conservatives believe in “states’ rights” when it benefits conservatives and Republicans.

Conservatives oppose “states’ rights” when it comes to laws enacted by states controlled by Democrats.

In the coming years we’ll see that rightwing hypocrisy on full display as the Trump Court strikes down laws enacted by Democratic state lawmakers while Republican state laws are upheld.
You're more dramatic than an all-girl middle school.
I'd vote, but you're missing the only correct answer:

"States should be forced to obey their own laws."

Which states are not obeying their election laws?
The ones where Democrats decided to violate their state election laws. PA comes to mind.

Proof? Link?
Indiana say's the Electors have to Vote with the Majority of the Vote, The majority will win Indiana, They made it law you have to give the majority the Vote. no changing it.
Even if it takes days or weeks - all legal ballots should be counted.
Define "legal" in your comment.
Possibly postmark date ?
If not, then are you willing to allow for any length of time before a decision is made ?

Duh, "legal" means whatever the respective state election law says is "legal". It ain't rocket science...
So you keep avoiding this simple question.
How long are you willing to wait before a decision is made, no matter what state is counting ?
A week, month, year ?
Until the Democrat wins.
Thank you CrusaderFrank for being the first conservative to vote "Yes". Apparently states' rights aren't all that important to you.
You are for the
I feel very strongly that SCOTUS should not tell states when to stop counting their ballots - especially in the middle of a pandemic - and a presidential election. That should be totally left up to the states and their respective election laws. I think this is something that both Democrats and Republicans should be able to agree on. What do you think?
Under Article II of the U.S. Constitution the president and vice president are chosen by electors, under a constitutional grant of authority delegated to the legislatures of the several states. The Constitution reserves the choice of the precise manner for creating electors to the will of the state legislatures.

Should the Governor and/or the State Court usurp the power of the Legislature, the role of SCOTUS would be order that usurpation ceased.

Are you for the usurpation of Legislative power by a State Court or Governor?
I'm for the counting of all legal ballots according to respective state election laws. SCOTUS should not be involved.
If the State Court or even a Federal Court usurps the State Legislature in a FEDERAL Election, the State Legislature will have standing in Federal Court.

The Supreme Court has consistently rejected efforts by lower court judges to change election rules or extend deadlines in the run up to the election as such decisions are for state legislatures under the US Constitution.

Do you want the Court to ignore precedent and the US Constitution?
My point is that states' election laws should prevail...
Yes, and when Courts usurp authority from the Legislature, SCOTUS will stop that usurpation.
.... BTW, I don't know what point you've been trying to make...
It's only 12 words. "When Courts usurp authority from the Legislature, SCOTUS will stop that usurpation."
... SCOTUS should not rule on any challenges to state election laws to stop counting ballots...
Article II grants the Legislature with the authority to determine how Electors will be selected in a Federal Election. If a Court, or even a Governor, usurps that authority, SCOTUS will put an end to that usurpation. That is both how it is, and how it should be.
I'd vote, but you're missing the only correct answer:

"States should be forced to obey their own laws."

Which states are not obeying their election laws?
The ones where Democrats decided to violate their state election laws. PA comes to mind.

Proof? Link?
Indiana say's the Electors have to Vote with the Majority of the Vote, The majority will win Indiana, They made it law you have to give the majority the Vote. no changing it.

That's the way it should be - don't you think? Electors should vote according to the popular vote in their respective state.

They must be hand delivered to an official drop box or directly to your respective county clerk's office.
Here in Indiana Yes, now you have to stand in line if you are here in Indiana. I casted my Vote on September 10th it has not been counted yet. Indiana will start Counting Votes Eastern Standard Time, which is New York time Tuesday Nov 3rd. I hand delivered my Ballot in person to the County Clerks Office, to avoid Donald Trumps Voter Suppression
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