POLL: Should the Washington Redskins change their name?

POLL: Should the Washington Redskins change their name?

  • No

  • Yes

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I'm not a Redskin fan. But if I was I'd be giving the middle finger to the team in regards to buying all new gear for the new name. I guess the fans need to burn their Redskins shirts, jerseys, flags, bumper stickers or any memorabilia or risk being known as a racist? Redskins fans have the privilege of buying all new gear while kneeling for the anthem and saluting the black anthem. LOL You just can't make this shit up.

I have not purchased Redskin merchandise in years, but I'll be buying some before they possibly stop selling it at the official store. I'm sure most comments about me wearing Redskin Merchandise will be about how it was NOT FAIR what happened to the team name.
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It's about time that this racist atrocity comes to an end.

If you think that is racism, then you likely have no idea what racism is and what it really does.

The logo by the way was approved and partly designed by Walter Blackie Wetzel, a Native American of the Blackfoot Tribe in Montana. Walter has passed away, but his family is very upset that his logo is being removed which has been on the team uniform since 1971.
Do any of you believe we are heading for a dystopian culture based on pure non offense to anything? Would we end up with an approved shirt of one or very few colors to wear. Same with pants, shoes, socks and even underwear?

There is a valid concern here. The removal of the Redskin name was a coup perpetrated by a tiny group of people who placed pressure at the right points, sponsors, during a time of rioting and looting after a poor man in Minnesota died from police mis-conduct. They took advantage of George Floyd's death and the wave of violence and protest afterward, to put pressure and scare the sponsors into backing away from the Franchise.

The tyranny of the minority has been seen in the past. It was seen in Nazi Germany with the rise of Hitler and in Russia/Soviet Union with the rise of Lenin and Stalin.
I did watch the video. I did not see the word REDSKIN used in the video.

Well, that's the problem. It was a video. you actually had to LISTEN for the word. I'm sorry this was too complicated a task for you.

I listened and watch the video three times. I did not hear the word REDSKIN once. If the word REDSKIN is said during the video, would you please give me the time stamp in the video of when it is said because I cannot find it. I will listen to it again for a fourth time, but I would appreciate it if you please let me know where in the video someone says the word REDSKIN!

I would appreciate it if you would tell me where in the video the word REDSKIN is said. I don't think that is asking too much.
Definitely. "Redskins" is a racial slur. Why deliberately offend people?

So a team would name themselves after a racial slur and something that was meant to be derogatory? Of course not. Grow up.
Times change, and things change with them.

Wake up and join the 21st century.

No, you should wake up to the Marxist destruction of our country. And grow up too.
You should look up what a Marxist is.

Maybe you should look in the mirror.
I used your logic and you called "your logic" retarded.
I rest my case.

In regards to me bringing up Lakhota, you replied to my rebuttle with her. I repeating context 3x to you so you understood what is important, and yet you took my conversation with Lakhota out of context and questioned why bringing her up was relevant=because it was the context of discussion and lesson that her logic and now yours is flawed or as you said retarded, except I would never use that word or such an ad hominem argument.

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Thank you, it is dually noted that liberals do not like disabled people, primarilly when they are losing debates, we'll put that response in the same category as the Liberals killing (thus hating) babies and threatening people's dogs thus not liking dogs either.
Let's make a list:
Hate the disabled, hate Babies Hate Dogs, hate gated communities, hate facts and truth, hate intellectual honesty, hate free speech, hate equal rights, hate statues and history, Hate their country, hate democracy, hate fair ellections, hate refutations that expose their failed logic, hate balanced news, hate law and order, hate drug enforcement, hate capitalism, hate Americans, hate a thriving economy because they bet against it, hate their parents, hate happy people, and lastly since they hate their mirror image reflected back= they hate themselves.
POLL: Should the Washington Redskins change their name? Yes or No?

I say NO. The name Redskins is not racist and has been the team name since 1933, 87 years now. It is a tiny minority of people that are using the current climate to manipulate the situation to bring about a name change. No one ever had a problem with the name until 1968 during a time when liberals across the country were revolting against anything and everything. Since then its been a minority of people that have considered the name racist and demanded a name change. We can't a allow tiny vocal minorities to control what we think and how we live. The organization and team have always honored Native Americans which is why the name, colors, and mascot were chosen.

This poll and topic is connected to the larger questions about what is considered "racist", who gets to decide, what are Americans allowed to honor about their history and past with statues and names of places. It might make sense in certain cases to change names or remove statues depending on who they are and what they represent in the context of American history and the present time. But to remove and destroy everything that anyone finds the least bit offensive for the most outlandish of reasons would be a terrible mistake.

