Poll Shows Overwhelming US Support for Police Reform, Increased Accountability


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Poll Shows Overwhelming US Support for Police Reform, Increased Accountability

The increasingly visible presence of heavily armed police units in American communities has stoked widespread concern over the militarization of local law enforcement.

National debates over these heavy-handed police tactics, including so-called “militarized” policing, are often framed as a trade-off between civil liberties and public safety. However, due to limited data the costs and benefits of these controversial police practices have motivated independent research.

Studies of wide ranging administrative data sources and original experiments have shown that militarized “special weapons and tactics” (SWAT) teams are more often deployed in communities of color. Advocates claim SWAT teams increase public and officer safety, reduce crime, and are of benefit over all. Not surprisingly, analyses of law enforcement’s own records contradict the advocates’ claims.

Researchers’ findings suggest that seeing militarized police in news reports erodes public opinion toward law enforcement. Taken together, these findings strongly indicate that curtailing militarized policing may be in the interest of both police and citizens. The final determination in the case of militarized policing offers a powerful conclusion that the often-cited trade-off between public safety and civil liberties is a false choice.

Unfortunately, congress rarely, if ever, relies on research for the good of the people, including the good of the police. Politicians are, first and foremost, obliged to serve the financial interests of those individuals and corporate entities that pay for their political campaigns.

Since reducing or eliminating the sale of military hardware that ends up in police stations nationwide would hurt those financial interests, any legislation regarding police reform will never see the light of day in the federal or state legislatures. Perhaps a few token efforts by states might be made, but nothing of significance.

As with any policy change that could hurt the corporate bottom line, politicians know they can wait out the public’s anger, because the American people (especially white people) quickly lose interest in any issue that does not impact them personally.

“Black Lives Matter” and the current movement for police reform will be no different. Before summer’s end, there will be more crises to draw the public’s eye away from issues the politicians intend to ignore. In the end, actions taken by congress on other issues will, again, screw average Americans, and further enrich the billionaire class.

This recurring cycle is always easy to see, just don’t get emotionally involved and follow the money. Sadly, the politicians know, very few Americans can remain unemotional during these crises. Americans are either inspired to hatred, or empathy, and this division is the tool politicians use against average Americans to get reelected, to pass legislation hurtful to their constituents, etc. It’s been going on for decades and most people are suckers and cannot escape the scams.

Just look at the two crooks running for president in 2020. If you defend either one...sorry, you are one of those suckers.

'This Is Why We March': Poll Shows Overwhelming US Support for Police Reform, Increased Accountability


Poll Shows Overwhelming US Support for Police Reform, Increased Accountability

The increasingly visible presence of heavily armed police units in American communities has stoked widespread concern over the militarization of local law enforcement.

National debates over these heavy-handed police tactics, including so-called “militarized” policing, are often framed as a trade-off between civil liberties and public safety. However, due to limited data the costs and benefits of these controversial police practices have motivated independent research.

Studies of wide ranging administrative data sources and original experiments have shown that militarized “special weapons and tactics” (SWAT) teams are more often deployed in communities of color. Advocates claim SWAT teams increase public and officer safety, reduce crime, and are of benefit over all. Not surprisingly, analyses of law enforcement’s own records contradict the advocates’ claims.

Researchers’ findings suggest that seeing militarized police in news reports erodes public opinion toward law enforcement. Taken together, these findings strongly indicate that curtailing militarized policing may be in the interest of both police and citizens. The final determination in the case of militarized policing offers a powerful conclusion that the often-cited trade-off between public safety and civil liberties is a false choice.

Unfortunately, congress rarely, if ever, relies on research for the good of the people, including the good of the police. Politicians are, first and foremost, obliged to serve the financial interests of those individuals and corporate entities that pay for their political campaigns.

Since reducing or eliminating the sale of military hardware that ends up in police stations nationwide would hurt those financial interests, any legislation regarding police reform will never see the light of day in the federal or state legislatures. Perhaps a few token efforts by states might be made, but nothing of significance.

As with any policy change that could hurt the corporate bottom line, politicians know they can wait out the public’s anger, because the American people (especially white people) quickly lose interest in any issue that does not impact them personally.

“Black Lives Matter” and the current movement for police reform will be no different. Before summer’s end, there will be more crises to draw the public’s eye away from issues the politicians intend to ignore. In the end, actions taken by congress on other issues will, again, screw average Americans, and further enrich the billionaire class.

