Pompeo reminds the world that the United States and Israel are above the law.

Now you have PMSNBC?

Are you kidding me?

Did you finally come out of the closet as a libtard?

Watch the video - they totally slam MSNBC.

I saw that one when it came out, Dore nailed it.

I stopped watching MSNBC when they fired Ed Schultz.

He was deranged and a total phony. He was on the radio years ago in North Dakota or somewhere in the boonies and was a conservative. He would be whatever was needed.

Now you have PMSNBC?

Are you kidding me?

Did you finally come out of the closet as a libtard?

Watch the video - they totally slam MSNBC.

I saw that one when it came out, Dore nailed it.

I stopped watching MSNBC when they fired Ed Schultz.

He was deranged and a total phony. He was on the radio years ago in North Dakota or somewhere in the boonies and was a conservative. He would be whatever was needed.

Free minded folks are neither liberal or conservative, they go where ever the facts and the truth lead them.
I'm not ignoring USMB members but I did report you.
These are serious false accusations.

Criticizing Mossad is no more anti Semitic than criticizing the CIA is anti American.

You both need to grow up.

Just because Agelo is criticizing Israel doesn't mean he is an Anti-Semite. And just because Azog is hurting your feelings and slandering you, if you read forum rules, doesn't mean it is a report worthy offense. Grow a little skin.

The Difficulty of Writing for Americans
The Difficulty of Writing for Americans - PaulCraigRoberts.org

". . . . For them “truth” is simply a bias reflecting one’s race, gender, upbringing or predisposition. Emotion overwhelms fact. Biases are not considered to be equal. Some are worthy and some or not. The biases of white people are defined as “hate speech,” “white supremacy,” and “hate crimes.” Today America has many self-hating whites, especially in the media and Democratic Party.

Another reason is that many Americans confuse an explanation with a justification. An explanation of an event is seen as a justification of the event. For example, if one provides an explanation of slavery the assumption is that the writer approves of slavery. A defense of a disapproved category is taken as a demonstration of your own unworthiness. For example, if you defend white people from the propagandistic accusations leveled at them by Identity Politics, you are a “white supremist.”

Yet another reason is that some races and genders have succeeded in defining any criticism of themselves as an expression of bias. For example, criticism of Israel’s mistreatment of the Palestinians or of the Israel Lobby’s power makes one an “anti-semite.” Similarly, if you criticize a black person, you are a racist and your argument is dismissed as an expression of your bias. If you criticize a woman, you are a misogynist, and your criticism of a woman proves it.

If you express skepticism of false flag events, you are dismissed as a “conspiracy theorist.”

Another reason is that American patriots regard criticism of US policies, especially wars, as anti-American and as taking the side of the enemy against one’s own country. To prevent a recurrence of the Vietnam war protests, when Washington invaded Afghanistan and Iraq the Bush regime came up with the slogan, “Support the Troops.” If you criticized the wars, you weren’t supporting the troops and were aligning yourself with the enemy: “You are with us or against us.” When President Trump met with President Putin, CIA director John Brennan accused Trump of treason. When US Representative Tulsi Gabbard met with Assad of Syria, she was accused of supporting dictatorship. ( If her critics had accused her of meeting with Assad because she was a bimbo who didn’t know any better, her critics would have been dismissed as misogynists.) . . . . "

With all due respect I am not tattling he is. I am perfectly fine debating
Except any criticism of the US or Israel, and evidence presented to support such criticism is dismissed with prejudice.

Thus, no productive discussion can be had.

Saying Jews caused 9/11 us insanity.
You are absolutely right.

However, with all the evidence I have seen, saying that some nefarious elements with in the State Jewish intelligence agencies with misguided and Machiavellian intentions is not too off the mark.


Odigo says workers were warned of attack

Another fucking idiot.
Now you have PMSNBC?

Are you kidding me?

Did you finally come out of the closet as a libtard?
Watch the video - they totally slam MSNBC.
I saw that one when it came out, Dore nailed it.
I stopped watching MSNBC when they fired Ed Schultz.
He was deranged and a total phony. He was on the radio years ago in North Dakota or somewhere in the boonies and was a conservative. He would be whatever was needed.
Free minded folks are neither liberal or conservative, they go where ever the facts and the truth lead them.
I think Ed Schultz was nuts, not free minded.
Description of you, perfectly.
Ignorance is bliss I guess.
You seem to keep illustrating it to a T.
You're a child.
I'm a proud child. Educated and everything.


