Poll shows Gabbard hands down winner of debate

Poll shows Tulsi Gabbard is winner of the first Democratic debate | Daily Mail Online
Yeah but just like Ron Paul winning the polls for the debates in 2008 and 2012 the media and establishment shut him up and refused to let him win and he didn't have the balls to fight back.

I detest liberturdians. And Ron Paul was/is one of the worst

Libertarians are some of the worst people in gumming up the works defending liberalism. Luckily there arent many outside chat rooms. But unluckily since they cant make much headway among grownups in the real world they have infiltrated the Republican Party. When I was a GOP committeeman I dealt with their attacks constantly as they tried to warp conservatism into libertariansim. And they are as puritanical as they come as far as their party line.
That said I think Ron Paul is one of the better ones. Unlike most you run across he doesnt completely surrender to liberals. He supports Trump. He opposes abortion. He opposes gays pretending to marry each other. Hes not so bad. And who could ever doubt his honesty?

Here is Ron Paul's view of marriage , and it is the correct one....

"Biblically and historically, the government was very uninvolved in marriage. I like that. I don't know why we should register our marriage to the federal government. I think it's a sacrament."
Poll shows Tulsi Gabbard is winner of the first Democratic debate | Daily Mail Online
Yeah but just like Ron Paul winning the polls for the debates in 2008 and 2012 the media and establishment shut him up and refused to let him win and he didn't have the balls to fight back.
The media and D Party did the same thing to Bernie in 2016. The D Party establishment will not likely allow a true progressive and non-warmonger winning the nomination. Their bosses the .1% transnational capitalists will not like it.

Why would the Democrats EVER make Bernie Sanders their candidate? He is not and has never been a Democrat. Sanders just wants to use the Democrats war chest and party organization to run for President. No. Democrats should nominate a member of the Democratic Party, not some opportunistic independent.
Yeah so it’s okay to cheat him. Really?

Lots of Americans voted for Bernie. They then failed to show up to vote for HER. So, we got Donnie. Good job D Party corrupt just like the R Party.
Poll shows Tulsi Gabbard is winner of the first Democratic debate | Daily Mail Online
Yeah but just like Ron Paul winning the polls for the debates in 2008 and 2012 the media and establishment shut him up and refused to let him win and he didn't have the balls to fight back.
The media and D Party did the same thing to Bernie in 2016. The D Party establishment will not likely allow a true progressive and non-warmonger winning the nomination. Their bosses the .1% transnational capitalists will not like it.

Why would the Democrats EVER make Bernie Sanders their candidate? He is not and has never been a Democrat. Sanders just wants to use the Democrats war chest and party organization to run for President. No. Democrats should nominate a member of the Democratic Party, not some opportunistic independent.

Plus, he is totally nuts
Poll shows Tulsi Gabbard is winner of the first Democratic debate | Daily Mail Online
Yeah but just like Ron Paul winning the polls for the debates in 2008 and 2012 the media and establishment shut him up and refused to let him win and he didn't have the balls to fight back.
The media and D Party did the same thing to Bernie in 2016. The D Party establishment will not likely allow a true progressive and non-warmonger winning the nomination. Their bosses the .1% transnational capitalists will not like it.

Why would the Democrats EVER make Bernie Sanders their candidate? He is not and has never been a Democrat. Sanders just wants to use the Democrats war chest and party organization to run for President. No. Democrats should nominate a member of the Democratic Party, not some opportunistic independent.
Yeah so it’s okay to cheat him. Really?

Lots of Americans voted for Bernie. They then failed to show up to vote for HER. So, we got Donnie. Good job D Party corrupt just like the R Party.

Bernie is the one who is cheating. He has no interest in being a member of the Party, he just wants their money. Regardless of who votes for him, he should never get the nomination. His voters KNOW he's not a Democrat.

And then there's his age. Nobody over the age of 70 should EVER be elected. Especially two men who have been in government for over 40 years and helped created the very things you're trying to get rid of now. And I say this as someone who turned 70 this year.

Biden was first elected to the Senate in 1973, nearly 50 years ago. If Biden hasn't fixed things in the last 46 years, I have no confidence in him fixing anything in the next 4 to 8 years. NEXT!

Bernie Sanders was first elected to the House in 1990, and the Senate in 2006. In 29 years, Sanders too has been part of the problem. I have yet to see anything from either of these men to lead me to believe that it wouldn't be more of the same. Despite his socialist leanings, I don't see Sanders being too much different than any of the other old guard, except that most of his ideas are unworkable, and the Republicans would obstruct like crazy.
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Poll shows Tulsi Gabbard is winner of the first Democratic debate | Daily Mail Online
Yeah but just like Ron Paul winning the polls for the debates in 2008 and 2012 the media and establishment shut him up and refused to let him win and he didn't have the balls to fight back.
The media and D Party did the same thing to Bernie in 2016. The D Party establishment will not likely allow a true progressive and non-warmonger winning the nomination. Their bosses the .1% transnational capitalists will not like it.

Why would the Democrats EVER make Bernie Sanders their candidate? He is not and has never been a Democrat. Sanders just wants to use the Democrats war chest and party organization to run for President. No. Democrats should nominate a member of the Democratic Party, not some opportunistic independent.

