Poll - should the CIA be zeroed out of the budget?

Should Congress refuse to fund the CIA, zero it out?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 28.0%
  • No

    Votes: 13 52.0%
  • The CIA takes orders from Tel Aviv, so ask Israel

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • Zero them out, fire them, and put all CIA in front of a firing squad

    Votes: 4 16.0%

  • Total voters
Why do we fund the CIA? The CIA is a complete disaster. They were meeting with Fauci during the Covid hoax. They blocked investigation into Hunter Biden. They lie. They false flag hate hoax. They murder. They start wars over lies with nothing in US national interest. There are claims they are bullying Congress with bribes and threats.


The CIA is our enemy...
Newsflash: "we" don't fund the CIA.

Haven't since 1959.

They've found their own sources of funds. That's why they engage in drug trafficking and such.
  • Thanks
Reactions: EMH
He was a Closet Social Liberal

100% fiscally liberal.

Kisses Michael Robinson.

Funded public education $1 trillion while blocking vouchers.

Shut down FBI case against the Co2 Fraud.

Did 911, rewarded those behind it, and sold out our troops and wealth as a nation to help the country most responsible for 911 = Israel.
Why do we fund the CIA? The CIA is a complete disaster. They were meeting with Fauci during the Covid hoax. They blocked investigation into Hunter Biden. They lie. They false flag hate hoax. They murder. They start wars over lies with nothing in US national interest. There are claims they are bullying Congress with bribes and threats.


The CIA is our enemy...

Actually, we really do not need the CIA doing this type of shit behind our backs...

and you are not a patriotic America for supporting this type of TERRORISM....

Who Cares?

Russia has been maiming U.S. personnel using focused microwaves for years. They deserve a lot worse than this.

If the CIA did this, the kudos to the CIA!

BTW - This isn't the sort of operation the CIA does. There maybe other departments that do this type of thing.

Perhaps you've watched too many James Bond Movies!
The CIA has been a nefarious force since its inception. It killed a potus in Dallas long ago. Allan Dulles’ grandson often posts here and he confirms his grandpa killed JFK.
That's a complicated story.

The real problem is the spooks are unaccountable. They're legally allowed to lie to Congress.

If you'd like to learn about JFK, work backwards. Start with Nixon creating the DEA.
OP, when did the CIA become this nefarious entity you're now bitching and moaning about?
Officially, during the obama presidency

The spooks may have toyed with the idea of being backseat drivers of government before, but needed someone like him to pull it off
Wild Bill Donovan recruited communists into the OSS and they stayed on when it became the CIA.
The spooks may have toyed with the idea of being backseat drivers of government before, but needed someone like him to pull it off
Truman knew he had screwed up, and Eisenhower knew he had lost control and tried to warn us and Kennedy about the emerging corporate takeover. Kennedy was naive about their influence and power and tried to defend it and paid the price. The President and VP are now furniture, and Congress and to an increasing impact the SCOTUS has been systemically throttled and directed by an unreachable apparatus ever since, and the security=defense financial octopus has been interwoven into our very economy now, impossible to touch it.
Truman knew he had screwed up, and Eisenhower knew he had lost control and tried to warn us and Kennedy about the emerging corporate takeover. Kennedy was naive about their influence and power and tried to defend it and paid the price. The President and VP are now furniture, and Congress and to an increasing impact the SCOTUS has been systemically throttled and directed by an unreachable apparatus ever since, and the security=defense financial octopus has been interwoven into our very economy now, impossible to touch it.
Again, they needed 8 years of obama to get fully established
Officially, during the obama presidency

The spooks may have toyed with the idea of being backseat drivers of government before, but needed someone like him to pull it off

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