This recurring cycle is always easy to see, just don’t get emotionally involved and follow the money. Sadly, the politicians know, very few Americans can remain unemotional during these crises. Americans are either inspired to hatred, or empathy, and this division is the tool politicians use against average Americans to get reelected, to pass legislation hurtful to their constituents, etc. It’s been going on for decades and most people are suckers and cannot escape the scams.

Just look at the two crooks running for president in 2020. If you defend either one...sorry, you are one of those suckers.

'This Is Why We March': Poll Shows Overwhelming US Support for Police Reform, Increased Accountability


I think the police definitely need to be armed to the teeth. No doubt about it.

I disagree with the police using the weapons OFFENSIVELY. But right now the police departments are under siege. In Seattle, the insurrectionists seized a police station.

Police officers should be in body armor, with a full arsenal. Make sure they aren't threatened, they will be in a lot more relaxed mode.

In addition, Dunkin Donuts and Krispy Kreme should get bullet proof glass so that the police officers can hang out in confidence. that they won't be bothered.
It's why Trump has to balance his message to be in line with these polling results. Canada has the same results, the Wuhan Virus exposed how much we spend on issues that don't matter as much as other priorities when the chips are down. $1B+ on police in Toronto, less than $2M on prevention. How in the hell does that work in a civilized society? The police unions has basically bankrupted Toronto and many other jurisdictions.

Due to no action being done in the Senate because the Dem refused to sign off, Trump can even suggest, "just as in Justice Reform, I (we) had to get it done, but the Dems refuse to support it. All talk".

Trump can even go so far as to say "they don't WANT to get ANYTHING done, they are just looking for an excuse to say no to ANY reform, hoping Biden will win and nothing will get done at all".

It's all politics. All the time, from now until Nov.
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Poll Shows Overwhelming US Support for Police Reform, Increased Accountability

The increasingly visible presence of heavily armed police units in American communities has stoked widespread concern over the militarization of local law enforcement.

National debates over these heavy-handed police tactics, including so-called “militarized” policing, are often framed as a trade-off between civil liberties and public safety. However, due to limited data the costs and benefits of these controversial police practices have motivated independent research.

Studies of wide ranging administrative data sources and original experiments have shown that militarized “special weapons and tactics” (SWAT) teams are more often deployed in communities of color. Advocates claim SWAT teams increase public and officer safety, reduce crime, and are of benefit over all. Not surprisingly, analyses of law enforcement’s own records contradict the advocates’ claims.

Researchers’ findings suggest that seeing militarized police in news reports erodes public opinion toward law enforcement. Taken together, these findings strongly indicate that curtailing militarized policing may be in the interest of both police and citizens. The final determination in the case of militarized policing offers a powerful conclusion that the often-cited trade-off between public safety and civil liberties is a false choice.

Unfortunately, congress rarely, if ever, relies on research for the good of the people, including the good of the police. Politicians are, first and foremost, obliged to serve the financial interests of those individuals and corporate entities that pay for their political campaigns.

Since reducing or eliminating the sale of military hardware that ends up in police stations nationwide would hurt those financial interests, any legislation regarding police reform will never see the light of day in the federal or state legislatures. Perhaps a few token efforts by states might be made, but nothing of significance.

As with any policy change that could hurt the corporate bottom line, politicians know they can wait out the public’s anger, because the American people (especially white people) quickly lose interest in any issue that does not impact them personally.

“Black Lives Matter” and the current movement for police reform will be no different. Before summer’s end, there will be more crises to draw the public’s eye away from issues the politicians intend to ignore. In the end, actions taken by congress on other issues will, again, screw average Americans, and further enrich the billionaire class.

This recurring cycle is always easy to see, just don’t get emotionally involved and follow the money. Sadly, the politicians know, very few Americans can remain unemotional during these crises. Americans are either inspired to hatred, or empathy, and this division is the tool politicians use against average Americans to get reelected, to pass legislation hurtful to their constituents, etc. It’s been going on for decades and most people are suckers and cannot escape the scams.

Just look at the two crooks running for president in 2020. If you defend either one...sorry, you are one of those suckers.

