Poll Shows Serious TDS Exists - Snowflakes Now Don't Believe Mueller / Mueller's Report


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Refusal to accept 2016 election results spreads to refusal to accept Mueller's 2+year Investigation Results...

Poll: Almost Two-Thirds Of Democrats Reject Mueller Finding No Collusion

"Nearly two-thirds of registered Democrats reject special counsel Robert Mueller’s finding of no collusion between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russian meddling in the 2016 election"

They CAN'T accept it - taking Trump down and the Democrats exposed treason based on the now proven false narrative of 'illegal Trump collusion' has become what they live for after more than 2 years...
Refusal to accept 2016 election results spreads to refusal to accept Mueller's 2+year Investigation Results...

Poll: Almost Two-Thirds Of Democrats Reject Mueller Finding No Collusion

"Nearly two-thirds of registered Democrats reject special counsel Robert Mueller’s finding of no collusion between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russian meddling in the 2016 election"

They CAN'T accept it - taking Trump down and the Democrats exposed treason based on the now proven false narrative of 'illegal Trump collusion' has become what they live for after more than 2 years...
Every single Democrat today is just a glorified retard.

Every single one.

They just cant come to grips that the witch is dead...
Once their ''Insurance Policy", Democrats are now turning on Mueller - D-Schiff even threatened to haul him in front of the House Intel Committee to explain why he is claiming he found no collusion by Trump...
LOL, I think it's funny, these people are so brainwashed, they litteraly can think for themselves......the lefties on this board have never heard of Google......I debunk their shit in less than 5 min...….it's hilarious

and then when you catch them, they post a meme, use the funny face or ignore the post altogether....they are willfully ignorant.....

They like being under stress with the thought everything is bad will kill them or some people in Africa all the time....I dont know how anyone lives like that.
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B-B-B-But it's 400 pages! Surely with all those pages and words and stuff there has to be some collusion in there somewhere!! There just has to be!!!! :aargh::aargh::aargh:
These people get no info from CNN And MSNBC.....they dont even know who Rod Rosenstein is...….it's amazing....
Refusal to accept 2016 election results spreads to refusal to accept Mueller's 2+year Investigation Results...

Poll: Almost Two-Thirds Of Democrats Reject Mueller Finding No Collusion

"Nearly two-thirds of registered Democrats reject special counsel Robert Mueller’s finding of no collusion between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russian meddling in the 2016 election"

They CAN'T accept it - taking Trump down and the Democrats exposed treason based on the now proven false narrative of 'illegal Trump collusion' has become what they live for after more than 2 years...

Do you have a direct quote Mueller finding there was no collusion? The correct answer is no, you do not.

I'll let judge Neopolitano (FOX news resident and not a Democrat last I checked) explain it to you:

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Refusal to accept 2016 election results spreads to refusal to accept Mueller's 2+year Investigation Results...

Poll: Almost Two-Thirds Of Democrats Reject Mueller Finding No Collusion

"Nearly two-thirds of registered Democrats reject special counsel Robert Mueller’s finding of no collusion between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russian meddling in the 2016 election"

They CAN'T accept it - taking Trump down and the Democrats exposed treason based on the now proven false narrative of 'illegal Trump collusion' has become what they live for after more than 2 years...

Do you have a direct quote Mueller finding there was no collusion? The correct answer is no, you do not.

I'll let judge Neopolitano (FOX news resident and not a Democrat last I checked) explain it to you:

Sure, he said no one in the Trump campaign or ANY AMERICAN worked with Russia......I cant state it any clearer...….maybe get your head out of your ass, then we can talk
B-B-B-But it's 400 pages! Surely with all those pages and words and stuff there has to be some collusion in there somewhere!! There just has to be!!!! :aargh::aargh::aargh:

Like most modern legal documents (due to modern advances in word processing technology), 80-90% of those 400 pages will be names, titles, citations (bibliography-like), often reiterated many times for minor changes in the legal subject of the statements.
Refusal to accept 2016 election results spreads to refusal to accept Mueller's 2+year Investigation Results...

Poll: Almost Two-Thirds Of Democrats Reject Mueller Finding No Collusion

"Nearly two-thirds of registered Democrats reject special counsel Robert Mueller’s finding of no collusion between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russian meddling in the 2016 election"

They CAN'T accept it - taking Trump down and the Democrats exposed treason based on the now proven false narrative of 'illegal Trump collusion' has become what they live for after more than 2 years...

Do you have a direct quote Mueller finding there was no collusion? The correct answer is no, you do not.