Plus, he is totally nuts
There are a number of studies showing Bernie beats Donnie in 2016. SHE was a lying, corporatist, elitist, warmonger, just like O. Bernie is none of those things. He would have won the working class vote not Donnie, and thus wins the electoral college.

The corrupt assholes in the D Party refuse to accept this. The D Party has not corrected their corruption or paid a price for it, so it may happen again. Expect four more years of Donnie along with four more years of constant whining by the left.
Poll shows Tulsi Gabbard is winner of the first Democratic debate | Daily Mail Online
Yeah but just like Ron Paul winning the polls for the debates in 2008 and 2012 the media and establishment shut him up and refused to let him win and he didn't have the balls to fight back.
The media and D Party did the same thing to Bernie in 2016. The D Party establishment will not likely allow a true progressive and non-warmonger winning the nomination. Their bosses the .1% transnational capitalists will not like it.

Why would the Democrats EVER make Bernie Sanders their candidate? He is not and has never been a Democrat. Sanders just wants to use the Democrats war chest and party organization to run for President. No. Democrats should nominate a member of the Democratic Party, not some opportunistic independent.
Yeah so it’s okay to cheat him. Really?

Lots of Americans voted for Bernie. They then failed to show up to vote for HER. So, we got Donnie. Good job D Party corrupt just like the R Party.

Bernie is the one who is cheating. He has no interest in being a member of the Party, he just wants their money. Regardless of who votes for him, he should never get the nomination. His voters KNOW he's not a Democrat.

And then there's his age. Nobody over the age of 70 should EVER be elected. Especially two men who have been in government for over 40 years and helped created the very things you're trying to get rid of now. And I say this as someone who turned 70 this year.

Biden was first elected to the Senate in 1973, nearly 50 years ago. If Biden hasn't fixed things in the last 46 years, I have no confidence in him fixing anything in the next 4 to 8 years. NEXT!

Bernie Sanders was first elected to the House in 1990, and the Senate in 2006. In 29 years, Sanders too has been part of the problem. I have yet to see anything from either of these men to lead me to believe that it wouldn't be more of the same. Despite his socialist leanings, I don't see Sanders being too much different than any of the other old guard, except that most of his ideas are unworkable, and the Republicans would obstruct like crazy.
Oh brother. Bernie votes with the Ds 90% of the time. Probably more often then some D senators, yet you want him out. Really?

My deal is he beats the man you hate with a passion. He would be potus today, had your D Party not screwed him.
Ron Paul: Tulsi Gabbard "Best" Presidential Candidate, "Good On Foreign Policy"

Title is misleading in the video editorialization. He didnlt endordse her. He just said shes the best out of the bunch.

Ron Paul said Rep. Tulsi Gabbard is the "best" Democratic presidential candidate and would be the best chance at "bringing about peace."

"Tulsi Gabbard by far is the very, very best," Paul said in an interview with RT. "She is very liberal when it comes to economics. We probably wouldn't agree with too much on economics."

"She is good on foreign policy. She does not want these engagements, which is an economic issue. We'd save a lot of money by not being engaged like this."

"She's the most intelligent and would be the best," he said. "If we had to pick one of them to be our president I think she would be giving us the best chance as for bringing about peace."
Poll shows Tulsi Gabbard is winner of the first Democratic debate | Daily Mail Online
Yeah but just like Ron Paul winning the polls for the debates in 2008 and 2012 the media and establishment shut him up and refused to let him win and he didn't have the balls to fight back.

She is the best looking of all of 'em. I'd rather see her run too.
I'd like to watch her run. From about six feet back when she's wearing tight jogging shorts.

She is by far the best looking Dem! That certainly helps in the polls!

Tonight's circus should be another fun one. Creepy sleepy Biden vs Crazy Bernie! Let's get ready to ruuuuumble!
Bernie faces the challenge of a progressive field that he created
No. Most of them are liars. They aren’t progressives. They are elitist, corporatist, warmongers just like O and HER. They are controlled by the MIC and the .1% transnational capitalist class, just like O and HER.

Tulsi is the one but they will screw her with the help of their friends in the DNCMSM, just as they did Bernie in 2016.
Tulsi does Bill Maher Friday night. i wonder if he'll make her look bad...or good!
Poll shows Tulsi Gabbard is winner of the first Democratic debate | Daily Mail Online
Yeah but just like Ron Paul winning the polls for the debates in 2008 and 2012 the media and establishment shut him up and refused to let him win and he didn't have the balls to fight back.

You mean the online polls you and your friends trolled?

Trolls target online polls following first Democratic presidential debate
I didn't troll anything actually. I didn't care enough to search the polls out.
Poll shows Tulsi Gabbard is winner of the first Democratic debate | Daily Mail Online
Yeah but just like Ron Paul winning the polls for the debates in 2008 and 2012 the media and establishment shut him up and refused to let him win and he didn't have the balls to fight back.
The "polls" one poll (plural is a lie).
And it's respondents are readers of the right wing website Drudge Report.
Right wingers have always preferred Gabbard other Democrats. Trump even considered her for a job.
Because she is the most sane candidate.
Poll shows Tulsi Gabbard is winner of the first Democratic debate | Daily Mail Online
Yeah but just like Ron Paul winning the polls for the debates in 2008 and 2012 the media and establishment shut him up and refused to let him win and he didn't have the balls to fight back.

You should pay attention to who actually got the most questions, THAT will tell you who the Dem establishment wants.
Yep. Warren.

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