'This Is Why We March': Poll Shows Overwhelming US Support for Police Reform, Increased Accountability

We've only been bitching about it for 3 decades.....now the dumb low iq joggers and even dumber white left want action

Poll Shows Overwhelming US Support for Police Reform, Increased Accountability

The increasingly visible presence of heavily armed police units in American communities has stoked widespread concern over the militarization of local law enforcement.

National debates over these heavy-handed police tactics, including so-called “militarized” policing, are often framed as a trade-off between civil liberties and public safety. However, due to limited data the costs and benefits of these controversial police practices have motivated independent research.

Studies of wide ranging administrative data sources and original experiments have shown that militarized “special weapons and tactics” (SWAT) teams are more often deployed in communities of color. Advocates claim SWAT teams increase public and officer safety, reduce crime, and are of benefit over all. Not surprisingly, analyses of law enforcement’s own records contradict the advocates’ claims.

Researchers’ findings suggest that seeing militarized police in news reports erodes public opinion toward law enforcement. Taken together, these findings strongly indicate that curtailing militarized policing may be in the interest of both police and citizens. The final determination in the case of militarized policing offers a powerful conclusion that the often-cited trade-off between public safety and civil liberties is a false choice.

Unfortunately, congress rarely, if ever, relies on research for the good of the people, including the good of the police. Politicians are, first and foremost, obliged to serve the financial interests of those individuals and corporate entities that pay for their political campaigns.

Since reducing or eliminating the sale of military hardware that ends up in police stations nationwide would hurt those financial interests, any legislation regarding police reform will never see the light of day in the federal or state legislatures. Perhaps a few token efforts by states might be made, but nothing of significance.

As with any policy change that could hurt the corporate bottom line, politicians know they can wait out the public’s anger, because the American people (especially white people) quickly lose interest in any issue that does not impact them personally.

“Black Lives Matter” and the current movement for police reform will be no different. Before summer’s end, there will be more crises to draw the public’s eye away from issues the politicians intend to ignore. In the end, actions taken by congress on other issues will, again, screw average Americans, and further enrich the billionaire class.

This recurring cycle is always easy to see, just don’t get emotionally involved and follow the money. Sadly, the politicians know, very few Americans can remain unemotional during these crises. Americans are either inspired to hatred, or empathy, and this division is the tool politicians use against average Americans to get reelected, to pass legislation hurtful to their constituents, etc. It’s been going on for decades and most people are suckers and cannot escape the scams.

Just look at the two crooks running for president in 2020. If you defend either one...sorry, you are one of those suckers.

'This Is Why We March': Poll Shows Overwhelming US Support for Police Reform, Increased Accountability

Well if thugs would stop committing violent crimes, police would be out of a job.

Simple as that.
Americans do NOT want soldiers patrolling their streets.
They do NOT want armored cars running around.
There IS a price to be paid for arming your population.
A militarized police could be it. If we disarm it, can they be effective?
Can social workers and psychologists be as effective as a good assault weapon?
Americans do NOT want soldiers patrolling their streets.
They do NOT want armored cars running around.
There IS a price to be paid for arming your population.
A militarized police could be it. If we disarm it, can they be effective?
Can social workers and psychologists be as effective as a good assault weapon?

Until the ENEMY is at the gates. You bleeding heart role players crack me up. Without a man with a gun somewhere out there patrolling your little world you wouldn't have the freedom to draw another breath, let alone spam post anti-civilization bullshit all over the net. Truth is . . . you and tens of millions of other citizens are too cowardly to rely on anyone but a man with a gun who is willing to die for you on a moment's notice, rather than arm yourselves and be prepared to defend loved ones and your own homes. Big words little bear . . . until the enemy arrives at your gates.
There are only two types of police reform the American public want..

When they don't feel threatened by crime, they wonder why we need so many police at all.

When they become a victim of crime, they cry vociferously that we don't have enough police.
The sort of change that is needed must come mostly at the local level; electing a mayor who will bust the police union, fire the cops with bad disciplinary records, and move toward neighborhoods electing constables that keep the peace and investigate crime.
Until the ENEMY is at the gates. You bleeding heart role players crack me up. Without a man with a gun somewhere out there patrolling your little world you wouldn't have the freedom to draw another breath, let alone spam post anti-civilization bullshit all over the net. Truth is . . . you and tens of millions of other citizens are too cowardly to rely on anyone but a man with a gun who is willing to die for you on a moment's notice, rather than arm yourselves and be prepared to defend loved ones and your own homes. Big words little bear . . . until the enemy arrives at your gates.

the problem with that argument is that the man with a gun isn't scarier as hell. We aren't having riots because the cops are killing murderers and rapists. We are having riots because they are killing parking violators and passing off fake $20.00 inadvertently.
There are only two types of police reform the American public want..

