Poll shows that most Americans - including independent voters - think Biden cares less about the middle class than previous presidents

Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) is a United States-based conservative advocacy organization and interest group, founded in 2007. Its president and founder was Daniel C. Weber, a retired insurance agency owner.[1][2]

MBFC’s Daily Source Bias Check: AMAC

ByMedia Bias Fact Check

JAN 8, 2022 Bias Check

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AMAC - Right Biased - Credible - Conservative
Factual Reporting: Mixed - Not always Credible or Reliable


These media sources are moderate to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports, and omit information reporting that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.
  • Overall, we rate AMAC Right Biased based on political positions and story selection that favors the conservative right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to poor sources and failed fact checks.
MBFC's Daily Source Bias Check: AMAC - News Facts Network
Reagan stopped Carter's massive inflation and set the country on a path of 14 years of economic prosperity. If we can get rid of this Potatohead turd this inflation can be curtailed.

We first return this country to energy independence like we had under Trump. That will reduce the cost of energy and stop a lot of inflated prices. Then we stop flooding the economy with printed dollars to pay for stupid worthless Environmental Wacko projects and other idiotic spending that the Democrats are famous for.

Reagan and his Republican economic advisors knew what they needed to do. I trust Republican economists to fix the Democrat destruction a lot more than I trust Potatohead and his band of idiotic affirmative action clowns to fix it.

Democrats fuck up everything they touch. Only idiots voted for this Potatohead asshole.
Like Trump did for Obammy. The only transition from dem to Rep with a good economy was clinton to bush and that was thanks to the GOP congress in 94 and the boom of dot com. Then 9/11 and things were strange. Then obammy and the dems killed american jobs and shipped them all over seas. Trump tariffed the shit out of China to bring some jobs back. xiden blew that up again. stopped gas and is trying to out do Jimmy Carter for middleclass hater.
No he didn't, but boy are YOU gullible for thinking he did. Reagan set the nation on a policy of cut taxes and spend that has resulted in 3 economic crashes in 40 years, and destroyed both the working and middle classes.

BIDEN and Obama created the energy independence. Trump had NOTHING to do with it.


Just look at the numbers going up, up, up, under Obama - 80% increase in energy production. And then look what's happening under Biden, production is steadily going up, up, up.

You can credit Trump and blame Biden for the current prices but it's all a lie, and you're stupid to believe anything Republicans tell you.
funny how you think xiden and carter were for middleclass. Lines at the gas stations and high inflation rates due to it. Then interest rate increases to keep middleclass folks from buying homes. Yeah, the elites are only on demofks minds. stay in Canada and we will deal with our own issues thanks.
Do you even know what Fascism means? I'm embarrassed by your mindless jingoism.
Fascism is truckers in Canada being accused of being racists and terrorists by the government and having their lives shut down. The bible calls that buy and sell. And you keep being stupid.
He cared enough to give working people a tax cut,

donny gave bigcorp a tax cut. all that cash sucked up by them trickled down to a few shekels given to the worker bees; but most was used by them for stock buyback.

kept illegals from competing with Americans for jobs,

HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA....... how many corporate CEO's etc were jailed for hiring illegals?

and kept the price of fuel reasonable.

supply & demand, ray ray ... that's economics 101. did you ever take a class? if biznez's were bordered up because people were dying - due to donny's incompetent handling of the pandemic & lying that it was all gonna be gone by the spring - because those same dumbfuck poorly educated humpers believed him - combined with no one on the roads driving ... then ya, the price went down.


That's more than what Dementia did.

lol ...
Fascism is truckers in Canada being accused of being racists and terrorists by the government and having their lives shut down. The bible calls that buy and sell. And you keep being stupid.
they took their bank accounts and locked them up.
This is what happens when you yield to the Far-Left radicals and focus on a “green” agenda when most Americans are 1) dealing with a 40-year high inflation rate, 2) watching an evaporating investment portfolio, 3) struggle to fill up their tanks, and 4) get a headache trying to budget the grocery money.

And this isn’t surprising. The pronounced Marxist influence on the left explains the intentional destruction of the middle class. The self-supporting American (and particularly small business owners) is their enemy, and they seek control by getting everyone onto government assistance.

Highly Right wing organisation pays right wing pollster and get a right wing answer...

Whats the fucking news?
Highly Right wing organisation pays right wing pollster and get a right wing answer...

Whats the fucking news?
what's the percentage rate for a home loan today vs under Trump?

I know you won't answer.
Yes Trump started that, after Obama said he couldn't. But Biden is going to tax them back overseas.

why didn't donny bring his own cheap sweatshop made crap here to be made?

only 24 GOP members of congress voted for the chips act. the rest voted against it.

'splain that if you can.............
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why didn't donny bring his own cheap sweatshop made crap here to be made?

only 24 GOP members of congress voted for the chips act. the rest vorted against it.

'splain that if you can.............
had to develop a manufacture facility here?
I'm still waiting on the demofks in here to say how higher percentage home loans is good for middleclass folks? If I'm not mistaken, that helps out banks. Now wait, didn't the demofks state that the banking crisis was Bush's? hmmmmmm read the tea leaves fkers.
donny gave bigcorp a tax cut. all that cash sucked up by them trickled down to a few shekels given to the worker bees; but most was used by them for stock buyback.

HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA....... how many corporate CEO's etc were jailed for hiring illegals?

supply & demand, ray ray ... that's economics 101. did you ever take a class? if biznez's were bordered up because people were dying - due to donny's incompetent handling of the pandemic & lying that it was all gonna be gone by the spring - because those same dumbfuck poorly educated humpers believed him - combined with no one on the roads driving ... then ya, the price went down.


lol ...

What lowering taxes does is help keep jobs in the country instead of moving out. I got a nice tax cut, plus combined with the elimination of Commie Care fines, saved me several hundred dollars every year which is money DumBama took away from me. As for the workers, under Trump we hit a new high in median household income. How many CEO's were jailed for hiring illegals? About as many that are jailed under Dementia.

As for economics PlayWithYourself, you are out of your league. I spent several years trading commodities so I DO know what energy is all about since it's the market that sets the price for fuel.

As far as the pandemic is concerned, Trump did a way better job than Dementia. That's why fewer people died on Trump's watch with no vaccines out than Dementia with three of them. Furthermore we had the lowest GDP damage out of all G7 countries outside of China, and the only reasons for that was they had a huge head start on us and our Democrat cities closing everything down including schools.
What lowering taxes does is help keep jobs in the country instead of moving out. I got a nice tax cut, plus combined with the elimination of Commie Care fines, saved me several hundred dollars every year which is money DumBama took away from me. As for the workers, under Trump we hit a new high in median household income. How many CEO's were jailed for hiring illegals? About as many that are jailed under Dementia.

As for economics PlayWithYourself, you are out of your league. I spent several years trading commodities so I DO know what energy is all about since it's the market that sets the price for fuel.

As far as the pandemic is concerned, Trump did a way better job than Dementia. That's why fewer people died on Trump's watch with no vaccines out than Dementia with three of them. Furthermore we had the lowest GDP damage out of all G7 countries outside of China, and the only reasons for that was they had a huge head start on us and our Democrat cities closing everything down including schools.
they think increasing home loan interest rates to 8% someone helps middleclass americans. That's how fking stupid demofks really are.

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