Poll: young people going Dem

Just face it, Republicans. Old shit gets replaced. You're old now. The GOP is old. It's full of OLD people who are being replaced. If you are a Conservative who was born before 1964, you don't know what the world is supposed to be like. You were raised to think that everyone is different and needs to be separated. Everyone born after 1964 grew up in an America where we were not told to hate each other over frivolous nonsense like skin color. An entire different mentality was created in America. So it goes, generation after generation. Young people look at both parties as corrupt, but they especially view Republicans as corrupt and mind-boggling stupid.

Oh, so we're all one big happy family these days huh? We all just like to get together and sing kumbayah and hold hands huh?

Is that why black people seek out black neighborhoods to raise their children? Is that why black people self-segregate every Sunday by attending black churches? Is that why historically black colleges and universities still exist? All because they just love hanging out with white people?

How many more examples do you need to see before you realize that black people are just as quick to self-segregate from white people as white people are to self-segregate from black people?

You are a total idiot. Your pre/post 1964 tripe is utter bullshit. Trust me when I say NONE Of us expect a bleeding heart liberal idiot to spew anything that makes any sense in reality.
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i was a democrat until i graduated college...then i was republican when i had to start paying taxes....now...i am neither

both parties suck

Interesting. I was kind of a democrat till college then went Republican. After years of hearing about small government, but not seeing it delivered I too am now neither.
Young Americans' Affinity for Democratic Party Has Grown

Young adults -- those between the ages of 18 and 29 -- have typically aligned themselves with the Democratic Party, but they have become substantially more likely to do so since 2006....

A major reason young adults are increasingly likely to prefer the Democratic Party is that today's young adults are more racially and ethnically diverse than young adults of the past. U.S. political preferences are sharply divided by race, with nonwhite Americans of all ages overwhelmingly identifying as Democrats or leaning Democratic.

Gallup estimates that 54% of 18- to 29-year-olds are non-Hispanic white and 45% nonwhite, compared with 71% non-Hispanic white and 29% nonwhite in 1995, the first full year Gallup measured Hispanic ethnicity.

In 2013, 62% of nonwhite Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 were Democrats or Democratic leaners, while 25% were Republicans or Republican leaners. That 37-point Democratic advantage, though sizable, is slightly lower than the average 42-point advantage from 1995 through 2013.

But young adults are not more Democratic solely because they are more racially diverse. In recent years, young white adults, who previously aligned more with the Republican Party, have shifted Democratic. From 1995 to 2005, young whites consistently identified as or leaned Republican rather than Democratic, by an average of eight points. Since 2006, whites aged 18 to 29 have shown at least a slight Democratic preference in all but one year, with an average advantage of three points.

If the trend continues, and there's no reason to think it won't, the women/child haters, homophobes, the racists are endangered species.

you are, as usual, full of shit, LN...

youngsters who are able to think for themselves certainly ain't votin' Dem...

if they bother to vote at all...
Unfortunately for Democrats young people eventually enter the real world and become conservative.

And that's when they start voting.
Young Americans' Affinity for Democratic Party Has Grown

If the trend continues, and there's no reason to think it won't, the women/child haters, homophobes, the racists are endangered species.

This is great news. I dream of a country without the republican party.

i dream of a country without both parties.....and anyone who dreams of 1 party rule cant be too bright...

Let me clarify. I dream of a country without TODAY'S Republican Party. I'm okay with the republican of old even if I didn't agree with everything.

That being said I'm not very fond of today's democrats but they are still 5x better than most republicans in congress.
Guess that's why there not signing for Obamacare of course when you can stay on mommy and daddy's insurance till your 26 why would you? Does anyone else see the humor in that you need young people to sign up to make Obamacare work in theory anyway and then let them stay on their parents insurance till there 26 giving them no reason to sign up got to love that logic.
Why do you two even give this piece of fucking shit any recognition by responding to this kind of garbage?

