Polls of shame


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2017
Hope I'm not breaking any rules here. I feel there's a political application to my madness, especially with the junk in politics and Hollywood.

Any way, there are four polls on the General board if you're interested. If we get the participation, I/m quite sure you will find the results interesting. It doesn't declare who makes the selections, just the results.

There are some questions about crime. If you're concerned then don't answer. In other terms, answer honestly or not at all.

You'll notice I'm a new user, (cough). While I'd have no problem admitting/discussing what I selected, which I was the first participant, I prefer not to have my old handle linked to this. With solid participation the results should be real interesting, but I expect them to also be disturbing. SCIENCE and TRUTH.

PART 1 - Poll of Shame & other - Sexual behavior - Nine choices

PART 2 - Poll of Shame & other - Sexual behavior - Four choices

PART 3 - Poll of Shame - Crime and other deviant behavior - Nine choices

PART 4 - Poll of Shame - Crime and other deviant behavior - Five choices
If you prefer not to have your handle linked to this, what makes you think anyone else would?
If you prefer not to have your handle linked to this, what makes you think anyone else would?

Explain how anyone's handle is linked to their selections? If you come up with something I'll delete the threads.

My case is different, because I prefer the poll (not the selections) is not linked to my handle. I have family members here for shit's sake. Other than that I'd have NO PROBLEM bringing out who I am, whether it's with my handle or not.

The polls are intended to reveal society as a whole, not as individuals. If you're not interested and don't see the value of truth, then just move on.

For the record, I've added this to another website no problem. It was a different venue type and nobody seemed to have an issue being HONEST. I think we all were surprised at the results. I know I was.
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Let's put it another way. One question is you have or have not imagined gay sex. Let's say you selected you have.........SO WHAT? If you don't like or appreciate who you are, then you have deeper problems than any level of homosexuality.
I would but your polls requires too much effort.

Is this a school project ?
I would but your polls requires too much effort.

Is this a school project ?

Ha...............Took me nearly an hour to prepare and a minute to answer all four polls. It's not a project, it's just for sake of social science.
your first poll should have been - are redneck RW's smart enough to figure out how to answer a yes/no poll.

then this ..

The latest figures include 26% who Strongly Approve of the way Trump is performing and 48% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -22. (see trends).

your first poll should have been - are redneck RW's smart enough to figure out how to answer a yes/no poll.

then this ..

The latest figures include 26% who Strongly Approve of the way Trump is performing and 48% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -22. (see trends).


Agree with your first statement, but it sure as heck isn't limited to SOME rednecks. I don't see a problem here. It's just a matter of self-realization and of society. I answered three "skeletons".

1. In my youth. I "may" have thought about a close relative. If you think that's abnormal think again. Bet your arsch that applies to more than 50%ish who'd admit it, plus another 20%ish who wouldn't.

2. I've done something I'm deeply ashamed of. I was 10 and the little girl was 5. Confusing time for me (divorce and such). Anyway, I kissed that little girl with her consent (that is, if you're fucked up enough to believe a 5 year old makes good decisions), and I did a few times on at least two occassions. FUCK, I very much dislike that moment in my life, from many angles.................That's a demon I very much wish never occurred.

3. Though I love my mother, she was hysterical and dramatic. She'd say and do things you shouldn't, just simple abuse. She treated me badly often, and only recently (55 years) I've come to terms with the effect. She could hit me all day long, but physical never phased me. My pain threshold kick's ass HA!. It's the mental I could have done without.

As for your Trump poll, ILMAO at their agenda driven shit polls. At least what I made is honest and thought through. That said, for some reason there are too many pussies on this board. Somehow "they" figure what exactly? Apply some common sense. At any rate, only a few have answered the questions honestly, which provides no meaning. And only a few have some real "balls". It shouldn't be difficult to recognize and admit who you are, nor what you've experienced, whether victim, culprit or otherwise............But somehow it is.
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