Polls, polls, polls, polls

Primary and caucus polls tended to over-estimate Trump's support and under-estimate Cruz's support.

In Republican primaries and caucuses, the polls generally had a pro-Trump and anti-Cruz bias. In races where Trump and Cruz were the top two finishers in some order, the bias was 5.5 percentage points in Trump’s favor. The bias dissipated as the race went along, and there wasn’t as much of a bias when another candidate — John Kasich or Marco Rubio — was Trump’s main competitor in a state. Still, the primary results ought to raise doubts about the theory that a “silent majority” of Trump supporters is being overlooked by the polls. In the primaries, Trump was somewhat overrated by the polls.​

The State Of The Polls, 2016
77% of women have an unfavorable opinion of Trump.

Notably, men overall are disenchanted with both candidates – a record 63 percent see Clinton unfavorably, while 62 percent say the same about Trump. Among women, by contrast, Trump is far more unpopular – 77 percent rate him unfavorably, a new high on his part, vs. Clinton’s 47 percent.

Even more striking is Trump’s unfavorability rating among racial and ethnic minorities – a virtually unanimous 94 percent of blacks see him negatively, as do 89 percent of Hispanics; that declines to 59 percent among whites. Clinton is more unpopular than Trump among whites – 68 percent see her unfavorably – but vastly more popular among nonwhites.​

Clinton's lead is clearest among black voters, with her holding 90 percent to Trump's 8 percent among that demographic, and it's also significant among Hispanic voters.

The poll, which has Clinton leading 69 percent to Trump's 20 percent among Hispanics, came in the wake of Trump's allegations that a judge from Indiana could not be impartial in cases involving the now-defunct Trump University because of his family's Mexican heritage.​

Hillary Clinton's Lead Among Nonwhite Voters Surges
Here's the primary reason why the UK voted to leave the EU.

Only 36 percent of eligible voters ages 18 to 24 and 58 percent of those 25 to 34 went to the polls, compared with more than 80 percent of eligible voters 55 and older.​


The past voting against the future, indeed.
Boo Hoo. Obviously took the older generation to save the future ones from destruction. Smashed a chunk of the Jews goal of world domination and was a beautiful smash in the face of globalism,liberalism etc and a win for nationalism and pride and honor! Its just the start.
Voters are adding to the uncertainty by threatening to buck the parties they typically support. Republicans ill-disposed toward Mr. Trump are threatening to stay home or vote for Mrs. Clinton, while some Democrats who don’t like Mrs. Clinton or feel abandoned by their party are gravitating toward the presumptive GOP nominee.

The election is four months away, but early evidence suggests a larger-than-usual share of the electorate might switch sides this fall, with Republican women, in particular, more open to backing Mrs. Clinton, and white men who identify as Democrats rallying around Mr. Trump. The prospect of voters crossing party lines makes it more complicated for Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Trump and candidates down the ballot to turn out supporters on Election Day. ...

Mr. Trump’s opposition to free trade and illegal immigration has drawn white Democrats and independents who feel culturally isolated or economically distressed, while many higher-educated Republicans who don’t like Mr. Trump view Mrs. Clinton as the steadier commander in chief, polls show. ...

To gauge the propensity of voters to jump party lines, Deep Root pollsters measured support for Mr. Trump against professed support for an unnamed Republican congressional candidate—a so-called generic GOP candidate. Mr. Trump runs 27 percentage points behind the generic candidate among white, college-educated Republican women, and 20 points behind among Republican women who didn’t graduate from college, according to the Deep Root data.

But he runs more than 10 percentage points ahead of that generic Republican among white men who identify either as Democrats or independents. He also runs stronger among white Democratic women and the least-partisan Democrats.

Those findings are in line with Wall Street Journal/NBC polling data that show Mr. Trump runs far behind where 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney was among white women with college degrees, but performs much better than Mr. Romney did among white men who didn’t attend college.

Democratic operatives say that trend is consistent with their own survey data, as well.​


Voters Add to Election Turmoil by Threatening to Jump Party Lines
Random interesting polling data

One Democratic strategist said that on the basis of preliminary analysis of poll data, Trump’s vote share among Hispanics could be lower than Mitt Romney’s 27 percent share in 2012 and that his margin among African Americans could be nearly as low as Romney’s.

A recent Washington Post-Univision poll of Hispanic voters showed Trump currently doing worse than Romney, trailing Clinton in a hypothetical general election by 73 to 16 percent.​

How Trump vs. Clinton could reshape the electoral map

Did you hear today Trump is now beating Hillary in national polls? LOL

Romney 49%, Obama 48% in Gallup's Final Election Survey

Gallup Poll: Romney Leads Obama 52-45

Gallup Poll: Romney Leads Obama 52-45

Random interesting polling data

One Democratic strategist said that on the basis of preliminary analysis of poll data, Trump’s vote share among Hispanics could be lower than Mitt Romney’s 27 percent share in 2012 and that his margin among African Americans could be nearly as low as Romney’s.

A recent Washington Post-Univision poll of Hispanic voters showed Trump currently doing worse than Romney, trailing Clinton in a hypothetical general election by 73 to 16 percent.​

How Trump vs. Clinton could reshape the electoral map

Did you hear today Trump is now beating Hillary in national polls? LOL

Romney 49%, Obama 48% in Gallup's Final Election Survey

Gallup Poll: Romney Leads Obama 52-45

Gallup Poll: Romney Leads Obama 52-45

Is RINO Romney running! Link??

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