POLL: This Russian Thing

What's going on here? Do I need to learn Russian? Would Rosetta Stone be best for that?

  • Politicians and politicos talk to the Russians more than we know, not much to see here

    Votes: 38 45.8%
  • It's pretty much a coincidence, there is no conspiracy or clandestine relationship

    Votes: 11 13.3%
  • This stinks like hell and a full, wide-ranging investigation should be launched

    Votes: 20 24.1%
  • There is clearly a troubling relationship of some kind between Trump & Co and the Russian government

    Votes: 16 19.3%
  • What the fuck!

    Votes: 4 4.8%
  • Mango. You heard me. MANGO.

    Votes: 9 10.8%

  • Total voters
Here's what I hope happens, and you can all say whatever you want...

Trump should demand a Special Prosecutor be appointed to look into the Obama administration's involvement in having our intelligence apparatus used against political enemies during a presidential campaign. We need to haul some asses to the courtroom to testify under oath what involvement the previous administration has had in this shadow coup. We need to know specifically why they sought FISA warrants for Trump surrogates as early as June last year... what was their justification for these warrants? And even against a sitting US Senator. Where is the evidence supporting their justifications?

This could be one of the worst political scandals in history. Republican leaders need to step up and stop being sniveling little cowards. This SHIT has gone TOO FAR!
^^^^^^EXACTLY^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ thank you
He didn't lie about it. Franken asked him about meeting Russian officials regarding the campaign. And Sessions didn't meet or talk to anyone about the campaign.

And there is absolutely no evidence that he did.

He claimed he hadn't met with the Ambassador at all... when he did.
I'm amazed at what liars Republicans are. It would be like me denying Clinton lied under oath. Clearly he did. Was it an impeachable offense? No in my opinion. If I had to pick one, lying about a BJ or lying about colluding with the Commies? I'd say colluding with the commies was more impeachable.

And yet I'm ok with not impeaching Jeff Sessions. Trump will just appoint another liar anyways. I just want Republicans to know their lies are starting to mount.

P.S. These people believed Obama wasn't born in America without proof and yet with proof they refuse to believe Sessions lied. I wonder why they are so pathetically intellectually dishonest?
The number of close Trump associates who have been accused of having undisclosed contact with Russian agents, or who have reportedly been investigated by the F.B.I., now stands at 7. Here's the scorecard:

1. Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign manager;

2. Michael Cohen, his personal lawyer;

3. Roger Stone, a longtime political associate;

4. Carter Page, an oil-industry consultant who acted as one of his foreign-policy advisers;

5. Michael Flynn, Trump campaign advisor and, briefly, national security advisor;

6. Jeff Sessions, Trump campaign advisor and now attorney general;

7. Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law and top White House aide (see story below).

Why were there so many contacts with Russian operatives and known spies before and after the election, and why were they so frequent?

Why did most of these people try to hide them, or even deny they occurred?

How many more revelations will be necessary until the trail leads directly to Trump?
The number of close Trump associates who have been accused of having undisclosed contact with Russian agents, or who have reportedly been investigated by the F.B.I., now stands at 7. Here's the scorecard:

1. Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign manager;

2. Michael Cohen, his personal lawyer;

3. Roger Stone, a longtime political associate;

4. Carter Page, an oil-industry consultant who acted as one of his foreign-policy advisers;

5. Michael Flynn, Trump campaign advisor and, briefly, national security advisor;

6. Jeff Sessions, Trump campaign advisor and now attorney general;

7. Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law and top White House aide (see story below).

Why were there so many contacts with Russian operatives and known spies before and after the election, and why were they so frequent?

Why did most of these people try to hide them, or even deny they occurred?

How many more revelations will be necessary until the trail leads directly to Trump?
I think this is just a by-product of the usual conspiracy freaks in the Democratic Party.

Everyone knows Trump is a owner of an International corporation that has dealings dozens of foreign governments.

The libs are just trying to criminalize anything and everything, especially the shit they're doing but nobody knows about.
The number of close Trump associates who have been accused of having undisclosed contact with Russian agents, or who have reportedly been investigated by the F.B.I., now stands at 7. Here's the scorecard:

1. Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign manager;

2. Michael Cohen, his personal lawyer;

3. Roger Stone, a longtime political associate;

4. Carter Page, an oil-industry consultant who acted as one of his foreign-policy advisers;

5. Michael Flynn, Trump campaign advisor and, briefly, national security advisor;

6. Jeff Sessions, Trump campaign advisor and now attorney general;

7. Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law and top White House aide (see story below).

Why were there so many contacts with Russian operatives and known spies before and after the election, and why were they so frequent?

Why did most of these people try to hide them, or even deny they occurred?

How many more revelations will be necessary until the trail leads directly to Trump?
I think this is just a by-product of the usual conspiracy freaks in the Democratic Party.

