POLL: This Russian Thing

What's going on here? Do I need to learn Russian? Would Rosetta Stone be best for that?

  • Politicians and politicos talk to the Russians more than we know, not much to see here

    Votes: 38 45.8%
  • It's pretty much a coincidence, there is no conspiracy or clandestine relationship

    Votes: 11 13.3%
  • This stinks like hell and a full, wide-ranging investigation should be launched

    Votes: 20 24.1%
  • There is clearly a troubling relationship of some kind between Trump & Co and the Russian government

    Votes: 16 19.3%
  • What the fuck!

    Votes: 4 4.8%
  • Mango. You heard me. MANGO.

    Votes: 9 10.8%

  • Total voters
Liars, cheats, thieves, murderers, treasonist, rapist, and most of all pure shit. Describes every liberal dimshit on earth EXACTLY!
Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.

What do you think is going on here, seriously?
Should the Russia involvement in hacking the DNC be investigated? Of course. Do the 'connections' that the media keeps parroting about mean anything? No, not at all at this point.

The two major points here have been over Flynn and sessions. What we have with Flynn is an oncoming administration starting to deal with the countries that they are going to be making policy with. I really do not see anything wrong with what Flynn did in general - I find it rather silly that an oncoming administration cannot talk with foreign nations about the plans they are going to create or implement before Jan 20th. There is the legal question here though and until the law is changed I think that Flynn should be charged and the case pursued. That does not lend any credence to the theory that Trump is colluding with the Russians.

The second issue is with Sessions who met with an ambassador as a senator which is part of doing his damn job. This latest complaint is hogwash and the senators response to the charges here are perfectly acceptable. The questions were clearly concerning the Trump campaign and the fact that he met with an ambassador as a senator is not significant. Basically the democrats are treating any conversation that anyone had at anytime with a Russian as some horrible offense. That is not only insane but I do not see how you can expect to have relations with foreign nations without contact.

Lastly, many of Trumps appointments and/or contacts are with businessmen that manage international companies. These people regularly meet with dignitaries or leaders of the nations that they are involved in. Every president has met with industry leaders. This is not surprising or indicative of some grater conspiracy.

Certainly the Russian hacks should be investigated and the campaign should be investigated to ensure that there was no colluding between them and Russia in making it happen. Thus far there is zero evidence that they were colluding and nothing that has been sensationalized in the media has changed that.
Absolutely agree. And a full investigation is absolutely merited. There are legitimate questions here, and it may indeed turned out that Sessions discussed the wrong shit with the Russkies.

The problem I'm having communicating with the "progressives" on this is that they're clearly ignoring context and going straight for the throat. They absolutely refuse to acknowledge the context of Franken's question and Sessions' answer, and it's obviously for partisan political reasons.

Had this happened with a Democrat, you know damn well they wouldn't be behaving like this.

We all know they're going to jump on every opportunity to damage Trump, and here we go.

Gawd, political partisanship is just UGLY.
That generally is the problem with these 'scandals.' They focus entirely on the wrong shit with absurd claims that simply overwhelm and cover any actual questions that need to be addressed.
They all lie, and about the stupid, silly stuff. so when they lie about something important we won't even notice.
Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.

What do you think is going on here, seriously?
Should the Russia involvement in hacking the DNC be investigated? Of course. Do the 'connections' that the media keeps parroting about mean anything? No, not at all at this point.

The two major points here have been over Flynn and sessions. What we have with Flynn is an oncoming administration starting to deal with the countries that they are going to be making policy with. I really do not see anything wrong with what Flynn did in general - I find it rather silly that an oncoming administration cannot talk with foreign nations about the plans they are going to create or implement before Jan 20th. There is the legal question here though and until the law is changed I think that Flynn should be charged and the case pursued. That does not lend any credence to the theory that Trump is colluding with the Russians.

