POLL: This Russian Thing

What's going on here? Do I need to learn Russian? Would Rosetta Stone be best for that?

  • Politicians and politicos talk to the Russians more than we know, not much to see here

    Votes: 38 45.8%
  • It's pretty much a coincidence, there is no conspiracy or clandestine relationship

    Votes: 11 13.3%
  • This stinks like hell and a full, wide-ranging investigation should be launched

    Votes: 20 24.1%
  • There is clearly a troubling relationship of some kind between Trump & Co and the Russian government

    Votes: 16 19.3%
  • What the fuck!

    Votes: 4 4.8%
  • Mango. You heard me. MANGO.

    Votes: 9 10.8%

  • Total voters
The D's have completely lost it. One meeting was at a Heritage Foundation event with all sorts of other ambassadors. And the one in September had to do with the Armed Services committee.

What's important to remember is when they were questioning Sessions the questions were completely in context of the campaign. Not Sessions day job.
That makes a lot of sense! I was actually shaking my head when I heard it on the radio this morning..
He didn't lie.....
This was 6 months ago, and he was asked about unofficial meetings, phone calls or anything while he was in discussions with The Trump Transition Team.
The meeting with Sessions was PUBLIC RECORD.

Why did Sessions tell congress "I did not have communications with the Russians"
Sessions had meetings last year with more than 25 foreign ambassadors in his role as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and had two separate interactions with the Russian ambassador, Sergey Kislyak, the department said.

One was an office visit in the fall, and the other occurred in a group setting following a Heritage Foundation speech that Sessions gave during the summer.

Why did he have one in his office, a private meeting?
Well, he is a Senator, and he meets with foreign officials all the time..

So why did he lie about meeting the Russian official.

He didn't lie.....
This was 6 months ago, and he was asked about unofficial meetings, phone calls or anything while he was in discussions with The Trump Transition Team.
The meeting with Sessions was PUBLIC RECORD.

And again, there is nothing illegal about meeting with a foreign national even in a social setting and having lunch with them. You can have lunch with The King of Timbuktu if you want.

These meetings occur all the time. Are you going to criticize Hillary Clinton for meeting with The Saudis, Terrorists, and War Lords, and taking their money while she was running for president?

The best thing The Trump Admin could do is simply ignore The Daily Assaults and Witch Hunting Expeditions by The Seditious Left.

I think we should have slapped Flynn on the wrist, have him publicly make a statement, and have kept him, because he did nothing illegal. Pence just didn't like his explanation. I would have overlooked the incident.

The Left is in Spanish Inquisition Mode. Lord I'd hate to see how many people they'd be putting to the stake if Clinton were President.

It would look like Vlad The Impaler were sitting in the White House.


Clinton was the SOS, and also all meetings should be taped even with the SOS and kept secure. Why would a senator have private meetings with an ambassador?
Eventually President Trump is going to tell The Left to Pound Salt over their trivial accusations and witch hunt. He should have done that with Flynn.
Well, he is a Senator, and he meets with foreign officials all the time..

So why did he lie about meeting the Russian official.

He didn't lie.....
This was 6 months ago, and he was asked about unofficial meetings, phone calls or anything while he was in discussions with The Trump Transition Team.
The meeting with Sessions was PUBLIC RECORD.

And again, there is nothing illegal about meeting with a foreign national even in a social setting and having lunch with them. You can have lunch with The King of Timbuktu if you want.

These meetings occur all the time. Are you going to criticize Hillary Clinton for meeting with The Saudis, Terrorists, and War Lords, and taking their money while she was running for president?

The best thing The Trump Admin could do is simply ignore The Daily Assaults and Witch Hunting Expeditions by The Seditious Left.

I think we should have slapped Flynn on the wrist, have him publicly make a statement, and have kept him, because he did nothing illegal. Pence just didn't like his explanation. I would have overlooked the incident.

The Left is in Spanish Inquisition Mode. Lord I'd hate to see how many people they'd be putting to the stake if Clinton were President.

It would look like Vlad The Impaler were sitting in the White House.


