Poll: Would Conservatives Prefer Hillary Or Elizabeth?

Would Conservatives Prefer Hillary Or Elizabeth?

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They don't like either, so I doubt there would be a different attitude if either was elected President - though Warren has said plenty of times now that she won't run.
I'd prefer Lizzie Cheekbones as the candidate. She has her head so far up her ass she wont sound credible under any kind of questioning. Every policy she advocates has failed many times over the past 100years. She would be a lot easier to beat. Even Dems find her too radical.

I would agree with that assessment. The only problem Republicans have is that they sound as bat shit crazy as Warren. So if it's a choice between Warren or any Republican, then we are stuck with bat shit crazy. Personally I would take Warren's form of bat shit crazy over any Republican, but that's just me.
If this country was stupid enough to elect either. And after 8 years of this shit in office. Could someone just head on over to my house and shoot me please?
I'd prefer Lizzie Cheekbones as the candidate. She has her head so far up her ass she wont sound credible under any kind of questioning. Every policy she advocates has failed many times over the past 100years. She would be a lot easier to beat. Even Dems find her too radical.

I would agree with that assessment. The only problem Republicans have is that they sound as bat shit crazy as Warren. So if it's a choice between Warren or any Republican, then we are stuck with bat shit crazy. Personally I would take Warren's form of bat shit crazy over any Republican, but that's just me.
Yeah that Scott Walker talking about fiscal restraint and small government, that Rand Paul questioniong foreign policy. Nutters all.
Shame on you people! Why aren't you voting in the poll?

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