Please just vote once. I made a mistake that allowed for multiple voting, but I can't edit it out.


They should change their name to:

"The Washington Politically Correct Faggots"!
The NFL and its sponsors are no longer comfortable with the name so it really does not matter what the regular fan thinks or feels. Money talks.

Its the fans that spend the money. Without the fans, no team would survive. No sponsor can save a team from an empty stadium or mounds of unpurchased merchandise.

What merchandise, it was all pulled. Like I said, extortion.


I stated that as an example of what the future could hold for the Franchise if the abandon the name and the history of the Franchise. I was not talking about Redskin Merchandise. You can still buy Redskin merchandise at their website, plus there will always be Redskin merchandise for sell on Ebay and other sites especially now that the franchise is changing the name. People with Redskin merchandise just became wealthier. Not sure when or if the Franchise will actually stop selling Redskin Merchandise.

I mean, what if you want John Riggins T-shirt or a Darrell Green T-shirt. They played for the Washington Redskins, not the Washington Whatever's.

They should tell the sponsors to pound sand and sue congress in federal court for their bill of attainder. Who the hell are these assholes in congress to tell the owner he can't move his team to DC without changing their name?

As you know, even a President of the USA can sue people who break their contract for which they were well paid, and 1/3 of your critique was right, the rest is just political nagging. Of course, these days, some men feel perfectly comfortable with nagging, even in politics where they'd receive criticism from their victims.

So let me get this straight... you think the real problem with a President cheated on his wife by paying a Porn Star for sex is that the Porn Star didn't keep quiet about it?

But he's a good Christian. He hates Gays and Mexicans, just like Jesus did.
Thank you, it is dually noted that liberals do not like disabled people, primarilly when they are losing debates, we'll put that response in the same category as the Liberals killing (thus hating) babies and threatening people's dogs thus not liking dogs either.
Let's make a list:
Hate the disabled, hate Babies Hate Dogs, hate gated communities, hate facts and truth, hate intellectual honesty, hate free speech, hate equal rights, hate statues and history, Hate their country, hate democracy, hate fair ellections, hate refutations that expose their failed logic, hate balanced news, hate law and order, hate drug enforcement, hate capitalism, hate Americans, hate a thriving economy because they bet against it, hate their parents, hate happy people, and lastly since they hate their mirror image reflected back= they hate themselves.

Okay, buddy, now you are just babbling...

You guys got behind a mutt, he's now managed to mess it up, and you are whining.
Thank you, it is dually noted that liberals do not like disabled people, primarilly when they are losing debates, we'll put that response in the same category as the Liberals killing (thus hating) babies and threatening people's dogs thus not liking dogs either.
Let's make a list:
Hate the disabled, hate Babies Hate Dogs, hate gated communities, hate facts and truth, hate intellectual honesty, hate free speech, hate equal rights, hate statues and history, Hate their country, hate democracy, hate fair ellections, hate refutations that expose their failed logic, hate balanced news, hate law and order, hate drug enforcement, hate capitalism, hate Americans, hate a thriving economy because they bet against it, hate their parents, hate happy people, and lastly since they hate their mirror image reflected back= they hate themselves.

Okay, buddy, now you are just babbling...

You guys got behind a mutt, he's now managed to mess it up, and you are whining.
THINK CAREFULLY: assuming you are not writing in your own candidate vote,
you inadvertantly said your candidate Biden who has a lesser IQ then me, was dumber then someone you called Retarded.
And that would make your choice what?
As you know, even a President of the USA can sue people who break their contract for which they were well paid, and 1/3 of your critique was right, the rest is just political nagging. Of course, these days, some men feel perfectly comfortable with nagging, even in politics where they'd receive criticism from their victims.

So let me get this straight... you think the real problem with a President cheated on his wife by paying a Porn Star for sex is that the Porn Star didn't keep quiet about it?

But he's a good Christian. He hates Gays and Mexicans, just like Jesus did.
Are you repeating the same question you posed yesterday? lol, JoeB131, your Democrat Mediae brethren had a secret place where operatives like you can go to catch up on what you're supposed to say which isn't yesterday's same thing. :muahaha:
THINK CAREFULLY: assuming you are not writing in your own candidate vote,
you inadvertantly said your candidate Biden who has a lesser IQ then me,

I said nothing of the sort... but I can see why you use a cross section of a brain for an AVI.... Someone clearly performed a lobotomy on yours.

