POLL: This Russian Thing

What's going on here? Do I need to learn Russian? Would Rosetta Stone be best for that?

  • Politicians and politicos talk to the Russians more than we know, not much to see here

    Votes: 38 45.8%
  • It's pretty much a coincidence, there is no conspiracy or clandestine relationship

    Votes: 11 13.3%
  • This stinks like hell and a full, wide-ranging investigation should be launched

    Votes: 20 24.1%
  • There is clearly a troubling relationship of some kind between Trump & Co and the Russian government

    Votes: 16 19.3%
  • What the fuck!

    Votes: 4 4.8%
  • Mango. You heard me. MANGO.

    Votes: 9 10.8%

  • Total voters
no, you wont need to learn Russian...

we FINALLY have a press that is doing investigative journalism/reporting again.... we only need the Republicans in congress to do their jobs....that's iffy right now....but little by little, I have faith that eventually, the R's will choose our Nation, over their Party
. The repubs have been led into an Obama trap that him and his Intel buddies have laid for them, and it seems the trap is working flawlessly. Did Obama and the Demon-crats corrupt the U.S. Intel community, and are they in cullusion to overthrow the government in a bid to steal the U.S. government back by corrupt means or any means possible ???

lol, right ....... thanx obamaaaaaaaaa....................:afro:
. You can thank him and Hillary at the federal pen.
An Independent Investigator needs to be appointed, but the Party First GOP knows that the hearings would make them look like a bunch of whining Russian sympathizers.
th R's get to pick the so calld independent prosecutor on thir own....so NOT so independent!
IOW, you are constructing the excuse to continue bashing the republicans with this even if the Trump team is exonerated.


let's see.... ummmmm......

first there was manafort.
then flynn.
then sessions.
& then carter page.
& don't forget jared kushner.

you know there will be more.
. Yep and Obama next for breaking the law by using his office to spy on Americans for political purposes, and in hopes to throw an election in favor of the Democrats over a democratically elected government, and punish the Russians all at the same time.

uh-huh. the only 'spying' that he has done & that i fully disagreed with from the days of W. was the 'patriot act'.
That act doesn't give Obama the right to spy in the way that he might have done here. Where was his FISA warrants ?
th R's get to pick the so calld independent prosecutor on thir own....so NOT so independent!
IOW, you are constructing the excuse to continue bashing the republicans with this even if the Trump team is exonerated.


let's see.... ummmmm......

first there was manafort.
then flynn.
then sessions.
& then carter page.
& don't forget jared kushner.

you know there will be more.
. Yep and Obama next for breaking the law by using his office to spy on Americans for political purposes, and in hopes to throw an election in favor of the Democrats over a democratically elected government, and punish the Russians all at the same time.

uh-huh. the only 'spying' that he has done & that i fully disagreed with from the days of W. was the 'patriot act'.
That act doesn't give Obama the right to spy in the way that he might have done here. Where was his FISA warrants ?

i'm not buying any of it. it's only a paranoid trump twitter rant.
Trump should demand a Special Prosecutor be appointed to look into the Obama administration's involvement in having our intelligence apparatus used against political enemies during a presidential campaign. We need to haul some asses to the courtroom to testify under oath what involvement the previous administration has had in this shadow coup. We need to know specifically why they sought FISA warrants for Trump surrogates as early as June last year... what was their justification for these warrants? And even against a sitting US Senator. Where is the evidence supporting their justifications?

What do I smell there? Some Desperation?

Here's the real problem you guys have got. The intelligence agencies don't like Trump and want him gone.

Because they know he's compromised by the Russians.

You guys knew Trump was dirty with the Russians when you voted for him,and you did it anyway.
That act doesn't give Obama the right to spy in the way that he might have done here. Where was his FISA warrants ?

actually, it kind of does. They weren't spying on Flynn and Sessions. They were spying on Ambassador Kislyak, who they should be spying on, since all the Russian Spies work through his office.

Trumps boys just happened to walk into the frame.
Trump should demand a Special Prosecutor be appointed to look into the Obama administration's involvement in having our intelligence apparatus used against political enemies during a presidential campaign. We need to haul some asses to the courtroom to testify under oath what involvement the previous administration has had in this shadow coup. We need to know specifically why they sought FISA warrants for Trump surrogates as early as June last year... what was their justification for these warrants? And even against a sitting US Senator. Where is the evidence supporting their justifications?

