POLL: This Russian Thing

What's going on here? Do I need to learn Russian? Would Rosetta Stone be best for that?

  • Politicians and politicos talk to the Russians more than we know, not much to see here

    Votes: 38 45.8%
  • It's pretty much a coincidence, there is no conspiracy or clandestine relationship

    Votes: 11 13.3%
  • This stinks like hell and a full, wide-ranging investigation should be launched

    Votes: 20 24.1%
  • There is clearly a troubling relationship of some kind between Trump & Co and the Russian government

    Votes: 16 19.3%
  • What the fuck!

    Votes: 4 4.8%
  • Mango. You heard me. MANGO.

    Votes: 9 10.8%

  • Total voters
Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.

What do you think is going on here, seriously?

The only reason the left is bringing up a routine meeting is because they won't let go of the crazy notion that Russia hacked the election. Sessions met with an ambassador, not a high ranking official.

If they were worried about Russia, they would have shown outrage numerous times during the Obama administration.

Russia got away with a lot during that time.

We expect our leaders to communicate with foreign governments. It's part of the job. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

What we don't do is help enemies obtain uranium or make secret deals that are not in the best interest of our country and our allies..

Our allies were treated more like foes and our enemies more like allies during the Obama administration.

Obama, in a hot mic moment. wanted to get word to Putin that he would be more flexible after his next election. And no explanation was forthcoming. That was one leader sending a direct message to a leader of a country we can't trust. What was he being more flexible about? Considering the mess he left, we can guess.

Now the left believes that Russia is being hacking. WikiLeaks took credit and hasn't been caught in a lie yet.

The leaks exposed the truth. The truth hurt Hillary. Sucks to be Hillary.


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Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.

What do you think is going on here, seriously?
I think Putin interfered in our election, using a small army of hackers to leak DNC emails and whatnot.

As for Trump, well...Trump has long been a huge fanboi of Putin, and fellated Putin in public at least once a week during the campaign. His girlish crush on Putin goes back years. So Putin obviously felt this was the guy he needed to win the election, and did what he could to make it happen.

However, I have serious doubts anyone in the Trump campaign worked with Putin toward this aim. Because of Trump's infatuation with Putin, it is not entirely illogical to think they may have colluded, but I don't believe even Trump would take that incredibly traitorous step.

Trump sabotaged himself, though. His ego could not handle the fact Putin gave him a leg up, and so his denials of the facts provided ample fertile soil for conspiracy theories to grow.

Trump should have acknowledged a hostile nation interfered in our election, demanded an immediate investigation, and should have made it very clear he intended to twist Putin's nuts even harder than Obama did.
Trumps team was involved. Rex axelrod has lots of ties with Russia. We already know sessions and that other guy who got caught lying were involved. No doubt Rudy was involved. Don't be naive.

I don't think Republicans would care. It's dirty but impeachable? Probably not with a Republican congress
There is zero evidence Trump or his campaign team colluded with Russia on the leaks.

This is sheer wishful thinking.
Who are you to be so sure there's no evidence? Only 50 days in we've caught two liars already
Flynn met the ambassador AFTER the election. So he could not have colluded with him to "rig" the election.

He may have discussed the sanctions Obama had just imposed on Russia for interfering in the election, which would have been completely improper, if not illegal.

As for Sessions, his explanation for meeting with the Russian ambassador is just as plausible as any other explanation. And he did not meet the ambassador in secret. There were other people present.

So like I said, there is no evidence of any kind of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians in the interference in our election.
The pseudocons were chortling with glee all last summer and fall over the impact the leaks were having on the outcome of the election. Now, they pretend the leaks had no impact at all! It's amazing how prescient George Orwell was of these special types of easily manipulated proles.

"We've always been at war with eastasia."

By claiming the leaks had no impact, they are acknowledging they know the Russians were behind it. Otherwise, if they thought the Russians weren't behind it, they would not now be denying they had an impact.

What's more, why the fuck would the people behind the leaks have released the emails if they weren't trying to make an impact on the election?


Everyone I know had already made up their minds before the leaks occurred, so far I haven't found one person who changed their vote because of them. Most just considered them a confirmation of their opinion.
It wasn't about changing votes. It was about turning off Clinton voters so they would stay home. Secondarily, it was about pushing fence sitters into the Trump camp.

I said for years that this election would be determined by how many people each side got their opponents voters to say home. I'm not the only person on the planet who saw the obviousness of this.