When they don't feel threatened by crime, they wonder why we need so many police at all.

When they become a victim of crime, they cry vociferously that we don't have enough police.

Naw, man, I've been a victim of crime, and frankly, never really wanted more cops.

Most of the time it's happened, the cops didn't show up until it was too late, and really didn't do that much to help. They were.. kind of useless for the amount of money we pay them for.

Poll Shows Overwhelming US Support for Police Reform, Increased Accountability

The increasingly visible presence of heavily armed police units in American communities has stoked widespread concern over the militarization of local law enforcement.

National debates over these heavy-handed police tactics, including so-called “militarized” policing, are often framed as a trade-off between civil liberties and public safety. However, due to limited data the costs and benefits of these controversial police practices have motivated independent research.

Studies of wide ranging administrative data sources and original experiments have shown that militarized “special weapons and tactics” (SWAT) teams are more often deployed in communities of color. Advocates claim SWAT teams increase public and officer safety, reduce crime, and are of benefit over all. Not surprisingly, analyses of law enforcement’s own records contradict the advocates’ claims.

Researchers’ findings suggest that seeing militarized police in news reports erodes public opinion toward law enforcement. Taken together, these findings strongly indicate that curtailing militarized policing may be in the interest of both police and citizens. The final determination in the case of militarized policing offers a powerful conclusion that the often-cited trade-off between public safety and civil liberties is a false choice.

Unfortunately, congress rarely, if ever, relies on research for the good of the people, including the good of the police. Politicians are, first and foremost, obliged to serve the financial interests of those individuals and corporate entities that pay for their political campaigns.

Since reducing or eliminating the sale of military hardware that ends up in police stations nationwide would hurt those financial interests, any legislation regarding police reform will never see the light of day in the federal or state legislatures. Perhaps a few token efforts by states might be made, but nothing of significance.

As with any policy change that could hurt the corporate bottom line, politicians know they can wait out the public’s anger, because the American people (especially white people) quickly lose interest in any issue that does not impact them personally.

“Black Lives Matter” and the current movement for police reform will be no different. Before summer’s end, there will be more crises to draw the public’s eye away from issues the politicians intend to ignore. In the end, actions taken by congress on other issues will, again, screw average Americans, and further enrich the billionaire class.

This recurring cycle is always easy to see, just don’t get emotionally involved and follow the money. Sadly, the politicians know, very few Americans can remain unemotional during these crises. Americans are either inspired to hatred, or empathy, and this division is the tool politicians use against average Americans to get reelected, to pass legislation hurtful to their constituents, etc. It’s been going on for decades and most people are suckers and cannot escape the scams.

Just look at the two crooks running for president in 2020. If you defend either one...sorry, you are one of those suckers.

'This Is Why We March': Poll Shows Overwhelming US Support for Police Reform, Increased Accountability

We've only been bitching about it for 3 decades.....now the dumb low iq joggers and even dumber white left want action

People are dumb for supporting what you have been complaining about for years?

Poll Shows Overwhelming US Support for Police Reform, Increased Accountability

The increasingly visible presence of heavily armed police units in American communities has stoked widespread concern over the militarization of local law enforcement.

National debates over these heavy-handed police tactics, including so-called “militarized” policing, are often framed as a trade-off between civil liberties and public safety. However, due to limited data the costs and benefits of these controversial police practices have motivated independent research.

Studies of wide ranging administrative data sources and original experiments have shown that militarized “special weapons and tactics” (SWAT) teams are more often deployed in communities of color. Advocates claim SWAT teams increase public and officer safety, reduce crime, and are of benefit over all. Not surprisingly, analyses of law enforcement’s own records contradict the advocates’ claims.

Researchers’ findings suggest that seeing militarized police in news reports erodes public opinion toward law enforcement. Taken together, these findings strongly indicate that curtailing militarized policing may be in the interest of both police and citizens. The final determination in the case of militarized policing offers a powerful conclusion that the often-cited trade-off between public safety and civil liberties is a false choice.