What do I smell there? Some Desperation?

Here's the real problem you guys have got. The intelligence agencies don't like Trump and want him gone.

Because they know he's compromised by the Russians.

You guys knew Trump was dirty with the Russians when you voted for him,and you did it anyway.
. If the Intel had evidence against Trump, then they should have turned it over before he became POTUS. If they held back then they were in collusion with Obama to destroy the Republican Presidency, and for that reason it is all illegal, so when did they know what they know, and why did they hold back on turning the information over to Congress to be investigated ? Timing suggest everything as to the intent, and to the purpose for activities that have taken place in it all.
That act doesn't give Obama the right to spy in the way that he might have done here. Where was his FISA warrants ?

actually, it kind of does. They weren't spying on Flynn and Sessions. They were spying on Ambassador Kislyak, who they should be spying on, since all the Russian Spies work through his office.

Trumps boys just happened to walk into the frame.
. Not buying it..
We need to sit back and just watch the DNC implode along with their minions...

No truth to any of this, someone in the DNC needs to put a bag over Pelosi's head and put her in the corner, she should never be allowed to speak publicly again, what an embarrassment...

If your 10 year old acted this badly, you would have to consider some sort of mental disorder was occurring...
If the Intel had evidence against Trump, then they should have turned it over before he became POTUS. If they held back then they were in collusion with Obama to destroy the Republican Presidency, and for that reason it is all illegal, so when did they know what they know, and why did they hold back on turning the information over to Congress to be investigated ? Timing suggest everything as to the intent, and to the purpose for activities that have taken place in it all.

Not necessarily.

You don't think that the Intel Community didn't know Clinton and JFK were major womanizers?

Here's the real problem with Trump. It's not that your side doesn't know what he is, it's that you've decided you don't care as long as you can repeal Obamacare and put a knuckle-dragger on SCOTUS.
If the Intel had evidence against Trump, then they should have turned it over before he became POTUS. If they held back then they were in collusion with Obama to destroy the Republican Presidency, and for that reason it is all illegal, so when did they know what they know, and why did they hold back on turning the information over to Congress to be investigated ? Timing suggest everything as to the intent, and to the purpose for activities that have taken place in it all.

Not necessarily.

You don't think that the Intel Community didn't know Clinton and JFK were major womanizers?

Here's the real problem with Trump. It's not that your side doesn't know what he is, it's that you've decided you don't care as long as you can repeal Obamacare and put a knuckle-dragger on SCOTUS.
. Your problem is that you are a political hack with an agenda that is tied to the Obama agenda, and you would defend the indefensible if you have to at all cost.
Trump should demand a Special Prosecutor be appointed to look into the Obama administration's involvement in having our intelligence apparatus used against political enemies during a presidential campaign. We need to haul some asses to the courtroom to testify under oath what involvement the previous administration has had in this shadow coup. We need to know specifically why they sought FISA warrants for Trump surrogates as early as June last year... what was their justification for these warrants? And even against a sitting US Senator. Where is the evidence supporting their justifications?

What do I smell there? Some Desperation?

Here's the real problem you guys have got. The intelligence agencies don't like Trump and want him gone.

Because they know he's compromised by the Russians.

You guys knew Trump was dirty with the Russians when you voted for him,and you did it anyway.

The intelligence agencies don't like Trump and want him gone.

Once in a blue moon, Joey blurts out something that actually reveals the insidious underbelly of the ideology he promotes. While most of us believe in a great nation established on the basis that all men are equal and endowed with rights by God, little Commies like Joey don't believe in God and they think our rights come from man and the Supreme Court. The State has dominion over the individual. Our rights are ordained by the State not endowed by a Creator. That's how Joey and other Commies believe our nation and all nations should operate.

His one sentence here demonstrates the problem with Socialism-Communism-Secularism. Once power is corrupted your rights are gone. There is no longer a 4th Amendment, there is no due process... the 'powers-that-be' don't like you, and so, you're toast. Forget all about "probable cause", that no longer applies because the State determines they don't like you.

In a world where it is "leaked" that Trump is wandering around the West Wing in his bath robe, I find it impossible to believe evidence exists of Trump's collusion with the Russian government and we don't know about it. We know that Obama's FBI was investigating Trump since at least May of 2016. This is how they managed to get FISA warrants to wiretap private citizens. Now... we've heard all kinds of things leaked out to the media about these private citizens but as of now, not a thing about Trump's ties to Russia. Isn't it amazing?
Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.

