Poll: Was Benghazi a "Spontaneous Attack," or Planned Terrorist Attack?

Was Benghazi a Spontaneous Demonstration about a Video or a Planned Torrorist Attack

  • A Spontaneous Demonstration based on a You tube video.

    Votes: 6 12.2%
  • A planned and coordinated Terrorist Attack.

    Votes: 43 87.8%

  • Total voters
It was planned. It was planned to coincide with 9/11 and thats just what it did.
And they knew there was NO Security. It was the ex seals that blew the whole thing. They were not expected to go help...And stand on the roof for hours waiting for back up that never came. Without those Hero's the death toll would have included most of the 30 survivors.
Obama and Clinton did Not leave 4 behind. They left them all behind...
We keep focusing on the wrong area. It doesn't matter if it was Al Qaeda or not Al Qaeda. It doesn't matter if it was planned or unplanned. What matters is that extra security was requested days before because it was a hot area and the anniversary of 9/11 was coming up. The state department admitted it denied extra security. What matters is who denied it and why. And don't say it would have bankrupted the treasury to send a platoon or even a squad of Marines who would have stopped that attack before it got started and 4 Americans would be alive today. Someone is guilty of dereliction of duty.

The Ambassador was killed in the first attack, which lasted less than ten minutes.

As there were mobs running wild all over the Middle East over the video at that time, how many other missions were requesting extra protection?

You have no idea, do you.

The Benghazi consulate wasn't even our main diplomatic mission in Libya. The embassy in Tripoli is. The consulate was a CIA outpost, not a real diplomatic one.

Stop exploiting the deaths of Americans for political purposes.

It was a tragedy, and it sucks that Americans died. But there was a lot going on all over the Middle East at the same time. Danger comes with the job, and the Foreign Service knows that.

There were ten attacks on our diplomatic missions on Bush's watch and not one of you rubes know what Bush was doing before, during, or after any one of them. You don't know a single fact about any of them. You don't even know how many Americans were killed. Because you never gave a shit.

This is a political witch hunt, not a seeking of truth. And a mountain of manufactured bullshit, and selective investigation, surrounding it betrays this fact.

I will wager that Bush wasn't sending his people out to LIE on 5 TV shows about ANY of the attacks.

Did you miss the pre-Iraq invasion of Bush representatives (Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz) to all the talk shows explaining why Iraq was such a threat? "The smoking gun will be a mushroom cloud"
The OP should be crying about the fact that he and so many of his pals here routinely make a judgement on an issue prematurely.....and then fight tooth and nail to make that judgement come true.

It is better to wait for the evidence to be discovered and verified.
As usual, the right wingers in this thread completely ignore that Obama called the Benghazi attack a "terrorist attack" on the day it happened, and then said it was related to the video after the CIA asked them not to call it a terrorist attack because they didn't want the terrorists in the area to know that they had been monitoring their radio communications. The CIA wanted more time to listen in on those radio communications in the hopes of catching those who had attacked the outpost, but Republican insistence on outing the operation clued the terrorists in that it was going on and prevented the strategy from working.

So the terrorists who committed the attack went free because the Republicans insisted that the American people be told the truth. Whatever happened to the notion that divulging state secrets such as this, are treason? Americans died, but Republicans and rights wingers saw to it that the perpetrators went free because it is more important to tell the American public the truth about what happened right away, than it is to punish the terrorists. Plus they scored politcal points with their base by proving that Obama lied, and being able to call the President a liar and be proven right is WAY more important that capturing the terrorists.

Talk about needing to get your priorities straight.
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The Ambassador was killed in the first attack, which lasted less than ten minutes.

As there were mobs running wild all over the Middle East over the video at that time, how many other missions were requesting extra protection?

You have no idea, do you.

The Benghazi consulate wasn't even our main diplomatic mission in Libya. The embassy in Tripoli is. The consulate was a CIA outpost, not a real diplomatic one.

Stop exploiting the deaths of Americans for political purposes.

It was a tragedy, and it sucks that Americans died. But there was a lot going on all over the Middle East at the same time. Danger comes with the job, and the Foreign Service knows that.

There were ten attacks on our diplomatic missions on Bush's watch and not one of you rubes know what Bush was doing before, during, or after any one of them. You don't know a single fact about any of them. You don't even know how many Americans were killed. Because you never gave a shit.

This is a political witch hunt, not a seeking of truth. And a mountain of manufactured bullshit, and selective investigation, surrounding it betrays this fact.

I will wager that Bush wasn't sending his people out to LIE on 5 TV shows about ANY of the attacks.

