Poll Shows 13% of Syrian Refugees Have Positive View of ISIS


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Poll taken last year, but that was after many brutal beheadings and other murders. I doubt much has changed. Well, maybe it's higher. If some could see ISIS as positive after all the slaughter the last couple years, I doubt if a few more murders is going to turn them off. Why are those refugees wanting to go to other countries since they approve of ISIS? Means they want to do their part and spread the evil.

We already have some refugees here. Obama is bringing 10,000 more right away. So, that is at least 1,300 of them who view ISIS favorably. It only took about 8 of them to kill 128 and wound over 350 in Paris. Just imagine what 1,300 can do here. And Obama wants to bring in even more.

When will the left admit that Obama is knowingly bringing terrorists here? Too damn many are undeniably radical considering they see ISIS in a good way. Only another terrorist could possibly think highly of a group that has tortured and murdered so many people.

When Syrian Refugees Were Asked If They Favor ISIS, The Number Who Said YES is Disturbing
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Poll taken last year, but that was after many brutal beheadings and other murders. I doubt much has changed. Well, maybe it's higher. If some could see ISIS as positive after all the slaughter the last couple years, I doubt if a few more murders is going to turn them off. Why are those refugees wanting to go to other countries since they approve of ISIS? Means they want to do their part and spread the evil.

When Syrian Refugees Were Asked If They Favor ISIS, The Number Who Said YES is Disturbing
When it hits 100% let me know, so that I still won't give a fuck. ISIS is having their way on the other side of the goddamned planet, not here.
Poll taken last year, but that was after many brutal beheadings and other murders. I doubt much has changed. Well, maybe it's higher. If some could see ISIS as positive after all the slaughter the last couple years, I doubt if a few more murders is going to turn them off. Why are those refugees wanting to go to other countries since they approve of ISIS? Means they want to do their part and spread the evil.

When Syrian Refugees Were Asked If They Favor ISIS, The Number Who Said YES is Disturbing
When it hits 100% let me know, so that I still won't give a fuck. ISIS is having their way on the other side of the goddamned planet, not here.
Fuck, you're an idiot!
Poll taken last year, but that was after many brutal beheadings and other murders. I doubt much has changed. Well, maybe it's higher. If some could see ISIS as positive after all the slaughter the last couple years, I doubt if a few more murders is going to turn them off. Why are those refugees wanting to go to other countries since they approve of ISIS? Means they want to do their part and spread the evil.

When Syrian Refugees Were Asked If They Favor ISIS, The Number Who Said YES is Disturbing
When it hits 100% let me know, so that I still won't give a fuck. ISIS is having their way on the other side of the goddamned planet, not here.
Fuck, you're an idiot!
There's no Caliphate in America, dumbshit.

And we have the same issues with the American Taliban here, who think Jesus should rule the fucking place.
And our POS president let 'em in anyway. Any doubt as to whose side he's on?

1,300 of the 10,000 think ISIS is good. That does not bode well for anyone here. We have many soft targets. It took 8 of them to kill all those people in Paris and because Obama is splitting them up, they will be able to carry out a lot of attacks here.
And our POS president let 'em in anyway. Any doubt as to whose side he's on?

1,300 of the 10,000 think ISIS is good. That does not bode well for anyone here. We have many soft targets. It took 8 of them to kill all those people in Paris and because Obama is splitting them up, they will be able to carry out a lot of attacks here.
Well you could get the fuck out of their countries now couldn't you?

Murdering innocent humans is evil, and ISIS will burn in hell.


1. How do you feel about the fact that Saudi Arabia funds ISIS?

2. How you feel about Bush's relationship to the Saudi Royals? Or the money the U.S. government has poured into that regime?

3. Did Reagan cause any problems when he funded the Afghan Mujahideen in the 80s?

4. Let's go back to question #1 and complicate it. How do you feel about McCain and Graham - because they rightly hate Assad - meeting with Saudi's Prince Bandar to encourage him to fund Syrian rebel forces. Do you know who the Saudis have been funding.

Do you know anything about the region? Do you know the difference between Sunni & Shia? Do you know all the groups in the Syrian Civil War? Do you know who Iran supports/funds? How about Russia?

Or are you just spewing simplistic garbage about terrorists? Because if that is what you are doing, than we agree 100% - they are fucking evil.

So now that we have that covered, can you please study the region so you can think more clearly about creating a lasting political solution that will allow us to hold and build-upon all the territory we surge back into play. I'd hate to find out that Trump was right and Bush broke the region, and that the best we can do is play whack-a-mole forever, as next year's radical group springs up somewhere else, followed by a surge and mission accomplished followed by another radical group popping up somewhere else...
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Wow! 13% !!! That sounds like a lot.

13% of US voters think Barack Obama is the anti-Christ, including 22% of Romney voters.

13% of Americans still don't approve of interracial marriage.

14% of US voters believe in Bigfoot
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Wow! 13% !!! That sounds like a lot.

13% of US voters think Barack Obama is the anti-Christ, including 22% of Romney voters.

13% of Americans still don't approve of interracial marriage.

14% of US voters believe in Bigfoot
And 13% of 200,000 is 26,000...

That works out to an average of around 500 nut bag terrorists and their supporters PER STATE...

And to think that those are just the ones that will ADMIT to it!!!
Wow! 13% !!! That sounds like a lot.

13% of US voters think Barack Obama is the anti-Christ, including 22% of Romney voters.

13% of Americans still don't approve of interracial marriage.

14% of US voters believe in Bigfoot
And 13% of 200,000 is 26,000...

That works out to an average of around 500 nut bag terrorists and their supporters PER STATE...

And to think that those are just the ones that will ADMIT to it!!!

Silly frightened nutter. You struggle with how people respond to polls.
Wow! 13% !!! That sounds like a lot.

13% of US voters think Barack Obama is the anti-Christ, including 22% of Romney voters.

13% of Americans still don't approve of interracial marriage.

14% of US voters believe in Bigfoot
And 13% of 200,000 is 26,000...

That works out to an average of around 500 nut bag terrorists and their supporters PER STATE...

And to think that those are just the ones that will ADMIT to it!!!

Silly frightened nutter. You struggle with how people respond to polls.
So let's take a little math lesson...

Multiply the terrorists' kill ratio by 26,000 and tell me how many faggot Democrats they will end up killing....
Poll taken last year, but that was after many brutal beheadings and other murders. I doubt much has changed. Well, maybe it's higher. If some could see ISIS as positive after all the slaughter the last couple years, I doubt if a few more murders is going to turn them off. Why are those refugees wanting to go to other countries since they approve of ISIS? Means they want to do their part and spread the evil.

When Syrian Refugees Were Asked If They Favor ISIS, The Number Who Said YES is Disturbing
When it hits 100% let me know, so that I still won't give a fuck. ISIS is having their way on the other side of the goddamned planet, not here.

What odds do you give of it happening here in say...... 18 months?


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