The second issue is with Sessions who met with an ambassador as a senator which is part of doing his damn job. This latest complaint is hogwash and the senators response to the charges here are perfectly acceptable. The questions were clearly concerning the Trump campaign and the fact that he met with an ambassador as a senator is not significant. Basically the democrats are treating any conversation that anyone had at anytime with a Russian as some horrible offense. That is not only insane but I do not see how you can expect to have relations with foreign nations without contact.

Lastly, many of Trumps appointments and/or contacts are with businessmen that manage international companies. These people regularly meet with dignitaries or leaders of the nations that they are involved in. Every president has met with industry leaders. This is not surprising or indicative of some grater conspiracy.

Certainly the Russian hacks should be investigated and the campaign should be investigated to ensure that there was no colluding between them and Russia in making it happen. Thus far there is zero evidence that they were colluding and nothing that has been sensationalized in the media has changed that.
Absolutely agree. And a full investigation is absolutely merited. There are legitimate questions here, and it may indeed turned out that Sessions discussed the wrong shit with the Russkies.

The problem I'm having communicating with the "progressives" on this is that they're clearly ignoring context and going straight for the throat. They absolutely refuse to acknowledge the context of Franken's question and Sessions' answer, and it's obviously for partisan political reasons.

Had this happened with a Democrat, you know damn well they wouldn't be behaving like this.

We all know they're going to jump on every opportunity to damage Trump, and here we go.

Gawd, political partisanship is just UGLY.

An Independent Investigator needs to be appointed, but the Party First GOP knows that the hearings would make them look like a bunch of whining Russian sympathizers.
th R's get to pick the so calld independent prosecutor on thir own....so NOT so independent!
in Session's capacity as Senator of the Armed srvice comm. if he DID NOT tell the Russian Ambassador to knock the email hacking and fake article propaganda off, then Sessions didn't do his job of representing the USA
no, you wont need to learn Russian...

we FINALLY have a press that is doing investigative journalism/reporting again.... we only need the Republicans in congress to do their jobs....that's iffy right now....but little by little, I have faith that eventually, the R's will choose our Nation, over their Party
Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.

What do you think is going on here, seriously?
Should the Russia involvement in hacking the DNC be investigated? Of course. Do the 'connections' that the media keeps parroting about mean anything? No, not at all at this point.

The two major points here have been over Flynn and sessions. What we have with Flynn is an oncoming administration starting to deal with the countries that they are going to be making policy with. I really do not see anything wrong with what Flynn did in general - I find it rather silly that an oncoming administration cannot talk with foreign nations about the plans they are going to create or implement before Jan 20th. There is the legal question here though and until the law is changed I think that Flynn should be charged and the case pursued. That does not lend any credence to the theory that Trump is colluding with the Russians.

The second issue is with Sessions who met with an ambassador as a senator which is part of doing his damn job. This latest complaint is hogwash and the senators response to the charges here are perfectly acceptable. The questions were clearly concerning the Trump campaign and the fact that he met with an ambassador as a senator is not significant. Basically the democrats are treating any conversation that anyone had at anytime with a Russian as some horrible offense. That is not only insane but I do not see how you can expect to have relations with foreign nations without contact.

Lastly, many of Trumps appointments and/or contacts are with businessmen that manage international companies. These people regularly meet with dignitaries or leaders of the nations that they are involved in. Every president has met with industry leaders. This is not surprising or indicative of some grater conspiracy.

Certainly the Russian hacks should be investigated and the campaign should be investigated to ensure that there was no colluding between them and Russia in making it happen. Thus far there is zero evidence that they were colluding and nothing that has been sensationalized in the media has changed that.
Absolutely agree. And a full investigation is absolutely merited. There are legitimate questions here, and it may indeed turned out that Sessions discussed the wrong shit with the Russkies.

The problem I'm having communicating with the "progressives" on this is that they're clearly ignoring context and going straight for the throat. They absolutely refuse to acknowledge the context of Franken's question and Sessions' answer, and it's obviously for partisan political reasons.