Did you miss the pre-Iraq invasion of Bush representatives (Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz) to all the talk shows explaining why Iraq was such a threat? "The smoking gun will be a mushroom cloud"

You use quotation marks to designate a quote from a particular person. Here is what was said during an intervies on CNN with Wolf Blitzer.

Condaleeza Rice:
The problem here is that there will always be some uncertainty about how quickly he can acquire nuclear weapons. But we don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.
CNN.com - Transcripts

Your misquote using "will be a mushroom cloud " has a totally different meaning than "we don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud."

Did you just make that up or do you have a link to a person that said "will be?"
And that's how most of the country, and all the hater dupes, thought Saddam was close to having nukes, brainwashed Pub dupe...


Fer chrissake, all they have to do is hear about the protests of the video earlier that day, all over the ME IN RESPONSE TO the vodeo, and pick up their RPGS and mortars, and go ....

Give it up- your head is FULL of months of Pubcrappe....lol
You lost, get over it.

What did I lose?

Apparently your pride in being a decent human being somewhere along the line,

but specifically, you lost the argument on Benghazi.

People like me were right all along; there is no need to re-litigate this issue just because you 'nuts on the right can never admit when you were wrong.

The poll above says different. And I'm a very good human being. :)
Was Benghazi a Spontaneous Demonstration about a Video or a Planned Torrorist Attack ?

What is their mission? Stated objective? Answer is obvious. Shame we have so many deniers defending terrorists for POLITICS in this country...

Where's their spine?
According to the NYT, it was both.

It cannot be both. The NY Times also claimed there were no terrorist ties after stating for over a year there were terrorist ties. So which is it?

And rdean...this is a poll. I want your answer...not a rag like the NY Times.
Don't ever expect a reasoned, cogent answer from Deany-Bub...you'll be old and grey and still be waiting.
The poll above says different. And I'm a very good human being. :)

The results of a poll on a message board with a large right-wing membership are going to be skewed to the right wing response and have no bearing on facts associated with the event whatsoever. It's simply the opinion of posters, none of whom were there and none of whom have access to any of the participants or the documents relating to the attack.

To suggest that the poll gets at the truth of the event is beyond laughable.
I have laughed for two days reading all the convoluted explanations for Benghazi. Most on the left seem to say it was a spontaneous attack based on a video while at the same time saying "it was an act of terror."

Well folks...if it was an act of terror it was by definition a planned and coordinated terror attack. So which is it? Video and spontaneous uprising, or a planned terrorist attack?

It is time to take a stand. Which is it? And btw...an Obama all the above weasel answer does not cut it. Either it was planned and coordinated or it was not. So which is it?

Oh come on! Hilary and the Hussein have already answered this question, along with their horde of followers.

It was a spontaneous uprising in which mortars and machine guns appeared out of nowhere....all on 9/11 and at a US Embassy!

Hilary and the Hussein said so, that's the end of the discussion. They would never lie to the American public.

The poll above says different. And I'm a very good human being. :)

The results of a poll on a message board with a large right-wing membership are going to be skewed to the right wing response and have no bearing on facts associated with the event whatsoever. It's simply the opinion of posters, none of whom were there and none of whom have access to any of the participants or the documents relating to the attack.

To suggest that the poll gets at the truth of the event is beyond laughable.

90% of poll respondents think you're full of shit.
The poll is a false dichotomy. This entire topic is based on a false premise.
According to the NYT, it was both.
According to the rest of the world, the NYT's is whitewashing the event in order to help Hillary in 2016.

The rest of the world is quite correct.
As a rule angry mobs don't spontaneously show up with automatic weapons, rocket propelled grenades, and motors. So I go with planned attack.

I go with a planned attack that was in part motivated by anger over the video.

OMG! A third possibility that was completely ignored by the OP and its poll! Alert the media!

Oh, wait. No need to alert the media. That's exactly what the NYT is saying. The attack was planned, not spontaneous, AND due in part to the video. And it was not Al Qaeda.

Whew! It looks like we're finally done here!
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As a rule angry mobs don't spontaneously show up with automatic weapons, rocket propelled grenades, and motors. So I go with planned attack.

I go with a planned attack that was in part due to the video.

OMG! A third possibility that was completely ignored by the OP and its poll! Alert the media!

Oh, wait. No need to alert the media. That's exactly what the NYT is saying. The attack was planned and due in part to the video. And it was not Al Qaeda.

Well, it looks like we're finally done here.

Says the far left Obama drone.

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