Poll shows Trump is rising fast .. now first time strong approval is over strong disapproval !!


Gold Member
Dec 4, 2018
Trump Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports®

And this is the powerful majority of American men rising fast for trump and their anger increasing strong to stop the liberals

This is spreading like wildfire with the men

Who has an ounce of logic to predict what is about to happen to the unwise voting ?

Hint it’s about to be STOPPED like history tells us !!
Also polls cannot poll easily working men and that us why polls are wrong

Trump has the working men on his side by vast numbers !!
once over 50% I would think it may begin to gather momentum as people will be able to come out of the closet because they are now in the majority. We shall see.
Understand what this is

This is men’s rising anger which means more than with women’s rising anger

Trump rallies are indeed helping some women rise their anger with their emotions

The men’s anger Rise is based on logic and not emotions and will not change

The men’s anger rising will not let this nation fall when the unwise elects crooks

So this shows one way or another that the unwise will be stopped from voting to stop the fall of the nation
Again this in reality is much higher for trump because working men are harder to reach and get polled
Okay, polls matter today!

Hypocrite use some logic

Working men are hard to reach to get polled and trump has them by vast numbers

If they were included they would be so much higher for trump even in this poll

Wake up you low logic hypocrite that makes you blind
Anger is rising against low logic hypocrites who are causing harm

That anger is what stops harm
Okay, polls matter today!
Hypocrite use some logic
Working men are hard to reach to get polled and trump has them by vast numbers
If they were included they would be so much higher for trump even in this poll
Wake up you low logic hypocrite that makes you blind
Why do polls only matter to you guys when you like them?

Speaking of "hypocrite"?
Democrats better start running and hiding like rats

That rising anger will produce painful results against harmful hypocrites and liberals m

But this is what happens all thru history

Learn history to save yourself !!
Okay, polls matter today!
Hypocrite use some logic
Working men are hard to reach to get polled and trump has them by vast numbers
If they were included they would be so much higher for trump even in this poll
Wake up you low logic hypocrite that makes you blind
Why do polls only matter to you guys when you like them?

Speaking of "hypocrite"?

Polls matter when they are correct

The trump massive rallies plus the massive watching proves the polls are wrong

So polls that go with the clues matter because they go with trump clues

You are a foolish loser that always lose because of being a hypocrite with low logic

People like you will totally be stopped from debating because your low logic makes you blind to understanding

When you see that anger rise you better start running and hiding like the rat that you are
Okay, polls matter today!
Hypocrite use some logic
Working men are hard to reach to get polled and trump has them by vast numbers
If they were included they would be so much higher for trump even in this poll
Wake up you low logic hypocrite that makes you blind
Why do polls only matter to you guys when you like them?

Speaking of "hypocrite"?

Polls matter when they are correct

The trump massive rallies plus the massive watching proves the polls are wrong

So polls that go with the clues matter because they go with trump clues

You are a foolish loser that always lose because of being a hypocrite with low logic

People like you will totally be stopped from debating because your low logic makes you blind to understanding

When you see that anger rise you better start running and hiding like the rat that you are
"Polls matter when they are correct"

Ya gotta love this place.
Anyone see the massive YouTube audience that was watching trumps massive rally ??

The size of each was shocking with vast numbers

This proves trump is gaining fast to be the hero of the nation and world

Conservative China now is ready to work with trump to destroy stoopid people from voting or wasting time debating

World wide liberalism is toast.

Also the men of UK have just woke up to support trump and stop their unwise from voting too

The unwise will now be stopped from voting

It’s now very clear
Okay, polls matter today!
Hypocrite use some logic
Working men are hard to reach to get polled and trump has them by vast numbers
If they were included they would be so much higher for trump even in this poll
Wake up you low logic hypocrite that makes you blind
Why do polls only matter to you guys when you like them?

Speaking of "hypocrite"?

Polls matter when they are correct

The trump massive rallies plus the massive watching proves the polls are wrong

So polls that go with the clues matter because they go with trump clues

You are a foolish loser that always lose because of being a hypocrite with low logic

People like you will totally be stopped from debating because your low logic makes you blind to understanding

When you see that anger rise you better start running and hiding like the rat that you are
"Polls matter when they are correct"

Ya gotta love this place.

See your stoopidity does not know what matters

You need mental help. Seriously !!
Trump rallies

Wildwood NJ Jan 28

Des Moines Iowa. Jan 30

You tube has several places to watch and watch way before the rally and watch the people .. it is crystal clear that trump will now stop liberalism world wide

And he has got China now helping

Democrats better start running and hiding like rats

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