Unfortunately, congress rarely, if ever, relies on research for the good of the people, including the good of the police. Politicians are, first and foremost, obliged to serve the financial interests of those individuals and corporate entities that pay for their political campaigns.

Since reducing or eliminating the sale of military hardware that ends up in police stations nationwide would hurt those financial interests, any legislation regarding police reform will never see the light of day in the federal or state legislatures. Perhaps a few token efforts by states might be made, but nothing of significance.

As with any policy change that could hurt the corporate bottom line, politicians know they can wait out the public’s anger, because the American people (especially white people) quickly lose interest in any issue that does not impact them personally.

“Black Lives Matter” and the current movement for police reform will be no different. Before summer’s end, there will be more crises to draw the public’s eye away from issues the politicians intend to ignore. In the end, actions taken by congress on other issues will, again, screw average Americans, and further enrich the billionaire class.

This recurring cycle is always easy to see, just don’t get emotionally involved and follow the money. Sadly, the politicians know, very few Americans can remain unemotional during these crises. Americans are either inspired to hatred, or empathy, and this division is the tool politicians use against average Americans to get reelected, to pass legislation hurtful to their constituents, etc. It’s been going on for decades and most people are suckers and cannot escape the scams.

Just look at the two crooks running for president in 2020. If you defend either one...sorry, you are one of those suckers.

'This Is Why We March': Poll Shows Overwhelming US Support for Police Reform, Increased Accountability

Americans do NOT want soldiers patrolling their streets.
They do NOT want armored cars running around.
There IS a price to be paid for arming your population.
A militarized police could be it. If we disarm it, can they be effective?
Can social workers and psychologists be as effective as a good assault weapon?
That would be a No. Disarm police and you make them sitting ducks for the hoodrats, gangbangers, and general scum of society. And social workers are NOT trained for critical situations and are not sworn peace officers. Therefore they do not have powers of arrest.

Poll Shows Overwhelming US Support for Police Reform, Increased Accountability

The increasingly visible presence of heavily armed police units in American communities has stoked widespread concern over the militarization of local law enforcement.

National debates over these heavy-handed police tactics, including so-called “militarized” policing, are often framed as a trade-off between civil liberties and public safety. However, due to limited data the costs and benefits of these controversial police practices have motivated independent research.

Studies of wide ranging administrative data sources and original experiments have shown that militarized “special weapons and tactics” (SWAT) teams are more often deployed in communities of color. Advocates claim SWAT teams increase public and officer safety, reduce crime, and are of benefit over all. Not surprisingly, analyses of law enforcement’s own records contradict the advocates’ claims.

Researchers’ findings suggest that seeing militarized police in news reports erodes public opinion toward law enforcement. Taken together, these findings strongly indicate that curtailing militarized policing may be in the interest of both police and citizens. The final determination in the case of militarized policing offers a powerful conclusion that the often-cited trade-off between public safety and civil liberties is a false choice.

Unfortunately, congress rarely, if ever, relies on research for the good of the people, including the good of the police. Politicians are, first and foremost, obliged to serve the financial interests of those individuals and corporate entities that pay for their political campaigns.

Since reducing or eliminating the sale of military hardware that ends up in police stations nationwide would hurt those financial interests, any legislation regarding police reform will never see the light of day in the federal or state legislatures. Perhaps a few token efforts by states might be made, but nothing of significance.

As with any policy change that could hurt the corporate bottom line, politicians know they can wait out the public’s anger, because the American people (especially white people) quickly lose interest in any issue that does not impact them personally.

“Black Lives Matter” and the current movement for police reform will be no different. Before summer’s end, there will be more crises to draw the public’s eye away from issues the politicians intend to ignore. In the end, actions taken by congress on other issues will, again, screw average Americans, and further enrich the billionaire class.

This recurring cycle is always easy to see, just don’t get emotionally involved and follow the money. Sadly, the politicians know, very few Americans can remain unemotional during these crises. Americans are either inspired to hatred, or empathy, and this division is the tool politicians use against average Americans to get reelected, to pass legislation hurtful to their constituents, etc. It’s been going on for decades and most people are suckers and cannot escape the scams.

Just look at the two crooks running for president in 2020. If you defend either one...sorry, you are one of those suckers.

