POLL: Should the Washington Redskins change their name?

POLL: Should the Washington Redskins change their name?

  • No

  • Yes

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I voted yes. Putting myself in the owner's shoes, yes, because the owner need to put this controversy to rest and concentrate on more important things.

The problem is when you try to appease the mob, they find something else for you to appease "or else"

Also, I find it comical that SJW types are lauding corporations like Fed Ex and Nike forcing this on the Snyder.
I agree that the mob will never be satisfied; however, they may move on to a different target for awhile.
Do any of you believe we are heading for a dystopian culture based on pure non offense to anything? Would we end up with an approved shirt of one or very few colors to wear. Same with pants, shoes, socks and even underwear?
NO, that football team should not change its name.

Most Native Americans could not care less about the issue.

Sadly, they are being used as pawns by unscrupulous groups.

Equally sad is the fact that a small number of troublemakers can say "Boo!" and the Establishment caves, instead of ignoring that obnoxious fringe.
Change it to Snyder‘s Snowflakes.

How about Washington Kikes? The owner is Jewish.

View attachment 362905
The present owner did not choose the name nor logo.
A NON Jew- George Preston Marshall (October 11, 1896 – August 9, 1969) was the founder of the Washington Redskins, which he owned from 1932 until his death in 1969.
The reason the team is a target has more to do with the racist founder people had issue with not the new owner, and they are taking down an innocent man for the behavior of a former owner.
So once again, you are wrong (you are always wrong), and you are the racist for what you post and your intention.
Do any of you believe we are heading for a dystopian culture based on pure non offense to anything? Would we end up with an approved shirt of one or very few colors to wear. Same with pants, shoes, socks and even underwear?

Is it OK to wear a white shirt during the summer?

Dare I order a dish of vanilla ice cream?

Will brides still be allowed to wear white wedding dresses?

Will President and Mrs. Biden be moving into the White House?
POLL: Should the Washington Redskins change their name? Yes or No?

I say NO. The name Redskins is not racist and has been the team name since 1933, 87 years now. It is a tiny minority of people that are using the current climate to manipulate the situation to bring about a name change. No one ever had a problem with the name until 1968 during a time when liberals across the country were revolting against anything and everything. Since then its been a minority of people that have considered the name racist and demanded a name change. We can't a allow tiny vocal minorities to control what we think and how we live. The organization and team have always honored Native Americans which is why the name, colors, and mascot were chosen.

This poll and topic is connected to the larger questions about what is considered "racist", who gets to decide, what are Americans allowed to honor about their history and past with statues and names of places. It might make sense in certain cases to change names or remove statues depending on who they are and what they represent in the context of American history and the present time. But to remove and destroy everything that anyone finds the least bit offensive for the most outlandish of reasons would be a terrible mistake.

Please just vote once. I made a mistake that allowed for multiple voting, but I can't edit it out.
I don't care what they do now. I am finished with the NFL.
View attachment 362904

It's about time that this racist atrocity comes to an end.
I'm offended by the large oven in your kitchen. Ovens were used to kill my landsman, so by your cancel culture you should remove your oven from your kitchen and your office eating area.
Better confiscate your son's easy bake oven too, because you are teaching him anti-Semitic habits early. I'm being made uncomfortable by your radical insensitive behavior, I feel if your party takes the house and senate or presidency that you might use your ovens on those you oppose and already refuse dining services to, like the Nazis used to do to my landsman.
Maxine Waters said not to serve food to her opposition party, she said to kick them out of restaurants, harass them and make them feel uncomfortable. This is history of hate propaganda repeating:
In 1939 the Nazis barred Jews from train dining cars. They learned that hate propaganda from The Church’s Synod of Elvira (306) which forbade Jews and Christians eating together.
=you are a supporter of hate, antisemitism, and racism.
I know exactly who my enemies are... everyone other then myself. However, nobody in the 99% has ever given me a job, sold me a car, etc... They have, however, disparaged and maligned me for things I have no control over for my entire life.

You only have a job if you are producing a good or service the 99% need. The one percent are parasites who live off your labor.
I did watch the video. I did not see the word REDSKIN used in the video.

Well, that's the problem. It was a video. you actually had to LISTEN for the word. I'm sorry this was too complicated a task for you.
I'm offended by the large oven in your kitchen. Ovens were used to kill my landsman, so by your cancel culture you should remove your oven from your kitchen and your office eating area.
Better confiscate your son's easy bake oven too, because you are teaching him anti-Semitic habits early. I'm being made uncomfortable by your radical insensitive behavior, I feel if your party takes the house and senate or presidency that you might use your ovens on those you oppose and already refuse dining services to, like the Nazis used to do to my landsman.

Well, here's your first problem. Ovens weren't used to kill anyone. They were used to dispose of some bodies, but most victims of the Holocaust were shot or starved or gassed.

So you are really stretching to make a dumb point about a dumb name that even the teams owners no longer think is appropriate.
I'm offended by the large oven in your kitchen. Ovens were used to kill my landsman, so by your cancel culture you should remove your oven from your kitchen and your office eating area.
Better confiscate your son's easy bake oven too, because you are teaching him anti-Semitic habits early. I'm being made uncomfortable by your radical insensitive behavior, I feel if your party takes the house and senate or presidency that you might use your ovens on those you oppose and already refuse dining services to, like the Nazis used to do to my landsman.

Well, here's your first problem. Ovens weren't used to kill anyone. They were used to dispose of some bodies, but most victims of the Holocaust were shot or starved or gassed.

So you are really stretching to make a dumb point about a dumb name that even the teams owners no longer think is appropriate.
POLL: Should the Washington Redskins change their name? Yes or No?

I say NO. The name Redskins is not racist and has been the team name since 1933, 87 years now. It is a tiny minority of people that are using the current climate to manipulate the situation to bring about a name change. No one ever had a problem with the name until 1968 during a time when liberals across the country were revolting against anything and everything. Since then its been a minority of people that have considered the name racist and demanded a name change. We can't a allow tiny vocal minorities to control what we think and how we live. The organization and team have always honored Native Americans which is why the name, colors, and mascot were chosen.

This poll and topic is connected to the larger questions about what is considered "racist", who gets to decide, what are Americans allowed to honor about their history and past with statues and names of places. It might make sense in certain cases to change names or remove statues depending on who they are and what they represent in the context of American history and the present time. But to remove and destroy everything that anyone finds the least bit offensive for the most outlandish of reasons would be a terrible mistake.

Please just vote once. I made a mistake that allowed for multiple voting, but I can't edit it out.

No one should give in to extortion. As for your mistake, PM a mod and see it they can fix it.


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