POLL: This Russian Thing

What's going on here? Do I need to learn Russian? Would Rosetta Stone be best for that?

  • Politicians and politicos talk to the Russians more than we know, not much to see here

    Votes: 38 45.8%
  • It's pretty much a coincidence, there is no conspiracy or clandestine relationship

    Votes: 11 13.3%
  • This stinks like hell and a full, wide-ranging investigation should be launched

    Votes: 20 24.1%
  • There is clearly a troubling relationship of some kind between Trump & Co and the Russian government

    Votes: 16 19.3%
  • What the fuck!

    Votes: 4 4.8%
  • Mango. You heard me. MANGO.

    Votes: 9 10.8%

  • Total voters

Judd Legum @JuddLegum

Video of Sessions under oath denying he had any contacts with the Russians during the campaign

9:53 PM - 1 Mar 2017
he thought franken was asking about other russians, the ones he did not meet.
he thought franken was asking about other russians, the ones he did not meet.

Maybe Sessions was secretly working for the CIA to gather intelligence about what the Russians were up to, and had to deny any contact with the Russians, or it would blow his cover as a covert operative.

Yeah... when pigs fly.
The Franken question was regarding the campaign. Ditto Leahy's written question. And Sessions answered appropriately.


But the Session answer was "I did not have communications with the Russians". Similar to when Bill Clinton said "I did not sex with that woman" It turns out they did.
Keep the response in its context, you lying fraud.

Sessions was not having an exchange of political information with the Russians, not then, not now, not EVER.

You people are such fucking liars it is indecent.
Does anyone remember BENGAZI, BENGAZI, BENGAZI? There were at least 33 hearings over the seven investigations into that politically motivated horseshit with no wrongdoing found. Now Sessions has apparently committed perjury according to the clear and unmistakable record. That perjury is not only an impeachable offense, but also is punishable under federal law.

Instead of "draining the swamp" like trump & Co. promised, the reality is that more gators have been thrown into the mix down on the bayou. trump needs to get ahead of this and ask for Session's resignation post haste if only to save his own fat ass for just a bit longer.
Sessions was not having an exchange of political information with the Russians, not then, not now, not EVER..
We don't know what Sessions told the Russians. But we know Sessions claimed he didn't talk to the Russians at all. So he already denied talking to them. Now he's denying what he told the people he didn't talk to.
Franken knows he is on the ASC and the ASC routinely meets with ambassadors.

Allies, yes, the other folks NYET.

So are you saying we need to eliminate the Russian Embassy in the US?

I thought we expelled the Russian diplomats, well Obama did. They messed in our election and we can't allow that.

Where's your proof?

btw. The DNC definitely messed with the election and arranged Bernie's loss to Hillary in the primaries, Democrat voters were totally screwed over .. does that matter?
Deflection. Nice GOP tactic.

I got a hoot out of Rush's opening rant today. He says, "that's all the democrats have is to try and illigitimize this administration". No shit Rush. Same as that's all Republicans had in 2009. But the fact is so far we've already caught 2 Bush appointees lying. This isn't like Benghazi where for 6 years you investigated and got nothing. We busted 2 so far in 50 days. Not a good sign. If they lied about these two things already, what else are they lying about? You cared about Hillary and sniper fire and Elizabeth Warren lying about being an indian but you don't care about these liars? Neither do I yet. Why? Because all I care about is the economy. Fix that and you can collude with Russia for the 2020 elections too for all I care. We know Trumps team colluded with Russia. They did it out in the open.

Now I'm not saying I won't vote for Trump on this in 2020 but this is 2 strikes now on this administration. One drop in a bucket of corrupt things we catch them in. Will this help the Democrats get some seats in the next midterms? Maybe. We will sure use it. Oh, and keep on lying. We will keep on catching you even if you ban our media from the meetings.

I just think it's funny Rush is telling his listeners about the Democratic game plan. What he doesn't tell them is that he knows it's the game plan because it's the one the GOP used on the Democrats the last 8 years.

Sucks to be the party in charge. We scrutinize your every word/lie. This isn't the unfair press Rush. This is Trumps team getting caught lying. What else are they lying about? Was trump's entire speech the other night a lie?
The Franken question was regarding the campaign. Ditto Leahy's written question. And Sessions answered appropriately.


But the Session answer was "I did not have communications with the Russians". Similar to when Bill Clinton said "I did not sex with that woman" It turns out they did.
Keep the response in its context, you lying fraud.

Sessions was not having an exchange of political information with the Russians, not then, not now, not EVER.

You people are such fucking liars it is indecent.
And Clinton was only talking about grandkids to Loretta Lynch.
Sessions was not having an exchange of political information with the Russians, not then, not now, not EVER..
We don't know what Sessions told the Russians. But we know Sessions claimed he didn't talk to the Russians at all. So he already denied talking to them. Now he's denying what he told the people he didn't talk to.

I don't believe a word the guy says. He's already lied once under oath. NEXT!

Judd Legum @JuddLegum

Video of Sessions under oath denying he had any contacts with the Russians during the campaign

9:53 PM - 1 Mar 2017
he thought franken was asking about other russians, the ones he did not meet.
How many times did Trump say something crazy/wrong and then walk it back and Republicans defended "what he meant". This is another one of those things. Clearly they aren't being honest with us. I liked the speech the other night but if this guys a liar maybe Trump was lying too. Lets see.

All eyes are on you GOP. How do you like being in charge so far? 50 days in already how many scandals?

We told you that you held Obama up to a very high standard and he was virtually scandal free. The GOP will not be scandal free it seems. WHy? Because they are the corrupt party. Or the most corrupt party.

But if they fix the blue collar problem we have in this country I'm sure America will give them a pass. This isn't a deal breaker, just a bad first couple signs that suggest this administration is not to be trusted.