What do you think is going on here, seriously?
I think Putin interfered in our election, using a small army of hackers to leak DNC emails and whatnot.

As for Trump, well...Trump has long been a huge fanboi of Putin, and fellated Putin in public at least once a week during the campaign. His girlish crush on Putin goes back years. So Putin obviously felt this was the guy he needed to win the election, and did what he could to make it happen.

However, I have serious doubts anyone in the Trump campaign worked with Putin toward this aim. Because of Trump's infatuation with Putin, it is not entirely illogical to think they may have colluded, but I don't believe even Trump would take that incredibly traitorous step.

Trump sabotaged himself, though. His ego could not handle the fact Putin gave him a leg up, and so his denials of the facts provided ample fertile soil for conspiracy theories to grow.

Trump should have acknowledged a hostile nation interfered in our election, demanded an immediate investigation, and should have made it very clear he intended to twist Putin's nuts even harder than Obama did.
Agreed. Trump's ego (or whatever that is, I'm not a shrink) has only fed into this.

There are several perfectly reasonable questions here, the biggest being why the hell are there so many connections between Trump & Co and Russia?, but that doesn't make every story true, that doesn't make everything they have said a lie. Of course, their stubbornness hasn't helped things.

The hype and hysteria that both ends of the spectrum use at every fucking political opportunity is the bigger problem on a macro level. This Sessions thing looks like another example.

The majority of Trumps associates are, like himself, involved in international businesses. They have contacts all over the world. These pathetic snowflake regressives just can't accept the fact that America rejected their dear leaders legacy and are inventing ridiculous explanations. When they figure out there is nothing there, it will be harder on them losing the election in the first place.
I wonder if this is about the lifetime ban Trump declared on foreign lobbyists? That was a HUGE source of income for Democrats like Hillary Clinton. If they can show someone from the Trump administration was guilty of association with a lobbyist, in this case from Russia, then it undermines the president's action.

ambassadors aren't lobbyists... and you are missing the point.

Trump's people were collaborating with the Russians to beat Hillary to get sanctions lifted. That's why Trump surrogates like Sessions and Flynn meeting with the Russians is a big deal.

The FBI says you're wrong.
This is just more smoke and dust being kicked up by the Dimmocrats to keep people from seeing through their shenanigans, nothing more.
The issue is going to revolve around the way he answered Franken's question. He kind of framed it that he didn't meet with any Russians in a surrogate capacity, but he kind of didn't.
Well listen to his testimony for yourself and see. The relevant segments begins at about 3:00 in the video below.

Sessions was asked if he had a political exchange of information with the Russians as a Trump surrogate, and he said he did not and he couldnt say more than that.

Sessions NEVER said he had no meetings with the Russians during Trumps campaign. He said he gave them no political information acting as a Trump surrogate, and so far there is no evidence to contradict that.

Yeah, I watched the tape and read the transcript. Both the question and the answer were in the context of Sessions acting as a campaign surrogate.

Unless the Dems have proof that Sessions and the Russian guy talked about the election....

... this is politics.

Mac, you're a doufas for giving legitimacy to a talking point.
The Democrats broke so many laws the last 8 years that they feel their only protection is to create fake scandals in the media.
They hope to keep the current administration fighting off false accusations so they won't have the time to address real criminal activity that was going on in the White House in the last administration.

Wow- 40 days in and it is already falling apart on you guys.

So sad.

Well that's what you want everyone the think, too bad you're failing at that as bad as you did the election.
Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.

What do you think is going on here, seriously?

Red Scare Part III: The Return of Stupidity

The really important question is, who gets to play Joe McCarthy this time around?

"The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!" -- Luther Grilk. It's a Plot; The Russians are Coming! The Russians are Coming!

No, the Russians came. They hacked into the DNC and the RNC and leaked only DNC emails. We know this. We know, too, that senior officials in the Trump admin had contact with Russia during the campaign. You don't think that deserves investigation? If there's nothing there, what is there to be worried about?