Are you repeating the same question you posed yesterday? lol, JoeB131, your Democrat Mediae brethren had a secret place where operatives like you can go to catch up on what you're supposed to say which isn't yesterday's same thing.

Actually, I'm still waiting for you to answer.

How can someone fuck a porn star while cheating on his pregnant wife and still have the fucking balls to call himself a Christian?
THINK CAREFULLY: assuming you are not writing in your own candidate vote,
you inadvertantly said your candidate Biden who has a lesser IQ then me,

I said nothing of the sort... but I can see why you use a cross section of a brain for an AVI.... Someone clearly performed a lobotomy on yours.

Are you repeating the same question you posed yesterday? lol, JoeB131, your Democrat Mediae brethren had a secret place where operatives like you can go to catch up on what you're supposed to say which isn't yesterday's same thing.

Actually, I'm still waiting for you to answer.

How can someone fuck a porn star while cheating on his pregnant wife and still have the fucking balls to call himself a Christian?
Atheists should not speak to Christians in that way (for their own benefit, not someone else's crippling). Nonbelievers do not know of grace nor of what the Kingdom of God is, and cannot wrap their minds around Jesus Christ as the Savior who confounded the gates of hell, sir. In fact, it's an atheist trait to ignore the Psalms 100 in which his people agree they are only his people, the sheep of his pasture, who were created by God, and not we ourselves. It's a belief system, Joeb, one you do not respect, as one who cannot wrap his mind around God, the Father's forgiveness of those who believe in him. Face it Joe, you haven't the least incentive of learning about God's grace, which is your personal choice. We know and admit to the Lord in Prayer that we are frail humans who make frequent mistakes. God can see sincerity as clearly as we can see sunlight on a cloudless day.
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THINK CAREFULLY: assuming you are not writing in your own candidate vote,
you inadvertantly said your candidate Biden who has a lesser IQ then me,

I said nothing of the sort... but I can see why you use a cross section of a brain for an AVI.... Someone clearly performed a lobotomy on yours.

Are you repeating the same question you posed yesterday? lol, JoeB131, your Democrat Mediae brethren had a secret place where operatives like you can go to catch up on what you're supposed to say which isn't yesterday's same thing.

Actually, I'm still waiting for you to answer.

How can someone fuck a porn star while cheating on his pregnant wife and still have the fucking balls to call himself a Christian?
>>>>Someone clearly performed a lobotomy on yours.
Once again you are saying your candidate Biden is dumber then somebody who had a labotomy.
And to answer your other response to the other poster beautress, because you broke your own logic again:
>>>I said nothing of the sort
And likewise The president never said he had sex with that woman, the Lawyer who got arrested for blackmailing and his less then trustworthy money grubber did. You support blackmailing because your party uses it as a tactic to get what it wants no matter the morality or law. You once again trampled on your own argument.
THINK CAREFULLY: assuming you are not writing in your own candidate vote,
you inadvertantly said your candidate Biden who has a lesser IQ then me,

I said nothing of the sort... but I can see why you use a cross section of a brain for an AVI.... Someone clearly performed a lobotomy on yours.

Are you repeating the same question you posed yesterday? lol, JoeB131, your Democrat Mediae brethren had a secret place where operatives like you can go to catch up on what you're supposed to say which isn't yesterday's same thing.

Actually, I'm still waiting for you to answer.

How can someone fuck a porn star while cheating on his pregnant wife and still have the fucking balls to call himself a Christian?
You're waiting? you left the scene because you don't like my answers. :tongue:
Atheists should not speak to Christians in that way (for their own benefit, not someone else's crippling). Nonbelievers do not know of grace nor of what the Kingdom of God is, and cannot wrap their minds around Jesus Christ as the Savior who confounded the gates of hell, sir.

Uh, honey, screaming verses at me doesn't work. There is no God, Jesus never existed and there is no Hell. The fact that you spew this crap, but you are perfectly fine with Trump as long as he hates the people you hate is the problem here.

Face it Joe, you haven't the least incentive of learning about God's grace, which is your personal choice. We know and admit to the Lord in Prayer that we are frail humans who make frequent mistakes. God can see sincerity as clearly as we can see sunlight on a cloudless day.

Uh, not really, you just see Christianity as an excuse to hate on people like Gays... you don't care what Trump does as long as you see him furthering your attempts to impose your silly beliefs on the rest of us.

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