Everyone knows Trump is a owner of an International corporation that has dealings dozens of foreign governments.

The libs are just trying to criminalize anything and everything, especially the shit they're doing but nobody knows about.
So please tell us why Sessions would be discussing Trump's businesses with Russia? You didn't think that answer of yours thru very thoroughly did you. Lol
Trump whores like you never do.
I remember you righties saying during Nixon's administration... Watergate's not gonna amount to anything. Lol

Instead of spinning your ass off and sucking trump's ass why don't you answer the questions I posed about the lurid and very suspicious Trump/ Russian connections.
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This to will pass, the LMSM continuing attempts to derail Trump will eventually lead to their self destruction...

The entertainment value in watching the DNC and their surrogate media whores implode is very gratifying...

When the carpet was pulled out from under them in November it gave hard working Americans a satisfaction we hadn't seen in decades...
Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.

What do you think is going on here, seriously?
Should the Russia involvement in hacking the DNC be investigated? Of course. Do the 'connections' that the media keeps parroting about mean anything? No, not at all at this point.

The two major points here have been over Flynn and sessions. What we have with Flynn is an oncoming administration starting to deal with the countries that they are going to be making policy with. I really do not see anything wrong with what Flynn did in general - I find it rather silly that an oncoming administration cannot talk with foreign nations about the plans they are going to create or implement before Jan 20th. There is the legal question here though and until the law is changed I think that Flynn should be charged and the case pursued. That does not lend any credence to the theory that Trump is colluding with the Russians.

The second issue is with Sessions who met with an ambassador as a senator which is part of doing his damn job. This latest complaint is hogwash and the senators response to the charges here are perfectly acceptable. The questions were clearly concerning the Trump campaign and the fact that he met with an ambassador as a senator is not significant. Basically the democrats are treating any conversation that anyone had at anytime with a Russian as some horrible offense. That is not only insane but I do not see how you can expect to have relations with foreign nations without contact.

Lastly, many of Trumps appointments and/or contacts are with businessmen that manage international companies. These people regularly meet with dignitaries or leaders of the nations that they are involved in. Every president has met with industry leaders. This is not surprising or indicative of some grater conspiracy.

Certainly the Russian hacks should be investigated and the campaign should be investigated to ensure that there was no colluding between them and Russia in making it happen. Thus far there is zero evidence that they were colluding and nothing that has been sensationalized in the media has changed that.
Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.

What do you think is going on here, seriously?

Come on people... Jeff Sessions is a Senator on the Armed Services Committee. He talks to Ambassadors from all over the world all the time.

This is nothing more than DEMOCRATS who literally have nothing else to complain about. Kellyanne Conway's feet on the couch didn't work so now they are on to Sessions talked to the Russians! Like the kid from Sixth Sense... "I see Russians!" These people are losing their damn minds.

It's sad to watch a political party destroy itself this way.
But the Sessions thing isn't happening in a vacuum. It's the latest in a string of stories on communication between people who would be in our administration and the Russians in recent months, and during the campaign. A campaign, by the way, which was breached to some extent by those same Russians.

I'm not claiming anything. But I don't think it's unreasonable to wonder about this.
The Democrats broke so many laws the last 8 years that they feel their only protection is to create fake scandals in the media.
They hope to keep the current administration fighting off false accusations so they won't have the time to address real criminal activity that was going on in the White House in the last administration.
Franken's question and Sessions' answer were both clearly in the context of whether Sessions met with the Russians as a Trump surrogate.

Sessions was on the foreign relations committee and (unless we have proof otherwise) met with the Russians in that capacity.

Those are clear facts, but facts no longer matter. It's what you can do with those facts, how they can be leveraged, for political gain.

Such is America now. We really do deserve better than this.
No, we really do not.

The people have asked, no demanded, this by constantly rewarding behaviors that led to it and discouraging behaviors that do not. As G already pointed out, continually voting for the 'lesser of two evils' just nets you more evil choices.
Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.

What do you think is going on here, seriously?

Come on people... Jeff Sessions is a Senator on the Armed Services Committee. He talks to Ambassadors from all over the world all the time.

This is nothing more than DEMOCRATS who literally have nothing else to complain about. Kellyanne Conway's feet on the couch didn't work so now they are on to Sessions talked to the Russians! Like the kid from Sixth Sense... "I see Russians!" These people are losing their damn minds.

It's sad to watch a political party destroy itself this way.
But the Sessions thing isn't happening in a vacuum. It's the latest in a string of stories on communication between people who would be in our administration and the Russians in recent months, and during the campaign. A campaign, by the way, which was breached to some extent by those same Russians.

I'm not claiming anything. But I don't think it's unreasonable to wonder about this.
The Democrats broke so many laws the last 8 years that they feel their only protection is to create fake scandals in the media.
They hope to keep the current administration fighting off false accusations so they won't have the time to address real criminal activity that was going on in the White House in the last administration.
Franken's question and Sessions' answer were both clearly in the context of whether Sessions met with the Russians as a Trump surrogate.

