Poll/Survey.Your Favorite/Most Laughable Political Lies Of 2016 & 2017.

Clinton when asked what she had in her purse; "Hot Sauce!" I about pissed myself laughing at how dumb that was, then again when I realized just how many fucking dumb asses fell for that pandering bullshit.
C'mon, how can the classic Trump lies be beaten? Muslims dancing in the streets of New Jersey or biggest largest attendance inauguration ever.
How many lies did Don Jr., Manford, and Flynn blabber about meetings with Russians?
:2up: And God, how many lies came out of the left/msm throughout 2016 and 2017?
Probably a lot more than you can count on your 12 fingers. :boobies:
This one is easy for me.
2016...Hillary Clinton..."If Trump Is Elected President, Our Lives As We Know It Will Come To An End! Say Good-Bye To Your Jobs and Your Apartment FOREVER !!!!! :omg:

2017: Both Pelosi and Crazy Bernie:...If this new Tax-Reform Bill Passes, its ARMAGEDDEN! We are all gonna die !!! :cow: :disbelief: :hellno:
To adequately answer this question, I guess you'd have to separate Trump from everyone else. The definition of lying is saying something you know is not true. There's no way of knowing if that's what he's doing, or whether he's just saying what he's told to say, or if he's just engaging in his unique, mindless, thoughtless carnival barker-isms to impress and/or "sell" people. His own people have told us to take him seriously but not literally. A President of the United States. What the fuck.

So aside from Trump, there are so many lies coming so regularly from politicians, pundits, partisans and politicos that there's just no way to narrow them down for a list. That's like trying to pour a glass of water out of a fire house.
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