You're indoctrinated.

As the majority of the folks in this thread seem to be ganging up on him, it would seem to me, evidence of indoctrination is probably the reverse, eh?

In an effort to threaten everyone into not investigating US or Israeli war crimes in the International Criminal Court, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says anyone involved in such probes will lose their visa and may be sanctioned.

The Washington war hawk said that action had to be taken because any investigation into alleged war crimes and torture committed by the United States would be a threat to US rule of law. Visas will be pulled or denied for anyone who has been involved in or even requested an ICC investigation of “any US personnel.

The ICC is currently mulling over a request to investigate possible war crimes committed by the US in Afghanistan in the course of the nearly 20-year conflict which has left over 100,000 Afghans dead. The international court prosecutor’s office says it has “reasonable basis” to believe that “war crimes and crimes against humanity” were, and continue to be, committed by foreign government forces in Afghanistan.

Pompeo openly stated that the action was intended to get the court to drop the potential investigation, and that Washington was ready to further increase the pressure if they don’t do as he says.

We are prepared to take additional steps, including economic sanctions, if the ICC does not change course,” he said.
'Change your course!': Pompeo threatens ICC over US war crimes probe

Here are some more links for the Russia Derangement Syndrome crowd whose masters tell them RT is bad.

US bars entry to International Criminal Court investigators

US to deny visas for ICC members investigating alleged war crimes
Fuck Pompeo and fuck all the brain dead pussy's who voted for Trump. You really fucked this country!

I almost forgot, fuck Israel! And stop interfering in our elections.
I don't support socialism, the free market is always the way to go. With that said, however, one things is sure, the iron grip the the RIIA and the CFR have on international media will not last forever, truth always wins in the end. The fascist policies of the Anglo-American west will only push more nations towards the BRICS alliance. . . .

U.S. to ICC: We Will Break Your Legs
U.S. to ICC: We Will Break Your Legs

". . . Naturally, there is logic (even if twisted) behind the US threats. This is an extremely dangerous slope!

No country in the post WWII era has committed so many crimes against humanity, and supported so many genocides, as the United States of America. And in summary, no other part of the world has murdered more people on our planet, than Europe. And most North Americans are descendants of the Europeans. The ‘foreign policy’ of the U.S. is directly derived from colonialist policies of the former European powers. Therefore, crimes against humanity committed by the West have never stopped; never stopped for centuries.

This simple fact had been hushed up: never really openly discussed by the mass media outlets, in classrooms, or in the courts of law.

If the ICC begins and is allowed to investigate crimes against humanity committed by the West, the entire twisted concept of the U.S. and Europe being pioneers of freedom and democracy could easily and quickly collapse.

Even criticism by Washington, Paris or London of countries such as Venezuela, China or Russia, for their “human rights violations”, would become absurd and grotesque. Entire concept of ‘regime change’ could clearly be exposed for what it always really was – lawless gangsterism.

The U.S. rulers are well aware of the fact that this is ‘extremely bad timing’ for the Empire to allow challenges from some at least marginally independent international bodies.

They try to break all dissent. Like when in 2018, the U.S. and its close ally Israel left the at least partially rebellious intellectual body of the U.N. – UNESCO.

The West is clearly losing the ideological war, and it is panicking. And the more it panics, the more aggressive it gets.

One country after another is being defined as ‘undemocratic’ and designated for ‘regime change’. The methods are different. There are soft coups which have succeeded in overthrowing left-leaning governments in Argentina and later in Brazil. And there are hard methods used by the Empire in and against Afghanistan, Syria, Venezuela, Iran, Yemen, big parts of Africa, Nicaragua and North Korea.

The West openly supports genocides in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), in West Papua occupied and plundered by Indonesia, in Indian occupied Kashmir, as well as the apartheid perpetrated by Israel.

The ICC is now concentrating on the crimes against humanity committed by the United States in Afghanistan, where at least 100,000 died as a result of the near two decades of NATO occupation. These crimes are real and undisputable. I have been working in Afghanistan, and could testify that the West (and particularly the U.S. and U.K.) brought this proud country into a despicable state.

But Afghanistan could be just the beginning; a proverbial Pandora box could open from there.

