POLL: This Russian Thing

What's going on here? Do I need to learn Russian? Would Rosetta Stone be best for that?

  • Politicians and politicos talk to the Russians more than we know, not much to see here

    Votes: 38 45.8%
  • It's pretty much a coincidence, there is no conspiracy or clandestine relationship

    Votes: 11 13.3%
  • This stinks like hell and a full, wide-ranging investigation should be launched

    Votes: 20 24.1%
  • There is clearly a troubling relationship of some kind between Trump & Co and the Russian government

    Votes: 16 19.3%
  • What the fuck!

    Votes: 4 4.8%
  • Mango. You heard me. MANGO.

    Votes: 9 10.8%

  • Total voters
This is just more smoke and dust being kicked up by the Dimmocrats to keep people from seeing through their shenanigans, nothing more.
The issue is going to revolve around the way he answered Franken's question. He kind of framed it that he didn't meet with any Russians in a surrogate capacity, but he kind of didn't.
Well listen to his testimony for yourself and see. The relevant segments begins at about 3:00 in the video below.

Sessions was asked if he had a political exchange of information with the Russians as a Trump surrogate, and he said he did not and he couldnt say more than that.

Sessions NEVER said he had no meetings with the Russians during Trumps campaign. He said he gave them no political information acting as a Trump surrogate, and so far there is no evidence to contradict that.

Yeah, I watched the tape and read the transcript. Both the question and the answer were in the context of Sessions acting as a campaign surrogate.

Unless the Dems have proof that Sessions and the Russian guy talked about the election....

... this is politics.
Franken knows he is on the ASC and the ASC routinely meets with ambassadors.

Allies, yes, the other folks NYET.

So are you saying we need to eliminate the Russian Embassy in the US?

I thought we expelled the Russian diplomats, well Obama did. They messed in our election and we can't allow that.

Where's your proof?

btw. The DNC definitely messed with the election and arranged Bernie's loss to Hillary in the primaries, Democrat voters were totally screwed over .. does that matter?
Deflection. Nice GOP tactic.

I got a hoot out of Rush's opening rant today. He says, "that's all the democrats have is to try and illigitimize this administration". No shit Rush. Same as that's all Republicans had in 2009. But the fact is so far we've already caught 2 Bush appointees lying. This isn't like Benghazi where for 6 years you investigated and got nothing. We busted 2 so far in 50 days. Not a good sign. If they lied about these two things already, what else are they lying about? You cared about Hillary and sniper fire and Elizabeth Warren lying about being an indian but you don't care about these liars? Neither do I yet. Why? Because all I care about is the economy. Fix that and you can collude with Russia for the 2020 elections too for all I care. We know Trumps team colluded with Russia. They did it out in the open.

Now I'm not saying I won't vote for Trump on this in 2020 but this is 2 strikes now on this administration. One drop in a bucket of corrupt things we catch them in. Will this help the Democrats get some seats in the next midterms? Maybe. We will sure use it. Oh, and keep on lying. We will keep on catching you even if you ban our media from the meetings.

I just think it's funny Rush is telling his listeners about the Democratic game plan. What he doesn't tell them is that he knows it's the game plan because it's the one the GOP used on the Democrats the last 8 years.

Sucks to be the party in charge. We scrutinize your every word/lie. This isn't the unfair press Rush. This is Trumps team getting caught lying. What else are they lying about? Was trump's entire speech the other night a lie?

Sheesh, when did I become Rush Limbaugh?

...and did you even read my post?

You need to relax, you're sounding all schizophrenic and foamy..
Sessions was not having an exchange of political information with the Russians, not then, not now, not EVER..
We don't know what Sessions told the Russians. But we know Sessions claimed he didn't talk to the Russians at all. So he already denied talking to them. Now he's denying what he told the people he didn't talk to.
More lies upon lies.
Sessions was not a representative of the Trump campaign cutting deals with the Russians and we do know that, liar.

And Sessions never said he did not speak to the Russians at all.

IF you leftists did not lie you wouldnt know when to say anything.
Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.

What do you think is going on here, seriously?

Come on people... Jeff Sessions is a Senator on the Armed Services Committee. He talks to Ambassadors from all over the world all the time.

This is nothing more than DEMOCRATS who literally have nothing else to complain about. Kellyanne Conway's feet on the couch didn't work so now they are on to Sessions talked to the Russians! Like the kid from Sixth Sense... "I see Russians!" These people are losing their damn minds.

It's sad to watch a political party destroy itself this way.
But the Sessions thing isn't happening in a vacuum. It's the latest in a string of stories on communication between people who would be in our administration and the Russians in recent months, and during the campaign. A campaign, by the way, which was breached to some extent by those same Russians.

I'm not claiming anything. But I don't think it's unreasonable to wonder about this.

Yep the regressive are going to keep fabricating shit and then blowing it out of proportion with the aid of the regressive propaganda MSM, next week it will probably claims that Trump knowingly sold condos to Russian spies. Yeah there's a string alright, a long string of BS.
Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.