'This Is Why We March': Poll Shows Overwhelming US Support for Police Reform, Increased Accountability


I want to cut things out like military weapons from the police. I support the 2nd Amendment. Or either that, allow the people to have military weapons.

Poll Shows Overwhelming US Support for Police Reform, Increased Accountability

The increasingly visible presence of heavily armed police units in American communities has stoked widespread concern over the militarization of local law enforcement.

National debates over these heavy-handed police tactics, including so-called “militarized” policing, are often framed as a trade-off between civil liberties and public safety. However, due to limited data the costs and benefits of these controversial police practices have motivated independent research.

Studies of wide ranging administrative data sources and original experiments have shown that militarized “special weapons and tactics” (SWAT) teams are more often deployed in communities of color. Advocates claim SWAT teams increase public and officer safety, reduce crime, and are of benefit over all. Not surprisingly, analyses of law enforcement’s own records contradict the advocates’ claims.

Researchers’ findings suggest that seeing militarized police in news reports erodes public opinion toward law enforcement. Taken together, these findings strongly indicate that curtailing militarized policing may be in the interest of both police and citizens. The final determination in the case of militarized policing offers a powerful conclusion that the often-cited trade-off between public safety and civil liberties is a false choice.

Unfortunately, congress rarely, if ever, relies on research for the good of the people, including the good of the police. Politicians are, first and foremost, obliged to serve the financial interests of those individuals and corporate entities that pay for their political campaigns.

Since reducing or eliminating the sale of military hardware that ends up in police stations nationwide would hurt those financial interests, any legislation regarding police reform will never see the light of day in the federal or state legislatures. Perhaps a few token efforts by states might be made, but nothing of significance.

As with any policy change that could hurt the corporate bottom line, politicians know they can wait out the public’s anger, because the American people (especially white people) quickly lose interest in any issue that does not impact them personally.

“Black Lives Matter” and the current movement for police reform will be no different. Before summer’s end, there will be more crises to draw the public’s eye away from issues the politicians intend to ignore. In the end, actions taken by congress on other issues will, again, screw average Americans, and further enrich the billionaire class.

This recurring cycle is always easy to see, just don’t get emotionally involved and follow the money. Sadly, the politicians know, very few Americans can remain unemotional during these crises. Americans are either inspired to hatred, or empathy, and this division is the tool politicians use against average Americans to get reelected, to pass legislation hurtful to their constituents, etc. It’s been going on for decades and most people are suckers and cannot escape the scams.

Just look at the two crooks running for president in 2020. If you defend either one...sorry, you are one of those suckers.

'This Is Why We March': Poll Shows Overwhelming US Support for Police Reform, Increased Accountability


I want to cut things out like military weapons from the police. I support the 2nd Amendment. Or either that, allow the people to have military weapons.
So go back to the bad old days of the Bronx Zoo and other hotspots where the gangs with their MAC-10s, Uzis Street Sweepers, and Tommy Guns literally outgunned the cops with their pea shooter paltry .38 revolvers?

Poll Shows Overwhelming US Support for Police Reform, Increased Accountability

The increasingly visible presence of heavily armed police units in American communities has stoked widespread concern over the militarization of local law enforcement.

National debates over these heavy-handed police tactics, including so-called “militarized” policing, are often framed as a trade-off between civil liberties and public safety. However, due to limited data the costs and benefits of these controversial police practices have motivated independent research.

Studies of wide ranging administrative data sources and original experiments have shown that militarized “special weapons and tactics” (SWAT) teams are more often deployed in communities of color. Advocates claim SWAT teams increase public and officer safety, reduce crime, and are of benefit over all. Not surprisingly, analyses of law enforcement’s own records contradict the advocates’ claims.

Researchers’ findings suggest that seeing militarized police in news reports erodes public opinion toward law enforcement. Taken together, these findings strongly indicate that curtailing militarized policing may be in the interest of both police and citizens. The final determination in the case of militarized policing offers a powerful conclusion that the often-cited trade-off between public safety and civil liberties is a false choice.

Unfortunately, congress rarely, if ever, relies on research for the good of the people, including the good of the police. Politicians are, first and foremost, obliged to serve the financial interests of those individuals and corporate entities that pay for their political campaigns.

Since reducing or eliminating the sale of military hardware that ends up in police stations nationwide would hurt those financial interests, any legislation regarding police reform will never see the light of day in the federal or state legislatures. Perhaps a few token efforts by states might be made, but nothing of significance.