Most likely, if they take place, the trials against the U.S. and its crimes, would not right away prevent the terror the West is spreading all around the world. But they would open discussion, at least in the countries that have been victims of terrible injustice. Such trials would also help to realign the world: definitely towards Russia and China, and back towards socialism in Latin America and most likely in Africa and parts of Asia.. . "

US bars entry to International Criminal Court investigators

US bars entry to International Criminal Court investigators
In an effort to threaten everyone into not investigating US or Israeli war crimes in the International Criminal Court, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says anyone involved in such probes will lose their visa and may be sanctioned.

The Washington war hawk said that action had to be taken because any investigation into alleged war crimes and torture committed by the United States would be a threat to US rule of law. Visas will be pulled or denied for anyone who has been involved in or even requested an ICC investigation of “any US personnel.

The ICC is currently mulling over a request to investigate possible war crimes committed by the US in Afghanistan in the course of the nearly 20-year conflict which has left over 100,000 Afghans dead. The international court prosecutor’s office says it has “reasonable basis” to believe that “war crimes and crimes against humanity” were, and continue to be, committed by foreign government forces in Afghanistan.

Pompeo openly stated that the action was intended to get the court to drop the potential investigation, and that Washington was ready to further increase the pressure if they don’t do as he says.

We are prepared to take additional steps, including economic sanctions, if the ICC does not change course,” he said.
'Change your course!': Pompeo threatens ICC over US war crimes probe

Here are some more links for the Russia Derangement Syndrome crowd whose masters tell them RT is bad.

US bars entry to International Criminal Court investigators

US to deny visas for ICC members investigating alleged war crimes
Fuck Pompeo and fuck all the brain dead pussy's who voted for Trump. You really fucked this country!

I almost forgot, fuck Israel! And stop interfering in our elections.
Wrong. We fucked the leftist agenda, not the country. You're only part of the country.
Wrong. We fucked the leftist agenda, not the country. You're only part of the country.
What leftist agenda? The one where we try to strip people from healthcare? Or the one where we suck out all the money from the economy to give to the top 1%? Or the one where we kiss major Israeli ass? Or the one where we vote a fucking racist into the WH?
In an effort to threaten everyone into not investigating US or Israeli war crimes in the International Criminal Court, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says anyone involved in such probes will lose their visa and may be sanctioned.

The Washington war hawk said that action had to be taken because any investigation into alleged war crimes and torture committed by the United States would be a threat to US rule of law. Visas will be pulled or denied for anyone who has been involved in or even requested an ICC investigation of “any US personnel.

The ICC is currently mulling over a request to investigate possible war crimes committed by the US in Afghanistan in the course of the nearly 20-year conflict which has left over 100,000 Afghans dead. The international court prosecutor’s office says it has “reasonable basis” to believe that “war crimes and crimes against humanity” were, and continue to be, committed by foreign government forces in Afghanistan.

Pompeo openly stated that the action was intended to get the court to drop the potential investigation, and that Washington was ready to further increase the pressure if they don’t do as he says.

We are prepared to take additional steps, including economic sanctions, if the ICC does not change course,” he said.
'Change your course!': Pompeo threatens ICC over US war crimes probe

Here are some more links for the Russia Derangement Syndrome crowd whose masters tell them RT is bad.

US bars entry to International Criminal Court investigators

US to deny visas for ICC members investigating alleged war crimes
Fuck Pompeo and fuck all the brain dead pussy's who voted for Trump. You really fucked this country!

I almost forgot, fuck Israel! And stop interfering in our elections.

To tell the truth Billo, I didn't vote, both options stunk. I couldn't morally support either. BUT I was hoping for a Trump victory.

If you had been following this thread since the beginning, you would have noticed several videos posted of independent investigator, and left leaning research, (practically socialist,) John Pilger. I recommend you go back and watch them.

The journalist and researcher LOATHED Hillary, and knew she was a war criminal. I highly recommend his documentary "WAR ON DEMOCRACY" IT is one of the best.

He is a friend of Julian Assange, and in his interview, three days before the election, it is pretty clear, he is telling everyone, if they are going to be saddled with one of those two psychopaths, they best chose Trump.

Wrong. We fucked the leftist agenda, not the country. You're only part of the country.
What leftist agenda? The one where we try to strip people from healthcare? Or the one where we suck out all the money from the economy to give to the top 1%? Or the one where we kiss major Israeli ass? Or the one where we vote a fucking racist into the WH?
No one is denied healthcare. Never have been. What you mean is having someone else pay for it. Get a job and buy your own health insurance. Liar.

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