What do you think is going on here, seriously?

Come on people... Jeff Sessions is a Senator on the Armed Services Committee. He talks to Ambassadors from all over the world all the time.

This is nothing more than DEMOCRATS who literally have nothing else to complain about. Kellyanne Conway's feet on the couch didn't work so now they are on to Sessions talked to the Russians! Like the kid from Sixth Sense... "I see Russians!" These people are losing their damn minds.

It's sad to watch a political party destroy itself this way.
But the Sessions thing isn't happening in a vacuum. It's the latest in a string of stories on communication between people who would be in our administration and the Russians in recent months, and during the campaign. A campaign, by the way, which was breached to some extent by those same Russians.

I'm not claiming anything. But I don't think it's unreasonable to wonder about this.

Yep the regressive are going to keep fabricating shit and then blowing it out of proportion with the aid of the regressive propaganda MSM, next week it will probably claims that Trump knowingly sold condos to Russian spies. Yeah there's a string alright, a long string of BS.
Well, the media will help them for as long as they can. We'll see.
Why are Trump supporters more willing to follow some esoteric conspiracy theory about Obama and the Democrats seeking to,undermine Trump's presidency? Why can't they accept two empirical truths: Trump has no government experience and therefore is that much more likely to fuck up and, Trump has a casual acquaintance with facts and truths and will disavow them if their presence makes him look less than capable.

You wanted an amateur as President. That's exactly what you got.

Don't look to boogeyman to blame. Look no further than 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.

What do you think is going on here, seriously?

Come on people... Jeff Sessions is a Senator on the Armed Services Committee. He talks to Ambassadors from all over the world all the time.

This is nothing more than DEMOCRATS who literally have nothing else to complain about. Kellyanne Conway's feet on the couch didn't work so now they are on to Sessions talked to the Russians! Like the kid from Sixth Sense... "I see Russians!" These people are losing their damn minds.

It's sad to watch a political party destroy itself this way.
But the Sessions thing isn't happening in a vacuum. It's the latest in a string of stories on communication between people who would be in our administration and the Russians in recent months, and during the campaign. A campaign, by the way, which was breached to some extent by those same Russians.

I'm not claiming anything. But I don't think it's unreasonable to wonder about this.

Yep the regressive are going to keep fabricating shit and then blowing it out of proportion with the aid of the regressive propaganda MSM, next week it will probably claims that Trump knowingly sold condos to Russian spies. Yeah there's a string alright, a long string of BS.
Well, the media will help them for as long as they can. We'll see.

Yep them and even the talk shows, Woopie lied her ass off yesterday on the view, claiming the dear leader disapproved the Yemen raid as too dangerous. The fact is he did approve it, but as usual he dithered till it was too late to get the assets in position for the Dec new moon and they had to hold off to Jan. The media is going out of its way to paint everything in the worse possible light with a lot of exaggeration and some out right lies.
Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.

What do you think is going on here, seriously?

Come on people... Jeff Sessions is a Senator on the Armed Services Committee. He talks to Ambassadors from all over the world all the time.

This is nothing more than DEMOCRATS who literally have nothing else to complain about. Kellyanne Conway's feet on the couch didn't work so now they are on to Sessions talked to the Russians! Like the kid from Sixth Sense... "I see Russians!" These people are losing their damn minds.

It's sad to watch a political party destroy itself this way.
But the Sessions thing isn't happening in a vacuum. It's the latest in a string of stories on communication between people who would be in our administration and the Russians in recent months, and during the campaign. A campaign, by the way, which was breached to some extent by those same Russians.

I'm not claiming anything. But I don't think it's unreasonable to wonder about this.

Yep the regressive are going to keep fabricating shit and then blowing it out of proportion with the aid of the regressive propaganda MSM, next week it will probably claims that Trump knowingly sold condos to Russian spies. Yeah there's a string alright, a long string of BS.
Well, the media will help them for as long as they can. We'll see.

Yep them and even the talk shows, Woopie lied her ass off yesterday on the view, claiming the dear leader disapproved the Yemen raid as too dangerous. The fact is he did approve it, but as usual he dithered till it was too late to get the assets in position for the Dec new moon and they had to hold off to Jan. The media is going out of its way to paint everything in the worse possible light with a lot of exaggeration and some out right lies.
They'll keep at it, too. They think they smell real blood this time. They've having to ignore quite a bit, but....
Come on people... Jeff Sessions is a Senator on the Armed Services Committee. He talks to Ambassadors from all over the world all the time.

This is nothing more than DEMOCRATS who literally have nothing else to complain about. Kellyanne Conway's feet on the couch didn't work so now they are on to Sessions talked to the Russians! Like the kid from Sixth Sense... "I see Russians!" These people are losing their damn minds.

It's sad to watch a political party destroy itself this way.
But the Sessions thing isn't happening in a vacuum. It's the latest in a string of stories on communication between people who would be in our administration and the Russians in recent months, and during the campaign. A campaign, by the way, which was breached to some extent by those same Russians.