I'll let judge Neopolitano (FOX news resident and not a Democrat last I checked) explain it to you:

Sure, he said no one in the Trump campaign or ANY AMERICAN worked with Russia......I cant state it any clearer...….maybe get your head out of your ass, then we can talk

Direct quote please.

But just from what is known - there is one American I could think of that paid a lawyer to work with Russia on building a Trump tower in Moscow during the campaign for American Presidency. That American took pro-Russia, anti-sanctions positions and publicly flattered and defended Putin & his regime.

I think that reasonably can be viewed as "worked with" of sorts, even if it doesn't quite meet the legal bar for provable criminal conspiracy.
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Refusal to accept 2016 election results spreads to refusal to accept Mueller's 2+year Investigation Results...

Poll: Almost Two-Thirds Of Democrats Reject Mueller Finding No Collusion

"Nearly two-thirds of registered Democrats reject special counsel Robert Mueller’s finding of no collusion between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russian meddling in the 2016 election"

They CAN'T accept it - taking Trump down and the Democrats exposed treason based on the now proven false narrative of 'illegal Trump collusion' has become what they live for after more than 2 years...

Do you have a direct quote Mueller finding there was no collusion? The correct answer is no, you do not.

I'll let judge Neopolitano (FOX news resident and not a Democrat last I checked) explain it to you:

Sure, he said no one in the Trump campaign or ANY AMERICAN worked with Russia......I cant state it any clearer...….maybe get your head out of your ass, then we can talk

Direct quote please.

But just form what is known - there is one American I could think of that paid a lawyer to work with Russia on building a Trump tower in Moscow during the campaign for American Presidency. That American took pro-Russia, anti-sanctions positions and publicly flattered and defended Putin & his regime.

I think that reasonably can be viewed as "worked with" of sorts, even if it doesn't quite meet the legal bar for provable criminal conspiracy.

Read Attorney General William Barr’s Summary of the Mueller Report

The report further explains that a primary consideration for the Special Counsel's investigation was whether any Americans – including individuals associated with the Trump campaign joined the Russian conspiracies to influence the election, which would be a federal crime. The Special Counsel's investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Straight from the Summary.....and when the report is released, it's not going to have anything.....look at that wording.....
Refusal to accept 2016 election results spreads to refusal to accept Mueller's 2+year Investigation Results...

Poll: Almost Two-Thirds Of Democrats Reject Mueller Finding No Collusion

"Nearly two-thirds of registered Democrats reject special counsel Robert Mueller’s finding of no collusion between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russian meddling in the 2016 election"

They CAN'T accept it - taking Trump down and the Democrats exposed treason based on the now proven false narrative of 'illegal Trump collusion' has become what they live for after more than 2 years...

Do you have a direct quote Mueller finding there was no collusion? The correct answer is no, you do not.

I'll let judge Neopolitano (FOX news resident and not a Democrat last I checked) explain it to you:

Sure, he said no one in the Trump campaign or ANY AMERICAN worked with Russia......I cant state it any clearer...….maybe get your head out of your ass, then we can talk

Direct quote please.

But just form what is known - there is one American I could think of that paid a lawyer to work with Russia on building a Trump tower in Moscow during the campaign for American Presidency. That American took pro-Russia, anti-sanctions positions and publicly flattered and defended Putin & his regime.

I think that reasonably can be viewed as "worked with" of sorts, even if it doesn't quite meet the legal bar for provable criminal conspiracy.

Read Attorney General William Barr’s Summary of the Mueller Report

The report further explains that a primary consideration for the Special Counsel's investigation was whether any Americans – including individuals associated with the Trump campaign joined the Russian conspiracies to influence the election, which would be a federal crime. The Special Counsel's investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Straight from the Summary.....and when the report is released, it's not going to have anything.....look at that wording.....

Those are not Mueler's words. Those are Barr's carefully chosen words.

"conspired or coordinated" has a very specific legal meaning that may well diverge from what could be considered as collussion.
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Refusal to accept 2016 election results spreads to refusal to accept Mueller's 2+year Investigation Results...

Poll: Almost Two-Thirds Of Democrats Reject Mueller Finding No Collusion

"Nearly two-thirds of registered Democrats reject special counsel Robert Mueller’s finding of no collusion between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russian meddling in the 2016 election"

They CAN'T accept it - taking Trump down and the Democrats exposed treason based on the now proven false narrative of 'illegal Trump collusion' has become what they live for after more than 2 years...

Do you have a direct quote Mueller finding there was no collusion? The correct answer is no, you do not.