Clinton was the SOS, and also all meetings should be taped even with the SOS and kept secure. Why would a senator have private meetings with an ambassador?

The meeting is not private if it is on the schedule. It was an official meeting.

You should change your line of questioning more along the lines of asking people:

"Are You A Heretic and DO YOU Recognize The Authority of the Holy Democrat Party?"

Lefty witch hunting is a strategy, along with their obstructionism, to stop President Trump and his administration from doing their jobs, in the hopes they won't get shellacked in 2018.
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Well, he is a Senator, and he meets with foreign officials all the time..

So why did he lie about meeting the Russian official.

He didn't lie.....
This was 6 months ago, and he was asked about unofficial meetings, phone calls or anything while he was in discussions with The Trump Transition Team.
The meeting with Sessions was PUBLIC RECORD.

And again, there is nothing illegal about meeting with a foreign national even in a social setting and having lunch with them. You can have lunch with The King of Timbuktu if you want.

These meetings occur all the time. Are you going to criticize Hillary Clinton for meeting with The Saudis, Terrorists, and War Lords, and taking their money while she was running for president?

The best thing The Trump Admin could do is simply ignore The Daily Assaults and Witch Hunting Expeditions by The Seditious Left.

I think we should have slapped Flynn on the wrist, have him publicly make a statement, and have kept him, because he did nothing illegal. Pence just didn't like his explanation. I would have overlooked the incident.

The Left is in Spanish Inquisition Mode. Lord I'd hate to see how many people they'd be putting to the stake if Clinton were President.

It would look like Vlad The Impaler were sitting in the White House.


Clinton was the SOS, and also all meetings should be taped even with the SOS and kept secure. Why would a senator have private meetings with an ambassador?
Clinton met with many Foreign Officials and even took money from Foreign Governments while she was a private citizen running for President, she also did the same as Secretary of State, and as a Senator.

So which one are you going to put her to The Stake for?
Seriously .. Democrats grabbing at straws and looking ridiculous.

Big deal, sessions talks to the Russian ambassador, he's a Senator.. so what, it's part of the job.
Since when is it part of a U.S. senator's job to be chatting privately to a foreign country that is a potential enemy?
Why would a senator have private meetings with an ambassador?

Because that's what senators and ambassadors do? Duh!

In March 2015, 47 Republican senators released an open letter to the Iranian government regarding President Barack Obama's attempts to broker a nuclear arms agreement between Iran and six major powers (P5+1).[13][14] The letter warns Iran of the limitations of President Obama's term in office and constitutional powers and notes that anything done without the advice and consent of the Senate could be undone by the next President. This prompted some commentators to suggest that the letter may have violated the Logan Act.[10][15][16] A petition on the White House's We The People website requesting that the Obama administration prosecute the 47 senators under the Logan Act accumulated signatures from over 320,200 people.[3]

The Republicans seem to do whatever they want, we need to start enforcing the Logan Act. Session has no reason for a private meeting with the ambassador from Russia.
Exactly what is damning about an official meeting with a Senator 6 months ago?

Because Sessions claimed " I did not have communications with the Russians"

It was an official meeting, on the docket, and was in an official capacity as he was a Senator performing his duties.

There was nothing illegal, immoral or unethical about it.
Sessions was asked if he had any "unofficial meetings" that The Trump Administration should know about.

At any rate, this is just more witch hunting by Butt Hurt Left.

You guys had no problems at all for voting for a woman who not only had meetings with Russians, Saudis, Terrorists, and War Lords, but took money from them, violated The Espionage Act, Violated FOIA, Perjured herself in front of Congress, Violated two court ordered preservation orders, lied about Benghazi as did Obama, lied about her server as did Obama, and then Bleach Bitted 30,000 pieces of evidence which was the PROPERTY of THE AMERICAN Citizenry.

If Sessions or Flynn did anything illegal, I'd be the first to say BURN THEM.

So until you can site US CODE to back up your justification for your witch hunt and inquisition, you can simply STFU.

I won't participate in your religious war.

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The Republicans seem to do whatever they want, we need to start enforcing the Logan Act. Session has no reason for a private meeting with the ambassador from Russia.