You can't be THAT bored :)

Yes I know facts and poll results are scary for you brain dead repubs but eventually you will need to accept reality.

The results of which are always skewed in favor of whom is paying the bill.
The same pollster could be commissioned by a conservative group, rewrite the questions and the results would read "younger people lean to the GOP"...
Polls are for idiots and the uninformed.
The only "poll" that matters is on election day.
BTW, polls and facts are mutually exclusive.
Clinton had a great economy
Good foreign policy
Nearly balance budget
Good investment in infrastructure, science and r&d.

The guy was better then Obama and Bush put together!

Dot com bubble burst, leading to recession and Bush having to clean up his mess.
Balanced budget due only to Gingrich and the GOP in the House.
First GOP House in 40 years.
Adventures in former Yugoslavia
Scandals from taking bribes from the Chinese military
Ignored WTC bombing, leading to 9/11
Ignored African embassy bombings, leading to 9/11
Cut military
Best remembered for GOP initiatives he adopted: NAFTA, welfare reform.
Only president impeached in the 20th century.

Yeah, what a winner. Of course compared to Obama Andrew Johnson looks like a winner.

And compared to bush he looks like the greatest president ever.
Young people want to live in a first world country.
-They want good infrastructure
-Investment in their country
-Good education
-Reform in areas that need it

They understand that the republicans offer nothing besides to tar this country down. I say this as someone that believes in some of the old republican ideas.. So it doesn't make me happy.

For someone who obviously is still in pre school..
Which two things don't go together???

You wrote " -Good education"
Which obviously you don't have because you then wrote"tar this country"

This sums up your contribution rather neatly!
If the trend continues, and there's no reason to think it won't, the women/child haters, homophobes, the racists are endangered species.

In the UK, David Cameron was the Tory Party's 7th worst election leader since the 1850s and managed to become PM.

This is because politics is changing, smaller parties are taking chunks out of the bigger parties because they can use the internet.

You'd think that more information would make people more informed about their choices, however you have parties like UKIP who manage to have a manifesto that their own leader denounced (a few years after the election) and generally they use soundbites and nothing much of real substance.

In the US the two main parties control everything, so it's almost impossible for the smaller parties to rise up. The Tea Party is an example, but had to go through the Republican Party.

Democracy in the US would be aided, to a certain extent, if people felt they had more options than just rep or dem. I think a type of PR system would be better.
This is great news. I dream of a country without the republican party.

You dream of a country with one party rule? Then i'm sure you'd be in heaven in China.

I'm all for two parties. Im just not for the republican party.

Two parties. One ideology.
That is, never question government. Support all social entitlements. Never oppose ANY government program or any spending.
We get it.
Clinton had a great economy
Good foreign policy
Nearly balance budget
Good investment in infrastructure, science and r&d.

The guy was better then Obama and Bush put together!

Good foreign policy...."Hey Bill, we know who masterminded and funded the first WTC bombing. Do you want us to hand him over to you?"
Clinton: Ahh, no. Better not. We have to build a case first so that we can try him in our courts"... 14 years later there are two 200 X 200 ft holes in the ground and 3,000 dead Americans....Now THAT is foreign policy at it's best...
Clinton: " I got a blow job from some fat chick that works in the White House for free...Let's bomb a pill factory so the American people can focus on that while I make sure that cow gets the blue dress to the cleaners."
The only thing Clinton did right was to defer to his economic advisers as to domestic economic policy. It was the ABSENCE of government intrusion that allowed the economy to grow.
The budget was NEVER close to being balanced. The numbers shown to the public were the result of creative accounting.
Just face it, Republicans. Old shit gets replaced. You're old now. The GOP is old. It's full of OLD people who are being replaced. If you are a Conservative who was born before 1964, you don't know what the world is supposed to be like. You were raised to think that everyone is different and needs to be separated. Everyone born after 1964 grew up in an America where we were not told to hate each other over frivolous nonsense like skin color. An entire different mentality was created in America. So it goes, generation after generation. Young people look at both parties as corrupt, but they especially view Republicans as corrupt and mind-boggling stupid.

