POLL: This Russian Thing

What's going on here? Do I need to learn Russian? Would Rosetta Stone be best for that?

  • Politicians and politicos talk to the Russians more than we know, not much to see here

    Votes: 38 45.8%
  • It's pretty much a coincidence, there is no conspiracy or clandestine relationship

    Votes: 11 13.3%
  • This stinks like hell and a full, wide-ranging investigation should be launched

    Votes: 20 24.1%
  • There is clearly a troubling relationship of some kind between Trump & Co and the Russian government

    Votes: 16 19.3%
  • What the fuck!

    Votes: 4 4.8%
  • Mango. You heard me. MANGO.

    Votes: 9 10.8%

  • Total voters
Here's the real problem with Trump. It's not that your side doesn't know what he is, it's that you've decided you don't care as long as you can repeal Obamacare and put a knuckle-dragger on SCOTUS.

No the real problem is there is not one shred of proof any of this occurred and you continue to dig this hole deeper and deeper and deeper, so deep you will not be able to crawl your worthless ass back out of it...

But please keep it up, I look forward to your continued demise...
in Session's capacity as Senator of the Armed srvice comm. if he DID NOT tell the Russian Ambassador to knock the email hacking and fake article propaganda off, then Sessions didn't do his job of representing the USA

So exactly what was discussed?
Once in a blue moon, Joey blurts out something that actually reveals the insidious underbelly of the ideology he promotes. While most of us believe in a great nation established on the basis that all men are equal and endowed with rights by God, little Commies like Joey don't believe in God and they think our rights come from man and the Supreme Court. The State has dominion over the individual. Our rights are ordained by the State not endowed by a Creator. That's how Joey and other Commies believe our nation and all nations should operate.

Cheif Running-Joke, there is no God, and there never was. And the guy who said, "All Men are Created Equal" went home and raped the shit out of Sally Hemmings because she was his property. So don't give me any santimonious bullshit.

At best, we should have a government that is chose BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE and OF THE PEOPLE. But the fact is, we let an awful system chosen by slave rapists and hacked by the Russians pick a guy that most of us plain old didn't want.

His one sentence here demonstrates the problem with Socialism-Communism-Secularism. Once power is corrupted your rights are gone. There is no longer a 4th Amendment, there is no due process... the 'powers-that-be' don't like you, and so, you're toast. Forget all about "probable cause", that no longer applies because the State determines they don't like you.

The only person corrupting power is Trump, who colluded with a foreign power to disrupt our system. The corruption was when all the systems that were supposed to prevent a Trump failed to do so. So now you have a crazy man tweeting that everyone is out to get him... with his finger on the button.

In a world where it is "leaked" that Trump is wandering around the West Wing in his bath robe, I find it impossible to believe evidence exists of Trump's collusion with the Russian government and we don't know about it. We know that Obama's FBI was investigating Trump since at least May of 2016. This is how they managed to get FISA warrants to wiretap private citizens. Now... we've heard all kinds of things leaked out to the media about these private citizens but as of now, not a thing about Trump's ties to Russia. Isn't it amazing?

Actually, a lot of things have been leaked out. And if you don't think Trump's panic yesterday that Obama wiretapped him (presidents don't order wiretaps) doesn't indicate he knows he did something wrong, then you are deluded.

So nice going, you guys have given us our third impeachment in my lifetime.
YEAH it HAS BEEN INVESTGATED and there were NO TIES found between the Russians and the Trump Campaign by ANY intelligence agency. The lying dimshits just want to keep it in the news every day even though their entire line of attack has been proved WRONG, and untrue a dozen times already. The Russians couldn't get into the RNC because they are ten times smarter than the dnc and the dnc shit are so stupid they were using a unsecured private server that was hacked by every first time hacker in the world. That shows how stupid anyone that is in love with the lying scum dimshit is. WOW MAN LET"S SUPPORT the dumbest shit on earth for president, yeah man then maybe we wont get caught doing a hit of crack MAN!!!

Wait, the guys who insisted on endless investigations into Fast and Furious, Benghazi and Hillary's emails don't want any more investigations into collusion with a hostile foreign power?
No the real problem is there is not one shred of proof any of this occurred and you continue to dig this hole deeper and deeper and deeper, so deep you will not be able to crawl your worthless ass back out of it...

But please keep it up, I look forward to your continued demise...