Sessions was on the foreign relations committee and (unless we have proof otherwise) met with the Russians in that capacity.

Those are clear facts, but facts no longer matter. It's what you can do with those facts, how they can be leveraged, for political gain.

Such is America now. We really do deserve better than this.

Sessions is a racist, liar.
Here are some question to ask about this 'scandal'.

1) Are these contacts considered illegal?

2) Did they exchange any information that is considered illegal such as top secret information

3) Did they conspire to bring down America or commit acts of treason?

4) What exactly did they talk about? Maybe they were talking about the latest Star Wars movie.

5) Would those that hate Donald Trump really care about these meetings if they had won the election?

6) WHy are republicans like John McCain jumping on the bandwagon when he defended much worse from others?
61% of the board thinks The Dems are committing suicide.

I have been watching the tracking on this nationally, and and increasing majority of Americans are becoming annoyed and turned off by The Dems antics and the constant bashing of the current admin in the media.

It smells like a sore loser witch hunt to Joe Q public and support for The Democrat Party is eroding daily, and as a bonus, there is an additional adverse affect for them. Trump's numbers, support for his agenda, and for him personally are improving.

I have said this before, the biggest ally for Trump is The Democratic Party.

At this point, the Dems right now are trying to appeal to their Hard Core Radical supporters.
They are turning away Dem Moderates and Independents.....and I project the trend to continue in that direction.
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Here's what I hope happens, and you can all say whatever you want...

Trump should demand a Special Prosecutor be appointed to look into the Obama administration's involvement in having our intelligence apparatus used against political enemies during a presidential campaign. We need to haul some asses to the courtroom to testify under oath what involvement the previous administration has had in this shadow coup. We need to know specifically why they sought FISA warrants for Trump surrogates as early as June last year... what was their justification for these warrants? And even against a sitting US Senator. Where is the evidence supporting their justifications?

This could be one of the worst political scandals in history. Republican leaders need to step up and stop being sniveling little cowards. This SHIT has gone TOO FAR!

They will keep their heads in the sand, because they are looking at short term gains. They will doom their long term existance.
You have to wonder with people like Schultz who was fired, and Brazile who was fired, and this Perez who from what I heard is a radical, and believes in Jihad if The DNC has any actual qualified leadership.

They have been engaged in character assassination, smearing their opponents, and out right lying to The American people for so long to stay in power, that I think they have forgotten how to put in an honest day's work, and have forgotten how to govern, lead and inspire people.

I think they have used the MSM as a crutch for so long to cover for their incompetence and shady dealings, that I honestly think they are completely bewildered as to what to do.

There doesn't seem to be one Dem that stands out among the crowd, who knows how to get things done without engaging in The Politics of Personal Destruction.

The Dems don't want to govern, and they don't want to do the hard work it requires to earn back America's trust.

They are looking for a Hail Mary, Home Run, and the easy way to win the game. It's never going to happen for them.
Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.

What do you think is going on here, seriously?

Come on people... Jeff Sessions is a Senator on the Armed Services Committee. He talks to Ambassadors from all over the world all the time.

This is nothing more than DEMOCRATS who literally have nothing else to complain about. Kellyanne Conway's feet on the couch didn't work so now they are on to Sessions talked to the Russians! Like the kid from Sixth Sense... "I see Russians!" These people are losing their damn minds.

It's sad to watch a political party destroy itself this way.
But the Sessions thing isn't happening in a vacuum. It's the latest in a string of stories on communication between people who would be in our administration and the Russians in recent months, and during the campaign. A campaign, by the way, which was breached to some extent by those same Russians.

I'm not claiming anything. But I don't think it's unreasonable to wonder about this.
The Democrats broke so many laws the last 8 years that they feel their only protection is to create fake scandals in the media.
They hope to keep the current administration fighting off false accusations so they won't have the time to address real criminal activity that was going on in the White House in the last administration.
Franken's question and Sessions' answer were both clearly in the context of whether Sessions met with the Russians as a Trump surrogate.

Sessions was on the foreign relations committee and (unless we have proof otherwise) met with the Russians in that capacity.

Those are clear facts, but facts no longer matter. It's what you can do with those facts, how they can be leveraged, for political gain.

Such is America now. We really do deserve better than this.

Sessions is a racist, liar.
Yeah, I know, everyone you don't like is a racist.

You folks really have wrecked an important word.

I'll wait until more information is in. I know you don't require that.
Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.

What do you think is going on here, seriously?
Should the Russia involvement in hacking the DNC be investigated? Of course. Do the 'connections' that the media keeps parroting about mean anything? No, not at all at this point.