I'm not claiming anything. But I don't think it's unreasonable to wonder about this.

Yep the regressive are going to keep fabricating shit and then blowing it out of proportion with the aid of the regressive propaganda MSM, next week it will probably claims that Trump knowingly sold condos to Russian spies. Yeah there's a string alright, a long string of BS.
Well, the media will help them for as long as they can. We'll see.

Yep them and even the talk shows, Woopie lied her ass off yesterday on the view, claiming the dear leader disapproved the Yemen raid as too dangerous. The fact is he did approve it, but as usual he dithered till it was too late to get the assets in position for the Dec new moon and they had to hold off to Jan. The media is going out of its way to paint everything in the worse possible light with a lot of exaggeration and some out right lies.
They'll keep at it, too. They think they smell real blood this time. They've having to ignore quite a bit, but....

The funny thing is when all the dust settles and all they have is mud on their faces they will never mention it.
One simple question.

Why are so many of Trump's inner circle meeting with Russian officials?
Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.

What do you think is going on here, seriously?

Come on people... Jeff Sessions is a Senator on the Armed Services Committee. He talks to Ambassadors from all over the world all the time.

This is nothing more than DEMOCRATS who literally have nothing else to complain about. Kellyanne Conway's feet on the couch didn't work so now they are on to Sessions talked to the Russians! Like the kid from Sixth Sense... "I see Russians!" These people are losing their damn minds.

It's sad to watch a political party destroy itself this way.
Come on people... Jeff Sessions is a Senator on the Armed Services Committee. He talks to Ambassadors from all over the world all the time.

The only one of 26 members of the committee to meet with the ambassador in 2016.
The only committee member who was a campaign adviser.
He met with the ambassador at the height of the hacking story.
Not the first cabinet member to feel the need to hide the meeting.
Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.

What do you think is going on here, seriously?

Come on people... Jeff Sessions is a Senator on the Armed Services Committee. He talks to Ambassadors from all over the world all the time.

This is nothing more than DEMOCRATS who literally have nothing else to complain about. Kellyanne Conway's feet on the couch didn't work so now they are on to Sessions talked to the Russians! Like the kid from Sixth Sense... "I see Russians!" These people are losing their damn minds.

It's sad to watch a political party destroy itself this way.
But the Sessions thing isn't happening in a vacuum. It's the latest in a string of stories on communication between people who would be in our administration and the Russians in recent months, and during the campaign. A campaign, by the way, which was breached to some extent by those same Russians.

I'm not claiming anything. But I don't think it's unreasonable to wonder about this.

Mac the NYT's by the doing the hit piece on Sessions actually ends up explaining how the Obama administration has been orchestrating this.
Yeah, it looks like the Times is saying that the Obama administration was planting seeds on this before they left. What we don't know for sure yet is whether they were planting rumors or disseminating info. That doesn't smell very good, either. I suspect we'll find out.

Obama forced Trump's people to meet with Russian officials and then later lie about it.
Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.

What do you think is going on here, seriously?

What is going on here is that the Progs are engaged in a fake 21st Century Red Scare...with the only suspense involving who is going to play Joe McCarthy.

Mygawd, Senators and Reps meet with people from all over the world. Unless there is actual evidence of wrong doing, these are non-events. Association is not guilt.

I don't recall the Progs insisting on an investigation of Huma, whose associations really were suspicious.

One simple question.

Why are so many of Trump's inner circle meeting with Russian officials?
. Another simple question - why is that a bad thing ? So the world is ripe now for world war three ?? The nation not only has split here, but it has split everywhere in the world now, and it has split in the ways of left verses right or right verses left, and it has spread throughout the world now. Millions upon millions are sick of the left ruling their world or vice-versa, and if you people will take notice that in this world as we speak right now, we see that people are deciding as to whether or not they are going to be ruled by the left or ruled by the right.

In this situation we have government officials throughout the world taking sides with either a leftist regime or a conservative regime in which they would like to see run the nations in which they have to deal with. These days and times where all this is becoming more obvious, we are seeing alliances form and positions taken up. If not careful these situations can easily lead to war or wars if people aren't careful..... Stay tuned.
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One simple question.

Why are so many of Trump's inner circle meeting with Russian officials?
. Another simple question - why is that a bad thing ? So the world is ripe now for world war three ?? The nation not only has split here, but it has split everywhere in the world now, and it has split in the ways of left verses right or right verses left, and it has spread throughout the world now. Millions upon millions are sick of the left ruling their world or vice-versa, and if you people will take notice that in this world as we speak right now, we see that people are deciding as to whether or not they are going to be ruled by the left or ruled by the right.

In this situation we have government officials throughout the world taking sides with either a leftist regime or a conservative regime in which they would like to see run the nations in which they have to deal with. These days and times where all this is becoming more obvious, we are seeing alliances form and positions taken up. If not careful these situations can easily lead to war or wars if people aren't careful..... Stay tuned.

You don't find it odd in any way that so many people surrounding Trump have such seemingly close relations with Russian officials?

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