As with any policy change that could hurt the corporate bottom line, politicians know they can wait out the public’s anger, because the American people (especially white people) quickly lose interest in any issue that does not impact them personally.

“Black Lives Matter” and the current movement for police reform will be no different. Before summer’s end, there will be more crises to draw the public’s eye away from issues the politicians intend to ignore. In the end, actions taken by congress on other issues will, again, screw average Americans, and further enrich the billionaire class.

This recurring cycle is always easy to see, just don’t get emotionally involved and follow the money. Sadly, the politicians know, very few Americans can remain unemotional during these crises. Americans are either inspired to hatred, or empathy, and this division is the tool politicians use against average Americans to get reelected, to pass legislation hurtful to their constituents, etc. It’s been going on for decades and most people are suckers and cannot escape the scams.

Just look at the two crooks running for president in 2020. If you defend either one...sorry, you are one of those suckers.

'This Is Why We March': Poll Shows Overwhelming US Support for Police Reform, Increased Accountability

Well if thugs would stop committing violent crimes, police would be out of a job.

Simple as that.

Nonsense. The cops spend more time writing tickets and dealing with minor crimes than investigating or dealing with violent crimes. There is a department in Tennessee that spends most of its time trying to get cash for free via Civil Asset Forfeiture on Interstate 40. Most of their budget comes from seized cash, and they all have expensive and new cars to drive. What violent crime is driving their actions?

Every state has a police force dedicated to policing Truck Drivers. With the usual quota system in place, they have to issue tickets to the truckers. What violent crime are the truckers engaging in?

Try dealing with reality instead of the propaganda for a change.

Poll Shows Overwhelming US Support for Police Reform, Increased Accountability

The increasingly visible presence of heavily armed police units in American communities has stoked widespread concern over the militarization of local law enforcement.

National debates over these heavy-handed police tactics, including so-called “militarized” policing, are often framed as a trade-off between civil liberties and public safety. However, due to limited data the costs and benefits of these controversial police practices have motivated independent research.

Studies of wide ranging administrative data sources and original experiments have shown that militarized “special weapons and tactics” (SWAT) teams are more often deployed in communities of color. Advocates claim SWAT teams increase public and officer safety, reduce crime, and are of benefit over all. Not surprisingly, analyses of law enforcement’s own records contradict the advocates’ claims.

Researchers’ findings suggest that seeing militarized police in news reports erodes public opinion toward law enforcement. Taken together, these findings strongly indicate that curtailing militarized policing may be in the interest of both police and citizens. The final determination in the case of militarized policing offers a powerful conclusion that the often-cited trade-off between public safety and civil liberties is a false choice.

Unfortunately, congress rarely, if ever, relies on research for the good of the people, including the good of the police. Politicians are, first and foremost, obliged to serve the financial interests of those individuals and corporate entities that pay for their political campaigns.

Since reducing or eliminating the sale of military hardware that ends up in police stations nationwide would hurt those financial interests, any legislation regarding police reform will never see the light of day in the federal or state legislatures. Perhaps a few token efforts by states might be made, but nothing of significance.

As with any policy change that could hurt the corporate bottom line, politicians know they can wait out the public’s anger, because the American people (especially white people) quickly lose interest in any issue that does not impact them personally.

“Black Lives Matter” and the current movement for police reform will be no different. Before summer’s end, there will be more crises to draw the public’s eye away from issues the politicians intend to ignore. In the end, actions taken by congress on other issues will, again, screw average Americans, and further enrich the billionaire class.

This recurring cycle is always easy to see, just don’t get emotionally involved and follow the money. Sadly, the politicians know, very few Americans can remain unemotional during these crises. Americans are either inspired to hatred, or empathy, and this division is the tool politicians use against average Americans to get reelected, to pass legislation hurtful to their constituents, etc. It’s been going on for decades and most people are suckers and cannot escape the scams.

Just look at the two crooks running for president in 2020. If you defend either one...sorry, you are one of those suckers.

'This Is Why We March': Poll Shows Overwhelming US Support for Police Reform, Increased Accountability


I want to cut things out like military weapons from the police. I support the 2nd Amendment. Or either that, allow the people to have military weapons.
I will go with "let the people have military weapons."

It is how Malcolm X's defines equality!

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