We have plenty of proof. It's just how long can you guys keep whistling past the graveyard.
Once in a blue moon, Joey blurts out something that actually reveals the insidious underbelly of the ideology he promotes. While most of us believe in a great nation established on the basis that all men are equal and endowed with rights by God, little Commies like Joey don't believe in God and they think our rights come from man and the Supreme Court. The State has dominion over the individual. Our rights are ordained by the State not endowed by a Creator. That's how Joey and other Commies believe our nation and all nations should operate.

Cheif Running-Joke, there is no God, and there never was. And the guy who said, "All Men are Created Equal" went home and raped the shit out of Sally Hemmings because she was his property. So don't give me any santimonious bullshit.

At best, we should have a government that is chose BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE and OF THE PEOPLE. But the fact is, we let an awful system chosen by slave rapists and hacked by the Russians pick a guy that most of us plain old didn't want.

His one sentence here demonstrates the problem with Socialism-Communism-Secularism. Once power is corrupted your rights are gone. There is no longer a 4th Amendment, there is no due process... the 'powers-that-be' don't like you, and so, you're toast. Forget all about "probable cause", that no longer applies because the State determines they don't like you.

The only person corrupting power is Trump, who colluded with a foreign power to disrupt our system. The corruption was when all the systems that were supposed to prevent a Trump failed to do so. So now you have a crazy man tweeting that everyone is out to get him... with his finger on the button.

In a world where it is "leaked" that Trump is wandering around the West Wing in his bath robe, I find it impossible to believe evidence exists of Trump's collusion with the Russian government and we don't know about it. We know that Obama's FBI was investigating Trump since at least May of 2016. This is how they managed to get FISA warrants to wiretap private citizens. Now... we've heard all kinds of things leaked out to the media about these private citizens but as of now, not a thing about Trump's ties to Russia. Isn't it amazing?

Actually, a lot of things have been leaked out. And if you don't think Trump's panic yesterday that Obama wiretapped him (presidents don't order wiretaps) doesn't indicate he knows he did something wrong, then you are deluded.

So nice going, you guys have given us our third impeachment in my lifetime.
. Having an evil human being as yourself as a member of the Demon-crats party should be enough to bring out millions of Americans to save Trump regardless of his flaws and dealings in which the checks and balances system will keep in check. Allowing your ilk to get back power over this country is totally unexceptable. Keep talking, because you take your followers down to the lowest levels on earth, and we love it. You are a blasphemous human being, and good luck with that if you ever decide to read up on what that says, and don't show any weakness upon your departure, because you will have made your bed in this life, and you will have to lay in it throughout eternity.
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YEAH it HAS BEEN INVESTGATED and there were NO TIES found between the Russians and the Trump Campaign by ANY intelligence agency. The lying dimshits just want to keep it in the news every day even though their entire line of attack has been proved WRONG, and untrue a dozen times already. The Russians couldn't get into the RNC because they are ten times smarter than the dnc and the dnc shit are so stupid they were using a unsecured private server that was hacked by every first time hacker in the world. That shows how stupid anyone that is in love with the lying scum dimshit is. WOW MAN LET"S SUPPORT the dumbest shit on earth for president, yeah man then maybe we wont get caught doing a hit of crack MAN!!!

Wait, the guys who insisted on endless investigations into Fast and Furious, Benghazi and Hillary's emails don't want any more investigations into collusion with a hostile foreign power?
We want it, but then we also want your ilk to get what's coming to your kind as well. No more passes. It ends, and the Dems will get what they wished for, and that is that the same justice will be brought upon them as well. If they think they are clean, then let's get the ball of justice mowing everyone over. It's time. No more injustices, and the Dems will find that they are probably the dirtiest players out there. Yes let's get it going on, because it's been to dam long since we have seen true justice in this country.
. Having an evil human being as yourself as a member of the Demon-crats party should be enough to bring out millions of Americans to save Trump regardless of his flaws and dealings in which the checks and balances system will keep in check.

Really? The checks and balances haven't' kept him in check so far. The ultimate check should have been 'The people said no!"

Allowing your ilk to get back power over this country is totally unexceptable. Keep talking, because you take your followers down to the lowest levels on earth, and we love it. You are a blasphemous human being, and good luck with that if you ever decide to read up on what that says, and don't show any weakness upon your departure, because you will have made your bed in this life, and you will have to lay in it throughout eternity.

Guy, the nice thing about your God is that he doesn't exist. The Bronze Age Sky Fairy of the Levant isn't worth anyone's worship.