Had this happened with a Democrat, you know damn well they wouldn't be behaving like this.

We all know they're going to jump on every opportunity to damage Trump, and here we go.

Gawd, political partisanship is just UGLY.

An Independent Investigator needs to be appointed, but the Party First GOP knows that the hearings would make them look like a bunch of whining Russian sympathizers.
th R's get to pick the so calld independent prosecutor on thir own....so NOT so independent!
IOW, you are constructing the excuse to continue bashing the republicans with this even if the Trump team is exonerated.
no, you wont need to learn Russian...

we FINALLY have a press that is doing investigative journalism/reporting again.... we only need the Republicans in congress to do their jobs....that's iffy right now....but little by little, I have faith that eventually, the R's will choose our Nation, over their Party
. The repubs have been led into an Obama trap that him and his Intel buddies have laid for them, and it seems the trap is working flawlessly. Did Obama and the Demon-crats corrupt the U.S. Intel community, and are they in cullusion to overthrow the government in a bid to steal the U.S. government back by corrupt means or any means possible ???
Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.

What do you think is going on here, seriously?
Should the Russia involvement in hacking the DNC be investigated? Of course. Do the 'connections' that the media keeps parroting about mean anything? No, not at all at this point.

The two major points here have been over Flynn and sessions. What we have with Flynn is an oncoming administration starting to deal with the countries that they are going to be making policy with. I really do not see anything wrong with what Flynn did in general - I find it rather silly that an oncoming administration cannot talk with foreign nations about the plans they are going to create or implement before Jan 20th. There is the legal question here though and until the law is changed I think that Flynn should be charged and the case pursued. That does not lend any credence to the theory that Trump is colluding with the Russians.

The second issue is with Sessions who met with an ambassador as a senator which is part of doing his damn job. This latest complaint is hogwash and the senators response to the charges here are perfectly acceptable. The questions were clearly concerning the Trump campaign and the fact that he met with an ambassador as a senator is not significant. Basically the democrats are treating any conversation that anyone had at anytime with a Russian as some horrible offense. That is not only insane but I do not see how you can expect to have relations with foreign nations without contact.

Lastly, many of Trumps appointments and/or contacts are with businessmen that manage international companies. These people regularly meet with dignitaries or leaders of the nations that they are involved in. Every president has met with industry leaders. This is not surprising or indicative of some grater conspiracy.

Certainly the Russian hacks should be investigated and the campaign should be investigated to ensure that there was no colluding between them and Russia in making it happen. Thus far there is zero evidence that they were colluding and nothing that has been sensationalized in the media has changed that.
Absolutely agree. And a full investigation is absolutely merited. There are legitimate questions here, and it may indeed turned out that Sessions discussed the wrong shit with the Russkies.

The problem I'm having communicating with the "progressives" on this is that they're clearly ignoring context and going straight for the throat. They absolutely refuse to acknowledge the context of Franken's question and Sessions' answer, and it's obviously for partisan political reasons.

Had this happened with a Democrat, you know damn well they wouldn't be behaving like this.

We all know they're going to jump on every opportunity to damage Trump, and here we go.

Gawd, political partisanship is just UGLY.

An Independent Investigator needs to be appointed, but the Party First GOP knows that the hearings would make them look like a bunch of whining Russian sympathizers.
Agreed. Launch an independent investigation, and both parties have looked "party first" for quite some time.
But the Sessions thing isn't happening in a vacuum. It's the latest in a string of stories on communication between people who would be in our administration and the Russians in recent months, and during the campaign. A campaign, by the way, which was breached to some extent by those same Russians.

I'm not claiming anything. But I don't think it's unreasonable to wonder about this.

