Poll shows 20 per cent of Biden voters regret their vote

None of the things you claim as facts are happening.

The border is not open.

No public school or high school in the USA is teaching CRT. Not one. The outrage over CRT is insanity itself. Lemmings responding to the fear and paranoia and racism of FOX News.
Your reply was insane, that's a fact.
Thanks for proving my point.
Just look at the border drone and helicopter view videos-the Dem mayor is calling it a humanitarian crisis.

I was doing my errands yesterday and one of the talk-show hosts was having Biden voters call in and voice their regret over voting for the current person occupying the White House.

Many of the were just plain sick about it.
They couldn't believe that they had been duped into voting for the obviously mentally challenged 'Walk-Away Joe' asshole.

Many of them felt they had been tricked into voting for this POS who....now that they've been able to witness what he's capable of..... deeply regret what they have done.
My question to them is.....how stupid do you feel today?

While noting that “he still has time to recover,” the analysis said that “what’s interesting is our poll was taken before the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan.”
Indeed, the poll of 2,173 registered U.S. voters who chose Mr. Biden was conducted Aug. 5-13.
A new Rasmussen Reports survey also uncovered some regret.
It found that if the “next presidential election” were held today, 37% of likely U.S. voters would choose Mr. Biden, 43% would pick former President Donald Trump, and 14% say they would vote for some other candidate.

Thankfully, the non-living, who make up the majority of the democrat base, remain loyal to Joe
None of the things you claim as facts are happening.

The border is not open.

No public school or high school in the USA is teaching CRT. Not one. The outrage over CRT is insanity itself. Lemmings responding to the fear and paranoia and racism of FOX News.
You need to get back on your meds
There wasn't a good choice and this is not arguable. It's time to keep the wealthy from running. We all can agree.
My regret was that I had to vote for him in the first place. But the alternative was too ugly for me to vote third party. So I don't regret the vote at all. The country is in a shitty place right now.
My regret was that I had to vote for him in the first place. But the alternative was too ugly for me to vote third party. So I don't regret the vote at all. The country is in a shitty place right now.

Trump hurt your feelings, Ol' Mac. Biden is destroying the country.

Great job. But hey, you felt good about yourself, which is patently obvious. So there's that
The psycho lady is off her critical meds again.

The poll means NOTHING. Absolutely fucking nothing.
Every poll denouncing Trump counts but asking Biden voter after Biden voter and their saying they REGRET voting for him because there was so much they never knew or were told about him BEFORE the election means nothing? It means EVERYTHING, you stupid crackpot.

The left wing media hid NOTHING during the election campaign.
That is ALL the leftwing media does is hide the truth about the Dems while exploiting every possible lie they can about the other party, as proven now that a 1/4 of Biddum's voters say they regret voting for him now that they are finally hearing the truth long after the election.

The American public loathes Donald Trump.
That's why he gathers more bigger crowds than the next best three democrats put together.


Screen Shot 2021-09-18 at 1.30.38 PM.jpg

Half the people above are reporters and press covering the event! :auiqs.jpg:

The only shocking thing about the election is that 74 million people voted in favour of more of the corruptions, incompetence, chaos, debt, disease and death.
I thought Joe allegedly got 81 million votes! :lmao: Joe bleeds corruption, his every act screams incompetence, now France too is mad as hell and has terminated ambassadorial relationship with the USA over Biden's sub deal, Biden tries to blow a trillion dollars the way we spend $100, and the Covid death watch since Joe was installed is now up to 255,000 dead! And that is with the idiot HAVING THE VACCINE! :21:

I gave Americans way too much credit for being smart people.
A person like you with the brains of a gnat is in no position to gauge anyone else.
Last edited:
None of the things you claim as facts are happening.

The border is not open.

No public school or high school in the USA is teaching CRT. Not one. The outrage over CRT is insanity itself. Lemmings responding to the fear and paranoia and racism of FOX News.
What Planet are you on????

  • We keep seeing drone shots of thousands of illegal immigrants parked under an overpass in Del Rio TX
  • Public schools are attempting to teach CRT but parents are up in arms about it
  • Anyone rational would have issues with a curriculum that not only blames white people for all of the evils in history but teaches children to see racism in every single aspect of their lives....perfect example....math is racist
CRT is systemic-racism.......CRT is just a sneaky way for Democrats to make all Blacks fit into the same box. Acting anyway other than a manner that is government approved is considered not being within the system's racial construct.
Sorry, no. The facts do not bare that out. He was only disliked by you far lefters and the Washington insiders and press media. NO president has ever been ADORED like this filling football stadiums, thousands still left outside unable to get in, and traveling from other states just to see him and for a chance to touch his hand. Trump is ADORED because he is not part of the Washington Machine and put the citizens of America above politics, career and government.

Yes it does. If they voted for Biden and now regret it finally learning more about him, you can bet your sweet bippy that they would have voted for Trump because hearing the truth about Biden means they would have also heard more of the truth about Trump. And the Left only gets votes FOR themselves and against Trump through lies and obfuscation.

There are 20% who regret voting for Biden but you won't find 2% who ever regret voting for Trump.

Trump was a presidency of hope, success, great pride and optimism.
Biden is a false presidency of gloom, regrets and fear. Joe always looks like he's on his way to a funeral. Fear for our country, fear for our future, and now fear for our children.

Donald Trump was the motivational head coach that made you feel great as if you could and would overcome absolutely anything.
Joe Biden is the sullen doctor that comes to tell you that you've got stage 4 cancer now and there's no point fighting it. You are screwed.
Trump wasn't perfect...but he also wasn't incompetent and a total retard like Biden.
It took 5 years of hate-speech by the media to turn Trump into a *demagogue/pariah.
Biden has been able to do that within months....even with the fawning press cheering him on.