We want it, but then we also want your ilk to get what's coming to your kind as well. No more passes. It ends, and the Dems will get what they wished for, and that is that the same justice will be brought upon them as well. If they think they are clean, then let's get the ball of justice mowing everyone over. It's time. No more injustices, and the Dems will find that they are probably the dirtiest players out there. Yes let's get it going on, because it's been to dam long since we have seen true justice in this country.

Buddy, a lot of wishful thinking, but Trump using the justice system to punish his enemies after he lost the popular vote is just the kind of thing that will turn more people against him.

Now, if Trump were smart, he'd simply disclose everything now, with a promise to

1) Divest ANY business interests he has in Russia or causes any kind of conflict.

2) Prove that the Russians don't own him by taking stands that Putin doesn't want.

But he won't. Instead the drip, drip, drip of his cronies all filling their pockets with rubels will bring him down. Just like it did Nixon.
Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.

What do you think is going on here, seriously?

Mac -- your poll was enticing and wanted to check something. But this whole sorry ass circus is a COMBINATION of your choices.. The nation is about to go nuclear over this and it will end very badly. But the CORE of the onion here is rather trivial crap that spun off from campaign hijinks. And now ONE SIDE has their fingers on a nuclear dust up over it. But my conclusion is that BOTH SIDES are blackmail-able and compromised by PERIPHERAL "dealing with Russians" . All of the coverage has been on the Trump tribe -- but the PODESTA tribe took on lobbying for a Russian bank that LITERALLY CONTROLS 30% of Russian assets in OCTOBER of the campaign.

So --- if you wanna know WHY I'm firmly convinced that both sides are compromised -- Read my comments here.

Trump is referring to McCarthyism!!!!
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Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.

What do you think is going on here, seriously?

Mac -- your poll was enticing and wanted to check something. But this whole sorry ass circus is a COMBINATION of your choice.. The nation is about to nuclear over this and it will end very badly. But the CORE of the onion here is rather trivial crap that spun off from campaign hijinks. And now ONE SIDE has their fingers on a nuclear dust up over it. But my conclusion is that BOTH SIDES are blackmail-able and compromised by PERIPHERAL "dealing with Russians" . All of the coverage has been on the Trump tribe -- but the PODESTA tribe took on lobbying for a Russian bank that LITERALLY CONTROLS 30% of Russian assets in OCTOBER of the campaign.

So --- if you wanna know WHY I'm firmly convinced that both sides are compromised -- Read my comments here.

Trump is referring to McCarthyism!!!!
Well, the overriding issue here doesn't even get that far - who is vulnerable to blackmail and who is not. We're in a period of blatant party-over-country politics, shameless political opportunism and transparent witch hunts.

Sure, I'd think the list of "leaders" (ha) who are vulnerable to blackmail is long and deep. And as long as they can keep throwing others under the bus, their vulnerability will remain hidden.

This is ugly, everywhere.
in Session's capacity as Senator of the Armed srvice comm. if he DID NOT tell the Russian Ambassador to knock the email hacking and fake article propaganda off, then Sessions didn't do his job of representing the USA

Why would the Armed Services Committee tell the Russian ambassador that?

Isn't that the job of State and the WH?
in Session's capacity as Senator of the Armed srvice comm. if he DID NOT tell the Russian Ambassador to knock the email hacking and fake article propaganda off, then Sessions didn't do his job of representing the USA

Why would the Armed Services Committee tell the Russian ambassador that?

Isn't that the job of State and the WH?
I don't know Toro, maybe that was just an irrational thought of mine? it was the same time period of that happening, in the news/ in the press about it...seems like in the least, you would not want to meet with the Russian Operative/Ambassador during this period....wondering if the Russian Ambassador met with any other Senators during this time, other than Trump people....we know th Ambassador met with no other Senators on the Armed Service committee but Senator Sessions...why was Sessions chosen? was he picked out because of his known attachment to Trump's campaign?
Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.

What do you think is going on here, seriously?

Red Scare Part III: The Return of Stupidity

The really important question is, who gets to play Joe McCarthy this time around?

"The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!" -- Luther Grilk. It's a Plot; The Russians are Coming! The Russians are Coming!

No, the Russians came. They hacked into the DNC and the RNC and leaked only DNC emails. We know this. We know, too, that senior officials in the Trump admin had contact with Russia during the campaign. You don't think that deserves investigation? If there's nothing there, what is there to be worried about?

Cool story Bro, two questions: Which Russian do I send the thank you note to for exposing all the nefarious goings on inside the scum filled backrooms at the DNC? and who do I need to talk to in order for them to release whatever juicy RNC emails they managed to get their hands on?

Thanks in advance.


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