The fact is the hildabitch couldn't hold Sanders people and even with the dear leaders help she couldn't motivate his coalition. I don't think the Russians had any significant impact. Stein cost the hildabitch a couple of close states.
I've said from the get-go there is no way we will ever know if the leaks changed the outcome. I don't think it can be denied they had an impact, but we will never know how much.

I also believe Trump won because he wanted the job more than Clinton did. He put in ten times as much effort while Clinton phoned it in. She didn't even give Wisconsin the time of day, never campaigning there even once. Trump probably shook a thousand times more voters' hands than Clinton. He met the people face to face, while Clinton kept them at arm's length, shuttling between donors.

She acted like a typical regressive, entitled.
Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.

What do you think is going on here, seriously?
I think Putin interfered in our election, using a small army of hackers to leak DNC emails and whatnot.

As for Trump, well...Trump has long been a huge fanboi of Putin, and fellated Putin in public at least once a week during the campaign. His girlish crush on Putin goes back years. So Putin obviously felt this was the guy he needed to win the election, and did what he could to make it happen.

However, I have serious doubts anyone in the Trump campaign worked with Putin toward this aim. Because of Trump's infatuation with Putin, it is not entirely illogical to think they may have colluded, but I don't believe even Trump would take that incredibly traitorous step.

Trump sabotaged himself, though. His ego could not handle the fact Putin gave him a leg up, and so his denials of the facts provided ample fertile soil for conspiracy theories to grow.

Trump should have acknowledged a hostile nation interfered in our election, demanded an immediate investigation, and should have made it very clear he intended to twist Putin's nuts even harder than Obama did.
Agreed. Trump's ego (or whatever that is, I'm not a shrink) has only fed into this.

There are several perfectly reasonable questions here, the biggest being why the hell are there so many connections between Trump & Co and Russia?, but that doesn't make every story true, that doesn't make everything they have said a lie. Of course, their stubbornness hasn't helped things.

The hype and hysteria that both ends of the spectrum use at every fucking political opportunity is the bigger problem on a macro level. This Sessions thing looks like another example.
According to Sessions he wanted to talk about the Ukraine and terrorism.

Again, ambassadors schedule private meetings with senators every day.

But that's not what he said during his confirmation hearing. During his confirmation hearing, under oath, he said he hadn't met him at all. and since you guys think lying about even the most trivial things under oath is grounds for impeachment, when do the impeachment hearings start?
I wonder if this is about the lifetime ban Trump declared on foreign lobbyists? That was a HUGE source of income for Democrats like Hillary Clinton. If they can show someone from the Trump administration was guilty of association with a lobbyist, in this case from Russia, then it undermines the president's action.

ambassadors aren't lobbyists... and you are missing the point.

Trump's people were collaborating with the Russians to beat Hillary to get sanctions lifted. That's why Trump surrogates like Sessions and Flynn meeting with the Russians is a big deal.
Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.
What do you think is going on here, seriously?
Who knew it was illegal for Senators on the foreign relations committee to talk to Russian diplomats.
Such is the state of contemporary American politics. See the tiniest opening, run with it.
Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.

What do you think is going on here, seriously?

Come on people... Jeff Sessions is a Senator on the Armed Services Committee. He talks to Ambassadors from all over the world all the time.

This is nothing more than DEMOCRATS who literally have nothing else to complain about. Kellyanne Conway's feet on the couch didn't work so now they are on to Sessions talked to the Russians! Like the kid from Sixth Sense... "I see Russians!" These people are losing their damn minds.

It's sad to watch a political party destroy itself this way.
But the Sessions thing isn't happening in a vacuum. It's the latest in a string of stories on communication between people who would be in our administration and the Russians in recent months, and during the campaign. A campaign, by the way, which was breached to some extent by those same Russians.

I'm not claiming anything. But I don't think it's unreasonable to wonder about this.
The Democrats broke so many laws the last 8 years that they feel their only protection is to create fake scandals in the media.
They hope to keep the current administration fighting off false accusations so they won't have the time to address real criminal activity that was going on in the White House in the last administration.
Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.

What do you think is going on here, seriously?

Come on people... Jeff Sessions is a Senator on the Armed Services Committee. He talks to Ambassadors from all over the world all the time.

This is nothing more than DEMOCRATS who literally have nothing else to complain about. Kellyanne Conway's feet on the couch didn't work so now they are on to Sessions talked to the Russians! Like the kid from Sixth Sense... "I see Russians!" These people are losing their damn minds.

It's sad to watch a political party destroy itself this way.
But the Sessions thing isn't happening in a vacuum. It's the latest in a string of stories on communication between people who would be in our administration and the Russians in recent months, and during the campaign. A campaign, by the way, which was breached to some extent by those same Russians.

