POLL: Should the Washington Redskins change their name?

POLL: Should the Washington Redskins change their name?

  • No

  • Yes

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They should change their owner first.
But yes, the tide has turned against the Redskin name

It does not honor Native American heritage
The term has a long history as a slur

The term was created by Native Americans and is used by Native Americans to this day for the name of sports teams and other things. Why would so many Native American High Schools use the name if it was a racial slur?
Got a link for that?

Documents from the colonial period indicate that the use of "red" as an identifier by Native Americans for themselves emerged in the context of Indian-European diplomacy in the southeastern region of North America, before later being adopted by Europeans and becoming a generic label for all Native Americans.[9]:627–28

Linguistic evidence indicates that, while some tribes may have used red to refer to themselves during the Pre-Columbian era based upon their origin stories,[9]:634 the general use of the term was in response to meeting people who called themselves "white" and their slaves "black".[9]:629 The choice of red rather than other colors may have been due to cultural associations, rather than skin color.[9]:632 Red and white were a dichotomy that had pervasive symbolic meanings in southeastern Native cultures which was less prevalent among northern tribes.[9]:632 While there was occasional use of "red" in Indian-European diplomacy in the northeast, it was still rare there even after it had become common in the southeast. Instead, "Indian" was translated into the native languages there as "men", "real people", or "original people".[9]:629–30 Usage in the northeast region by Europeans may have been largely limited to descriptions of tribes such as the Beothuk of Newfoundland, whose practice of painting their bodies and possessions with red ochre led Europeans to refer to them as "Red Indians".[10]

Redskin - Wikipedia Then go to "red as a racial identifier" which is where the above info comes from.

As for Native Americans use of the term today, go to the youtube link that was posted on the first page of this thread.

So we are talking 300 years ago

Since that time, “Redskin” has been used derisively to describe Native Americans

Yet a 2019 poll found otherwise.

The NFL and its sponsors are no longer comfortable with the name so it really does not matter what the regular fan thinks or feels. Money talks.

Its the fans that spend the money. Without the fans, no team would survive. No sponsor can save a team from an empty stadium or mounds of unpurchased merchandise.

What merchandise, it was all pulled. Like I said, extortion.

POLL: Should the Washington Redskins change their name? Yes or No?

I say NO. The name Redskins is not racist and has been the team name since 1933, 87 years now. It is a tiny minority of people that are using the current climate to manipulate the situation to bring about a name change. No one ever had a problem with the name until 1968 during a time when liberals across the country were revolting against anything and everything. Since then its been a minority of people that have considered the name racist and demanded a name change. We can't a allow tiny vocal minorities to control what we think and how we live. The organization and team have always honored Native Americans which is why the name, colors, and mascot were chosen.

This poll and topic is connected to the larger questions about what is considered "racist", who gets to decide, what are Americans allowed to honor about their history and past with statues and names of places. It might make sense in certain cases to change names or remove statues depending on who they are and what they represent in the context of American history and the present time. But to remove and destroy everything that anyone finds the least bit offensive for the most outlandish of reasons would be a terrible mistake.

Please just vote once. I made a mistake that allowed for multiple voting, but I can't edit it out.
Of course they should , to the Washington " C#NTS
I voted yes. Putting myself in the owner's shoes, yes, because the owner need to put this controversy to rest and concentrate on more important things.

The problem is when you try to appease the mob, they find something else for you to appease "or else"

Also, I find it comical that SJW types are lauding corporations like Fed Ex and Nike forcing this on the Snyder.
I agree that the mob will never be satisfied; however, they may move on to a different target for awhile.

This current version of the mob seems capable of multi-targeting, including their own heretics that don't toe the line 100%.

Okay, let's look at the context.

Bubba was the first black driver in NASCAR (a notroiously racist sport) and he lauded the removal of the Confederate Flag from NASCAR events. Then he goes to where he keeps his car and he sees what looks like a noose in his garage.

Turns out he was wrong, it was just a pull knot... but you can see if he thought otherwise.

On the other hand, if it had been there for years and he saw it before, and then made a big deal, shame on him.
absolutely. Redskin is a racial slur.

LOL. The majority of Injuns disagree with you.

But, hey, feigning indignation on behalf of others is a Snowflake's Duty these days.

Poll of Native Americans’ view of Redskins name finds “proud” most common answer
Posted by Michael David Smith on August 10, 2019, 7:34 AM EDT​
Seems like a tribute to the worrior life style to me.

Of course! it is a HIGH compliment! A football team usually seeks a name to inspire fear in their opponents! ( Except Miami who opted for a ridiculous team name and logo) .

It is not as if the Atlanta Falcons changed their name to the "Atlanta Neggers". No one in their right minds seeks a racist moniker. They seek a fearsome one.

IF REDSKINS was offensive, then perhaps something along the lines of BRAVES or CHIEFS is better. Frankly, given the nature of DC, I think they should name themselves after something more reflective of their fan base. The DeeP STATERS or QUISLINGS.
I'm not a Redskin fan. But if I was I'd be giving the middle finger to the team in regards to buying all new gear for the new name. I guess the fans need to burn their Redskins shirts, jerseys, flags, bumper stickers or any memorabilia or risk being known as a racist? Redskins fans have the privilege of buying all new gear while kneeling for the anthem and saluting the black anthem. LOL You just can't make this shit up.

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