Then YOU are unreasonable. It is a RUSSIAN AMBASSADOR, he LIVES IN THE USA, has diplomatic immunity, and speaks with many members of all of the administrations that have been here since he was assigned to this post. We have an ambassador in RUSSIA,, so do you think he does his JOB and talks to the Russian government counterparts of Jeff Sessions , HELL YES. Maybe since he was there during the Obama debacle we should be finding out what The ambassador spoke to the Russians about.
We don't know what they spoke about, as far as I know, and that's the key. Unless and until we find out, it can't (honestly) be said that Sessions was lying.
Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.

What do you think is going on here, seriously?
Should the Russia involvement in hacking the DNC be investigated? Of course. Do the 'connections' that the media keeps parroting about mean anything? No, not at all at this point.

The two major points here have been over Flynn and sessions. What we have with Flynn is an oncoming administration starting to deal with the countries that they are going to be making policy with. I really do not see anything wrong with what Flynn did in general - I find it rather silly that an oncoming administration cannot talk with foreign nations about the plans they are going to create or implement before Jan 20th. There is the legal question here though and until the law is changed I think that Flynn should be charged and the case pursued. That does not lend any credence to the theory that Trump is colluding with the Russians.

The second issue is with Sessions who met with an ambassador as a senator which is part of doing his damn job. This latest complaint is hogwash and the senators response to the charges here are perfectly acceptable. The questions were clearly concerning the Trump campaign and the fact that he met with an ambassador as a senator is not significant. Basically the democrats are treating any conversation that anyone had at anytime with a Russian as some horrible offense. That is not only insane but I do not see how you can expect to have relations with foreign nations without contact.

Lastly, many of Trumps appointments and/or contacts are with businessmen that manage international companies. These people regularly meet with dignitaries or leaders of the nations that they are involved in. Every president has met with industry leaders. This is not surprising or indicative of some grater conspiracy.

Certainly the Russian hacks should be investigated and the campaign should be investigated to ensure that there was no colluding between them and Russia in making it happen. Thus far there is zero evidence that they were colluding and nothing that has been sensationalized in the media has changed that.
Absolutely agree. And a full investigation is absolutely merited. There are legitimate questions here, and it may indeed turned out that Sessions discussed the wrong shit with the Russkies.

The problem I'm having communicating with the "progressives" on this is that they're clearly ignoring context and going straight for the throat. They absolutely refuse to acknowledge the context of Franken's question and Sessions' answer, and it's obviously for partisan political reasons.

Had this happened with a Democrat, you know damn well they wouldn't be behaving like this.

We all know they're going to jump on every opportunity to damage Trump, and here we go.

Gawd, political partisanship is just UGLY.
That generally is the problem with these 'scandals.' They focus entirely on the wrong shit with absurd claims that simply overwhelm and cover any actual questions that need to be addressed.
"...any questions that need to be addressed"?

That would assume that these people actually want to improve things.
Clearly, Russia interfered with the presidential election.

Proof: Clinton had almost 3 million more of the popular votes.

We should thank Russia for exposing Hillary for her criminal actions

America said screw the bitch bu the left is upset with the messenger


But the Sessions thing isn't happening in a vacuum. It's the latest in a string of stories on communication between people who would be in our administration and the Russians in recent months, and during the campaign. A campaign, by the way, which was breached to some extent by those same Russians.

I'm not claiming anything. But I don't think it's unreasonable to wonder about this.

Then YOU are unreasonable. It is a RUSSIAN AMBASSADOR, he LIVES IN THE USA, has diplomatic immunity, and speaks with many members of all of the administrations that have been here since he was assigned to this post. We have an ambassador in RUSSIA,, so do you think he does his JOB and talks to the Russian government counterparts of Jeff Sessions , HELL YES. Maybe since he was there during the Obama debacle we should be finding out what The ambassador spoke to the Russians about.
We don't know what they spoke about, as far as I know, and that's the key. Unless and until we find out, it can't (honestly) be said that Sessions was lying.

Wonder if he used the word


Clearly, Russia interfered with the presidential election.