I'll let judge Neopolitano (FOX news resident and not a Democrat last I checked) explain it to you:

Sure, he said no one in the Trump campaign or ANY AMERICAN worked with Russia......I cant state it any clearer...….maybe get your head out of your ass, then we can talk

Direct quote please.

But just form what is known - there is one American I could think of that paid a lawyer to work with Russia on building a Trump tower in Moscow during the campaign for American Presidency. That American took pro-Russia, anti-sanctions positions and publicly flattered and defended Putin & his regime.

I think that reasonably can be viewed as "worked with" of sorts, even if it doesn't quite meet the legal bar for provable criminal conspiracy.

Read Attorney General William Barr’s Summary of the Mueller Report

The report further explains that a primary consideration for the Special Counsel's investigation was whether any Americans – including individuals associated with the Trump campaign joined the Russian conspiracies to influence the election, which would be a federal crime. The Special Counsel's investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Straight from the Summary.....and when the report is released, it's not going to have anything.....look at that wording.....

Those are not Mueler's words. Those are Barr's carefully chosen words.

"conspired or coordinated" has a very specific legal meaning that may well diverge from what could be considered as collussion.

Barr has been in the job for less than a month......do you know who is helping him write that? This is just as dumb as the what does is mean conversation...you people are retarded
No one has seen the Mueller report. And that includes Tucker Carlson and the daily caller.

Stop lying.
No one has seen the Mueller report. And that includes Tucker Carlson and the daily caller.

Stop lying.
Bill Barr and Rod Rosenstein have seen it and gave you their thoughts....and they have the power to do stuff.....you dont...…#deal with it
Refusal to accept 2016 election results spreads to refusal to accept Mueller's 2+year Investigation Results...

Poll: Almost Two-Thirds Of Democrats Reject Mueller Finding No Collusion

"Nearly two-thirds of registered Democrats reject special counsel Robert Mueller’s finding of no collusion between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russian meddling in the 2016 election"

They CAN'T accept it - taking Trump down and the Democrats exposed treason based on the now proven false narrative of 'illegal Trump collusion' has become what they live for after more than 2 years...

Do you have a direct quote Mueller finding there was no collusion? The correct answer is no, you do not.

I'll let judge Neopolitano (FOX news resident and not a Democrat last I checked) explain it to you:

Sure, he said no one in the Trump campaign or ANY AMERICAN worked with Russia......I cant state it any clearer...….maybe get your head out of your ass, then we can talk

Direct quote please.

But just form what is known - there is one American I could think of that paid a lawyer to work with Russia on building a Trump tower in Moscow during the campaign for American Presidency. That American took pro-Russia, anti-sanctions positions and publicly flattered and defended Putin & his regime.

I think that reasonably can be viewed as "worked with" of sorts, even if it doesn't quite meet the legal bar for provable criminal conspiracy.

Read Attorney General William Barr’s Summary of the Mueller Report

The report further explains that a primary consideration for the Special Counsel's investigation was whether any Americans – including individuals associated with the Trump campaign joined the Russian conspiracies to influence the election, which would be a federal crime. The Special Counsel's investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Straight from the Summary.....and when the report is released, it's not going to have anything.....look at that wording.....

Those are not Mueler's words. Those are Barr's carefully chosen words.

"conspired or coordinated" has a very specific legal meaning that may well diverge from what could be considered as collussion.

Do you have a direct quote Mueller finding there was no collusion? The correct answer is no, you do not.

I'll let judge Neopolitano (FOX news resident and not a Democrat last I checked) explain it to you:

Sure, he said no one in the Trump campaign or ANY AMERICAN worked with Russia......I cant state it any clearer...….maybe get your head out of your ass, then we can talk

Direct quote please.

But just form what is known - there is one American I could think of that paid a lawyer to work with Russia on building a Trump tower in Moscow during the campaign for American Presidency. That American took pro-Russia, anti-sanctions positions and publicly flattered and defended Putin & his regime.

I think that reasonably can be viewed as "worked with" of sorts, even if it doesn't quite meet the legal bar for provable criminal conspiracy.

Read Attorney General William Barr’s Summary of the Mueller Report

The report further explains that a primary consideration for the Special Counsel's investigation was whether any Americans – including individuals associated with the Trump campaign joined the Russian conspiracies to influence the election, which would be a federal crime. The Special Counsel's investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Straight from the Summary.....and when the report is released, it's not going to have anything.....look at that wording.....

Those are not Mueler's words. Those are Barr's carefully chosen words.

"conspired or coordinated" has a very specific legal meaning that may well diverge from what could be considered as collussion.

and for him you can toss in NO INTELLIGENCE

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