I'm not claiming anything. But I don't think it's unreasonable to wonder about this.
The Democrats broke so many laws the last 8 years that they feel their only protection is to create fake scandals in the media.
They hope to keep the current administration fighting off false accusations so they won't have the time to address real criminal activity that was going on in the White House in the last administration.
Franken's question and Sessions' answer were both clearly in the context of whether Sessions met with the Russians as a Trump surrogate.

Sessions was on the foreign relations committee and (unless we have proof otherwise) met with the Russians in that capacity.

Those are clear facts, but facts no longer matter. It's what you can do with those facts, how they can be leveraged, for political gain.

Such is America now. We really do deserve better than this.
The Democrats broke so many laws the last 8 years that they feel their only protection is to create fake scandals in the media.
They hope to keep the current administration fighting off false accusations so they won't have the time to address real criminal activity that was going on in the White House in the last administration.

Wow- 40 days in and it is already falling apart on you guys.

So sad.
Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.
What do you think is going on here, seriously?
Who knew it was illegal for Senators on the foreign relations committee to talk to Russian diplomats.
Such is the state of contemporary American politics. See the tiniest opening, run with it.
I think it simply illustrates how dishonest Democrats have become.
Trump and his people are the biggest liars in the world, do not be casting any stones.
Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.

What do you think is going on here, seriously?

Red Scare Part III: The Return of Stupidity

The really important question is, who gets to play Joe McCarthy this time around?

"The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!" -- Luther Grilk. It's a Plot; The Russians are Coming! The Russians are Coming!
Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.

What do you think is going on here, seriously?

Red Scare Part III: The Return of Stupidity

The really important question is, who gets to play Joe McCarthy this time around?

"The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!" -- Luther Grilk. It's a Plot; The Russians are Coming! The Russians are Coming!

No, the Russians came. They hacked into the DNC and the RNC and leaked only DNC emails. We know this. We know, too, that senior officials in the Trump admin had contact with Russia during the campaign. You don't think that deserves investigation? If there's nothing there, what is there to be worried about?
Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.

What do you think is going on here, seriously?

Come on people... Jeff Sessions is a Senator on the Armed Services Committee. He talks to Ambassadors from all over the world all the time.

This is nothing more than DEMOCRATS who literally have nothing else to complain about. Kellyanne Conway's feet on the couch didn't work so now they are on to Sessions talked to the Russians! Like the kid from Sixth Sense... "I see Russians!" These people are losing their damn minds.

It's sad to watch a political party destroy itself this way.
But the Sessions thing isn't happening in a vacuum. It's the latest in a string of stories on communication between people who would be in our administration and the Russians in recent months, and during the campaign. A campaign, by the way, which was breached to some extent by those same Russians.

I'm not claiming anything. But I don't think it's unreasonable to wonder about this.
The Democrats broke so many laws the last 8 years that they feel their only protection is to create fake scandals in the media.
They hope to keep the current administration fighting off false accusations so they won't have the time to address real criminal activity that was going on in the White House in the last administration.
Franken's question and Sessions' answer were both clearly in the context of whether Sessions met with the Russians as a Trump surrogate.

Sessions was on the foreign relations committee and (unless we have proof otherwise) met with the Russians in that capacity.

Those are clear facts, but facts no longer matter. It's what you can do with those facts, how they can be leveraged, for political gain.

Such is America now. We really do deserve better than this.
Democruds are just showing how evil they really are.
Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.

What do you think is going on here, seriously?

Red Scare Part III: The Return of Stupidity

The really important question is, who gets to play Joe McCarthy this time around?

"The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!" -- Luther Grilk. It's a Plot; The Russians are Coming! The Russians are Coming!

No, the Russians came. They hacked into the DNC and the RNC and leaked only DNC emails. We know this. We know, too, that senior officials in the Trump admin had contact with Russia during the campaign. You don't think that deserves investigation? If there's nothing there, what is there to be worried about?
how do you know this? honestly how do you know?
Here's what I hope happens, and you can all say whatever you want...

Trump should demand a Special Prosecutor be appointed to look into the Obama administration's involvement in having our intelligence apparatus used against political enemies during a presidential campaign. We need to haul some asses to the courtroom to testify under oath what involvement the previous administration has had in this shadow coup. We need to know specifically why they sought FISA warrants for Trump surrogates as early as June last year... what was their justification for these warrants? And even against a sitting US Senator. Where is the evidence supporting their justifications?

This could be one of the worst political scandals in history. Republican leaders need to step up and stop being sniveling little cowards. This SHIT has gone TOO FAR!

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