Poll/Survey.Your Favorite/Most Laughable Political Lies Of 2016 & 2017.

"Not my president"

by the 31st, id like to see all of us compile our own "Top 10 Laughable Lies Of The Year" list {but 2016 too}
some are pretty obvious,,,we can reword them just to make them funnier.
One that made the list so far?
"I Have High Cheek Bones, Therefore I Am A Native American"......yah Elizabeth, so do some dogs,cats and chipmunks
2017 Lie of the Year: Russian election interference is a 'made-up story'


2017 Lie of the Year: Russian election action is a hoax
"Not my president"

by the 31st, id like to see all of us compile our own "Top 10 Laughable Lies Of The Year" list {but 2016 too}
some are pretty obvious,,,we can reword them just to make them funnier.
One that made the list so far?
"I Have High Cheek Bones, Therefore I Am A Native American"......yah Elizabeth, so do some dogs,cats and chipmunks
The Fucking Orange Punk , Trump, pretends to be either "John Miller or John Barron to give himself publicity blow jobs LOL
:2up: And God, how many lies came out of the left/msm throughout 2016 and 2017?
Probably a lot more than you can count on your 12 fingers. :boobies:
This one is easy for me.
2016...Hillary Clinton..."If Trump Is Elected President, Our Lives As We Know It Will Come To An End! Say Good-Bye To Your Jobs and Your Apartment FOREVER !!!!! :omg:

2017: Both Pelosi and Crazy Bernie:...If this new Tax-Reform Bill Passes, its ARMAGEDDEN! We are all gonna die !!! :cow: :disbelief: :hellno:

Hellary, repeatedly in 2016 said........” I think, as a woman.....” .
:2up: And God, how many lies came out of the left/msm throughout 2016 and 2017?
Probably a lot more than you can count on your 12 fingers. :boobies:
This one is easy for me.
2016...Hillary Clinton..."If Trump Is Elected President, Our Lives As We Know It Will Come To An End! Say Good-Bye To Your Jobs and Your Apartment FOREVER !!!!! :omg:

2017: Both Pelosi and Crazy Bernie:...If this new Tax-Reform Bill Passes, its ARMAGEDDEN! We are all gonna die !!! :cow: :disbelief: :hellno:

Hellary, repeatedly in 2016 said........” I think, as a woman.....” .
Hillary never really explained why flies loved to land on her
Hillary: If The Russians Hadn't Voted In This Election, I would of won by 50 points.
Biden,,,,scandals? what scandals, Obama never had a scandal in his life

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