Here we have a person ( YOU) who has nothing to say. So you roll out tired lib talking points and cliches.
" Everyone born after 1964 grew up in an America where we were not told to hate each other over frivolous nonsense like skin color"...
This is amusing....From where do you get this shit?
Racial distrust and animosity is at its highest in 50 years.
I cannot think of a forum member who brings less to the table than you...
Just face it, Republicans. Old shit gets replaced. You're old now. The GOP is old. It's full of OLD people who are being replaced. If you are a Conservative who was born before 1964, you don't know what the world is supposed to be like. You were raised to think that everyone is different and needs to be separated. Everyone born after 1964 grew up in an America where we were not told to hate each other over frivolous nonsense like skin color. An entire different mentality was created in America. So it goes, generation after generation. Young people look at both parties as corrupt, but they especially view Republicans as corrupt and mind-boggling stupid.

If you are a Conservative who was born before 1964, you don't know what the world is supposed to be like. You were raised to think that everyone is different and needs to be separated.

yea everyone of them is like that....nice tent dumbass.....with a mindset like that you aint much different

Young people look at both parties as corrupt

and the smart ones will shun both parties.....
Are you trying to say that the hardcore Southern racists are not Conservatives? They aren't Progressive. Do the anti-gay Bible thumpers preach equality and tolerance like Progressives? No. They're Conservatives. They want everything to stay the way that it was when they were 16. That's how they see the world and they can't accept that those days are just gone. That's what makes them "Conservative". They can't handle the PROGRESSION of society, so they vote their fear and the rich and the clergy know how to exploit that fear.
Progressive do not believe in tolerance. Your own side's posts ( I dream of a country with no republican party) indicate a base hatred for all non libs.
What the fuck are you talking about?!!!!
No one but you, just now had made any reference to southern racists from 50 years ago.
" so they vote their fear and the rich and the clergy know how to exploit that fear"...
How many times will you use "and" to create unintelligible run on sentences?
If what is being done to our society is your definition of progress, we are fucked as a nation.
This is great news. I dream of a country without the republican party.

i dream of a country without both parties.....and anyone who dreams of 1 party rule cant be too bright...

Let me clarify. I dream of a country without TODAY'S Republican Party. I'm okay with the republican of old even if I didn't agree with everything.

That being said I'm not very fond of today's democrats but they are still 5x better than most republicans in congress.

How fast can you back pedal?
For someone who obviously is still in pre school..
Which two things don't go together???

You wrote " -Good education"
Which obviously you don't have because you then wrote"tar this country"

This sums up your contribution rather neatly!

What's the problem?

To tar is a very, you can "tar people with the same brush", for example.

I haven't come across "tar down", however this doesn't mean it's a sign of poor education in any way.
Like living at home?

Like making minimum wage?

Have no ambitious goals or dreams

Then vote Democrat

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

That's what watching Faux News 24/7 gets you....misinformation.

This article is written by conservatives.....so obviously not all of them are misinformed like you. So, if the richest people are Democrats, how can any of the crap you say be true!

So, I dare you.....tell me the article is a lie......:lol::lol:

From the, “you never hear about that from the media” file – Those “Evil, Rich People” that Democrats are always wailing about are actually – Democrats.

While I don’t agree in referring to rich people as “Evil”, Democrats are often making such accusations. But what most people don’t realize is that the Top 3 “richest” people in the country are all Democrats. This list includes: Bill Gates, Warren Buffett & Larry Ellison are all Democrats. Together, they are worth $126 Billion Dollars.

An analysis of the Top 20 Richest People in America (from Forbes Top 100) reveals that a full 60% are actually Democrats. Furthermore, if you look at it from a “family” point of view and not as individuals, that ratio widens even further to: 25% Republican / 75% Democrat.

Those ?Evil, Rich People? ? are Democrats | New American Gazette

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