Proof: Clinton had almost 3 million more of the popular votes.
We should thank Russia for exposing Hillary for her criminal actions

America said screw the bitch bu the left is upset with the messenger


I have thanked Russia here for saving us, because we know how corrupt the former, and the candidate named Clinton was. I'll say it again - Thanks Russia.....
Last edited:
no, you wont need to learn Russian...

we FINALLY have a press that is doing investigative journalism/reporting again.... we only need the Republicans in congress to do their jobs....that's iffy right now....but little by little, I have faith that eventually, the R's will choose our Nation, over their Party

i agree about the press finally waking up- but it took drumpf to start censoring them b4 they finally got real about what that creature is capable of. more of the (R) might start coming out of the woodwork if the heat stays on them thru their angry constituents showing up & calling their offices....
Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.

What do you think is going on here, seriously?
Should the Russia involvement in hacking the DNC be investigated? Of course. Do the 'connections' that the media keeps parroting about mean anything? No, not at all at this point.

The two major points here have been over Flynn and sessions. What we have with Flynn is an oncoming administration starting to deal with the countries that they are going to be making policy with. I really do not see anything wrong with what Flynn did in general - I find it rather silly that an oncoming administration cannot talk with foreign nations about the plans they are going to create or implement before Jan 20th. There is the legal question here though and until the law is changed I think that Flynn should be charged and the case pursued. That does not lend any credence to the theory that Trump is colluding with the Russians.

The second issue is with Sessions who met with an ambassador as a senator which is part of doing his damn job. This latest complaint is hogwash and the senators response to the charges here are perfectly acceptable. The questions were clearly concerning the Trump campaign and the fact that he met with an ambassador as a senator is not significant. Basically the democrats are treating any conversation that anyone had at anytime with a Russian as some horrible offense. That is not only insane but I do not see how you can expect to have relations with foreign nations without contact.

Lastly, many of Trumps appointments and/or contacts are with businessmen that manage international companies. These people regularly meet with dignitaries or leaders of the nations that they are involved in. Every president has met with industry leaders. This is not surprising or indicative of some grater conspiracy.

Certainly the Russian hacks should be investigated and the campaign should be investigated to ensure that there was no colluding between them and Russia in making it happen. Thus far there is zero evidence that they were colluding and nothing that has been sensationalized in the media has changed that.
Absolutely agree. And a full investigation is absolutely merited. There are legitimate questions here, and it may indeed turned out that Sessions discussed the wrong shit with the Russkies.

The problem I'm having communicating with the "progressives" on this is that they're clearly ignoring context and going straight for the throat. They absolutely refuse to acknowledge the context of Franken's question and Sessions' answer, and it's obviously for partisan political reasons.

Had this happened with a Democrat, you know damn well they wouldn't be behaving like this.

We all know they're going to jump on every opportunity to damage Trump, and here we go.

Gawd, political partisanship is just UGLY.

An Independent Investigator needs to be appointed, but the Party First GOP knows that the hearings would make them look like a bunch of whining Russian sympathizers.
th R's get to pick the so calld independent prosecutor on thir own....so NOT so independent!
IOW, you are constructing the excuse to continue bashing the republicans with this even if the Trump team is exonerated.


let's see.... ummmmm......

first there was manafort.
then flynn.
then sessions.
& then carter page.
& don't forget jared kushner.

you know there will be more.
no, you wont need to learn Russian...

we FINALLY have a press that is doing investigative journalism/reporting again.... we only need the Republicans in congress to do their jobs....that's iffy right now....but little by little, I have faith that eventually, the R's will choose our Nation, over their Party
. The repubs have been led into an Obama trap that him and his Intel buddies have laid for them, and it seems the trap is working flawlessly. Did Obama and the Demon-crats corrupt the U.S. Intel community, and are they in cullusion to overthrow the government in a bid to steal the U.S. government back by corrupt means or any means possible ???

lol, right ....... thanx obamaaaaaaaaa....................:afro:
Should the Russia involvement in hacking the DNC be investigated? Of course. Do the 'connections' that the media keeps parroting about mean anything? No, not at all at this point.