Well as a senator on the ASC, he certainly does. I'm sorry you're one of the really ignorant who doesn't understand how our government works or what these various committees do, I wish you'd educate yourself more and show some interest in learning about your government instead of dressing in vagina costumes and protesting for Sharia law. But I guess that's the beauty of America, you're free to be as ignorant as you please.
I hope they investigate, and I don't even care if he did anything wrong. This is already shaping up to be the most entertaining administration ever. :thup:

I'd rather Democrats came up with legislation that actually helped the American people, that is what they were elected for after all. Let their fake news tentacles be distracted by this kinda unproductive crap.

Granted, the Democratic Party is in full decline and that's entertaining so why should I care... :popcorn:
The democrats are only concerned about creating more and more people entirely dependent on government. How people cannot see their dubious plans and agenda is beyond me.

What does that mean? It means they want chaos. They want riots. They need victims. They need run down dilapidated cities and a lack of jobs. Do the democrats policies or governments ever get blamed? Not with a socialist elitist media with an agenda. No, when ALL of their pathetic false promises go unfulfilled, they NEED to prop up their scapegoat.

Do I need to post the photos of cities across America that have been run by ONLY democrats over the 50 or 60 or 100 years to show it?

Do we need to show how the media blames it all on republicans when the left sheep can never prove it?

For example, can the left name one bush policy that led to the housing bubble of 2008? I have listed democrat policies over and over again. Facts mind you that directly led to it. I can show where the democrat controlled Congress ignored ALL of the 18 warnings from the bush administration in 2008. Was 2008 an election year? Did the democrats rely on their praetorian media to prop up the scapegoat?

To this day the pathetic demented sheep buy the lies of the media. They still do.

Make no mistake. Democrats are not interested in solving anything or making things better for America or Americans.

They are not even hiding it anymore. They did not applaud when Trump said things that everyone applauded in the past.

The left, all around the world are devlish liars and most are possessed. They are either mentally deranged or flat out evil.

Just remember that the democrats or grievance INDUSTRY are not interested in solving problems for the people with grievances. They are only interested in perpetuating the industry for nonstop donations and making large masses of people entirely dependent on government.
If Trump doesn't nip this traitorous shit in the bud real fast his presidency will crash and burn and that is the ultimate goal. Its time to crush the traitors.

Please cite US Code that prohibits Official Meetings with a foreign diplomat in a Senator's office half a year ago.
I am talking about all the leaking etc. Sessions didn't do a damn thing wrong. He met with 25 ambassadors last year.
The Republicans seem to do whatever they want, we need to start enforcing the Logan Act. Session has no reason for a private meeting with the ambassador from Russia.

Well as a senator on the ASC, he certainly does. I'm sorry you're one of the really ignorant who doesn't understand how our government works or what these various committees do, I wish you'd educate yourself more and show some interest in learning about your government instead of dressing in vagina costumes and protesting for Sharia law. But I guess that's the beauty of America, you're free to be as ignorant as you please.

What was he making an arms deal?? Don't try to intimidate me.
If Trump doesn't nip this traitorous shit in the bud real fast his presidency will crash and burn and that is the ultimate goal. Its time to crush the traitors.

Please cite US Code that prohibits Official Meetings with a foreign diplomat in a Senator's office half a year ago.
I am talking about all the leaking etc. Sessions didn't do a damn thing wrong. He met with 25 ambassadors last year.

Why was he discussing arm or nuclear deals, was that with the Presidents approval. Were these private meetings?
If Trump doesn't nip this traitorous shit in the bud real fast his presidency will crash and burn and that is the ultimate goal. Its time to crush the traitors.

Please cite US Code that prohibits Official Meetings with a foreign diplomat in a Senator's office half a year ago.
I am talking about all the leaking etc. Sessions didn't do a damn thing wrong. He met with 25 ambassadors last year.

Why was he discussing arm or nuclear deals, was that with the Presidents approval. Were these private meetings?
He's on the committee that deals with these things. He did nothing wrong. Period. Just whiny democrats still throwing a hissy fit bc they lost.

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