The two major points here have been over Flynn and sessions. What we have with Flynn is an oncoming administration starting to deal with the countries that they are going to be making policy with. I really do not see anything wrong with what Flynn did in general - I find it rather silly that an oncoming administration cannot talk with foreign nations about the plans they are going to create or implement before Jan 20th. There is the legal question here though and until the law is changed I think that Flynn should be charged and the case pursued. That does not lend any credence to the theory that Trump is colluding with the Russians.

The second issue is with Sessions who met with an ambassador as a senator which is part of doing his damn job. This latest complaint is hogwash and the senators response to the charges here are perfectly acceptable. The questions were clearly concerning the Trump campaign and the fact that he met with an ambassador as a senator is not significant. Basically the democrats are treating any conversation that anyone had at anytime with a Russian as some horrible offense. That is not only insane but I do not see how you can expect to have relations with foreign nations without contact.

Lastly, many of Trumps appointments and/or contacts are with businessmen that manage international companies. These people regularly meet with dignitaries or leaders of the nations that they are involved in. Every president has met with industry leaders. This is not surprising or indicative of some grater conspiracy.

Certainly the Russian hacks should be investigated and the campaign should be investigated to ensure that there was no colluding between them and Russia in making it happen. Thus far there is zero evidence that they were colluding and nothing that has been sensationalized in the media has changed that.
Absolutely agree. And a full investigation is absolutely merited. There are legitimate questions here, and it may indeed turned out that Sessions discussed the wrong shit with the Russkies.

The problem I'm having communicating with the "progressives" on this is that they're clearly ignoring context and going straight for the throat. They absolutely refuse to acknowledge the context of Franken's question and Sessions' answer, and it's obviously for partisan political reasons.

Had this happened with a Democrat, you know damn well they wouldn't be behaving like this.

We all know they're going to jump on every opportunity to damage Trump, and here we go.

Gawd, political partisanship is just UGLY.
Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.

What do you think is going on here, seriously?
Should the Russia involvement in hacking the DNC be investigated? Of course. Do the 'connections' that the media keeps parroting about mean anything? No, not at all at this point.

The two major points here have been over Flynn and sessions. What we have with Flynn is an oncoming administration starting to deal with the countries that they are going to be making policy with. I really do not see anything wrong with what Flynn did in general - I find it rather silly that an oncoming administration cannot talk with foreign nations about the plans they are going to create or implement before Jan 20th. There is the legal question here though and until the law is changed I think that Flynn should be charged and the case pursued. That does not lend any credence to the theory that Trump is colluding with the Russians.

The second issue is with Sessions who met with an ambassador as a senator which is part of doing his damn job. This latest complaint is hogwash and the senators response to the charges here are perfectly acceptable. The questions were clearly concerning the Trump campaign and the fact that he met with an ambassador as a senator is not significant. Basically the democrats are treating any conversation that anyone had at anytime with a Russian as some horrible offense. That is not only insane but I do not see how you can expect to have relations with foreign nations without contact.

Lastly, many of Trumps appointments and/or contacts are with businessmen that manage international companies. These people regularly meet with dignitaries or leaders of the nations that they are involved in. Every president has met with industry leaders. This is not surprising or indicative of some grater conspiracy.

Certainly the Russian hacks should be investigated and the campaign should be investigated to ensure that there was no colluding between them and Russia in making it happen. Thus far there is zero evidence that they were colluding and nothing that has been sensationalized in the media has changed that.
Absolutely agree. And a full investigation is absolutely merited. There are legitimate questions here, and it may indeed turned out that Sessions discussed the wrong shit with the Russkies.

The problem I'm having communicating with the "progressives" on this is that they're clearly ignoring context and going straight for the throat. They absolutely refuse to acknowledge the context of Franken's question and Sessions' answer, and it's obviously for partisan political reasons.

Had this happened with a Democrat, you know damn well they wouldn't be behaving like this.

We all know they're going to jump on every opportunity to damage Trump, and here we go.

Gawd, political partisanship is just UGLY.

An Independent Investigator needs to be appointed, but the Party First GOP knows that the hearings would make them look like a bunch of whining Russian sympathizers.
But the Sessions thing isn't happening in a vacuum. It's the latest in a string of stories on communication between people who would be in our administration and the Russians in recent months, and during the campaign. A campaign, by the way, which was breached to some extent by those same Russians.

I'm not claiming anything. But I don't think it's unreasonable to wonder about this.

Then YOU are unreasonable. It is a RUSSIAN AMBASSADOR, he LIVES IN THE USA, has diplomatic immunity, and speaks with many members of all of the administrations that have been here since he was assigned to this post. We have an ambassador in RUSSIA,, so do you think he does his JOB and talks to the Russian government counterparts of Jeff Sessions , HELL YES. Maybe since he was there during the Obama debacle we should be finding out what The ambassador spoke to the Russians about.

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