I feel like America signed up for Trump U. We all got conned. And unfortunately I didn't sign up for the course but America signed me up. I hope I get something out of this little seminar. Awfully expensive class especially when it's not even accredited.
It's the State Department's job to communicate with foreign powers on a regular basis, not members of the armed services committee. It's there job to NOT talk to foreign powers at all.

Whatever the topic of Sessions private meeting with the Russian ambassador, he should not have been talking with him.
Come on people... Jeff Sessions is a Senator on the Armed Services Committee. He talks to Ambassadors from all over the world all the time.

This is nothing more than DEMOCRATS who literally have nothing else to complain about. Kellyanne Conway's feet on the couch didn't work so now they are on to Sessions talked to the Russians! Like the kid from Sixth Sense... "I see Russians!" These people are losing their damn minds.

It's sad to watch a political party destroy itself this way.

If there was nothing to it, then why did he lie about it under oath?

Come on, you guys were all for impeaching Clinton because he lied about getting a beej under oath, this is a lot more serious.

But you keep pretending that the Russia thing isn't going to bring your boy down...
It's the State Department's job to communicate with foreign powers on a regular basis, not members of the armed services committee. It's there job to NOT talk to foreign powers at all.

Whatever the topic of Sessions private meeting with the Russian ambassador, he should not have been talking with him.

It’s never all that hard to find examples of politicians in either party being hypocrites, accusing their opponents of things they themselves are guilty of or flipping 180 degrees on supposedly heartfelt positions when it looks to be to their momentary advantage. But the Republicans now taking power in Washington are bringing hypocrisy to spectacular new heights.
It's the State Department's job to communicate with foreign powers on a regular basis, not members of the armed services committee. It's there job to NOT talk to foreign powers at all.

Whatever the topic of Sessions private meeting with the Russian ambassador, he should not have been talking with him.

Bullshit. If this were true McCain would be in jail for all the foreign intelligence counterparts, Ambassadors and Presidents he has met with.

Get a freaking grip.
Come on people... Jeff Sessions is a Senator on the Armed Services Committee. He talks to Ambassadors from all over the world all the time.

This is nothing more than DEMOCRATS who literally have nothing else to complain about. Kellyanne Conway's feet on the couch didn't work so now they are on to Sessions talked to the Russians! Like the kid from Sixth Sense... "I see Russians!" These people are losing their damn minds.

It's sad to watch a political party destroy itself this way.

If there was nothing to it, then why did he lie about it under oath?

Come on, you guys were all for impeaching Clinton because he lied about getting a beej under oath, this is a lot more serious.

But you keep pretending that the Russia thing isn't going to bring your boy down...

He didn't lie about it. Franken asked him about meeting Russian officials regarding the campaign. And Sessions didn't meet or talk to anyone about the campaign.

And there is absolutely no evidence that he did.
I wonder if this is about the lifetime ban Trump declared on foreign lobbyists? That was a HUGE source of income for Democrats like Hillary Clinton. If they can show someone from the Trump administration was guilty of association with a lobbyist, in this case from Russia, then it undermines the president's action.
It's the State Department's job to communicate with foreign powers on a regular basis, not members of the armed services committee. It's there job to NOT talk to foreign powers at all.

Whatever the topic of Sessions private meeting with the Russian ambassador, he should not have been talking with him.

Bullshit. If this were true McCain would be in jail for all the foreign intelligence counterparts, Ambassadors and Presidents he has met with.

Get a freaking grip.

Good, McCain can go to prison too. The job of the Armed services committee is:

legislative oversight of the nation's military

What part of that would justify communications with the representatives of another country, outside of Iraq or NATO or similar allies?

People who serve on the Armed services Committee have a unique knowledge of every aspect of our military - only the President has access to the same level of information. They should not be communicating with representatives of foreign nations in general.

Any such communication could be a violation of the Logan act. Once again it's the job of the President and State Department to communicate with foreign nations.
People who serve on the Armed services Committee have a unique knowledge of every aspect of our military - only the President has access to the same level of information. They should not be communicating with representatives of foreign nations in general.

Any such communication could be a violation of the Logan act. Once again it's the job of the President and State Department to communicate with foreign nations.

You don't understand the Logan Act or anything else you're talking about. Senators talk with ambassadors ALL THE TIME! There are a myriad of reasons, do we need to go through all of them? Why don't you spend about 15 minutes educating yourself on what an ambassador does? Then explain to me how they are supposed to do that without contact with government officials? This is so painfully stupid it shouldn't have to be addressed.
People who serve on the Armed services Committee have a unique knowledge of every aspect of our military - only the President has access to the same level of information. They should not be communicating with representatives of foreign nations in general.

Any such communication could be a violation of the Logan act. Once again it's the job of the President and State Department to communicate with foreign nations.

You don't understand the Logan Act or anything else you're talking about. Senators talk with ambassadors ALL THE TIME! There are a myriad of reasons, do we need to go through all of them? Why don't you spend about 15 minutes educating yourself on what an ambassador does? Then explain to me how they are supposed to do that without contact with government officials? This is so painfully stupid it shouldn't have to be addressed.

Some Senators, like the ones on the foreign relations committee have reason to talk to ambassadors. Other Senators may communicate with them at PUBLIC functions.
But a member of the Armed Services Committee having a closed door private meeting with the Russian ambassador?

What official business would justify that?
Some Senators, like the ones on the foreign relations committee have reason to talk to ambassadors. Other Senators may communicate with them at PUBLIC functions.
But a member of the Armed Services Committee having a closed door private meeting with the Russian ambassador?

What official business would justify that?

According to Sessions he wanted to talk about the Ukraine and terrorism.

Again, ambassadors schedule private meetings with senators every day.

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