  1. a political leader who seeks support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument.
    "a gifted demagogue with particular skill in manipulating the press"
    rabble-rouser · political agitator · agitator · soapbox orator · firebrand · troublemaker · incendiary

  1. rhetorically exploit (an issue) for political purposes in a way calculated to appeal to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people.
    "he seems more interested in demagoguing the issue in media interviews than in dialogue"
Trump wasn't perfect...but he also wasn't incompetent and a total retard like Biden.
Exactly right. Trump had massive flaws of inexperience and ego, but despite that, he did amazingly well because part of that ego as stated at his inauguration was to disenfranchise big government and make America work better again for the average person. Biden OTOH has no excuse to be incompetent yet may be the most incompetent and dangerous POTUS in my lifetime! EVERYTHING the guy has done has turned to shit at best to being downright horrible for the country.
What Planet are you on????

  • We keep seeing drone shots of thousands of illegal immigrants parked under an overpass in Del Rio TX
  • Public schools are attempting to teach CRT but parents are up in arms about it
  • Anyone rational would have issues with a curriculum that not only blames white people for all of the evils in history but teaches children to see racism in every single aspect of their lives....perfect example....math is racist
CRT is systemic-racism.......CRT is just a sneaky way for Democrats to make all Blacks fit into the same box. Acting anyway other than a manner that is government approved is considered not being within the system's racial construct.

The Haitians are being deported.

The schools are NOT teaching CRT. The crazed parents are attacking the school boards accusing them of teaching CRT, but no one is teaching it. Basically, the crazed parents believe any teaching about slavery or race is CRT and they don't want their children taught that the USA ever did anything terrible to non-white people, which pretty much means they don't want their children taught anything about American history.
The Haitians are being deported.

The schools are NOT teaching CRT. The crazed parents are attacking the school boards accusing them of teaching CRT, but no one is teaching it. Basically, the crazed parents believe any teaching about slavery or race is CRT and they don't want their children taught that the USA ever did anything terrible to non-white people, which pretty much means they don't want their children taught anything about American history.
I think you need to look up the definition of Critical Race Theory and try to figure out it's origins.
Haitians are being deported.....10,000 of them still got into Texas.
So the border is wide-open.

Explanation of CRT
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The schools are NOT teaching CRT.
At least 21 states are not teaching it because it has been legally BANNED.

Oh those silly people writing laws to ban something no one is trying to do, right? :smoke:

they don't want their children taught anything about American history.
Yep, I never learned a thing about American history! Idiot, you don't even live in the country! I guarantee you that I know more than you about any part of history period. Idiot.
The psycho lady is off her critical meds again.

Every poll denouncing Trump counts but asking Biden voter after Biden voter and their saying they REGRET voting for him because there was so much they never knew or were told about him BEFORE the election means nothing? It means EVERYTHING, you stupid crackpot.

That is ALL the leftwing media does is hide the truth about the Dems while exploiting every possible lie they can about the other party, as proven now that a 1/4 of Biddum's voters say they regret voting for him now that they are finally hearing the truth long after the election.

That's why he gathers more bigger crowds than the next best three democrats put together.

View attachment 540974

View attachment 540975

Half the people above are reporters and press covering the event! :auiqs.jpg:

I thought Joe allegedly got 81 million votes! :lmao: Joe bleeds corruption, his every act screams incompetence, now France too is mad as hell and has terminated ambassadorial relationship with the USA over Biden's sub deal, Biden tries to blow a trillion dollars the way we spend $100, and the Covid death watch since Joe was installed is now up to 255,000 dead! And that is with the idiot HAVING THE VACCINE! :21:

A person like you with the brains of a gnat is in no position to gauge anyone else.
FYI- Your trump photo is fake.
I was doing my errands yesterday and one of the talk-show hosts was having Biden voters call in and voice their regret over voting for the current person occupying the White House.

Many of the were just plain sick about it.
They couldn't believe that they had been duped into voting for the obviously mentally challenged 'Walk-Away Joe' asshole.

Many of them felt they had been tricked into voting for this POS who....now that they've been able to witness what he's capable of..... deeply regret what they have done.
My question to them is.....how stupid do you feel today?

While noting that “he still has time to recover,” the analysis said that “what’s interesting is our poll was taken before the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan.”
Indeed, the poll of 2,173 registered U.S. voters who chose Mr. Biden was conducted Aug. 5-13.
A new Rasmussen Reports survey also uncovered some regret.
It found that if the “next presidential election” were held today, 37% of likely U.S. voters would choose Mr. Biden, 43% would pick former President Donald Trump, and 14% say they would vote for some other candidate.

It's way more.
FYI- Your trump photo is fake.
Oh, really? What is your proof? Let's have it. Put up or shut up. Do you want me to show you 50 more just like it? What next-- -- you going to tell us Trump never drew crowds of tens of thousands? Maybe they were all shot on a Hollywood set next to the fake Moon landings? :smoke:

Funny, I can show lots of photos of empty and deserted Biden rallies, too. No one ever claims any of those are fake though. :SMILEW~130:

We know they are all-too-real.
At least 21 states are not teaching it because it has been legally BANNED.
And that makes normal people wonder why you're banning something that was never taught.

Oh, that's right. You redefine any talk of racism as "CRT", then ban discussing "CRT", effectively making it illegal to mention racism in schools.

Stalin would be impressed at the Trump cult's lust for censorship.

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