Link? Explain what government agency has forensically examined either the DNC or RNC servers.
YEAH it HAS BEEN INVESTGATED and there were NO TIES found between the Russians and the Trump Campaign by ANY intelligence agency. The lying dimshits just want to keep it in the news every day even though their entire line of attack has been proved WRONG, and untrue a dozen times already. The Russians couldn't get into the RNC because they are ten times smarter than the dnc and the dnc shit are so stupid they were using a unsecured private server that was hacked by every first time hacker in the world. That shows how stupid anyone that is in love with the lying scum dimshit is. WOW MAN LET"S SUPPORT the dumbest shit on earth for president, yeah man then maybe we wont get caught doing a hit of crack MAN!!!
The number of close Trump associates who have been accused of having undisclosed contact with Russian agents, or who have reportedly been investigated by the F.B.I., now stands at 7. Here's the scorecard:

1. Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign manager;

2. Michael Cohen, his personal lawyer;

3. Roger Stone, a longtime political associate;

4. Carter Page, an oil-industry consultant who acted as one of his foreign-policy advisers;

5. Michael Flynn, Trump campaign advisor and, briefly, national security advisor;

6. Jeff Sessions, Trump campaign advisor and now attorney general;

7. Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law and top White House aide (see story below).

Why were there so many contacts with Russian operatives and known spies before and after the election, and why were they so frequent?

Why did most of these people try to hide them, or even deny they occurred?

How many more revelations will be necessary until the trail leads directly to Trump?
I think this is just a by-product of the usual conspiracy freaks in the Democratic Party.

Everyone knows Trump is a owner of an International corporation that has dealings dozens of foreign governments.

The libs are just trying to criminalize anything and everything, especially the shit they're doing but nobody knows about.
So please tell us why Sessions would be discussing Trump's businesses with Russia? You didn't think that answer of yours thru very thoroughly did you. Lol
Trump whores like you never do.
I remember you righties saying during Nixon's administration... Watergate's not gonna amount to anything. Lol

Instead of spinning your ass off and sucking trump's ass why don't you answer the questions I posed about the lurid and very suspicious Trump/ Russian connections.

Why bother addressing a liar, Manafort had dealings with Ukraine, not Russia.
Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.

What do you think is going on here, seriously?

Come on people... Jeff Sessions is a Senator on the Armed Services Committee. He talks to Ambassadors from all over the world all the time.

This is nothing more than DEMOCRATS who literally have nothing else to complain about. Kellyanne Conway's feet on the couch didn't work so now they are on to Sessions talked to the Russians! Like the kid from Sixth Sense... "I see Russians!" These people are losing their damn minds.

It's sad to watch a political party destroy itself this way.
But the Sessions thing isn't happening in a vacuum. It's the latest in a string of stories on communication between people who would be in our administration and the Russians in recent months, and during the campaign. A campaign, by the way, which was breached to some extent by those same Russians.

I'm not claiming anything. But I don't think it's unreasonable to wonder about this.
The Democrats broke so many laws the last 8 years that they feel their only protection is to create fake scandals in the media.
They hope to keep the current administration fighting off false accusations so they won't have the time to address real criminal activity that was going on in the White House in the last administration.
Franken's question and Sessions' answer were both clearly in the context of whether Sessions met with the Russians as a Trump surrogate.

Sessions was on the foreign relations committee and (unless we have proof otherwise) met with the Russians in that capacity.

Those are clear facts, but facts no longer matter. It's what you can do with those facts, how they can be leveraged, for political gain.

Such is America now. We really do deserve better than this.

Sessions is a racist, liar.

So are you, should we call it a draw?
This is just more smoke and dust being kicked up by the Dimmocrats to keep people from seeing through their shenanigans, nothing more.
The issue is going to revolve around the way he answered Franken's question. He kind of framed it that he didn't meet with any Russians in a surrogate capacity, but he kind of didn't.
Well listen to his testimony for yourself and see. The relevant segments begins at about 3:00 in the video below.

Sessions was asked if he had a political exchange of information with the Russians as a Trump surrogate, and he said he did not and he couldnt say more than that.

Sessions NEVER said he had no meetings with the Russians during Trumps campaign. He said he gave them no political information acting as a Trump surrogate, and so far there is no evidence to contradict that.

Yeah, I watched the tape and read the transcript. Both the question and the answer were in the context of Sessions acting as a campaign surrogate.

Unless the Dems have proof that Sessions and the Russian guy talked about the election....

... this is politics.

Mac, you're a doufas for giving legitimacy to a talking point.

Well, there are so many talking points flying from all directions that it can be difficult to tell them apart.

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