The two major points here have been over Flynn and sessions. What we have with Flynn is an oncoming administration starting to deal with the countries that they are going to be making policy with. I really do not see anything wrong with what Flynn did in general - I find it rather silly that an oncoming administration cannot talk with foreign nations about the plans they are going to create or implement before Jan 20th. There is the legal question here though and until the law is changed I think that Flynn should be charged and the case pursued. That does not lend any credence to the theory that Trump is colluding with the Russians.

The second issue is with Sessions who met with an ambassador as a senator which is part of doing his damn job. This latest complaint is hogwash and the senators response to the charges here are perfectly acceptable. The questions were clearly concerning the Trump campaign and the fact that he met with an ambassador as a senator is not significant. Basically the democrats are treating any conversation that anyone had at anytime with a Russian as some horrible offense. That is not only insane but I do not see how you can expect to have relations with foreign nations without contact.

Lastly, many of Trumps appointments and/or contacts are with businessmen that manage international companies. These people regularly meet with dignitaries or leaders of the nations that they are involved in. Every president has met with industry leaders. This is not surprising or indicative of some grater conspiracy.

Certainly the Russian hacks should be investigated and the campaign should be investigated to ensure that there was no colluding between them and Russia in making it happen. Thus far there is zero evidence that they were colluding and nothing that has been sensationalized in the media has changed that.
Absolutely agree. And a full investigation is absolutely merited. There are legitimate questions here, and it may indeed turned out that Sessions discussed the wrong shit with the Russkies.

The problem I'm having communicating with the "progressives" on this is that they're clearly ignoring context and going straight for the throat. They absolutely refuse to acknowledge the context of Franken's question and Sessions' answer, and it's obviously for partisan political reasons.

Had this happened with a Democrat, you know damn well they wouldn't be behaving like this.

We all know they're going to jump on every opportunity to damage Trump, and here we go.

Gawd, political partisanship is just UGLY.

An Independent Investigator needs to be appointed, but the Party First GOP knows that the hearings would make them look like a bunch of whining Russian sympathizers.
th R's get to pick the so calld independent prosecutor on thir own....so NOT so independent!
IOW, you are constructing the excuse to continue bashing the republicans with this even if the Trump team is exonerated.


let's see.... ummmmm......

first there was manafort.
then flynn.
then sessions.
& then carter page.
& don't forget jared kushner.

you know there will be more.
. Yep and Obama next for breaking the law by using his office to spy on Americans for political purposes, and in hopes to throw an election in favor of the Democrats over a democratically elected government, and punish the Russians all at the same time.
Absolutely agree. And a full investigation is absolutely merited. There are legitimate questions here, and it may indeed turned out that Sessions discussed the wrong shit with the Russkies.

The problem I'm having communicating with the "progressives" on this is that they're clearly ignoring context and going straight for the throat. They absolutely refuse to acknowledge the context of Franken's question and Sessions' answer, and it's obviously for partisan political reasons.

Had this happened with a Democrat, you know damn well they wouldn't be behaving like this.

We all know they're going to jump on every opportunity to damage Trump, and here we go.

Gawd, political partisanship is just UGLY.

An Independent Investigator needs to be appointed, but the Party First GOP knows that the hearings would make them look like a bunch of whining Russian sympathizers.
th R's get to pick the so calld independent prosecutor on thir own....so NOT so independent!
IOW, you are constructing the excuse to continue bashing the republicans with this even if the Trump team is exonerated.


let's see.... ummmmm......

first there was manafort.
then flynn.
then sessions.
& then carter page.
& don't forget jared kushner.

you know there will be more.
. Yep and Obama next for breaking the law by using his office to spy on Americans for political purposes, and in hopes to throw an election in favor of the Democrats over a democratically elected government, and punish the Russians all at the same time.

uh-huh. the only 'spying' that he has done & that i fully disagreed with from the days of W. was the 'patriot act'.

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