Poll shows that most Americans - including independent voters - think Biden cares less about the middle class than previous presidents

Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) is a United States-based conservative advocacy organization and interest group, founded in 2007. Its president and founder was Daniel C. Weber, a retired insurance agency owner.[1][2]
So? You think a liberal organization is going to disclose that most Americans feel Biden cares less about the middle class than other presidents? Liberal organizations are all about censoring news and information that reveals how bad the Demo-Marxists are.
xiden’s inflation policies are eating up on the earnings of the working class
Xiden's inflation policy is rasing of interest rates, reducing drug costs and expanding manufacturing in United States.

What policies do Republicans propose to reduce inflation? NONE is the correct answer, Republicans have no solutions to anything except maybe how to sustain election denials.
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xiden’s inflation policies are eating up on the earnings of the working class

many favoriting jobs without the xiden recession and inflation were coming back in 2019
Say what?

Voting republicans in gives you nothing! No solutions coming from a single republican running. Just whining about it. They have no plans, they are as always, going to be the do nothing congress.(except tax cuts for the wealthiest)

Then dems can blame them for the inflation situation they claimed they would solve if elected in 2022....better for dems going in to 2024. :D
Your selective racism fools no one, thanks for exposing your racism again.

Hershel Walker is loved in Georgia, but he has mental health problems and he's dumb as a stump. Just being a black man is not enough. Maybe you're the one who has a problem with race?
It they win (the democrats) it means we have more votes than the republicans. republicans are deplorable, Clinton was right.
Biden is the guy that works in a dangerous job by declaration but is on the administrative side. Paper cuts and such gives him awards while others are maimed and die for the cause.
Say what?

Voting republicans in gives you nothing! No solutions coming from a single republican running. Just whining about it. They have no plans, they are as always, going to be the do nothing congress.(except tax cuts for the wealthiest)

Then dems can blame them for the inflation situation they claimed they would solve if elected in 2022....better for dems going in to 2024. :D
there have been tons of plans proposed

yes yoj can once again blame the gop when elected for destroying the demafasict war on the middle class
He cares more about small percentage fringe groups than the majority of Americans.

Like trannies, he spends an inordinate amount of time and effort focused on them and the majority of them are just blue haired kids that barely work and contribute little.

He focuses a lot of time and energy on illegals he keeps letting in the country.

Spends a lot of time on focusing on Ukraine and sending them billions of dollars.

He spends millions and millions on other countries. Like the millions he sent to Romania to build them a nuclear reactor.

Tells Americans there is no inflation when there is inflation that chokes out the middle class.

He does not give even a squirt of piss for middle Americans.
there have been tons of plans proposed

yes yoj can once again blame the gop when elected for destroying the demafasict war on the middle class

Do you even know what Fascism means? I'm embarrassed by your mindless jingoism.
What policies do Republicans propose to reduce inflation? NONE is the correct answer, Republicans have no solutions to anything except maybe how to sustain election denials.
open up oil production in the US. it's quite simple. The fact you don't even know the rise of gas prices induced this inflation and capped off by increasing interest rates, makes you incapable of arguing any economic issue.
Do you even know what Fascism means? I'm embarrassed by your mindless jingoism.
i do. It’s a form of Govt created by Il Duce because he was frustrated with the failures of socialism, and one that the dem party has fully adopted
Xiden's inflation policy is rasing of interest rates, reducing drug costs and expanding manufacturing in United States.

What policies do Republicans propose to reduce inflation? NONE is the correct answer, Republicans have no solutions to anything except maybe how to sustain election denials.
Reagan stopped Carter's massive inflation and set the country on a path of 14 years of economic prosperity. If we can get rid of this Potatohead turd this inflation can be curtailed.

We first return this country to energy independence like we had under Trump. That will reduce the cost of energy and stop a lot of inflated prices. Then we stop flooding the economy with printed dollars to pay for stupid worthless Environmental Wacko projects and other idiotic spending that the Democrats are famous for.

Reagan and his Republican economic advisors knew what they needed to do. I trust Republican economists to fix the Democrat destruction a lot more than I trust Potatohead and his band of idiotic affirmative action clowns to fix it.

Democrats fuck up everything they touch. Only idiots voted for this Potatohead asshole.
If he can’t speak in full sentences of read the teleprompter before the end of his term, he will have to be removed. The presidency is not place for a Stage 4/5 Dementia patient.

Which is precisely WHY Trump shouldn't run. Dementia is hereditary and his father died of Alzheimers. His paranoia, rage and belief in conspiracy theories, as well as his bullying, are all signs of early dementia, as is his inability to complete a sentence. His public interviews often descend into gibberish, and his speaking skills have deteriorated from an Ivy League graduate level, to that of a 7th grader,

Trump has been abandoned by his wife, his children, and his political associates. Republican leadership hates him more than the Democrats do because he's literally destroying the party.

All he cares about is his criminal family.....I bet he was cutting deals with the Mafia back in the day.
Reagan stopped Carter's massive inflation and set the country on a path of 14 years of economic prosperity. If we can get rid of this Potatohead turd this inflation can be curtailed.

We first return this country to energy independence like we had under Trump. That will reduce the cost of energy and stop a lot of inflated prices. Then we stop flooding the economy with printed dollars to pay for stupid worthless Environmental Wacko projects and other idiotic spending that the Democrats are famous for.

Reagan and his Republican economic advisors knew what they needed to do. I trust Republican economists to fix the Democrat destruction a lot more than I trust Potatohead and his band of idiotic affirmative action clowns to fix it.

Democrats fuck up everything they touch. Only idiots voted for this Potatohead asshole.

No he didn't, but boy are YOU gullible for thinking he did. Reagan set the nation on a policy of cut taxes and spend that has resulted in 3 economic crashes in 40 years, and destroyed both the working and middle classes.

BIDEN and Obama created the energy independence. Trump had NOTHING to do with it.


Just look at the numbers going up, up, up, under Obama - 80% increase in energy production. And then look what's happening under Biden, production is steadily going up, up, up.

You can credit Trump and blame Biden for the current prices but it's all a lie, and you're stupid to believe anything Republicans tell you.

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